The Rogue Mate

By hannah_t

682K 30.9K 1.7K

After the murder of my uncle and three ranch hands, I was arrested for a crime I didn't commit and tossed int... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chapter Three.
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Epilogue- Jenna's POV
The Mate Series!

Chapter Eight.

27.1K 1.4K 82
By hannah_t

“Pleasure doing business with you Jed.” I said shaking hands with the man I most despised; the man who’s down fall I’d just sealed.

His grip was weak, his eyes droopy and blood shot, his hair falling out as he had signed the papers; Pine Hill had gone bankrupt and they couldn’t afford Jed’s medicine any longer. Like the caring person I am, I offered to take Pine Hills off their hands for a considerable amount of money, and like the desperate people they were, they accepted.

I now held the deed to Pine Hills and the key to their house; today just kept getting better and better. The new bunkers had been built and now rouges from all over the world were coming to live and work on my ranch; day by day more men and women would arrive at the ranch, one at a time or in small groups. It was astounding how quickly they came and how many people my friends knew.

Double T was now complete again. The Pines house was similar to the massive cabin I lived in but it was way too far away to be useful. Though it could fit between the house and the newly renovated bunkers and the sides could be opened to form one giant cabin; could it work though? I guess I’d just have to see.

The heat was stifling as I climbed back into my truck, cranking the air conditioner up to the highest setting. It was only early morning but it was almost a hundred degrees already; it looked like it’d be one of the summer days where work was done after sun down and the day was spent in the cool shade of the nearby lake.

Over the past two months since that wolf dared come and threatened me, I hadn’t heard a thing from them; I knew it wasn’t over though, but now there were at least forty rouges living on the ranch, we were a force to be reckoned with.

The sound of my truck driving up the drive attracted the attention of the few people walking around; I’m sure that most were in the house, enjoying the air conditioning.

When I opened the front door, I knew I was right; people were everywhere. I brought my fingers to my lips and blew, an ear piercing whistle echoing around the house making everyone immediately stop whatever they’d been doing.

“I just finished merging Double T with Pine Hills; everyone’s got the day off so let’s go swimming.”

There were cheers all round as I walked through the house to get my old swimmers. I had to dig around my drawers for a while until I found them pushed in the back of my bottom drawer. I looked at the two piece suit with uncertainty; could I do this? I’d freaked out months ago when Mads saw the scars; could I really wear this around everyone?

I’d be in the water most of the time, I had my cut-offs and a tank top, plus no one would really care; hell yeah I could do this. I changed into the two piece and fished a pair of short cut-offs and a crop top out of the back of my wardrobe. The smell of food hit my nose as I closed the door to my room, a towel slung over my shoulder.

“What smells so good?” I asked Kate as I walked down the stairs.

“Lunch, we’re going to take it down to wherever you’re taking us.” She said, packing sandwiches into a big hamper, though she really had to stretch her arms as her belly was massive now, almost ready to pop, and she couldn’t get close enough to the bench.

I took the wrapped food from her as Lennox walked in. “How about you go sit with your mate and I’ll handle it.” She began grumbling but waddled over to Lennox who scooped her up into his arms and nuzzled her neck.

I turned to pack away more sandwiches when the hamper was snatched out of my hand. I frowned, pursing my lips and turned to Maddox. “Can I help you?”

He grinned down at me and held up the hamper. “Need some help boss?”

I smiled and handed him the sandwich I was holding. “Sure, you can make lunch for everyone while I get the trucks packed.”

I went to take a step towards the door but Mads stopped me again. “You look really pretty Ev.” He gave me a sweet smile and then stepped out of my way. “I’ll go help fix up lunch.”

I walked out to the truck in a daze; did he just… call me pretty? No one had ever done that, I mean, I knew I wasn’t ugly but in my entire life, the only person who’d ever complimented me was my uncle.


The water was freezing against my skin but it was a welcome relief from the sheer heat. I swam out into the middle of the large dam as everyone jumped off the dock and into the cool water. The dam was more of a small lake with fairly clear water, a small wooden dock and trees circling the water so it was completely shaded.

Some of the rouges had bought their own trucks with them and now the trays were covered in blankets and towels, while others held lunch for everyone. A radio was cranked high and music blared around the clearing as everyone splashed in the water. There were few children here, most of the rouges had been by themselves or came with friends or family, but the kids who were here sat atop a few of the adult’s shoulders, laughing as they tried to push each other off, playing.

I felt something touch my leg and I looked down just as Maddox exploded out of the water, my body atop his shoulders making me scream and grip is hair. “What are you doing? Put me down!”

I could literally feel him chuckling as he treaded water. “Haven’t you ever played Chicken?” I watched as Chev waded over with Mary sitting on top his shoulders, a light flush to her cheeks.

Chev and Maddox squared up to each other and I laughed at how series they looked. Mary reached for me, intending to push me off but I beat her to it. She fell backwards with a scream and a splash. “Let me down now Mads?” I asked.

His hair tickled my inner thighs as he shook his head. “Nope, I kinda like this.” I rolled my eyes and looked up at the branches hanging overhead. I reached up and grasped the wood, using the strength in my upper body to haul myself into the tree. I sat on the branch as he looked around completely confused and then upwards. I smirked and waved down at him as he stared at me in utter amazement. “How’d you get up there?”

I shrugged and flexed my arm. “Muscles baby.” In prison I’d had a lot of time to build my strength; it was that or stare at the walls and slowly go crazy, plus ranch work made me strong and lean.

