The Stone Sorceress

By ErosIII

15K 349 37

Eros is sent to find the princess when he happens across a sanguinary mage on an evil crusade. He resolves to... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4-5
Chapter 6-7
Chapter 8-9
Chapter 10-11
Chapter 12-13
Chapter 14-15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18-19
Chapter 20-21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 - 29
Chapter 30 - 31
Chapter 32 - 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - 38
Chapter 39 - 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 2

846 13 3
By ErosIII

Chapter 2

Eros felt that the neighbouring kingdom, and ancient enemy of Hyperion were responsible - Lemuria. The two had been in and out of war since history began. Despite enjoying a prolonged period of peace, the present king, Aavak took a hostile stance, provocative and aggressive in his foreign policy. The talk of both realms was that he courted war, but for what purpose none knew. After witnessing the mass execution at Lynx, Eros realised that Aavak would have his war. The young cavalier, because he was so honorable, because he was so noble, was all the more offended by what he saw - the baseness of that slaughter, the torture of his captain, the murder of the cinder girl. Anger began to consume him.

Odin, Eros and Thanatos's mentor, a tall slender man with blanched hair and almost elven features, a man reputed to be unmatched in swordplay, was worried, and, when he noticed that his protege had not been sighted for many days, he had recourse to Thanatos. Odin held him by the forearm, and said, "He needs you now." Hyperion stood to lose one of its finest. With war hanging over the kingdom, that wasn't an option.

One day Eros lay in bed with a terrible fever, his blouse was covered in sweat. Thanatos dabbed his brow with a damp flannel, and scanned him head to toe. His friend was terribly pale, and his sickly eyes looked up at him, "The little girl...I see her."

Thanatos begged him to rest, and exited Eros's parlour, shutting the door behind him. He shut his eyes, massaged his brow, and sighed. This was a malady he couldn't conquer with a sword. So he turned to Celia, Eros's girlfriend, sneaking her into the academy grounds, and Eros's apartments. But it broke her heart to not recognise the man lying there. Thanatos begged her to remain, which she did, nursing Eros through his night terrors. Her soft skin, and young lips soothed the fire that burned in Eros's chest, but they didn't extinguish it.

Then one day Thanatos heard shouting; he rushed into the room to see Celia screaming, Eros in his nightgown – hallucinating – he'd gone mad. Thanatos rushed forth, and calmed him; Celia trembled, crying as she left.

A few weeks after this incident, Thanatos pounded on Eros's door. He heard shuffled steps, the door creaked open. Eros looked ill when he slumped back into his armchair.

Thanatos said entering, "The results are out."

"I don't care."

"I know it's Lemuria you're pre-occupied with," Thanatos stood before Eros in a dark stuffy room, "But if you are to be called upon to fight, it's necessary that you pass." Eros looked up from an armchair that he hadn't appeared to have left for a month. Thanatos continued, "There will be a war, that is what they discuss in secret." Thanatos smiled, "And we must be ready. What justice can you exact so pale and thin, sat in that chair?"

Eros was silent; he looked at the drapes that were drawn. It was true that he hid like some beast in a cave. He thought his friend was right, he was no good to anyone in this state, and for the first time in weeks, he went outside.

They headed for the academy hall, where a great parchment hung. On it, in perfect hand, was inscribed each student's name and beside it their grade. A furious tumult was taking place like a stormy sea the students swirled around, using their elbows and shoulders to shove their way to the front.

Yuki emerged out the back of the ruckus, with rosy cheeks and a seductive smile she said, "A*"

Thanatos replied, "Well done, it's a fine grade."

She shook with joy, "Thank you, will I see you at the ball?"

"Of course." He saw that she was really asking Eros not him, "He'll be there too, so long as he passes."

Yuki laughed thinking it a joke, after all, how could he possibly fail?

They moved through the bodies, the gunslinger and mage were at the front, Thanatos heard, 'AA, a fine grade Sabriel.' And 'AA* Typhon.'

Then they turned, as if sensing Eros and Thanatos behind them. Sabriel said, "Ah! Eros, I haven't seen you since the mission." She hesitated at the hunched man, whose countenance was gloomy, his whole physiognomy changed, "How are you?"

"Fine," he mumbled. Typhon and Sabriel looked to Thanatos, who gestured for them not to press the matter further.

Sabriel shook her head and started over, "What grades have you scored? I am AA, Typhon AA*. You will do well to best that." She crossed her arms, her countenance radiant, but then it darkened because the quartet had all located Thanatos's name, and saw the grade marked next to it. It was a AAA*, not even Odin had obtained such a mark. Sabriel was aghast, "There must be some mistake?" She appealed to Typhon.

"There's no mistake," Thanatos said, "See there – right next to my name - it says AAA*" He laughed. "But don't worry, we're on the same side." She rolled her eyes, he continued, "And I see Eros too has scored a AAA*." He patted his friend on the back, "If there is to be a war, he will be in it."

Parting salutations were exchanged, and the pair left.

Eros returned directly to his room, plunging back into a revery. Thanatos took the opportunity to elope around the academy grounds. He would be a soldier soon; his duty would take him on countless campaigns. Life in the academy would cease to be, forever confined to the past. Only his fond remembrances could ever revive it. It saddened him to think that he would have to say goodbye to his home; everything he'd worked for had taken him further away from the things that he loved.

