Part 9 / Felt Like A Normal Day ♥

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[Author's Note: I tried my best to fight my laziness just so I could post this part. Read? Vote? Comment? Keep fanning. <: Here's Part 9, my babes. xxLeiann]

/ The Next Day

                I woke up with a smile on my face, remembering what all happened last night. It was really the best night of my whole life. I can’t get over it… I got up my bed, walked to my wardrobe and picked some clothes, then walked in the bathroom. After thirty good minutes, I exited the bathroom then blow dried my hair. I looked at my full- length mirror. I was wearing my red varsity jacket with a letter “R” on it then my skinny jeans. I put on mascara on my lashes but only a little. Then I grabbed my phone and started to take some pictures of myself in front of the mirror. I posted one photo on Instagram. “@IAmVeronica: Good morning. <:” and then I tweeted it. Then some people started RT-ing it. I smiled and went downstairs to eat cereal... While I was eating my cereal, I got a text message from Zayn.

>> Hey, gorgeous wearing a red vj. [; - Zayn

<< Haha. Good morning. x – Ron

>> Good morning, too. [: x – Zayn

<< Whatcha doin’? – Ron

>> Watching Tv alone. The lads went out. U? – Zayn

<< Eating. You're alone? Wanna go somewhere after I eat breakfast? – Ron

>> Sure. Where? [: - Zayn

‘ Thinking…’ << McDonald’s. :D – Ron

>> Sure. I’ll see you there, love. Text me back if you’re done.– Zayn

                I smiled and continued eating my cereal… After a few minutes, I’ve finished eating, I washed the bowl and drank water. I went back upstairs to grab my wallet thenI texted back Zayn, telling him we could go now. I then went back downstairs. Gosh, I’m tired. <;

<< Done, love. Let’s go? – Ron

>> Kk. Wait x – Zayn

                I waited. And After a few seconds, he rang the doorbell. I opened the door and saw a smiling Zayn.

Me: Hi!

Zayn: Hello, love. So, let’s go now?

I nodded and closed the door. We just walked. It isn’t that far from our house. It was fun walking with Zayn. It wasn’t awkward. We were talking about random things. Good thing no paps are around. But one fan saw us. I was looking at her [but she was looking at Zayn] and she stopped walking and her eyes widened.

Girl: Wait. Are you Zayn?

Zayn: Yes, love.

Girl: And you are Veronica, right? [Facing me]

Me: Errrm, yes.

Girl: Oh my gosh. Would you mind if we take pictures? Please? I love One Direction.

Me: What’s your name, by the way?

Girl: My name is Chloe. [Smiled while giving me her phone]

                I chuckled and she gave me her phone then I took a picture of them. I smiled and gave back her phone.

Me: Here’s your phone, Chloe.

Chloe: Thanks. Err, one last favor please?

Me: What is it? [Smiled]

Chloe: Can we take a picture? The both of us?

Me: Erm, Sure?

                She gave her phone to Zayn and took a photo of us. She said her thank you and goodbye to us, and then we started to walk again. After a few minutes, we were already at McDonald’s. We bought two large fries and coke… After eating, I and Zayn decided to go back home [at Zayn’s] and spend the day together. The other lads aren’t at home. They went to then-know-where. Zayn doesn’t even know. He told me when he woke up the boys aren’t at home. Silly lads. I even texted Lou but he didn’t reply back. So, never mind.

                I woke up lying on the couch, snuggled to Zayn. I looked at my phone to check the time and it was already 8:13PM. I’ve fallen asleep, as well as Zayn. Sheeez. And I also noticed that the boys were already home. I saw Niall sitting on the single couch.

Niall: Hello there sleepy head Ronnie.

Me: Hi. What time have you lads arrived?

Niall: Just a few minutes ago.

Me: Oh. Erm, okay.

Niall: There’s dinner at the table.

Me: Thank you, Nialler.

Niall: Welcome, doll. Hey, I’m gonna go upstairs now. I’m knackered.

Me: [Chuckled] Okay. Sleep well. Good night.

                Niall went upstairs and I sat up. Then here came Louis.

Louis: Hi, Ronnie-bunny! Is it cute? I made a nickname for you!

Me: [Smiled] that’s a cute nickname, Lou. Thanks.

Louis: Want a carrot, Ron? [Asked handing me one]

Me: No, Thanks, Boo Bear.

Louis: Okay. Bye. [He said while munching a carrot then walked away]

                I woke Zayn up telling him to go eat dinner with me. He sat up, stretched, yawned then stood up. Then he fixed his hair a little. We walked in the dining area and ate the spaghetti. We’re so straved that we just realized we ate it all. Haha. Lmao. After eating, I put our plates in the sink. I drank my iced tea and followed Zayn to the living room. I sat beside him and he put his arm on my shoulder then we watched Tv… asdfghjkl

                I felt someone lifting me. Then I heard a door opened then closed it. And then I was laid down a bed and covered me with a duvet. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Zayn taking his hoodie off, leaving his white shirt on. I almost forgot I wasn’t on MY house. I’m at Zayn’s.

Me: Erm, Zayn. [I slowly sat up] Sorry for bothering you, ‘cause of dragging me here. Guess I’ll go home now.

                I stood up but Zayn said “No”

Zayn: It’s okay. Just go sleep again. I don’t want you walking to the dark streets at this kind of time.

I looked at my phone and saw the time, 11:36PM. He sat down the bed and I sat beside him.

Me: Okay.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. He stood up and got something beneath his wardrobe. Two duvets then he laid it down the floor beside his bed. He grabbed a pillow on his bed and put it down on the bed. I gave him a confused look and he just smirked.

Me: What are you doing?

Zayn: Getting ready to sleep. Why?

Me: Well, there’s this thing called bed.

Zayn: Well, is it okay with you? You see there’s only one bed. 

Me: One big bed.

Zayn: [Chuckled]

Me: Come here then. On the bed. I don’t want to see you sleeping on the cold floor just because of me. And hey, I promise not to move a lot. 

Zayn: Awe. [Smiled] Sweet. [Then smirked]

Me: Whatever. Go to sleep now.

Zayn: Good night, love. [Kissed the top of my head]

Me: Good night, Zayn.

                I then laid back down the bed but not facing Zayn, covered myself with the duvet. I thought to myself, ‘It felt like a normal day with a normal boyfriend today. It's different to my past life before I met Zayn and the four other lads though.’ And then let myself drift off to sleep.

End of Part 9~

If We Could Only Turn Back Time~ [Zayn Malik Love Story |1D Fan Fiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora