The Dragon Bond: Heirs of Lyra

Autorstwa wilsonsoftball

77.6K 6.3K 703

Now that King Alan and Queen Ariana's three children are all grown up, it's time for them to make their own a... Więcej

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Part 2:
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Part 3
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 103
Chapter 102
Chapter 101
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 22

1.4K 118 9
Autorstwa wilsonsoftball

For once Princess Elysia was actually hesitant to go into the villages. Yesterday Ralf had invited her to tag along with him and Princess Karolina to help encourage people to join the war efforts. At first Elysia had been ecstatic to have the chance to go into town again. However, now the reality of it all was crashing down on her. Because going into the different villages of Lyra meant eventually going into Phillip's village. Elysia wasn't sure she was ready for that just yet.

Phillip had seemed so angry with her last time. She knew she had let him down. It had been weeks since she had last spoken with him and she knew things would be awkward if she ran into him now. Still, she had to admit she missed him and his little sister, Emmy. The little girl would always hold a special place in Elysia's heart.

"Are you ready?" One of Elysia's maids asked, waiting patiently to help the princess into her dress.

The princess nodded nervously. Once the dress was on, there was no going back it seemed. She picked this specific dress on purpose. It was one of her nicer dresses with pretty lace designs on the sleeves and hem of the skirt. The dress itself was white with accents of blue. The last time she had worn the dress, Phillip had commented on how beautiful she looked and how it made her entrancing blue eyes pop.

Elysia's palms were sweaty as she slipped into the dress and pictured running into Phillip that day. Her maid began the process of tightening the corset, further slimming Elysia's already perfect figure.

"The dress certainly lives up to your beauty, Princess Elysia," The maid complimented as she finished up the strings.

"Thank you," Elysia replied softly. She turned and faced the mirror. The dress certainly did make her look even more beautiful and royal. Her hair was fashioned up with a silver pin holding it together in the back. She almost felt too dressed up to be going into town. Then she remembered their goal was to encourage people to join the war. The sad fact of the matter was that the more attractive Elysia looked, the more willing men would be to sign up. Men would do anything to get her affections. 

After Elysia was finished and mentally prepared for the day, she stepped outside of her bedchambers and waited for her guardian to stand. She was reminded of the night she had tried to escape his watch and go out alone, only to be stopped by her ever-present guardian. Since then she had a new respect for Shade. However, that did not mean she was in agreement with him.

The other day he had driven her mad with his refusal to admit she could protect herself. Thus, the reasoning behind the archery contest. In the end, he had won, but only because Elysia's frustrations got the best of her. At least...that's what she determined.

All she wanted was for him to admit she could defend herself if need be. But it seemed as though Shade was just as stubborn as Elysia. 

Now Elysia watched as her guardian stood up. His head finally looked up at her and for a moment Elysia could have sworn she saw her guardian's eyes widen. Then all too soon his face was back to normal.

"Why the fancy dress? Is there someone you're trying to impress, Princess?" His voice was cool and low, with a twinge of humor.

Elysia rolled her eyes and looked away before her blush gave her away. The last thing she wanted was for Shade to know about her complicated relationship with Phillip. "What an absurd notion," the Princess replied, avoiding the truth.

Shade's gaze was unrelenting, practically drawing her own eyes to his deep brown ones. "If it's me you're trying to impress, you should know, I have a strict policy against personal relationships with my employer's daughters."

Elysia began to roll her eyes again, then stopped mid-roll and looked at her guardian. "Was that an attempt at a joke, Shade? Are you trying to be funny?" She was so thrilled with his sudden sense of humor that she completely forgot he had been poking fun at her.

Shade started walking down the hallway towards the stairs, forcing Elysia to follow him instead of the other way around. "You know I'm not a complete drone, Princess. I can make jokes and laugh. I just choose not to."

Intrigued by the idea of her guardian having feelings, the Princess prodded Shade further. "Then why so serious all the time? Doesn't it get old?"

Shade shrugged and then smoothly slid down the staircase and to the main floor. "I was taught from birth to blend in and be invisible. A personality was never necessary. But I am still human, believe it or not."

Elysia was out of breath when she finally caught up to her guardian. Her heels clicked loudly as she slowed next to him. "I must say," she replied, catching Shade's eyes. "I much prefer you with a personality than without one."

Shade looked straight ahead as he walked and said, "Don't get used to it, Princess. I don't make a habit of expressing myself. However, I know it drives you crazy when I do and I rather enjoy driving you mad, Princess."

Elysia glowered at him. "Would you please stop with the formalities and call me Elysia?"

"No can do, Princess."

Elysia dug her nails into the palms of her hands to keep from groaning out loud in frustration. She continued walking until they were at the stables where they were to meet Ralf and Princess Karolina.

"I picked up some lunch from the kitchen earlier," Ralf announced, lifting the picnic basket up as he did. "I've also got some extra food in my pack if we come across anyone who needs it."

Elysia smiled at him appreciatively. Reflexively her mind went to Emmy and she pictured handing the small girl her favorite treat. Then Elysia stopped such thoughts as she remembered what her father had said weeks ago. The kingdom thrived on a system of work and reward. Elysia couldn't just give food out to people she favored, no matter how much she wanted to. It wasn't right.

"Sounds like we're all set then," Elysia said, drawing her mind back to the task ahead. "Which village are we going to first?"

