Danny Phantom: Whatever It Ta...

By MikaelaMiller4

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(TAKES PLACE BETWEEN D-STABILIZED AND PHANTOM PLANET) When everyone Danny cares about goes missing, he is det... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5

610 24 9
By MikaelaMiller4


Danny looked up and then fell into Sam's embrace and then he whispered, "I'm scared Sam, I'm so scared. I don't know what to do or how to get out of this mess"

"Danny listen to me," Sam said pulling his face up, "Everything will be okay, I haven't told anyone this but the last night I freed Youngblood who was captured by Vlad. He's gone to get Frostbite, but you have to promise me to stay strong and not just for me but for everybody. We will never give up on you, so don't give up on us"

"Very well Daniel, but I'm going to give you a little gift so that when you decide to stop this little hero charade of yours, you will know who you belong to" Vlad said and then prepared a small amount of ectoplasmic energy on his index finger, but this time it was a deep crimson red.

Vlad then turned around and talked to the others like he was on a stage, "I'm sure all of you have heard, that back then slave masters used to brand their slaves with a special mark, so that when the slave would run away whoever found them knew who they belonged to"

Tears of pain fell down Danny's face as the pain continued and about ten seconds later, the burning stopped and the table moved upwards, revealing the two letters VP on his chest within the reflection of the mirror. A small amount of blood spilled out from the letters, Vlad then duplicated himself and allowed the clone to wrap Danny's chest with a bandage, the real Vlad then undid the straps and Danny fell to the ground, unable to stand up because of the pain. The two Vlad's then picked him up by his arms and this time placed him in the separate cage he was in when he was first brought here, they then placed two pairs of cuffs that were attached to the walls by long chains and placed them on Danny's wrists and ankles. Danny then slowly fell unconscious, too weak from all the pain that had been inflicted on him by Vlad.

"Tomorrow is the final day to decide Little Badger, I hope for your sake you make the right decision" Vlad sneered as the duplicate disappeared and Vlad left the room and Danny fell unconscious, allowing more tears to flow from his face.

"TOMORROW, WE NOT ONLY RESCUE OUR SAVIOUR! TOMORROW WE RESCUE OUR FRIEND!" Frostbite shouted and all the warriors shouted a battle cry.

Tomorrow would be the day, tomorrow it would be all or nothing!


It was 8 AM and everyone couldn't bring themselves to sleep that night, everyone's stillness was broken when they heard the stirring of chains coming from the cage next door. Danny's eyes opened slowly, he looked around and noticed he was still in chains and that he was still shirtless, he stood up and then held his chest when he felt a huge amount of pain coming from the mark that Vlad had branded him with.

"Danny sweetie, are you alright?" Maddie asked as she walked over to the bars of the cell.

Danny walked over and allowed his mother rub his face gently as he answered, "I'm fine, but I'm still in pain"

Jack then came over and ruffled his hair and then everyone came over to the cage and looked at Danny, his pants were torn in a few places and the bandages were showing a small blood stain from where the mark is.

"Danny what are gonna do? Sam told us one of your allies was coming, but what if he arrives too late? What if you die?" Jazz asked. Danny could see the fear in everyone's eyes, but he knew he had to remain strong for them no matter what, even if it meant he might die when morning came.

Danny then took a deep breath and said, "I don't know Jazz, but I want you all to listen very carefully. No matter what happens, you all need to promise to take care of each other"

"Why are you sounding like your saying goodbye?" Valerie asked on the brim of tears.

"Because it looks like that there is a high chance that I'm not gonna get out of this and I need to make sure that you guys will be okay in the end" Danny said sadly and then he continued, "Mum, Dad; you're the greatest parents anyone could ever have asked for and I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth sooner, I love you guys"

Maddie then cried as she and Jack put their arms through the bars and hugged their son in a tight embrace as Maddie said, "We'll always love you Danny, you'll always be my special little boy" and then Jack said, "I'm really proud to call you my son, Danny-boy"

Danny then walked over to jazz who also began crying and said, "Jazz, thank you for everything. I know you'll gonna become a really good psychologists one day, if not a therapist. I really hope you get into the school you want and you've been the best sister a brother could ever have"

"Oh little brother! I love you" Jazz cried out as she hugged him tightly.

