Beauty & the Wolf

By RexySaurusRex

1.4K 54 45

⚠️ Mature Language ⚠️Mature Scenes "You're just a princess, and I'm bad for you. You don't want a guy like me... More



579 17 17
By RexySaurusRex

"Be silent little wolf, for the moon hears your cries"


"Darling you look stunning" Sonya's accent was thick, giving depth and meaning to her words.

Tonight would mark the biggest event of my life; The Mating Ceremony. The night I would shift for the first time, and hopefully find my mate. The Mating Ceremony was held for every newly shifted Princess or Prince, in hopes that they would find their mates and receive the blessing from the King and Queen. Anxiety filled my insides and snaked out through my pores breaking me from my thoughts, sweat beaded upon my forehead giving my skin a natural honey glow.

The King and Queen would be passing down the crowns within just a few short weeks. Being that I was the princess, daughter of the King and Queen, the crowns would come to my mate and I.. If I found him that is.

Meeting my reflection in the tall mirror, I finally took in my appearance. I was sporting an elegant navy blue dress that hugged my curves. Being strapless, it offered enough cleavage to be flattering but still appropriate for a princess. The dress had a slit in the fabric that began at my hip and made its way to the floor, revealing my creamy toned legs. An image of a wolf pack running through the woods by the light of the full moon was stitched in the fabric with gold threads around my torso, along with flowers and vines to accent the piece. It was lovely...definitely fit for a princess.

On my feet I was wearing golden high heels with tiny moon stone gems scattered across the toes and heel. My medium length coffee brown hair was pulled tight into a round bun, with the remaining length of my hair fishtail braided and draped around the bun. My makeup was breathtaking, being done personally by Sonya who had done my makeup so many times she could do it with her eyes closed. She had chosen a dark blue shadow to put on the outside of my lids, fading to a golden glittery shadow on the inside corners. Eyeliner drawn up into perfectly symmetrical wings made my eyes pop and gave me a seductive look.

My heart skipped a beat at the thought of my mates first impression when his eyes finally landed on my body that was primped and dolled to perfection for him and the rest of our pack. Would I be lucky enough to have a mate that resides in our pack?

"Are you ready to do this?" Sonya asked breaking the silence, shooting me a smile that effortlessly showed her pride and love. I glanced to the stunning woman before me, the woman who had vowed her life to protect me until I have taken position as Queen. When the crowns are passed down to my mate and I, she will have the option to retire or continue her guard-ship. I silently prayed that she would stay with me, she converted from being my childhood nanny to being my teenage guard. We'd grown fond of each other over the course of 17 years.

She may seem to be quite small for a guard, I pity the fool that doubts her skill. Sonya may hold herself well and come off as another member of the royal family but she's actually our best female fighter and has trained our young pups and warriors for many years. My pups would only be trained by her, she's the best of the best and our future generations will thrive with her knowledge and skill.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I answered finally, noticing her eyes locked on to me curiously. I puffed out a nervous breath and turned to face her, my hands were visibly shaking. Tonight was going to be one of the most memorable and chaotic nights of my life, I get to meet my wolf and my mate for the first time. Today is the beginning of the rest of our lives together.

Taking note of my nervous state Sonya glided towards me and placed her hands on my shoulders, gazing deep into my eyes. "Breathe dear, I cannot tell you that this will be easy because it will not. Not only will you disappoint your pack if you do not find your mate, but you will disappoint your parents as well. The future of our family rests on your shoulders darling. But when you find him, you're going to make us all so proud." Purring reassuringly, she sent me a tight lipped smile and turned on her heel heading for the door.

Internally groaning, I returned her smile and gestured for her to lead the way.

As we walked in silence down the long corridor of the castle, I could hear my father talking to his pack through the opened windows. A warm breeze caught the slit of my dress and wrapped around me comfortingly. Our pack roared with applause and whistles as their King spoke to them. I sighed glancing nervously to Sonya.

Her burgundy knee length dress complimented her hourglass figure. Her makeup was minimal, not that she needed much anyway. Her onyx black hair was braided loosely and pinned into a spiral bun. She walked with grace, her black high heels thudding quietly on the carpet. I studied her for a minute more as we rounded the corner of the long corridor and approached the elevators, her toned arm reached out to push the button gracefully.

"Are you alright darling?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. Clearly my silence was giving hint of my nervousness, it was to be expected though. Not only am I meeting my mate but I'll also be meeting my wolf for the first time tonight. I'm sure the other Princes and Princesses before me were just as nervous.

"I'm okay" I lied, she knew it was a lie but what am I to do?

"You will be fine, our whole pack is here tonight, along with the Whispering Winds pack and the Hollow Branches pack. And if you don't find your mate within the three packs here tonight your father has already mentioned hosting another meeting with the other packs as well. Don't be nervous darling you will find each other." She spoke soothingly, her mother bird wings spread out giving comfort to me as always.