I stood on the branch, holding onto the higher one and began to climb the tall tree. The hot summer’s wind rustled the leaves and blew the fine strands of hair into my face. A smile came to my face as I looked over the miles and miles of lush green pastures, to where the mountains sat in the distance and the red barns, cattle and forests in between. Below me the sounds of laughter and playful screams carried up to me and I looked down, see them men and women who now called Double T their home.

“Evan! Evan where are you?” I could hear Lennox calling from below so with a heavy sigh I began my climb down.

I watched as he walked underneath the branch I was sitting on so I hooked my legs on the thick branch and swung upside down. “You called?”

He jumped and turned around. “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Evan; what were you doing up there?”

“Mads wouldn’t let me go when we were playing Chicken so I climbed the tree. Why were you calling me?”

He chuckled and shook his head as he stared at me. “Kate says her back hurts and wants to go home, I wanted to know if I could take your truck.”

I nodded but groaned a little when my head began pounding. “Sure, keys are in the glove box.”

“See you back at the house then.” I watched upside down as he ushered Kate who was rubbing her back, to my truck.

“You know I just can’t figure you out Evan; you’re so serious most of the time and you’re kind, but then this savage side comes out, the side where you shoot wolves that cross you and hang out of trees.” Maddox’s voice from behind me shocked me and I nearly slipped out of the tree, but warm arms caught me mid-air and righted me as he began laughing.

I glared up at the man who’d been harassing me the whole day and hit his chest. “Stop trying to psychoanalyse me Mads; it won’t work.”

“What if I like what I find?” He asked, drawing closer until his breath hit my cheek.

I stared up at him before taking a step backwards, shaking my head. “You won’t.” No one would. Without a backwards glance I began the walk back to the house. I’d never have what Kate and Lennox had, never have a soul mate because once they found out where I’d been, why I’d gone there and what I was capable of, they’d run scared.


“Kate are you feeling ok?” She looked pale and sweaty, like she was in pain. Periodically she’d lean against the counter, rubbing her back, trying to breathe deeply but it seemed to catch in her throat every time. “You should go sit down.” 

She pulled out a chair and sat, staring at me as I moved around the kitchen, passing various dishes to Mary and Charlotte to take to the table. “Ev I’m fine, I’m just having Braxton hicks.”

I froze and turned to her. “Are you completely sure that they’re Braxton hicks? You’re just about ready to pop and I think that they’ve been going on longer than you let on.” After all, she did leave the lake at around lunch because of back pains and it was well into the night now.

She nodded and stood, reaching out for a plate I was holding. “I’m fine; let me take that to the table for you.”

With a sigh I passed the plate to her. “Fine, but then you sit down and let Len keep an eye on you.”

She gave me a bright smile and nodded. “Deal.”

I picked up the salad and followed her out to the veranda where a table covered in food was set up. I didn’t have a big enough table for everyone to sit at so we vied for pillows scattered everywhere to sit on.

There was a crash and a whimper of pain. My gaze shot straight to Kate who was hunched over in pain, clutching her swollen stomach, the plate in shards on the ground. I ran to her, literally throwing away the bowl I was holding as I crouched before her. “Kate, Kate listen to me.” I noticed a clear liquid running down the inside of her leg; her water had broken, she’d gone into labour.  My heart began pounding as I realised that the nearest hospital was at least four hours away and the doctor’s clinic in town didn’t have the equipment or experience to deal with her.

I grabbed the nearest person as Lennox scooped Kate up and carried her away. “Are wolf births quicker?”  The woman turned out to be Mary who looked completely terrified. She merely nodded as she stared in the direction Lennox had carted Kate off; she’d obviously never had to deal with birthing.

“Does anyone here have experience in midwifery?” I asked the crowd, praying that someone knew how to help; otherwise I’d have to use my knowledge of cow and horse births to help, internally I was freaking out. “Anyone at all.” I said as it was silent. You’d think that if you were an immortal creature, you’d have some kind of experience with birth... apparently not.

With a sigh I turned back inside the house. “Looks like I’m gonna have to do it.”


“Push Kate!” I yelled, holding her knees open.

With a cry she bared down, squeezing Lennox’s hand till it turned white. I watched as the baby’s head emerged and then disappeared slightly, only the crown showing.

It was seconds before the next contraction and her shrill screeches filled the air as she bore down; the baby’s head completely emerging. My heart pounded against my chest as I realised how blue the child looked, due to the fact that the umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck. I knew that another contraction would come quickly so as fast and as gently as I could, I slipped the cord over the baby’s neck, just as Kate pushed again and the baby slipped out with one final scream from the new mum.

“It’s a girl.”

I tied the cord and let Lennox cut it, cleaned the after- birth off the baby and swathed her in a soft, clean blanket. Tears poured down Kate’s cheek as I lay the babe on her chest. Leaving the new parents to have their moments, I backed out of the room with the blood soaked sheets. I knew that I was covered in it and dog tired, my head ringing from all the screaming.

I closed the door and turned around to see every single wolf packed into the house, staring at me. I jumped back, muttering a curse as they stared at me.

“What?” I asked, rather rudely; I was tired, dirty and had a pounding headache so sue me.

“What is it?” Mary asked, stepping forward with Calvin.

I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes. “What do you think it was? A donkey?”

“What it a boy or a girl?” Calvin snapped, frowning at my rude remark.

I sighed, running a hand down my face. My limbs were heavy and I felt like I could collapse; the floor was looking like a mighty fine prospect right about now. “Girl.”

I turned to walk to the nearest empty bedroom when Chev pushed through the crowd. “Evan! The pack; they’re coming!”

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