Danny then went over to Valerie and said, "Val I'm so sorry about what happened with that ghost dog. I wish I could go back in time and fix everything"

"In a way I'm glad it happened, because I never would have made better friends who accepted me and not just because I was rich. Thanks Danny for being a true friend to me" Valerie said and then embraced him.

Danny then walked over to Tucker and for the last time, they did their secret handshake they hadn't done since they were in kindergarten and then he said, "Tuck don't ever change. I know your gonna find a girl who'll like you for who you are and you've been one of the greatest best friends I ever had"

"I feel the same way dude" Tucker said and then they embraced in a brotherly hug and he said, "Good luck man"

Danny then walked over to Sam and took her hands in his own and said, "Sam if it hadn't been for you, I never would've become who I am today and don't blame yourself for it. I wouldn't change it for the world and there's something else I need to tell you but I've been afraid to say it. Sam I..." but suddenly he was interrupted as the door opened and standing there was Plasmius himself, grinning widely.

"Isn't this sentimental? But I'm afraid Daniel's alone time with you is over" Vlad said as he duplicated himself two times and then walked up to Danny. The two duplications grabbed a hold of him and then Vlad zapped him with the Plasmius Maximus 2 which caused Danny to gasp in pain, Vlad then snapped his fingers, the shackles came off and the duplicates dragged him out of the cage.

Danny was once again placed on the examination table and strapped him down, Vlad then pushed a button that made the table go up in a vertical position, facing Daniel's family and then the duplicates of Vlad disappeared.

Vlad then walked over to the front and looked at Danny evilly and said, "Since I am a generous man, no matter what your answer is, I will allow your friends and family to go free. Now I will ask you one final time my boy and it better be the correct answer. Will you join me?"

Danny then looked over at his family and remembered the promise he made to them and then he said defiantly, "No Plasmius, I will never join you. You can torture me all you want but my answer will always remain the same, you seriously crazed-up FRUITLOOP!"

Vlad then got angry at this and slapped Danny right on the face. He then straightened up and said, "Very well Daniel you have made your decision. I guess the only thing left to do is get rid of you once and for all"

Vlad then walked over to the lab tables, Danny could see two beakers filled with a blue and red substance and he watched as Vlad filled a needle with the red substance and walked back over to Danny.

"This my boy is the Blood Blossom poison in its liquid form, once I inject this into your blood stream, you will die in 3 hours. The blue substance that I saw you looking at is the antidote which now I have no intention of giving it to you. Goodbye Danny Phantom" Vlad said and then began bringing the needle down to Danny's arm.

Danny began breathing heavily and then looked at his family again, he then closed his eyes and thought, "Well it looks like this is the end"


Vlad stopped what he was doing and shouted, "WHAT IN BLAZES?!"

They all turned around and saw the source of the noise and standing there with an army of yeti like ghosts, was Frostbite!

"ATTACK!" Frostbite roared and then they all gave a battle cry and charged at Vlad, who dropped the needle accidently and began to fight them off. Frostbite ran over to Danny and ripped the straps off, Danny jumped off the table and exclaimed, "MAN! AM I GLAD TO SEE YOU!"

"Sorry for the delay Great One. Looks like we just got here in the nick of time" Frostbite said and then Danny replied with a smile, "A few more minutes ago might've been helpful"

Frostbite smiled at this and then asked, "Can you transform?"

"No Vlad cancelled out my powers. I'm powerless for another 9 ½ hours" Danny answered.

"Okay, while we distract Plasmius you get your family out of the cages" Frostbite said, Danny nodded at that plan and ran towards the cage.

Vlad was throwing ecto blasts everywhere at the ghosts, while they hit Vlad from ice powers to sword fighting. Danny picked up an ecto blaster from one of the tables and blasted the lock off the cage that held the others, they ran out and embraced Danny and then one of the soldiers came over and shouted, "FOLLOW ME! LORD FROSTBITE HAS ORDERED ME TO GET YOU ALL OUT OF HERE AND TAKE YOU TO THE FAR FROZEN!"

"COME ON GUYS!" Danny shouted and they all began following the soldier to the portal, they were all about to jump in when suddenly, Danny was picked up from the ground by a duplicate of Vlad's and he received a punch to the face which made him hit the ground, the real Vlad then encased everyone else in a ectoplasmic prison and then floated down and gave Danny a kick to the ribs.

More punches came and kicks came and Danny then remained on the ground in pain as Vlad stopped his assault and looked at him in disgust.

"Why do you keep on fighting? You're useless without your powers. What makes you think you can defeat me this time?" Vlad sneered.

"Because I promised my family that I'd remain strong" Danny said as he slowly stood up "AND I'LL PROTECT THEM NO MATTER WHAT!" He then shouted and then suddenly...

A bright flash of light appeared at Danny's torso and when the light faded, standing there was Danny Phantom! Vlad stood there in complete shock and shouted, "THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! THE DEVICE SHOULD'VE CANCELLED OUT YOUR POWERES!"

Danny then stood there in his usual fight stance and said defiantly, "I guess I am stronger than you think I am!"

"GO GET HIM DUDE!" Tucker shouted and everyone began to cheer Danny on as he got ready to fight.

Vlad began to charge at him, but Danny saw it coming and quickly went intangible through the floor, Vlad stopped and scanned everywhere but suddenly, he was hit by an ecto blast and he fell to the ground. He growled in anger and then looked up to find that the source of the blast came from Danny, he then charged his own ecto blast and fired it, but Danny managed to act quickly and put up a shield in front of him. While Vlad was off guard, Danny charged in throwing punches, kicks and random ecto blasts at him. Vlad's strength was going down quickly that he couldn't keep the energy of the wall holding back everyone up and so the wall fell and everyone was free.

Danny then landed in front of everyone and said, "Everyone cover your ears and stay behind me" He turned around and made sure everyone had their ears covered, he then sucked in a large breath and released his secret weapon; The Ghostly Wail. Vlad was pushed back against the wall by the force of the wail, he didn't anticipate this attack and watched as his lab was being destroyed by the force of the power coming from Danny, about thirty seconds later Vlad became so weak, he transformed back into his human half.

Danny kept the wail going for twenty more seconds until finally he stopped, feeling exhausted from using the wail he transformed back to his human half and whispered, "It's over" He then collapsed to the ground and fell unconscious, Vlad fell off the wall and collapsed unconscious as well, but not before giving Danny one final glance and said, "Don't think this means you won boy"

Maddie kneeled down and looked at her son, she then turned to Frostbite and asked, "He's so weak. Can you help him?" Frostbite nodded as he picked him up gently out of her arms and said, "We shall return to the Far Frozen at once. Everyone to the portal"

Everyone jumped into the portal, leaving an unconscious Vlad behind, all of Danny's friends and family had the same thought on their minds as they headed to the Far Frozen, "The nightmare is finally over"

Once they arrived, all of them were taken immediately to the medical facility, they all were taken to separate medical rooms to get treatment for injuries. Frostbite placed an oxygen mask on Danny and allowed the medical staff to place him in a healing chamber (A/N the healing chamber is the one Danny was floating in during the episode Urban Jungle). The medical staff gave him some information about Danny's injuries and he decided to let the others know. Jack, Maddie, Jazz, Sam, Tucker and Valerie waited for him in the waiting room, they were all checked out with nothing but minor cuts and bruises, the one they were most concerned about was Danny himself since he received the most pain from Vlad.

They all looked up as Frostbite entered the room and they immediately asked in unison, "Is he gonna be okay?" Frostbite smiled and then gestured them to calm down and he said, "He's going to be just fine, the healers have said he's been weakened gravely due to being tortured but with sometime in the healing chamber, all his injuries should be healed in no time. However I regret to say that they said unfortunately even with our advanced medicines, that brand on his chest will become a permanent scar, there's no way to remove it or heal it enough to be unnoticeable" he finished with a grim look on his face.