"I know, but not only am I worried about finding my mate, I'll also be meeting my wolf for the first time tonight and not to mention I'll be going through my first shift" I croaked out, swallowing roughly. Every newly shifted wolf was warned of the pain that came with the first shift, muscles and bones expanding and morphing into another figure. Of course it was painful.

She sent me a small understanding smile, "You're going to be okay, with royal blood running through your veins your shift shouldn't be very painful. And as far as meeting your wolf it's unheard of for a skin side and a wolf side to not get along, you two were handpicked by the moon to share a mind and body."

I sighed, she was right. I was overreacting over this, the Royal Family has been around since the dawn of time. More wolves than I can count have been through this and it will be no different for me.

She placed her hand on mine and gave me a reassuring squeeze. "You can do this. Just breathe and know that the Moon has a plan and she will not fail you."

The elevator dinged upon its arrival, I sent her a small smile and she returned it quickly as she strode through the open doors. I followed behind her and settled into the corner of the large elevator, she placed herself directly between myself and the doors assuming guard position.

The quick ride was silent, but I took the time to clear my mind and breathe in deeply. I had to be strong and present myself as such to the pack.

The elevator dinged again as the doors whooshed open, giving our eyes access to the ground floor. The foyer had a high ceiling, with plush carpeting and hand painted wolf murals on the walls. There was a small wrought iron table topped with glass placed in the center of the room, white roses were nestled into a large vase that sat on top; a symbol of purity.

Sonya walked with purpose and confidence as she headed for the large double doors that lead outside. She stopped quickly and turned to face me. "Breathe darling, as Princess, future Queen and Luna I need you to be strong." She spoke, brushing off my shoulders and adjusting my dress.

I pulled her in for a tight hug, she pressed her cheek against mine as a display of affection and respect. "I sure don't feel like a princess" I mumbled into her shoulder. "It's okay to be nervous, love. This isn't the first Mating Ceremony to ever be held, there were many before you as there will be many after you to hold this same feeling. Breathe through it and hold your chin up." She pulled away after a moment and smiled, squeezing my shoulders reassuringly.

I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply, allowing the breath to fill every inch of my body, my anxiety slowly released its grip and vanished. Exhaling the deep breath, I took hold of the door and pulled on it gently, revealing over 800 wolves. Seeing my pack and neighboring packs cheer for my father, The King, overwhelmed me and filled every crevice of my body with pride. The realization quickly hit me that within a matter of weeks, maybe even days these same wolves would be cheering for me and my mate. Their new King and Queen.

I sent Sonya a wink and wide smile before I walked confidently toward the stage that held my mom, dad, and my dad's second hand, Carlisle.

Eyes of all colors met mine as I made my way through the crowd of wolves, many of the eyes were glowing golden or bright green, signifying their wolves had come through to greet me. I smiled and nodded as I acknowledged them all, they bowed their heads gently in a show of respect.

I walked with grace and a new found sense of pride. I had never experienced pride to this extreme before but seeing the respect these wolves have for our family is enough to make anyone swell up with pride.

Nearing the steps of the stage that held the King and Queen, I met my fathers eyes and greeted him with a gentle hug. Pressing his cheek to mine he whispered in my ear, "You look stunning Rain"

"Thanks dad!" I sent him a small smile and backed away to meet my mothers eyes. Sparkling chocolate orbs that threatened to spill her un-shed tears, her princess was growing up. Greeting her with a hug as well, I pressed my cheek against hers as she released a small sniffle. The entirety of the packs were silent, displaying their respect and patience.

I could sense the authority radiating from the higher ranking pack members so closely together. I was sure everyone else felt it as well, goosebumps traveled my body in waves. I took my place between the King and Queen, fully facing the crowd.

"Ladies and Gentlemen your Princess and future Queen, Rain Haven!" My dads voice was deep and boomed, his words traveling across the crowd as they cheered and whistled in acceptance.

All eyes were on us, most of them glowing as the wolves came forth to the human side showing respect to their Royal Family. Pride filled every inch of my body as I observed the group of wolves cheering for us. I felt a new sense of strength as it pulsated through my body in waves, my time as princess was coming to an end.

My dad smiled broadly at them as he waited for them to settle, it didn't seem they would ever be tired of cheering and yelling for their Royal Family.

A few moments pass and my dad finally spoke through the silence that had slowly developed around us. "As you all know, tomorrow is Rain's 18th birthday, which means tonight she will meet her wolf for the first time. I've asked you all to join us tonight with the hope that Rain may find her mate among us" He spoke, sending me a wink. "We're also here to love and support her through her first shift, and to celebrate with her as she spends her first night under the full moon on four paws! Tonight we celebrate the Princesses transformation!" The crowd roared and clapped in approval of their Kings message.

