Black Winter[Completed]

Oleh Shobster

131K 3.8K 205

#1st place in The Dreamcatcher Awards(Romance) Alexandria Winters is the heiress of multi-billion dollar empi... Lebih Banyak

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Author's Note(Very important)
Author's Note(Mega IMPORTANT!)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Epilogue Part 1
Epilogue Part 2

Chapter 14

3K 93 1
Oleh Shobster

"Aleeeexxxxx!" i sigh, rubbing my temples trying my hardest not to blow my top at the idiot I call my best friend whose currently lounging on my office couch.

"What do you want, Jay?"

He puts his phone down, obviously bored with it and turns to me, pouting like a child.

"I'm bored."

Raising an eyebrow at him,"So?"

"You're mean."

"And you're irritating."

"If you want me to not be irritating, you could always talk to me."

"Jay, don't you have a company to run?"

"I'm on lunch break."

"You've been on lunch break for the past 3 hours."

"I'm the owner of the company. I can take as long a lunch break as I want."

"Well, can you take your 'lunch break' elsewhere?"

"I thought you loved me, Alex."

"I did. Now, I'm trying my hardest to not throw that penknife at you."

Jay opens his mouth to retort but another voice cuts him off.

"So violent, Angel."

I turn to the doorway, spotting Damien and Belle standing there, a smirk on their faces. Sighing in relief, I turn to them, practically pleading.

"You have no idea how glad I am to see you guys. Belle, please save me from your boyfriend. He's been complaining about how you've 'abandoned' him for the past 3 hours."

Both brother and sister roll their eyes while jay glares at me.

"You underestimate my pain and suffering, Alex. Some sister you are."

"And you have underestimated my pain for the past 3 hours, brother."

Damien and Belle chuckle at my dry tone and at Jay's expression.

Damien and Belle decided to have sibling bonding time over lunch today so Jay came over to my office with takeout, deciding that we too needed some bonding time, which I completely agreed with. We had lunch and chatted for a while till I needed to get back to work. The Dubai hotel was opening next week and I had a bunch of work to do before then. trust me, with my regular workload, I had been spending late nights at the office the past week. Anyway, Jay said he would chill out on my couch till they got back and I stupidly agreed. I should have known that man-child would not be able to keep silent for even 10 minutes. I didn't need complete silence but he constantly kept whining and complaining about how he was missing his girlfriend and blah blah blah. Seriously, I love the guy but sometimes I wonder how Belle puts up with him. 

Belle sits beside Jay, coddling him like a little kid. Damien and i share a look and I turn back to my computer., focusing on the final touches for the hotel. Damien takes a seat in front of my desk, picking up a pen and a company file off my desk. Looking at me for permission, I say

"Damien, you don't have to. You're swamped as it is."

He waves me off,"It's fine Angel."

Jay notices our exchange and jumps to his feet, rushing to Damien's side and plucking the file out of his hands, placing it on the desk again as it was a ticking time bomb.

"Bro, if you value your life, you will not touch her stuff. Trust me."

damien furrows his eyebrows at his best mate,"What the hell are you talking about?"

Jay says in a hushed tone, being all dramatic.

"I offered to help read her a report just now while she was signing documents to save time and not even 5 minutes into it, she plucked the damn file out of my hand and snapped. Like Bam! just like that. I swear I almost pissed my pants."

I hear Belle snicker from and Damien rolls his eyes.

"And what did you do to piss her off?"

Jay looks offended."What do you  mean what did you do?"

Damien remains unfazed, lifting a shoulder casually.

"Well, I know angel well enough to know she has the utmost patience with you, so for her to snap would mean you really screwed up."

Jay sighs, busted written all over his face.

"I may have doodled on the report and not paid attention." Belle and Damien roll their eyes and even I have to stifle a giggle when Jay exclaims,"I did it in pencil." As if that makes it all better. Damien stares at him as if he's grown three heads before turning to his sister,

"Why are you dating this egghead?"

"Why are you best friends with said egghead?"

"Oh trust me, I'm wondering too."

Just then, my phone rings and I pick it up. It's my manager at my Dubai hotel, Mike.

"Hi, Alex."

"Hi, Mike. What's up?"

"I was calling about the furniture for the hotel actually. It was supposed to arrive yesterday but it never arrived. I called the supplier but he said he already sent it. The driver of the shipment can't be reached."

Running a hand on my face, I stand up walking over to my giant window, staring down at New York traffic and its terrific skyline.

"Shit. wait, I'll call up some people and get back to you."

"okay. Sorry to bother you."

"No, it's okay. I told you, don't hesitate to call me if there are any problems."

"Thanks Alex. I'll see you in the morning."

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow."

Hanging up, I turn around to meet 3 pairs of questioning gazes but somehow, my gaze is focused on a certain pair of almost black, raging ones.

"Who's Mike?" Damien bites out. Raising an eyebrow at his tone,

"Why? What's it to you?"


"What Arius? I'm supposed to filter my friend list through you now? I thought we were over this." Pointing at him, I say"YOU DON'T OWN.." Pointing back at me, I say"ME." He glares at me before averting his gaze, knowing he's lost the fight.