Jazz then looked down sadly at this and thought in her head, "It's going to constantly remind him of the nightmare he's been through"

"But I believe the Great One will pull through this, he's strong and as long as he has all of you I'm sure he'll do fine" Frostbite said with a smile which caused everyone smile at this. Maddie and Jack stood up with Maddie saying on the brink of tears, "Thank you for saving us and for saving my boy" and the Jack said as he gave Frostbite a firm handshake, "I guess we were wrong about all ghosts being evil"

Frostbite smiled at this and then showed everyone to where they would be staying until Danny has healed.


Danny woke up slowly feeling himself on something warm and comfortable, he sat up and found himself lying on a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around his chest, he then heard noises and watched as his family and friends walk in the room, immediate smiles were shown and they ran over and gave him a huge embrace. Danny smiled and cried tears of joy at the feeling of being surrounded by the ones he cared about.

A few minutes later, Frostbite explained about the scar on his chest how it will never heal, but Danny then said, "All that matters is that everyone is safe and sound. Hey Frostbite is there any chance you can help us get home?"

"It will be honour Great One, we shall leave when you are ready" Frostbite said with a smile and then handed him some clothes and shoes to put on. Once he was dressed, everyone gathered around Frostbite who held the Infi-Map in his hand and said, "Map take us to the Fenton Portal"

The map then flew them at top speed and before they knew it, they were in the basement of the Fenton's home. Danny then turned around and said, "I don't know how I can ever thank you and your people enough" He then gave Frostbite a hug, who then chuckled and said, "It was my honour Great One for if it wasn't for you, the Ghost Zone would have been under the rule of The Ghost King's terrible rein once again. I bid you goodbye and hope to see you again soon"

Frostbite then turned around and went through the portal. Sam, Tucker and Valerie were reunited with their families, Jack and Maddie told them and the two officers who were investigating in their disappearance that the Wisconsin Ghost kidnapped them all and Danny Phantom had rescued them, Valerie had officially become a part of Team Phantom and best friends with everyone. Danny told his parents about all the ghosts he fought and then ones he made allies with, by the end of the tale they kept on apologising and talked about ways to help Danny from now on.

The four of them were at school two days later, when Tucker finally came out and said to Valerie, "Valerie, I really like you and I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come on a date with me?"

Valerie then smiled and blushed as she answered, "Sure Tuck, Saturday at 7?" Tucker nodded at that idea and jumped up with glee.

Danny returned home and helped out Maddie in the kitchen, while Jack was tinkering with a new invention and one question came to mind, "Danny, what are going to do about Vlad?"

"I don't know but no matter what happens, no matter what he throws at us, we'll face him together" Danny answered with determination.

Jack and Maddie once again smiled at him with pride and for the first time, the whole family ate dinner together with no secrets from each other. Later that night, Maddie checked on her two children, but just when she was about to check on Danny, he bolted up and screamed from having a nightmare. She ran over and immediately embraced him in a hug and asked, "Danny are you okay?"

Danny shook his head and said as he cried, "I thought I was gonna die back there, I thought that I was never gonna see you guys again. I felt so scared"

"Danny listen to me, you are the bravest kid I have ever seen and what makes you even braver is that you can admit your fears. I may not understand fully what you go through everyday whenever your Phantom, but I promise you this I'll always be here when you want to talk" Maddie said and then began to rub circles on his back, Danny then stopped crying and whispered, "I love you mum"

"And I'll always love you" Maddie whispered back, eventually he fell back asleep and she laid him back down gently, tucked him in and gave him a kiss on his forehead. She smiled as she closed the door and headed back to bed.

By next Saturday, Danny was feeling like his old self again, Tucker and Valerie were going well as a couple. Sam, Tucker and Valerie came over that Saturday to train with Danny, suddenly the ghost portal opened and Frostbite came out with a look of worry on his face.

"Great One, we need your help. Plasmius has stolen the Infi-Map" Frostbite said with urgency in his voice.

"We'll get it back for you Frostbite. Sam quickly let my parents know what's going, Tucker get the Spectre Speeder ready and see if you can track down Vlad and Valerie get some ghost equipment ready. Frostbite you better get back and keep your village calm" Danny said.

"I thank you Great One" Frostbite said as he went back through the Fenton Portal.

Once everybody was ready, Tucker had managed to track Vlad down, he went through a portal that lead to outer space! Danny then hopped in the Spectre Speeder and shouted, "Okay team, let's go!"


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