Part 10 / On Tour, Eh? ♥

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[Author's Note: OMYGOSH. I've seen a lot of mistakes on the other parts. Well, that's because I'm copying it on my notebook and I've made a little changes while typing it. I've read it on my phone and so, I EDITED some of it yesterday. Sorry if you got all confused on the story. So, here's Part 10. I won't post Part 11 until I've seen some CHANGES. Like, COMMENTS. I just want your opinions. If you wanna vote, FEEL FREE TO DO IT. Sorry. It's just that I feel UNsatistied a little. CRAZY but TRUE. But I won't bite. Lmao. Sorry my lovely readers. BTW. I decided that Ronnie looks like her -on the right- She has a long dark brown hair and green eyes. Know who she is? She's Jessica Serfaty on ANTM Cycle 14. Supposedly, Ronnie has BLUE eyes. I can't look for the RIGHT girl for that. So I changed it. There's RONNIE. <:  xx Leiann]

I woke up with my face facing the sun. I frowned a bit and faced the other side and saw Zayn still sleeping. ‘He’s so cute when he sleeps’, I thought to myself. I just realized when I faced him, a pillow was between me and him. Maybe he put it before going to sleep last night.

                I slowly stood up and walked to my bag [where I put my clothes in whenever we have a sleepover] then in the bathroom. After a 20-minute bath, I put on my clothes, I was wearing my black blouse with “LOVE” printed in front, and my white skinny jeans and my flip flops. I combed my hair and then I went downstairs. I saw the other lads eating cereal in the dining area.

Me: Good morning, lads.

                I smiled and they all said “Good morning” in unison. Then Niall asked me if I wanted to join eating with them.

Me: Thanks, Niall. But I’ll just wait for Zayn.

                Then I jumped as someone put arms around my waist and rested a chin on my shoulder.

Zayn: No need to wait, love. [Chuckled]

Me: You sneaky boy. C’mon, let’s join them.

                So I and Zayn grabbed our bowls poured milk and cereal in it and sat down beside the lads… After eating, Liam decided he’ll just wash the dishes. All went to the living room then Liam’s phone began ringing. He wiped his wet hands to a towel and answered it. I followed Zayn who is walking towards the living room. I sat down beside Niall and then came Zayn. He put his arm around my shoulder. I wasn’t really focusing on the TV. I was focusing on what Liam was saying. Sneaky, huh?

Liam: Hello?... Hey… Yes… We’re having a great vacation… What? Tomorrow? [Sighed]… Erm, okay… I’ll go tell the boys… Bye Uncle Si.

                After Liam washing the dishes he walked towards to us.

Liam: Guys, Uncle Si just called me.

Zayn: Why did he call?

Liam: He said we should leave tomorrow because we’re going on tour again for two months.

Zayn: Tomorrow? Two months?

Me: Oh. Okay.

                I looked down and just started to fiddle my fingers.

Zayn: Wait. Can we join Ronnie with us?

Me: What?

Liam: Let’s ask Uncle Si.

Me: Me? Join on tour?

Zayn: Yes. You could be at the backstage or the front row. Security will protect you.

                Then, I saw Liam on the phone again.

Liam: Uncle Si? Could we ask if we could join one friend on tour?... Zayn’s girlfriend… Okay. Thank you…

If We Could Only Turn Back Time~ [Zayn Malik Love Story |1D Fan Fiction]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon