If We Could Only Turn Back Ti...

By imleyi

34.8K 185 75

Veronica Dawn is an eighteen year- old girl from London. She is an only child and she's living with a single... More

Part 1 /THE Zayn Malik?! ♥
Part 2 /Breakfast With The Lads ♥
Part 4 / Officialy Yours ♥
Part 5 / Tragedy || He Said It Back ♥
Part 6 / Safe N' Sound ♥
Part 7 / Fun ♥
Part 8 / That Shooting Star ♥
Part 9 / Felt Like A Normal Day ♥
Part 10 / On Tour, Eh? ♥
Part 11 / Knackered | Clumsy Ron ♥
Part 12 / KIDS ♥
Part 13 / Meeting Dave... ♥
Part 14 / Doniya Ü ♥
Part 15 / A Little Drama ♥
Author's Msg.

Part 3 / Bonding With Eleanor | Dinner With The Lads | Moment With Zayn ♥

2.3K 13 3
By imleyi

[Author's Note: So, here's Part 3. 'Cause I thought you'd be bored with Part 2 due to its shortness. Haha. So, enjoy Part 3. READ. VOTE. COMMENT. Be a FAN. THANKYOU THANKYOU. xx


/Sunday Morning

                It’s sunny, but it’s kinda cold. What a weather we have today, huh? I decided to have a warm bath. I wish I could just stay for more minutes there, but I can’t. Today, I’ll be meeting the Eleanor Calder. I’m sad because Danielle can’t come yet. Liam told me she’s still busy on her job.

                I walked out the bathroom. I wore my white blouse and covered with my purple varsity jacket, my denim skinny jeans, and my black flats. I blow dried my hair and put it on a ponytail. I put on a little eyeliner and mascara. It’s 11:45. Eleanor would be here any minute. So I grabbed my phone and put it in my purse with my money and my key then went downstairs. The doorbell suddenly rang. That might be her. I opened the door and she gave me the cutest smile ever. Then she gave me a friendly hug. ‘Awe. How nice. We just met but it felt like we were already best friends.’ I thought to myself. As we both pulled away from the hug, I gave her a smile.

Eleanor: Hi Ronnie. Nice to finally meet you.

Me: Nice to finally meet you, too. And he is right. You are so beautiful.

Eleanor: Who’s he?

Me: Louis. [Smiled]

Eleanor: Oh [Giggles] you’re very gorgeous. You could be a model someday.

Me: Well. Oh. [I am so speechless] How?

Eleanor: I could mentor you someday. You’ll have a gorgeous future. We’ll find out soon. So, let’s go now.

                By the way, Eleanor is wearing a pink maxi dress. She matched it with her white wedged 4-inch heels. Gorgeous model I’m with today, huh. Haha. The dress was just simple but she made it look so fabulous. Beautiful.

Me: C’mon. [I smiled]

                We called a cab and she told the driver where to go.

At the shop~ Oh my gosh. I don’t know what to pick. All clothes were beautiful. And expensive. I can’t pick. So Eleanor decided she’ll just pick for me. Then, after a few minutes of scanning dresses, she finally found the perfect one that attracted my eyes the most. It was a purple cocktail mid- thigh silk dress. It was beautiful. She matched it with black pumps and black purse. It was perfect.

Me: By the way, Eleanor, it’s so not that casual. Why?

Eleanor: Well, sorry. I can’t tell you. I promised Zayn I won’t.

Me: Ugh. Please? [I gave her my puppy dog eyes]

Eleanor: Your puppy dog eyes are cute but I’m really sorry, Ron.

Me: [I sighed then giggled] Fine.

Eleanor: Good. Oh we should be ready before 6 PM, okay?

Me: Okay.

Eleanor: C’mon now. I’ll pay these and let’s go grab a coffee out.

                So, she paid all things we bought. I told her I could pay it but she insisted that she’ll pay it. Then we went at Starbucks for a mini- stop. Then she went home to get her dress. She’ll get ready at my house. She’ll also do my hair and makeup, that’s what she told me.

At Starbucks~

Me: You know Eleanor, I had fun with you today. I owe you a l-

Eleanor: It’s no problem Ronnie. [She giggled]

Me: Are you sure? Because you bought expensive clothes and shoes for me.

Eleanor: Yep. I am. [She looked at her phone] Oh. Time to go now. You need to rest. Then I’ll come to your house by maybe 5:10 okay?

Me: Sure. Let’s go get a cab now.

Eleanor: C’mon.

                So we went out the shop and hired a cab. She said her address and I said mine. Before going down the cab she hugged me.

Eleanor: I’ll see you later.

Me: See you later, too. [Smiled]

                She got out the cab and waved her hand, then she gave me a flying kiss. I blew her one, too.

