*COMPLETE* My Dancer |Chris B...

By simplyxtrill_

237K 6.1K 630

Serena Diamond has had a passion for dancing all her life. She got her skills from her Mother and Grandmother... More

Chapter 1- I Was Sleeping On
Chapter 2- That Devil You Call My Father
Chapter 3- Let's Go Find Out
Chapter 4- Who My Judges Were
Chapter 5- Just Watch and See
Chapter 6- Inside and Out.
Chapter 7- Enjoyed The Moment
chapter 8- Feels Nice To Say That Type Of Shit
Chapter 9- I Thought To Myself
Chapter 10- "Dad?"
Chapter 11- He Wouldn't Be Gone, If It Wasn't For Me
Chapter 12- Admiring My Beautiful Diamond Ring
Chapter 13- She Is In For A Very Big Surprise
Chapter 14.1- Honestly Wishing I Didn't
Chapter 14.2- Without Looking Back
Chapter 14.3- I'm Such A Fucking Fool
Author's Note ~~MUST BE READ LIKE FR c:~~
Chapter 16- I Need Her, I Love Her
Chapter 17- I Will Be Able To Call Her Mine Again
Chapter 18- But Did I Care? Not At All
Chapter 19- "I Love You Too."
The Characters PICTURES #LATE
-- Q&A or Nah ?? --
Chapter 20- I'm Just Starting
××Read×× Author's Note
Chapter 21-The Best Thing I've Ever Had
Chapter 22- A Big Failuar
Chapter 23- Isn't That Bad After All
! SURPRISE ! Chapter 24- They Made Love
Chapter 25- I Never See Him Again
Chapter 26- ...."
Chapter 27- "Nicki?"
Chapter 27- "Nicki?"
Chapter 28.1- Followed In The Same Footsteps
Chapter 28.2- Goodbye Serena
Chapter 29- As The Tears Freely Escaped Out
Chapter 30- Well Atleast Did
Chapter 31- Jenni Chocked Out
Chapter 32- & I Know Exactly How I'm Going To Do It
-FINAL- Chapter 33- Serena Bernice Diamond- Brown ♥
I've Made The Sequel, It Up Yo!
I've Made Another Book Yay!
I've Made 4 More Books . Woot .

Chapter 15- "Serena!?"

5.8K 143 12
By simplyxtrill_

Chapter 15- "Serena!?"

Serena Diamond

I was speeding on the freeway, driving more than the 70 speed limit. Running Red Lights, still crying feeling like shit so un-special, I am so stupid for thinking that Chris was the one for me, he's a celebrity and I'm just a girl from Alabama. I should have know that I was just a game to him. He never loved me nor gave a fuck about me. I really love Chris, but I don't know If I can ever forgive him or take him back. I was cut out of my thought when my phone rang. I ignored it knowing it was Chris, but It went off again I looked down to see who it was and it was Honey. I was just about to anwser it but I heard distant honking, cars infront of me swerve, I looked up to see bright ass headlights from a pick up truck heading towrds me, I tried moving back but It was to late. It was like life somehow got taken away from me bit by bit. I could hear my phone ringing, glass shattering, sirins, but the sounding of things began to fade away, blood dripping from somewhere. Soon enough I blacked out.

Honey Cociane

I took a break from the dancing and shit, damn I'm tired. This party was live as fuck man. I took a sip of my drink, then began to notice that I haven't seen Serena in a while. 'Where the hell did she go?' I thought to myself. I sat my drink down and asked Shannka the girl we were dancing with, if she has seen her, but she said no. I went in the crowed to look for Chyna. I'd seen a girl wearing these tight bright gold leggings twearking with some random butt ugly ass guy. I knew from the top of my head that it was Chyna. I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder. She turned around all drunk and wasted, fuck now I'm going to have to deal with her annoying shit.

I dragged her out of the crowd.

"What the fuck Sochitta! I was having fun." She yelled, then laughed. Well at least she knows who I am.

"Shut Up." I paused. "Have you seen Serena?" I added.

"No..... why? What happened to her?"

"I don't even know, I can't find her."

"Have you tried c--calling hherrr?" She slured, burbed, then laughed. Crack head. I took my phone out and dialed her number. It rang for the full maxium then went to voicemail. I stared to get worried. I called again, she still didn't pick up. This is really strange because she always picks up. I was about to call her again but instead I recived one from her, which sent a good air of releive in me.


"Hello, is this Ms. Sochitta." A man said, wtf.

"Yes, this is she. Uhmm were is Serena, and who is this?" I asked trying to keep calm.

"I am Officer Bill, It looked here, that Ms. Diamond has gotten into a serious car accident near Rillgrove Road on 67th av--"

"Wait! Accident?!"

"I'm affraid s--"

"Which hospital?"

"Mary Reed Grove."

"Thank You." I just hung up. I didnt know what the fuck to do. I dragged Chyna by her arm outside so we could go to the hospital.

"Where is she?" Chyna asked.

"In the hospital!" I paniced.

"What!!" She yelled. I just ignored here and started the car. Praying and hoping that Serena lives.

