The Other Avenger {Book 1 Spa...

By zlov989

226K 6.5K 670

The girl who could command armies once stood here. I would introduce you to her, but she's gone. One day sh... More

Chapter 1; SHIELD
Chapter 2; One's Past
Chapter 3; A New Life
Chapter 4; Loki?..
Chapter 5; War
Chapter 6; Traitor
Chapter 7; Kneel
Chapter 8; Another Asgardian
Chapter 9; Shakespear
Chapter 10; Who am I
Chapter 11; Adopted
Chapter 13; Trapped
Chapter 14; Right... army
Chapter 15; The Other Avenger
Chapter 16; Amends
RECONSTRUCTION!!!!! Now kinda not happening, sorry
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Chapter 12; Phase 2

8.3K 286 26
By zlov989

Revised April 2015

"What are you doing Mr. Stark?" demanded Fury as he walked in to Banner's lab. I glanced up from the game of 'Go Fish' I was playing against Bruce.
"Ah, I've kind of be wondering the same thing about you?" Tony replied smugly.
"You're supposed to be locationg the Tesseract." Fury continued.

"This so not good." I muttered as the tension in the room increased.
"We are, the models lock and we a swepping for the signature now." Bruce explained picking up another card from the deck. "When they hit, we will have the location within half a mile."
"What is phase two?" asked Tony.

"O-oh." I muttered looking down.
"Phase two is SHIELD uses the cube to make weapons, sorry the computer was a little slow for me." Steve announced as he dropped a gun down on the table. I recognised it as one of the Hydra weapons from World War II.
"Rogers, we gathered every thing related with the Tesseract. This does not mean-" started Fury
"I'm sorry Nick, what were you lying?" Tony smirked and he pulled a screen towards him, containing plans for weapons.
"I was wrong director." Steve objected as Thor and Nat entered the room. "The world hasn't changed a bit."

"Did you know about this?" Bruce asked Nat. She glanced at me but shock her head.
"You want to think about removing your self from this enviroment Doc?" Nat suggested.
"I was in Clecuttr, I was pretty well removed." Banner shot back hotly.
"Loki is manipulating you." Nat continued.
"And you have been doing what exactly?" he mocked.
"I didn't come here to bat my eyelashes at you." Nat hissed.
"Yes and I'm not leaving, cause you get a little twitchy." Banner repeated. "I would like to know why SHIELD is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass distruction?"

"Here we go." I muttered as I snatched up the deck of cards and reshuffled them.
"Because of him." Fury stated pointing at Thor.
"Him?" I asked shocked
"Me?" Thor asked in surprise.
"Three years ago, earth had a vister from another planet who smashed a small town." Fury explained. "We learnt that, not only are we not alone, but that we are hoplessly out done."
"My people are at nothing but at peace with you planet." Thor stated.
"But you are not the only people out there are you?" Fury pushed. "And you are not the only threat."

"No we aren't." Yet again the words slipped from the lips without me noticing. I felt my own jaw drop in shock at what I said.
"We?" Nat shock as everyone turned to look at me.
"The world is filling up with people who can't be matched." continued Fury despite my last comment. Tony said something that I didn't catch, but it sent Steve off the rails. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something. The sceptre had started to glow.

"What are we? A team? No we are a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're a time bomb." Bruce announced.
"Guys." I stated my gaze never leaving the sceptre.
"You should step away." Fury suggested to Bruce.
"You know what, why shouldn't the guy let off a little steam?" Tony smirked.
"You know dam well why, back off." Steve shot back.
"Guys!" I shouted. They all stopped talking and turned to look at me. "It's glowing." I stated pointing at the sceptre. A beep cut through the silence.
"Tesseract is located." Bruce announced.
"The Tesseract is of Asgard. I can get there faster." Thor exclaimed.

"You are not going alone." Steve called after Tony who had started to head out.
"You gonna stop me?" Tony questioned turning back to look at Steve. His tone was challenge.
"Put on the suit and lets find out." Steve sneered.
"I'm not afraid of you old man."
"Put on the suit." Steve repeated.

"Oh my god." muttered Banner from where he stood looking at a screen. The floor dropped from below us as the whole heicarrier shook. Explosions were heard from the left, near the engines. A wall of fire erupted from the grate below as another bomb went off.


A roar echoed around the halls of the Helicarrier. A shiver ran down my spin. Loki's plan had worked. The hulk was lose. Jumped down the nearest vent that lead to the engine rooms. I ran towards the noice. Nat landed hard on the ground to my left. Not thinking twice, I flew straight at the Hulk. We crashed through a wall and into the Plane Bay. Thor flew past me knocking the Hulk off from over me.

"We are not your enemies Banner, try to think." Thor shouted as he blocked one of the Hulks punches. The hulk hit in full in the chest causing Thor to fly back and hit the wall. Holding out his hand, Thor waited for his hammer to appear. It flew into his hand. Spinning around, he hit hulk in the jaw. They continued to wrestle until both Hulk and Thor went through the ceiling.

Maria started to shout commands into my ear piece for a jet to disract hulk. "Don't get to close." she finished and I heard a jet aproaching.
"Copy." replied the pilot. Bullets started to rain through the broken window towards Hulk. I flew in, grabbing Thor from where he lay on the ground. My back hit the ground hard as we slid across the ground to cover.
"Thanks." he mumbled.
"No problem." I replied peering around the wreckage. Hulk jumped at the jet. Sending to falling down to earth.
"It's Barton. He took out our engines. He is heading for the detention level. Does any body copy?" Fury broke the silence than had enveloped us.
"This is agent Romanoff. I copy."

"Loki." Was the only word that was heard from Thor.

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