My dad turned to face me as the crowd cheered. "Is there anything you'd like to say Rain?" This caused the crowd to settle, showing respect as the King had spoken to the Princess.

I sent him a small nod and stepped forward, clearing my throat.

"I would just like to thank you all for coming tonight, I'm very glad to have you all here to experience this with me. I hope you all enjoy your evening and I'd like to send a special thanks to Sonya," my eyes quickly searched the crowd until I found her familiar face, "For not only making me feel beautiful tonight, but also for treating me as her own daughter." She responded with a small nod and a wide smile that she couldn't hide even though I knew she was trying.

Sonya didn't really like to show emotion, I guess she tried to keep a business face when we were around our pack. Not that anyone in the pack would harm me, I guess she just wanted to maintain her hardcore persona.

I took my place back behind my dad allowing him to resume his speech, my arms drifted down to my sides comfortably. Our audience clapped respectfully at my speech as my dad moved forward to continue speaking. Once the crowns are passed down they will show excitement with me as they do my parents. With him being a higher rank than I even though I'm his daughter, they will always show the upmost respect for him and my mother.

"With that being said, we have a feast prepared for this evening, as well as music and dance around the fire. I want you all to enjoy yourselves, mingle and bask in the light of the Full Moon tonight. Let us celebrate the birth of our princess!" Dad spoke, which made the audience roar with approval. He did have a way with words, hopefully when I step into the Queens shoes they will pass their wisdom to the new King and Queen.


The feast was filled with laughter and conversation. My Dad sat at the head of our table accompanied by the other Alphas and their Lunas, they all laughed loudly together as my dad spoke to them. The guard detail stood firm behind them observing blankly. I always wondered what it would be like to be a part of the guard detail. There was once a time that guards  were forced to protect the Royal Family, they were held in filthy quarters and humiliated during large dinners such as these. Luckily for everyone the times have changed.

I glanced toward Sonya who was sitting to my left at our table. My dad's guard detail provided enough security that she was able to join us as a part of the family rather than as a guard. I was grateful for that, at least I had some company as I died internally. The thought of going through my first shift was still eating away at my spirit, I silently prayed for an easy time.

"Is this all you're eating dear?" Mom asked as she placed a gentle hand on my shoulder, startling me. Sneaky woman. "You need to eat, your wolf will need the strength for her first run with the pack." She spoke soothingly, sitting down gracefully in the open seat beside me. She was right though, I hadn't really touched much of my dinner due to my thoughts, and my plate was still piled high even though we had been here for a good hour or so.

Sighing, I turned my attention back to my plate and scooped up some pulled pork forcing myself to take a few bites. The warm strands of meat seemed to melt in my mouth, the sauce tickled my taste buds as it released hints of sweet and savory. "Thank you, Rain" My mom spoke softly, "I know you're nervous but you will shift much easier if you have food in your belly."

"You can do better than that." Sonya scolded a few minutes later. I met her eyes and nodded glumly. They were both right, I needed the energy to manage my shift and complete the run. I turned back to my plate with a little more faked ambition, taking large bites until the plate was almost empty.

"That a girl. We'll be heading to the bonfire soon..which means your wolf will be here in no time." Mom said warmly standing from her seat, she leaned down and pressed her cheek to mine as a display of affection. "You will be fine little one, we've all been through this as have many wolves before you. Just breathe and show your strength to our people, they are expecting a strong leader." They knew I was strong, I had been training with older pups since I was young, most of the males my age couldn't even keep up with my skill.

Breaking away from my thoughts, I noticed mom had walked away and was now standing beside Luna Evie from the Whispering Winds pack. They shared a similar stance as they shared a motherly moment together, Evies' eyes shone with tears as she wrapped her Queen in a hug..I wonder what they were talking about. Staring on for a bit longer I noticed her makeup hadn't been holding up as it should, her eyes baggy, dark circles hung low underneath her sparkling eyes. She was obviously losing sleep over something, hopefully it doesn't affect the rest of the evening. I needed things to be as smooth and as drama free as possible, I wanted as much comfort as I could have.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed my dad making his way toward the stage doubt to make an announcement. He stood tall, waiting for the crowd to settle. "As soon as you have all finished eating please make your way to the North Yard of the castle. Our servants have provided us with a lovely meal and we ask that you thank them graciously as we depart!" Dad spoke loudly, his shoulders pushed back and his chin lifted up high..his posture alone screamed that he was Royalty. The crowd dispersed quickly, leaving their plates on the table for the servants to clean. Sonya led the way to the bonfire, my mom quickly falling in step with us and wrapping her soft arms around my own.

Tonight is the night.


Hello all! I hope you enjoyed, I have big plans for this story so I hope you tag along to watch it unfold. If you did enjoy, I hope that you'll leave a vote and a comment so that it can grow for others to enjoy it!


Much love, Rexy

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