I smiled leaning back on my seat. After a few minutes, I arrived home. I unlocked the door, opened, and then closed it again. I went upstairs holding my dress and my heels. I put them on my bed. I looked at my phone to check what time was. It’s already 3:30. Wow. I had a long day with Eleanor. Whoa. So I took a quick 10- minute bath. I went out the bathroom on my robe. I’ll wear my dress later. Then I received a text from Zayn saying “I’ll see you by 6 PM, love. x – Zayn “

                Eleanor came in the house, holding a grey cutout one shoulder sleeveless mid-thigh length cocktail dress. It was simple. But I know when she wears that, it’ll look hot.

Me: Hey Eleanor. How come you use simple clothes but when you wear them you make them look so hot? [I giggled]

Eleanor: [She laughed] Well, I don’t really know. By the way, you should dress up. I’ll do your hair and makeup. C’mon. Let’s go to your room.

Me: Let’s go. And oh, I’ll just do my hair while you do your makeup.

Eleanor: If you insist. [She smiled]

                I walked upstairs, followed by Eleanor. Maybe she and Louis will have a date tonight, too. Sweet. So, Eleanor wore her dress. Then sat down my bed and did her makeup. While I turned on the curling iron. I curled my hair. After minutes of doing my hair, Eleanor did my makeup after she did hers.

Eleanor: Close your eyes. Don’t peek. Trust me. You’ll be more gorgeous.

Me: [Giggles] Okay.

                Then I closed my eyes and let Eleanor do her magic. Then, after maybe five minutes of Danielle doing my makeup, she told me I can open my eyes now. I turned around to face the mirror. A girl with a curly brown hair, she’s 5 feet and 7 inches tall. She has silver-y and lavender eye shadows, light rouge and shiny lips. She was mimicking me. Oh. That was me. Well, Eleanor did a great job making me look like a girl. Lmao.

Me: Eleanor, oh my gosh. Thanks so much.

Eleanor: [Giggles] No problem, doll.

                I gave her a hug, and she hugged back. Then, the doorbell rang.

Eleanor: I’ll go get it.

Me: No. I’ll go ge-

Eleanor: No. I’ll go get it. Wait ‘til I call out your name.

                So, Eleanor went downstairs, didn’t even wait for my response. I hear guy voices. That must be them. Eleanor then called out my name. I am so nervous. I grabbed my phone and key and put it in my black purse. I slowly walked down the stairs. I looked at them. I then saw five guys’ jaws dropped.

Me: [I giggled] Hey. They’ll catch flies. So shut it.

Niall: Well, hello there beautiful [Then tapped Zayn’s shoulder then smiles]

Louis: Is that you, Ronnie? [Still shocked while his hand intertwined with Eleanor]

Me: Erm... Yes. Ha-ha. I looked like a girl tonight. Thanks to your very gorgeous girlfriend.

                I looked at Eleanor who is recently blushing. I giggled. I just realized, Harry and Zayn were just staring. When Zayn realized it too, so he decided to break the silence.

Zayn: Erm… Hi Ronnie. [He came near me and whispered-] You look so beautiful. [Then pulled back]

Me: [I blushed a bit] Well, you don’t look bad yourself. [Then smiled]

Zayn: So, have any idea where are we going?

Me: Nope. Why can’t you tell me?

Zayn: Nu-uh. It’ll ruin the surprise. So, c’mon let’s go if you wanna know.

Me: Fine.

Zayn: Let’s go guys.

                We went out the house and locked it. So, Niall and Liam went in Harry’s Range Rover. While I and Zayn went in Lou’s Lamborghini with Eleanor on the front seat.

Zayn: Erm… by the way put this on please.

                He pulled a blindfold and handed it to me. I didn’t ask anymore because I know he won’t tell me. So, I put it on.

Zayn: Thank you.

                I felt a hand entwined with mine. I squeezed it gently. It’s Zayn’s.

Zayn: You won’t mind, right?

Me: Nah. It’s- erm… okay. Hey. How come your hand is so warm?

Zayn: [Chuckles] maybe because I’m hot?

Me: [Laughed] Funny. Err- uh. Lou? What’s up?

Louis: [Joked] I’m making out with Eleanor. [Laughed] OBVIOUSLY, darling, DRIVING.

Me: Ha- Ha- Ha.

                 We all laughed inside the car… After a few- minute drive, Louis pulled off. Zayn let go of my hand. I heard car doors open. I also heard Eleanor said “Thank you, Lou”. Then, someone grabbed my hand.

Zayn: Hold my hand, doll.

                I went out the car and stood up. The blindfold is still covering my eyes, until Zayn took it off. I slowly opened my eyes and saw that we’re at a restaurant. I felt electricity ran down to my spine as Zayn put his left arm behind by my waist.

                So, we went it and they went to the table where the other lads are, as well as Eleanor. We ate, talked and laughed and talked. I had a good time with them. Zayn whispered something to me.

Zayn: Wait after this. We’re going somewhere.

Me: [Giggles] Erm, okay. [Smiled]

Zayn: Mind if you put the blindfold again later in the car?