Chris Brown

I was still in the same exact room at the party crying and regretting the shit I did to Serena, if only she would talk to me, I really love her, I hope she takes me ba-- I was cut off of my thougts when my phone rang. I looked at it to see that it was Serena. Yes. Oh my, she's calling me, I hope we can work this out. I picked up.


"Hello is this Mr. Brown." A man asked.. wtf?

"Yes this is he, who are you are you and were is Serena." I semi-yelled.

"This is Officer Bill, Ms. Serena Diamond has gotten into a very serious Car accident on RillGrove Road on 67th avenue, and was rushed to the hospital" He said, and I began to panick like a bitch.

"What Hospital please." I asked on the verge of tears.

"Mary Reed Grove hospital."

"Thank you." I hung up. This shit is all of my fault. If I wasn't as stupid, My baby wouldn't be in this situation.



I reached the hospital as fast as I could, I spotted the resceptionist. I was just about to ask her what room Serena was in but I heard a familiar sniffling noise to my left. I turned and saw Chyna sleeping.. of course, and Honey crying with her face in her palms.

"Chitta?" Thats her nickname I gave her.

She looked up at me. "Chris." She said than ran to me for a hug. We embraced the hug for a while until we both pulled away.

"Where is Serena. How is she

What room is she in?" I asked.

"I don't know, the docter that's treating her keeps walking by, I ask him what's happening, but he dosn't say shit." She said, getting fustrated. She then sat back down. I did also. I pulled my phone out to see that it was Four-Fourty Three in the morning, but I didnt give a fuck, I am not going to sleep until Serena wakes up. I called Wiz, Tyga, Bow, Jenni and Jamar to come here.



Its been over an hour, and the docters haven't came out yet. I am really worried. The guys finally arrived here like Thirty minutes ago. Tyga is the most worried because after the inncident from the hotel, they have became more like Brothers and Sisters. Honey is still crying, I told her what happened and she hoestly hates me. Jenni is balling, blaming me and yelling at me for causing this, I don't blame her because it is my fault. Jamar is trying to calm her down, but its definatly not working. Wiz is trying to comfort Honey who keeps saying wait till Serena gets out. She's going to 'teach Nicki a big lesson she won't forget.' Bow is trying to comfort Chyna, but no way. The girls hate me.

After about twenty minutes a doctor came out. Causing all of us to stand up.

"Family of Serena Diamond?" He asked.

"Yes." Honey, Chyna and Jenni all responded.


"How is she?" Jenni eagerly cut off the Doctor.

"Well, I am sorry to say that Ms. Serena Diamond is in a very serious and bad situation. She twisted her left ankle along with her right arm when the car had spun, lots of Glass cuts near her upper neck and forehead, the bottom of her spin cracked a little but did not exactly become out of place. Her left side ribs bent a little from the truck hitting the left side of the car. She cant breath on her own, she is using breathing support. She can hear fine, there is no problem or dought about that. She has not responded to any of our treatment, but we are trying our best to keep her here and alive. Its rare for any one thats in this condition to make it, so if she does... she is really lucky." He said, then began to walk away.

"Wait c--can w-we see h-her?" I asked.

He looked like he was going to say no. "Please?" Jenni cried.

"Fine, but only one at a time, she dosen't need all of the contraction at the moment, shes going threw a lot." He said then walked away

"I'll go first." Jenni said while everyone eles sat down. But I couldn't. I really need to see her. So I followed Jenni. She noticed and didn't look happy.

"What the fuck do you want Chris?" She snapped at me.

"I wanna see Serena too." I confessed.

"Did you not hear the doctor? He said 'One only at a fucking time'!" She semi-yelled.

"I know, but I dont care, I need to see her, please."

"Fine, only because you hate yourself of what you did, which you.should." I thanked her and we finally reached Serena's hospital room. Jenni opened the door to reveal a life less non-motivated Serena. Seeing her like this caused me to break down right there on the spot. Jenni came to me for comfort before walking over to Serena.

Jenni Goldfisher

I noticed that Chris fell to the ground and began to cry. Man I didn't know that a boy could cry like this. I walked over to him and rubbed his back gently. I stopped after about a good minute then walked over to Serena. Oh my gosh. Seeing Serena on this hospital bed looking like this really broke me. My best friend no scratch that my Sister is in this condition if only we could replace situations, she dosent deserve this. I noticed a curly strand in her hair at her face so I removed it and packed it behind her ear. I smiled at how beautiful my bestie is, my ROD. I grabbed her hand and began, crying along. "Hey Bestie.... mmmm wow this is hard. How are you? Well obviously not well because this isn't the best situation to be in. I really miss you. I miss all of the fun times we had in high school. Like that time we hid the cheerleards uniforms in the guys gym lockers right before their game, haha yea that shit was legit. C'mon Sir the Diamond, Bunchiee stickes. Wake up we all miss and need you here, it honestly wont be the same without you here, say hey to mommy for me.. love you." I ended with hugging her matching our matching necklaces together. I turned around to see everyone in here. Chris, Jamar, Honey, Chyna, Bow, Wiz and Tyga. Apparetly no one understands what 'One at a time' means. Jamar walked over to me and grabbed me into his arms while the others went to talk to Serena.

