Memories - (Sans x Frisk)

By BatBanana

2.7K 154 12

"I feel that I'm living in a dream right now, and any moment I'll wake up and find myself back in another nig... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

136 7 0
By BatBanana

"You need to tell me what's happening!" Thalia whines, "I'm, like, dying not knowing what's going on!"

I shake my head at her as the three of us walk into the cafeteria.

We find a table in the corner of the room, and sit down.

Sans pulls a lone bottle of ketchup from his bag and starts to chug it down.

"No way," I tell him, pulling it from his hands, "You are not getting drunk on your first day of school!"

"Drunk?" asks Thalia, laughing.

Sans shrugs and says, "It's a long story."

"One that I'd love to hear," she says, turning to face him.

"Maybe I should rephrase that," Sans says, "I don't really want to tell the story now."

Thalia looks disappointed, but still laughs.

"You could hear it tonight, when you come over for dinner with Undyne and Alphys," I tell her, remembering what Toriel said.

"Yay!" she cries.

She gets up and dances around the table, freaking out a couple of kids that were sneaking closer to Sans.

"Okay, sit down crazy person, before you bang into someone," I say, trying to help her sit down.

She grudgingly sits on the bench, then asks, "If I come tonight, will you tell me what's happening?"

I roll my eyes at her and say, "Fine, but only because you won't shut up about it if I don't."

"Yes! Best night ever!" she squeals, clapping her hands.

She almost hits another kid, who walks over to Sans and asks, bluntly, "What are you?"

"Welp, some call me a Bonehead, others call me a Lazybones," he looks over at me and smirks, "But most just call me a skeleton."

The kid gives him a doubtful look, then walks away.

I nudge Sans in the ribs, though smiling in spite of myself.

"Chara's watching you," says Thalia, leaning in.

Sans looks across the room, and makes eye contact with her, then turns back to us.

"There's something up with her," he whispers to us, as someone else comes over to ask why Thalia and I are sitting with Sans.

"Because he's our friend!" Thalia tells the kid, indignantly.

"You're friends with a monster?" she asks, folding her arms.

"Got a problem?" asks Thalia, narrowing her eyes.

"Course not," the kid replies, walking away.

"These people are really annoying me with their stupid questions," huffs Thalia.

"It'll be okay," I tell her.

"Of course it will! I'm coming over to your house tonight!" she says, grinning.

I roll my eyes at her as Sans just laughs.

"You do actually have to try, Sans," I tell him, as we walk out of the gym, after finishing a game of Soccer.

"I did try!" he protests, "I tried hard not to fall asleep during the game! That was tough work!"

I laugh with Thalia, following him out the door, into the courtyard.

He extends his hand out to me, and I take it.

Thalia giggles, but stops when Sans extends his hand to her as well.

"What? Do you want money or something?" she asks, confused.

Sans just grabs her hand, and teleports to my house.

When we reach the door, Thalia asks Sans, "That was cool! Where'd you learn that?"

Sans shrugs and says, "Don't really know, I've just always been able to do that."

I open the door and place my bag on the floor, followed by Sans' and Thalia's bags.

"We're back!" I call.

"Come join us in the kitchen, darling!" I hear a familiar voice call.

"Mettaton?" Sans and I both call.

I grab Thalia's hand and drag her into the kitchen, where Toriel, Papyrus, Mettaton, Undyne and Alphys stand, chatting.

Mettaton rushes over to me, grabbing my cheeks in his hands, examining my face.

When he let's go, I introduce Thalia to him.

"Thalia, meet Undyne, Alphys and Mettaton," I say, gesturing at each in turn.

"Darling, you look absolutely beautiful!" Mettaton declares, hugging Thalia.

Thalia grins at him.

"What are you doing here Mettaton?" I ask him.

"Well, Papyrus told me all about how two of my favourite darlings were smooching, so I thought I would come and congratulate them!" he replies.

Thalia squeals, and Sans and I both start blushing furiously.

"Papyrus..." Sans growls.