                I just smiled then nodded… So, after eating, I and Zayn said our goodnights and goodbyes to them. Ugh. Where do we go next? I don’t know. So Eleanor went in the car, so as Lou, me, and Zayn. I put the blindfold on me again… After few minutes of driving, the car stopped and Zayn opened the door beside him. He pulled me, holding my hand. I went out the car, Zayn holding my hand and my waist, guiding me. Before he closed the car door, he said “Goodbye to you both and Goodnight”, to Lou and Eleanor. I heard Lou and Eleanor said “Bye. Goodnight.” In unison.

                The car drove off. My eyes are still covered with the blindfold. Zayn held my hand and he put an arm around my waist. I felt the cold breeze around me. I felt grass on my feet. [Yes. ‘Cause I took off the pumps I was wearing. Lmao] Then we stopped walking. Zayn took off the blindfold gently. I slowly opened my eyes. I saw a bench, a pond, a blanket laid on the grass under the stars and the moonlight. The view was beautiful. I realized that we’re just at the park near our house when I turned around to face Zayn. I giggled. Zayn held my hand and we lay down on the blanket.

Zayn: So?

Me: So? [I mimicked]

Zayn: Like it?

Me: Love. [I smiled]

Zayn: Good. Erm, uh, Ron?

Me: Yep? [Popping the ‘P’]

Zayn: Can I tell and ask you something?

Me: Yes. What is it? [I smiled even though he can’t see it]

Zayn: Err- uh, Wait. Never mind. I’ll just ask you next time instead. I think you’ll think that it’s kinda too fast.

Me: What? I don’t get you? [I sat up]

Zayn: See, I-I like you, Ronnie. You know, even though we just met each other a few days ago, I felt like we know each other for a long time the first time I saw you.

Me: … [Pauses for a few seconds] You see, Err, Uh, I l-like you, too. [Chuckled]

                 I saw Zayn was just speechless. He blushed. It was so cute that it made me giggle.

Zayn: What?

Me: You’re blushing. [I smirked]

Zayn: No I am not.

Me: Liar. Ha- Ha.

Zayn: Whatever.

Me: [I mimicked] whatever. [I chuckled]

                So, we just talked. I felt cold. I put my arms around me. Maybe Zayn saw me, because he gave me his coat. [Author’s Note: Did I mention Zayn is wearing a tux? No? Well, now I mentioned it. Ha-ha]

Me: Thank. [I smiled]

Zayn: No problem, doll.

                Then, after a few seconds, we became silent. So I broke it.

Me: You know, that’s what I felt about you, too. We just met the other day but it felt like we know each other for a long time.

                Zayn smiled, and then he turns to face me.

Zayn: The feelings are mutual, then. [Smirked]

Me: Yes. So?

Zayn: What?

Me: What now?

Zayn: Think we could give it a try? [He gave me a questioning look]

Me: Err, so if it goes well…

Zayn: Yes. [Smiles]

Me: Uh, okay.

Zayn: So, you’re my, you know…

Me: Errm, yes. But we’re just still giving it a try.

Zayn: But you’re still gonna be my girl even if we’re just still giving it a try. [Smirked]

Me: Whatever.

Zayn: [Mimicked me] whatever. [Chuckles]

Me: Hey. It’s 8:30. Let’s go home.

Zayn: Sure. Let’s walk you home.

                I smiled. Zayn stood up first. He helped me to stand up. Then, [maybe] because of my heavy weight, Zayn, helping a heavy girl to stand up was a failure. My hands slid away from Zayn’s that I almost fell. Good thing he caught my back. I had accidentally put arms around his neck. It’s getting sooooooooo awkward. He locked eyes with me. His face was just a few inches away from mine. He looked at my lips. I felt his warm breath on my cheek. I can smell his scent. Then, his soft lips crashed softly onto mine. My heart stopped beating. I again felt electricity run down my spine. I pulled away after a few seconds. He pulled me so I could stand straight. And we both smiled.

Zayn: Well, that was-

Me: Awkward.

Zayn: [Smiles] Yeah.

Me: [I giggled]

                He walked me home, holding my hand… After a few minutes of walking, I’m in front of my front door already. Time flies fast, eh? I unlocked it, I was about to come it when Zayn pulled my hand and hugged me. My eyes widened. But it felt so right. I felt so protected and safe when I’m near Zayn. He was so warm. I felt him kissed the top of my head.

Zayn: Goodnight, doll. I’ll text you later.

Me: Goodnight, too. And sure.

                I let go of Zayn. Going in the house looking at him walking with his hands in his side pockets towards his house. I gently closed the front door of mine when I saw him going in his house. I went upstairs, I changed my clothes into my PJ’s. I removed my makeup from my face, and then I tied my hair to a messy bun.

                I crashed onto my bed. I then received two messages. One from Zayn, the other one from Eleanor.

~ “How did your date went, love? x – Eleanor” | “Had fun with u, Ron. Goodnight n thanks. x –Zayn”

' “It was great El. HBU and Louis? –Ron” | “Me, too. Gnite. x =] – Ron”

~ “It went great, too. So, goodnight now, love. Talk to you on Sat. xx – Eleanor”

                I locked my phone, put it on the table beside my bed. I turned off the light I covered myself with a duvet. And then I slept with a smile on my face.

End Of Part 3~

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