Danny Phantom: Whatever It Ta...

By MikaelaMiller4

3.1K 111 50

(TAKES PLACE BETWEEN D-STABILIZED AND PHANTOM PLANET) When everyone Danny cares about goes missing, he is det... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

852 24 21
By MikaelaMiller4

Maddie Fenton walked out of the kitchen, it was the middle of the night so she decided to check on Jazz and Danny before returning to the comfort of her own bed. She first opened the door to Jazz's room and saw her fast asleep, holding a psychology book in her hand, Maddie smiled at the sight and walked over to her. She gently pulled the book out of her hand and placed it on her desk, she then tucked Jazz in and gave her a kiss on her forehead, and she then walked out of the room and shut the door quietly in an effort to not wake Jazz up.

Maddie then walked up to the door of Danny's room and but as she opened it she could hear the sounds of movement and groaning. She opened the door to reveal Danny in his bed and it looked like he was having a nightmare, by the way he was tossing and turning. Maddie walked up and tried shaking him to see if she could wake him up.

"Danny, sweetie wake up" Maddie said while shaking him.

"NO! GET AWAY!" Danny screamed as he bolted awake in a cold sweat, he then looked up at his mum and hugged her tightly which was something he hadn't done in a while.

"Are you alright sweetie?" Maddie asked with concern.

"Yeah, it was just a nightmare" Danny whispered tiredly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Maddie asked as she rubbed his back soothingly.

"No, not really" Danny whispered and then he fell back asleep in his mother's arms.

Maddie then smiled sadly at her son, she then gently laid him back down in his bed and tucked his blankets in. She was really starting to get worried about him, he still was constantly late coming, his grades may have improved but he was still skipping the occasional class and she had noticed some scratches or bruises on his arms or face. When she asked him about it he always told her it was just bully issues but that didn't exactly eased her mind, she could tell that somethings up with one of her children.

"Someday you'll tell me everything and when you do, I'll be there right by your side" Maddie thought as she kissed Danny on the head and walked out of the room.

Danny continued to sleep soundly, unaware that a pair of red eyes were watching him from the window.

"Soon Daniel, soon" said the mysterious stranger while holding a large sack and then he disappeared without a trace.


Danny woke up as his alarm clock went off loudly before he slammed it off, he walked to the bathroom and had a quick shower and then got changed in his usual white t-shirt and jeans.

"I hate Monday's" Danny groaned in his head.

He walked downstairs smelling his favourite breakfast, pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon, it looks like his mum found the time to cook breakfast which was actually very rare in the Fenton household since his parents were ghost hunters and they spend most of their time in the lab.

Danny entered the kitchen to find his dad eating his breakfast, Jazz reading a psychology book and his mum cooking away. He sat down and began piling himself some eggs and pancakes on his plate and then he poured himself some orange juice. He enjoyed every minute of the meal, due to the fact that because normally he would have to fight ghosts every morning, he wouldn't have time to eat something and would leave the house in a rush just to get to school on time. (IF NO GHOSTS INTERRUPT HIM ON HIS WAY TO SCHOOL THAT IS)

"Danny are you feeling better?" asked Maddie as she stopped cooking for a minute and looked at her son in concern.

"Yeah. Sorry about the scare last night" Danny apologised.

"Don't worry about honey. Listen if you want to talk about it, I'm here for you" Maddie said as she gave him a hug.

Danny nodded at her but then looked away from her sadly, still feeling guilty that he's still hiding a secret from her.


Danny grimaced at that last thought and remembered again why he doesn't share his secret with his parents. He then picked up his school bag and walked out the door, he noticed his friend (and secret crush) Sam was waiting for him outside the door and both of them began walking to school. When they arrived at Casper High, they noticed Mrs and Mrs Foley along with Principle Ishiyama outside talking to the police. The two women then noticed Danny and Sam and then they walked up to them, Mrs Foley looked like that she had been crying.