"I figured we would start with the east side in Bibbeny and then work our way around," Ralf said as he turned to face his horse and mount. 

Elysia immediately went to his side and held the basket for him so he could climb up easier. He sent her an appreciative look and then exhaled a breath as he struggled to get situated on top of his horse. Elysia then handed him back the basket and went to her own horse. 

After almost an hour they finally reached the large town of Bibbeny. There in the center of Bibbeny, the town was alive with busy streets, thriving markets and finely gardened land. Elysia couldn't help but smile as they continued on horseback down the street. At first no one had taken much notice to them, but after one townsperson recognized the emblem on Ralf's tunic, the word quickly spread that Bibbeny was in the presence of royalty. 

Soon everyone was staring politely and bowing their respects as they passed. Elysia looked over to see that Princess Karolina had never looked more in her element since she arrived in Lyra. It would seem the foreign princess had certainly missed being bowed to and gazed upon with envy and awe. Elysia herself had to admit that such a thing always gave her goosebumps, yet at the same time made her feel guilty. Her fortunate circumstances were only because of her parents. She was no different than any of these people around her.

To prove her equality, she called her horse to a stop, dismounted, and began walking down the street and greeting everyone she could. In an instant, Shade was by her side, making his presence and power known to all who approached. 

Ralf too had dismounted and was now helping Princess Karolina to do the same. The young princess seemed very uncertain by the new situation, but calmed when Ralf guided her by the arm. 

"Your Royal Highness!" A middle-aged woman called out, hurrying over to meet Elysia. She bowed immediately and knelt down, her knees supporting her on the dirt road. Much to Elysia's dismay, the woman began kissing her feet.

Elysia stepped back and the woman looked up with worried eyes. "Please," Elysia whispered. "Stand up, there is no reason for this."

The woman nodded slowly and began to rise to her feet. Elysia offered her hand out in assistance and the woman looked appalled. 

"Take my hand," the Princess said encouragingly. "I only wish to help you up."

"Thank you, your Majesty. So beautiful and so kind."

Elysia spent only another short moment with the woman before she hurried away. 

Ralf joined her down the street. "We need to announce our reasons for coming here," he said in her ear. "We can't afford to spend too much time in every village. I know you want to meet everyone and help those you can, but we did come here for a reason."

Elysia appreciated her brother's ability to say everything so soothingly. His tone was never irritated but always gentle and understanding. 

"You're right," she complied. 

Together they went back to the center of town and mounted their horses. 

Ralf took initiative. "If you would please gather," he said loudly, capturing the attention of everyone once more. "Although we would love to stay longer and speak with each of you, our time is very limited."

Once everyone's eyes were on him and their ears attentive, Ralf continued. "As most of you are aware, the threat from Niebla is only growing, as is their army. My father, King Alan, is doing everything in his power to ensure the safety of our beloved and mighty kingdom. Fortifications have been developed to keep Nieblan spies out and keep our people safe inside. Documents have been sent to every town further explaining this decree, as I'm sure you have all read by now. Along with these precautions, we must also work to build our army by increasing its numbers. I am here asking for your help to keep Lyra safe from our greatest enemies."

Ralf turned to look at Elysia, signaling it was her time to take over. Princess Elysia was honored and humbled that her brother was allowing her to speak as well. Henry would have made the speech himself. 

Elysia took a moment to work up the courage to speak. Clearing her throat quietly, she wanted to make sure her voice would not crack or quake. She spoke clearly and powerfully to the people around her. "Although the members of Lyra's army are extremely well-trained and brave, we stand no chance if we cannot increase our numbers. We come here asking that any man over the age of 18 come forward and join our efforts. King Alan has insisted we honor our tradition and not put forth a draft. Instead, we want only those who are willing to fight for their kingdom. No one will be forced or pressured into this. But please, take a moment to think about the people around you. Take a good look at this wonderful and beautiful town and the memories it holds for you. If you want to keep Bibbony and all of Lyra safe, then join the army and take the initiative."

After Elysia's speech, silence filled the town. Townspeople began looking at one another, as if asking what each other thought simply by exchanging glances.

Elysia looked at the eyes of the people as well. Some of them were frightened and others determined. 

The silence was suddenly stomped by a young man with green eyes. "I would like to join." he said bravely.

Elysia and Ralf both smiled down at him. 

"And I as well," another voice said.

"I've got nothing better to do," said another, followed by several laughs.

Suddenly dozens of men were coming forward and announcing their desire to join.

"Thank you, all of you," Ralf said once things died down. "I cannot express how greatly your bravery and initiative is both admired and appreciated. Now my sister and I are going to continue making our rounds throughout Lyra's villages, asking all we can. I ask that you continue to think this over and then in one week's time, come to the castle and we will get you settled in. Of course, your contribution to the kingdom will not go unseen. You will be housed and fed. Your families will be repaid for your time. And you will not regret your decision to keep Lyra safe. Thank you all so much and I hope to see many of you at the castle in one week."

The three royals and one guardian left the town and headed to the next. Unfortunately, not all towns would have the same response as Bibbeny. Many Lyrans were angered by the request, especially when they would not be paid directly for their efforts. Several people were even bold enough to shout and yell negative remarks to the Prince and Princess. But this was nothing compared to the response they received when they finally entered Ledeberg, one of Lyra's poorest villages, and Phillip's hometown.  

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