"Ignore my jealous brother. Who's Mike?" Belle says intrigued.

"He's my hotel manager in Dubai."

"Wait, you mean Michael Weatherly?" Jay says, eyes wide in surprise. I nod,"Yeah, the one and only."

"damn, how did you poach him from Waldorf Astoria?"

Smirking at him, I say deviously "i have my ways."

He chuckles, shaking my head."I believe you."

Turning back to damien, I say"He's married with two amazing kids. He graduated with his Masters in Hotel Management and Business Administration from Brown University. Prior to this, he was working for Waldorf Astoria for 8 years and before that,he worked at the Four Seasons in Budapest. Anything else you wanna know?"

Damien has the courtesy to duck his head in shame, shaking his head no.

"good, now don't ever question me about my personal life again or I won't be this nice."

He nods, muttering a Sorry before turning back to the report in front of him.

Belle and Jay stare at him in shock.

"Who are you and what have you done with my brother?"

"Dude, you're so whipped."

Damien and I both glare at them causing them to crack up.

"Ooh, Al. Before I forget, we girls are going shopping tomorrow afternoon." Belle says.

Too busy scanning my computer screen, I absentmindedly mutter a "Uh-huh. Have fun."

I can feel all 3 pair of eyes on me, staring amusedly but I ignore them, too busy trying to solve the issue in front of me.

"Idiot, that involves you too."

That grabs my attention and I whip my head to give a confused look,"What?"

Damien and Jay chuckle at my blurness and Belle rolls her eyes at me.

" mum. and your mum. are tomorrow." she says slowly as if explaining something to a 5 year old.

I roll my eyes at her, focusing my attention back on my computer screen.

"I'm not a 5 year old. You guys have fun cause I won't be joining you."

Belle pouts like a little child.

"Oh, come on bestie. I know you hate shopping but please please come with us."

I shake my head at her, frowning at the screen.

"Number one, I don't hate shopping. I just hate shopping with you guys."

"Why?" She whines and the boys stifle a giggle.

Raising an eyebrow, I say sarcastically,"Because it's completely logical to spend 2 hours in a store and come out having purchased nothing. Who wouldn't like it?"

Damien can't hold in his laughter and I share an amused smirk with him. Before Belle could persuade me further, I continue,

"Number two, I'm not flying all the way from Dubai just for a shopping trip that isn't necessary."

"You're going to Dubai?"

"Isn't necessary?"

"Why are you going to Dubai?"

Three replies some in sync, the first from Damien, the second obviously from Belle and the dumbest question of all from the one and only Jay.

I roll my eyes, not even bothering to look at them. I bite my bottom lip, a habit I've had since my teen years, as I edit some changes on the building's design.

"Yes, yes and I'm going to Dubai to get married."

"What?" Three shocked replies echo the room.

Staring at them flatly, I say"Seriously guys. Have you forgotten about my hotel there? You know, the one that's opening next week and is no where near ready?"

They sigh in relief, as though seriously believing that I was gonna get married. I swear these guys. 

"What time are you leaving?" Damien asks.

"I told my pilot wheels up at 9.00"

He frowns,"You're gonna reach late."

I shrug,"No choice. I still need to finish up my work here. Besides, I can catch some sleep on the plane."

He just stares at me deadpanned while Jay and Belle scoff.

"What?" I ask defensively.

"You're never gonna sleep, so don't bull. You're gonna be staring at the laptop all night." Damien says.

"No, I'm not." I defend myself.

Jay cuts in,"Uh-huh, remember the London trip a couple months back?"

"Remember the bitch who called the IRS on me?" I shoot back but Jay remains unfazed.

"What about that trip you, me and Belle took to the Caribbean a few years back?"

I open my mouth to retort but close it again when I realise I don't have an answer.

Scowling at them, I mutter"Sue me, I'm a workaholic, just like the three of you."

They chuckle at my wounded expression and I can't help but crack a small smile at their deep-bellied laughs. I glance over at Damien and am entranced for a moment as he laughs so hard,he's clutching his sides. I've never seen him laugh like that, sure a chuckle here and there and his signature smirk but this, this leaves me mesmerized which isn't something that happens often. Smiling softly in his direction, I think about how handsome and carefree he looks when he isn't scowling or cold. He notices my gaze and meets my eyes,his eyes crinkling at the sides as he smiles a rare genuine smile. We stare at each other, electricity crackling between us. It felt like hours but was actually seconds when someone dramatically cleared their throat. I immediately snapped out of my daze and turned back to my computer, fighting the blush creeping up my face. In my peripheral view, I notice Damien rubbing the back of his neck, something he only did when he was nervous or embarrassed. I mentally chide myself for being so stupid, acting like a lovesick teenage girl. 

Belle then cleared her throat and I didn't have to look at her to know that she was smirking.

"So, about the dress, don't worry.I'll get it for you."

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion staring at her."What dress?"

"The one for our charity gala this weekend."