Papyrus suddenly becomes extremely focused on a spoon sitting on the counter.

"Um, hi, Undyne and Alphys..." I say, still blushing.

Undyne wraps me in a big hug, almost squeezing the life out of me.

I'm prepared for the this, so I try my hardest not to let any sign of pain escape.

"U-Undyne, I d-don't think Frisk c-can quite b-breath in there," says Alphys, coming to my rescue.

Sans looks at me, worried, as Undyne lets go. He knows how painful that was for me.

"Nothing like the biggest hug, for my BESTIE!" Undyne says.

"Excuse me?" I hear Thalia say, "I'm her bestie!"

"FRISK!" Undyne screams in my ear, "How could you make a new bestie?"

I jump back, startled.

"Um, Uh, I-" I stammer before Thalia cuts me off.

"Well, I see her every day at school, obviously making me the better friend!" she growls, narrowing her eyes.

Undyne slams her foot into the floor.

"I cooked spaghetti with her!" Undyne screams, "And we even burnt down my house!"

"I wouldn't really say that was cook-" I try to say.

"I watched her dodge punches in the cafeteria!" Thalia argues, hair flying.

"She dodged MY punches!" yelled Undyne.

"You tried to punch her?" Thalia asks, shocked.

"Mostly everyone in this room has tried to punch her!" Undyne cries, throwing her arms into the air.

Thalia looks around the room, Toriel looking sheepish, Papyrus trying to hide, Mettaton smirking and Sans shaking his head.

"What?" she asks, "You guys tried to hurt her?"

"W-well, S-Sans and I n-never tried to h-hurt her," says Alphys, looking kind of ashamed.

"Alphys," pouts Undyne, "Why do you have to throw me under the bus like that?"

Alphys blushes and says, "S-sorry U-Undyne, but it's t-true!"

I fold my arms and say, "No, you two only attacked me when your souls were taken over by a young child, who's corrupted soul had forced him to steal the souls of seven human children who were slaughtered by your king."

Everyone was quiet for a moment.

"True," says Sans, and I laugh.

"Wait, so you've all attacked Frisk at least once?" Thalia asks.

"Not willingly," says Sans, shrugging.

Thalia grins at me and I just roll my eyes at her.

"Anyway," says Undyne, "I guess we can both be her best friends."

"Oh! That reminds me! Do any of you guys mid if I sketch pictures of you?" Thalia asks, running into the hall, and grabbing her sketchbook from her bag.

She returns, smiling, and Undyne says, "I don't mind, we can get to know each other better. What do you say Alphys?"

"I'm g-good with i-it if you a-are!" she says.

I follow all three of them into the living room, where Thalia pulls out a chair, and sits down, pencil tucked behind her ear.

"What do you want us to do?" asks Undyne, sitting on the couch.

Thalia grits her teeth, thinking.

"Do you happen to have any magic you can use? I'd love to draw that!" she says, eventually.

"Like this?" asks Sans, who's suddenly appeared by my elbow.

HIs eye starts to glow, and bones fade into existence. Thalia's pencil is lifted up, surrounded by a blue glow. She just reaches up, and snatches it back out of the air.

She stares at Sans, mystified.

The moment is ruined as Toriel shouts through the door, "What are you doing in there Sans?"

"Nothing!" he calls, convincingly, back.

"Then why are there bones in the kitchen?"

"Oh, that. Just showing off!" he replies, honestly.

The bones disappear and his eye loses it's glow.

"Can you do stuff like that?" Thalia asks Undyne.

"Pfft! I can do better!" she says, rolling her eyes.

She stops her foot on the floor, and a blue spear appears in her hand.

"Cool," says Thalia, "Can you just pose really dramatically, right there. Just lift that arm a bit. No place your leg back further, yes, like that!"

"I'll just sketch that shape, then you can relax a bit," she explains.

I sit behind her, watching her hand fly over the page, taking in the arc of Undyne's arm, the movement of her hair and her fearsome expression.