With a heavy stride he walked through the gardens, glanced over the training grounds, saw the arts academy buildings in the distance. He walked the corridors, glancing in at the classrooms. Collapsing into his seat, he looked at the empty chair next to him. That was where Eros sat. The classroom was vacant; he remained here all afternoon – alone with his thoughts.

The graduation ball was a momentous occasion, the late night soiree marked the commencement of a new chapter in each student's lives, upon the striking of midnight, they ascended to their destined professions. The event was a remembrance of the past, the lives the students had led up to that moment, but it too was a looking glass to the future, and the mysterious wonder it held in store for them.

Eros said that he would not go of course, that he wasn't in the mood. Thanatos thought he would try him one last time; he rasped at Eros's door.

Thanatos wore a dark ensemble, an opaque suit, and shirt. His newly polished boots shone, his ink black hair glistened. He adjusted his cravat in the mirror, and smiled at the ravishing chevalier staring back. A lost angel would think that she'd found her way, that she was in heaven, but really she would only be looking into Thanatos's face.

The door swung open, there stood Eros. He was dressed in his finest; he too wore a dark suit, but had underneath a white silken blouse.

Thanatos took a step back, and said, "I thought you weren't coming."

"I crave a distraction, I can't forever remain within these four walls."

Thanatos was jocular inside, he couldn't help but let it play upon his expression, "It wouldn't have been the same without you," he said.

It was dusk, the two walked along the streets when Thanatos said, "I was reminiscing earlier." Eros looked at him. "I'm going to miss this place, I didn't realise how fond of it I was."

Eros's mind had been elsewhere, but now that he considered it, he too was saddened. From off the streets, the two orphans had found a home, even a father in Odin. That was all coming to an end. Change, the unknown, it was terrifying.

They rounded the corner, the trees rustled, streetlamps flickered. They saw the Royal Exhibition Hall in all its splendour, and the people there gathered, dressed in the latest fashionable garments of the time. The young men and women conversed jovially basking in the magnificence of the occasion. The atmosphere was enchanting, rich with life; it was to this scene the young chevaliers entered.

The ceremony commenced, highly venerable persons gave their speeches, commemorating Hyperion's next generation, and alluding to what promise the future might hold. Thanatos thought speeches terribly verbose, and soon became bored. He kept a close eye on Eros, who seemed to be doing well.

At last the final moment of oratory was concluded, and the grand buffet was set. Fine cuttings of meat, roasted vegetables, fruits and cake were but a few of the entrees. A food for every taste, and of course there was wine too.

Eros and Thanatos enjoyed the repast; with full stomachs they stood, near a thoroughfare. Eros was yet a little reticent, he was not completely recovered. Thanatos meanwhile, scanned the many guests for his love; he couldn't locate her.

It was then Odin approached. He wore his military uniform; the cut accented his strong physique. In utter splendour, upon his left breast, were his military credentials. On his right arm was that peculiar insignia, unique to the greatest swordsmen in the land. It was of the two fabled swords, Montalais and Eponine. But his finest piece was the medal he wore around his neck, the Aetos Dios, the Eagle of Zeus, the highest military honour that can be bestowed for acts of valour.

"I believe congratulations are in order." Odin's face lit up, he could not have been prouder of the two young men fate had led him to, all those years ago.

Eros and Thanatos bowed, "Thankyou."

"And you both bested even my grade!" He lauded. "Enjoy this evening, you have both earned it." He concentrated his gaze upon Eros, who couldn't bare it, opting instead to look away.

Odin departed, a small crowd gathering wherever he chanced to go. Eros's eyes now followed him as he strode off, a matriarch approached his mentor, she bestowed a kiss upon him, and slipped her arm underneath his. Eros smiled, wondering what their love story was. Then he thought of Celia. They hadn't met since the frightful episode when Thanatos had had to intervene; he stared into his glass of wine.

At length he turned his eyes back about the hall.

"I believe – that - is Freya," Eros said.

Thanatos started. "Wherever so?" He followed Eros's eyes. "Ah! And who is that at her side, it's Celia."

Eros was silent. "Surely she's with another by now," he grumbled.

"Nonsense," Thanatos retorted. "See, here she comes."

Celia and Freya did indeed approach; they'd seen the two dashing men from across the room. Celia was at first reluctant, but Freya insisted. She said that Eros had recovered, that his malady was temporary, that was all.

The two ethereal beauties wore exquisite ballroom dresses. They gave their hands to the men, and received a kiss. No words needed to be spoken by Eros nor Celia; they exchanged a look, that was all. Then it was like old times. She said she hadn't come with another, how could she, "I love you." These words appeared to restore he to himself; she remarked that the magnificence, once misplaced, had returned. Eros smiled, and took her in his arms, Thanatos likewise with Freya.

Eros started from bed, clutching his head. He nursed it with his hand, trying to recall the night before. The sound of creaking floorboards caused him to turn. There was a man holding a sword, fragments of glass lay at his feet. Then, with murder in his eyes, he ran at Eros shouting in a foreign tongue.

Lemuria had invaded.

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