"Kids, have you seen Tucker?" Mr Foley asked in concern.

"Tucker?" Sam asked confused.

"We haven't seen him since Saturday when we went to the movies, but then he left the mall early because he said Mr Foley called him. Why?" Danny asked in confusion as well.

"Neither have we, he never showed up after he called him and he hasn't been home since" Mrs Foley said as she was on the brink of tears again.

Sam and Danny then looked at each other with worried looks, wondering what happened to Tucker.

"We'll need to take statements from you two, since he was with you before he disappeared" said one of the policemen whose name was John Brown. Danny and Sam nodded at the policemen.

"I will notify Mr Lancer of your absences this morning, please feel free to use the staffroom" Principle Ishiyama said as she left for inside the school.

Danny and Sam were then escorted to the staff room when the first bell rang, the officers cleared the table and set down a tape recorder, Danny and Sam then sat down and the interview started.

"Right now during this interview, you both are required to tell us everything that happened on Saturday before he disappeared and please don't leave anything out" The second officer whose name was Judy Tyler said after she turned on the tape recorder.

"Names and ages please?" John asked.

"Danny Fenton, age 15" Danny stated.

"Sam Manson, age 15" Sam then stated.

"Where were you with Tucker Foley on Saturday the 15th?" John then asked.

"We met Tucker outside the mall at 12 pm. We had lunch in the food court and then we headed for the cinema" Danny started.

"We bought tickets to the 1 pm session of Cyber Zombie Commando 4 and then went in to the theatre" Sam continued.

"It was about halfway through the film that Tucker received a phone call from his dad, he then told us he had to leave early and then he apologized before he left" Danny finished.

"What time was it when he left the cinema?" Judy asked.

"I think it was about 2 pm" Sam answered.

"He didn't say about doing anything else before he left?" John asked.

"No, just that his dad called and asked him to come home" Danny answered.

"If you don't mind me asking, how come neither of you went with him?" Judy asked.

"I asked if he wanted us to go with him, but he said no because he didn't want us to miss the rest of the movie because of him" Danny answered.

"What time was it when you two headed home?" John asked.

"We left the cinema at 3 pm and arrived at our homes 30 minutes later" Sam answered.

"That's all the questions we have for you two" John said as he turned off the tape recorder and packed up his stuff.

"If you hear from Tucker Foley, give us a call" Judy said as she gave Danny and Sam a card each with a phone number. The two nodded and then headed for Mr Lancer's classroom.

At lunch time, Sam and Danny sat at their usual table with sad faces. Who could blame them? Their best friend is missing and they have no idea what happened to him. They continued staring down at their lunches until they noticed Valerie walking towards them, she sat down with them with her tray of food.

"Hey guys" Valerie said.

"Hey Val" Danny replied, Sam just said nothing.

"Worried about Tucker?" Valerie asked although she already knew the answer.

"Yeah. How'd you hear about it?" Danny asked.

"I just heard from the police, I told them I saw Tucker on my way back from the library" Valerie said.

"Did he say anything to you?" Sam asked.

"Only that he couldn't stop and chat, he had to head home. I'm sorry but that's all I know" Valerie answered.

"Okay thanks anyway" Sam said.

With that Valerie left the table and headed out of the cafeteria, she thought it'd be best to leave them alone. She was planning on talking to Danny about something else, but then she heard about Tucker and thought that now would not be the best time and left it at that.

Two hours later the last bell rang and everyone raced out the door and began heading home, Sam decided to go to FentonWorks with Danny so they could talk about today's events. When they arrived home Maddie was there with a plate of cookies and two cups of hot chocolate for the two teens.

"Danny, Sam I heard about what happened today and I'm so sorry to hear about Tucker. Mrs Foley was over here while you two were at school and told me everything" Maddie explained while placing the tray down in the living room.

"Thanks mum, I appreciate it. Where's dad?" Danny asked.

"The police asked him to go with them to see if there was any trace that a ghost might've been involved with Tucker's disappearance" Maddie answered.

Maddie then removed her apron and grabbed her handbag from the coat hanger and headed towards the door.

"I'm just going to the grocery store, I'll be back soon. Danny when Sam leaves, I think it might be best for you to walk her home" Maddie said.

"Okay mum" Danny said and then Maddie left the house.

"I just don't understand how Tucker could disappear like that" Danny said as he put his hands on his forehead.

"I don't get it either. There hadn't been any ghost attacks for the rest of the weekend and Tucker would've called if there was one" Sam said.

"Yeah. I don't think this is ghost related" Danny said.

"What are gonna do Danny?" Sam asked with concern.

"There's nothing we can do except wait and see what the police say. I know that sounds stupid but it's the best option we have" Danny answered, but then Sam's mobile went off.

"Hello... I'm at Danny's......I should be home soon......Yes I won't leave alone.....Bye" Sam said into the phone and then hung up.

"It was my mum, she wants me home soon" Sam said as the door opened and Jazz walked through the door.

"Hey guys" Jazz said.

"Hey Jazz. Can you please give me and Sam a lift to her place?" Danny asked.

"No problem" Jazz answered and went back to the car with Sam and Danny following her.

The drive to Sam's place was in silence, it didn't take too long to reach her house. Danny opened the car door for her and walked her to the door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you on patrol tonight?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, it's probably best if you stay home for a few nights. I can handle it Sam" Danny answered.

"Okay, I'm worried though. Tucker's out there somewhere and who knows what's happening to him" Sam said.

"We'll find him Sam. I won't let anything happen to either of you, I promise" Danny said before grabbing her hands.

They looked into each other's eyes and found they couldn't stop staring at each other, after a few seconds they stopped and blushed deep red. They then said their goodbyes and she watched Danny and Jazz leave the driveway, she headed inside and was greeted by her family, she was surprised that her parents even cared about what happened to Tucker. Later that night, she went out the backyard to get some fresh air, but then she heard a rustling noise in the bushes and then quietly she walked over to investigate. She pulled the bushes apart and found nothing there, she shook her head and turned around, but the next thing she knew she felt a slight prick in her shoulder, she looked at it and saw it was some sort of dart.

She began to feel dizzy, then drowsy and before she knew it she collapsed and darkness clouded her mind. The stranger picked her up and removed one of her wristbands, he then left it on the garden and began to fly off.

"That was easy" The stranger said.


Danny had just got back from patrolling the city, he would've been happy about the fact that there were no ghost attacks if he wasn't thinking about Tucker's disappearance. It just wasn't like him to vanish like that, he flew into his and room and finished his homework for English. He was about to go to bed when his mum entered the room.

"Danny, I need to tell you something" Maddie said.

"Uh sure mum, what's up?" Danny asked as he sat down on the bed with her.

"Danny because Tucker went missing, I want you to call me when you arrive at school and then call me when you leave, it'll put my mind at ease" Maddie explained.

Danny looked at her and then nodded in understanding, they both shared a hug and then Maddie left the room. A few minutes later Jack opened the door.

"Good night Danny" Jack said.

"Night dad. Hey did you or the police find anything out yet?" Danny asked before he left.

"Well I scanned Tucker's room with my new invention, the Ecto-Tracer 5000. The device is able to detect even the smallest hint of ectoplasmic energy anywhere, we couldn't find anything in Tucker's room. Sorry son" Jack said.

"It's okay dad, see you in the morning" Danny said as he hopped in his bed. Jack then nodded and left the room, closing the door.

Danny fell asleep a few minutes later, thinking of Tucker.


Danny awoke again to the sound of his alarm clock, he got dressed and headed down the stairs. When he went into the kitchen, he saw his parents talking with Officers John and Judy.

"What's going on?" Danny asked.

"Danny, these two officers want to talk to you. I'm sorry honey but, Sam's gone missing" Maddie

"WHAT?!" Danny yelled.

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