I just sat down in one of the chairs.and prayed for Serena to be ok.



Everyone did their seperate talking with Rena, except Chris, he wanted to go last. He asked if we could leave the room and we did as told.

Chris Brown

I asked everyone to leave the room because I want to have alone time with just Serena and I. When they left I pulled my chair closer to her bed and grabbed her hand before starting anything. I started at her, even though she is in a very bad situation she still looks beautiful as always. I could feel myself about to cry but I didn't care to stop it, because I deserve this stress. I tightened my grip before I spoke.

"Hey babe. I dont know if you can hear me but the doctor said that you could hear but I dont know, I guess here I go. I know you probaly hate me a lot right now and I dont blame you at all, you have every right to. I really want to apologize to you for everything I put you threw, this is my fault, the reason why you are in here, the reason why you are in this condition, its all of my fault if I didn't have agreeed with hearing Nicki out you wouldn't have been here, we would have been home right now in bed with you in my arms. I really love and care for you Serena. You are my everything and I only want you. You are the only person I want to be with in life, for the rest of it. You might think that I want Nicki, but I dont. She is not my type at all, you are, you are my Princess. I really hope and pray to God that you wake up. I need you and so does everyone eles. Please Serena wake up. I also hope that we can work out our relastionship when you get better. I wanna have a family with you Serena I love you so much... please wake up. I need you. I love you."  I kissed her hand and layed my head on her stomach and continued to Cry like a baby.

Serena Diamond

I was gently flowing in a peaceful, quiet and nice naturing. Getting used to my surrondings. Feeling so free and relaxed inside. Liking these white surrondings I was in. There were two different sides next to me. On my right was the Reality, the hurtful life, and on my left was the calm, peaceful, no crime, just wonderfullness. I dont like my Reality and my life. Everything in my life is bad, nothing goes good there, just sorrow. But there is a different say in the calm and peaceful world. I was making my way to my left until a voice stopped me. I looked ahead to see my Mom.


"Yes sweetheart." I ran up to her and jumped in her arms.

"Mom, I have missed you. What are you doing here?" I asked never leaving the hug.

"Me too. But we need to talk." She said removing me from the hug and placing her hands on my shoulders.

"About?" I asked concern.

"Chris." She stated, making my blood boil up with anger and the creation of pure maddness created inside of me just hearing his name.

"Dont ever say that name again." I said getting mad.

"No, no, no Serena. You have to forgive that young boy for what he did to you."

"No Mom, I can't I hate him. He caused me and got me like this." I said at the verge of tears.

She pulled me into her arms and began to stroke my hair softly. I miss my Mother's touch so much. "I.know Serena I know how you feel, just please forgive him. He loves you. He needs you baby girl. And Jenni  everyone needs you. If I could show you how Jenni, Jamar, Sochitta, Chyna, Michael, Shad, Cameron and especially Chris is misrable without you I would."

"They are?"


"All of them?"

"Yes. Them all. They each talked to you privatly about how they felt. Chris just did his and Can I tell you that his one got to me the most."

"Yea I know I heard it."

"Serena." My mom said cupping my face in her hands looking at me.

"Mommy?" I said looking at her.

"Go back to your life. Dont end it now. You have a whole life ahead of you and you cant just end it." She told me.

"But I wanna be with you."

"Serena I will always be here waiting for you. I will always be with you Just please go back to your life and actually live it. I will always be with you everywhere you go." I nodded in response even though I really didnt want to. She kissed my forehead then pulled me in for a hug. Before pulling away.

"I love you Baby girl."

"I love you to mom." I said. The more I breathed the more she became distant hard for me to see. Just then she was gone.



I could feel something on my stomach soft snores hitting my hand. A little damp spot on my shirt. Beeping sounds here and there. My eyes still being difficult to open but eventually came threw after about a minute. Regretting it because of the fucking bright sun rays shooting into my eyes. I looked around to my surrondings.  Of course Hospital bed, just what I expected. Lots of wires connected to me. I tried moving a little but my whole body was not agreeing with me. I looked around and saw Jenni, Jamar, Honey, Chyna, Wiz, Bow, Tyga and Chris, sleeping. Seeing them made a big ass smile apear on my face. Jenni was sleeping on Jamars lap with her head snuggled in his neck. Honey and Chyna were wrapped up in their chair sleeping still with their party cloths on causing me to giggle a little. Bow, Tyga, and Wiz were sleeping with their legs out, and their hands covering their faces. Chris's head was on my stomach, with him holding my hand. I wanted to remove my hand from his, but it felt right.

"Chris." I said faint. Thinking he didn't hear me but his head shot up to me. Meeting our glare together. We stared at eachother for a good minute. He looked shocked but happy at the same time. Like he had seen God.



|Wow, I think I really like this Chapter. I put lots of effort and thinking into this Chapter so please give me feedback on how I did. Was it good or nah? Tell (comment) me please. (COMMENT) Was this a good chapter did you like it? I will.continue dont worry. But please Comment, Fan and Vote ... love you guys . Read my other books please. Love yall.|


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