"You can sit down now," she tells Undyne, still looking at her drawing.

Undyne does as instructed, and starts twirling her spear around, stopping only when it hits an unseen object, and we hear the sound of breaking china.

Thalia glances up at Undyne every couple seconds, checking to make sure it's as accurate as she can get.

After a couple minutes, she produces a rough sketch, capturing Undyne's intimidation and ferocity.

"I'll try and make it more detailed over the week," she says, "I'll try and finish the final copy by then."

She turns to me and says, "Now I want to draw you two kissing."

Sans and I both start blushing and screaming at her.

"No way! That is not happening!"

"We are not doing that for you to draw! Definitely not!"

She just laughs and says, tilting her head, "Just kidding, lovebirds!"

Undyne joins in her laughter and Alphys just stands there, staring from me to Sans.

"Are you okay, Alphys?" Undyne asks, finally.

"You guys are my new OTP!" Alphys shouts, suddenly.

Sans and I blush even harder.

Thalia jumps up and down, squealing alongside Alphys.

"Aren't they too cute?" Thalia says to Alphys, grinning.

"Completely!" Alphys replies.

"Okay... We're leaving now," I say, leading Sans back into the kitchen.

Bad idea.

"There you are!" cries Mettaton, "How would you two like to star in my latest show, Monster and Human Relationships; Do they last?"

"No thanks!" says Sans, dragging me down the hall.

I open my bedroom door and we both go inside.

"Are you okay?" Sans asks, once I shut the door after us, "I saw Undyne hug you extremely tightly."

"I'll be fine," I reply.

"No, you won't be. Scars like that don't heal," he says, looking into my eyes.

"They usually do," I tell him.

"Maybe physically, but not mentally," he tells me.

The door opens and Thalia steps in.

"Hey!" she says, grinning mischievously.

"What did you do now?" I ask her.

She plops herself down on the bed and says, "I was just wondering when you two were going to tell me about it."

"About what?" I ask.

"About you two of course!" she says, as if it's the most obvious thing she's ever said.

"Oh, um..." I say, face going red again.

"And you told Papyrus! Not me!" she cries, throwing her hands into the air.

"Now that," Sans says, standing up, "Was a complete accident. He walked in on us..."

He went bright blue and couldn't complete the sentence.

"Walked in on what?" Thalia asks, sitting up straight, eyes open in amazement.

"Well, just say we didn't really tell him about us," I mutter sheepishly, going even redder.

"Oh, I get it," she says, "You two were in a secret relationship, and someone finally found out!"

"What?" Sans and I both shout, "No, we were not in any-"

"I'm just joking with ya'. Don't worry about it!" she says, winking.

I breathe a sigh of relief.

"But really, you should have told me! I'm supposed to be your best friend!" she tells me, shaking her head.

I just roll my eyes at her.

"So, how many times have you kissed?"

"That is NOT something I am telling you!" I cry, "That is private!"

"What about you Sans, will you tell me?" she says, pushing out her bottom lip.

"I'm standing by what Frisk said, that is private," he tells her, pulling me closer to him.

Thalia lies down on the bed and starts pouting.

"You guys never tell me anything!" she says, angrily, pointing her finger at us, still facing the ceiling.

"That's just too bad," Sans says, winking at me.

I giggle and put my arms around him.

I shriek in surprise as he suddenly lifts me off my feet and twirls me around in circles.

When he put me down, he's panting.

"Never ask me to do that again," he says, puffing out the words, "That was hard enough!"

I laugh, and lean forward.

I give him a small peck on his teeth, which is enough to make Thalia happy.

She jumps off the bed, and squeals, jumping up and down.

She races out of the room, screaming.

"Alphys! You need to come see this!"

"Oops," I laugh, looking back at Sans, "I might have just made that worse."

"Nah," he says, shrugging his shoulders, "I don't really care."

"I don't believe you," I tell him.

"Would I lie to you?"

"Depends what you were lying about," I say.

"Thanks," he replies, sarcastically.

"No problem," I tell him.

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