I close my eyes, muttering 'Shit' under my breath. I had completely forgotten about it what with the hotel and all. Damien and I were supposed to organise it but since we were swamped with work, our mums offered to do it.Secretly, I knew that they didn't trust us to make it uber glamorous and full of glitz and glam which was kinda true. Damien and I would make it as simple and minimalistic as possible but simple just would not cut it for the rich and elite of New York. We even had people from overseas as well, all my dad's associates, friends, you name it. It was one of the biggest events in New York of the year and truth be told, I hated attending. The last time I attended, I was sixteen right before moving to London and even then I despised it. Now, don't get me wrong, I was a huge supporter of charity and I anonymously contributed monthly but I hated how some of the rich and famous used the gala as a platform to show off their wealth and show just how generous they were. But, it was a tradition and I needed to attend since mostly everyone knew that I was back now. 

"Belle, don' t worry about me. I'll find a dress."

Raising an eyebrow at me, she says"When? Saturday morning? You don't have time, Al and before you say it, nope I'm not letting you wear a dress from your cupboard. I know you have new amazing ones but we're buying you a dress. End of discussion."

I sigh, knowing that this was one argument I could not win. She turns to Jay, asking him about his tux for the night and I turn to Damien,sending him a help-me look but all that asshole does is chuckle. Shaking his head, he says,"I'm not going against a world-renowned supermodel over dresses. She's taking care of my tux and I didn't even put up a fight. So, no I'm not helping you."

I stick my tongue out at him childishly and he rolls his eyes playfully."Very mature, Angel. By the way, I'm sending you to the airport tonight."

"Arius, don't trouble yourself. I've already told the driver to pick me up."

"Then, you can tell the driver not to pick you up. I'll pick you up at 7."

"7? My plane's only leaving at 9."

"We're gonna grab dinner first."

I open my mouth to argue but he sends me a look that says end of discussion. Fighting the urge to stick my tongue out at him again, I huff in frustration and turn back to the computer,mumbling about how I have no say in my own life.

"Oh, and Al, text me when you're leaving Dubai on Saturday." Belle says.


"I'll pick you up from the airport."


"Why? Well, the four of us are heading to the spa and then we're gonna get our nails done. Then, we gotta be home by 3 to shower and get dressed. The hair and makeup team is arriving at 4."

"4? Are you nuts?The gala's only at 7." 

"That's what I said." Jay cuts in, earning him a smack in the chest by his girlfriend.

"I think we deserve to be pampered once in a while. So, yeah make sure you land here by say, 10 if possible." she says sending me a stern look.

Groaning, I say"Kill me now" before banging my head repeatedly on the desk much to the enjoyment of my three companions.

Finally figuring out the issue I've been cracking my head about for the past 4 hours, I close my eyes and dig the heels of my hands into my eyes.


I crack an eye open to find Damien staring at me, concern in his dark brown orbs. Shooting him a small smile, I say,"I'll be okay. I'm just worried about the hotel." He stands up and comes around, leaning against my desk, looking down at me. In a soft tone, he says,

"Hey, it's gonna be okay."

Leaning my head back, I whisper,"I'm terrified Arius. What if something goes wrong on that day? What if the food's horrible or if something goes wrong with the deco or the rooms? What if the guests don't like.."

He cuts me off mid sentence, gently grabbing my hand.

"Angel, you can't worry about the what ifs. You are the best at what you do and this isn't your first rodeo. You are the most hardworking, intelligent, persevering person I know and I have faith that you are giving it your all. I mean come on, have you seen the design of your hotel? That requires some serious brainpower right there. " I chuckle at his teasing tone, my fears slowly being assuaged.

"It's gonna be okay, in fact it's gonna be great." he says softly, a twinkle in his eye.

Looking down at our conjoined hands, I whisper,"And if it isn't?"

Tilting my head up slowly with his fingertips, sending tingles all over my body, Damien stares into my eyes, sincerity and an unreadable emotion in his eyes.

"Then, we'll work it out together. We're a team, Angel and I'll be right by your side the whole time." 

I'm, left speechless by his words and my mind is scrambling for a reply when a camera shutter sound ruins the moment. Both of us turn to Belle who's holding her phone in hand, an apologetic expression on her face while Jay sends her an accusing look. Meekly, she says"Sorry." Rolling my eyes at her, I shake my head at her turning back to Damien.

Smiling sincerely at him, I say"Thank you."

"Are you a little less terrified now?" he says teasingly. 

Winking at him, I hold up my free hand with a sliver of gap between my fingers,"Just a little." He laughs and gently squeezes my hand.

"Well, I'd better be heading back to my office or else I'm gonna be spending the night here." I nod and with a heavy heart, slip my hand out of his. Jay and Belle stand up at that moment too and decide to take their leave as well. Jay really needed to get back to his office while Belle had a photo shoot to get to.

I'm left alone in my office finally and I savor the peace and quiet for a little while till it is disturbed by the buzzing of my phone. Picking up my phone, I open the message by Belle and a soft smile creeps upon my face as I stare at the picture of Damien and me.

Running a hand over my face, I realise I might just be falling for the one person I swore I would never fall for. You don't deserve love, not after what you did. That voice in my head says harshly and I can't help but agree with it for once. Closing my eyes,  I inhale a lungful of air telling myself that I need to keep my head on my shoulders. After all, I swore off love a long time ago.

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