Our Alternate Ending | | A Po...

By iamourship

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Subsequent to their journey through Kalos, another unexpected one begins. One that draws heartache from heart... More

Chapter 1- Our Ultimatum
Chapter 2- Stay with Me
Chapter 3- Battle Cries
Chapter 4- A Suns Orbit
Chapter 5- The Love Whisperer
Chapter 6- Candecent Moons
Chapter 7- Seeking Rivals
Chapter 8- To Fear A Painted Flame
Chapter 9- Crule Like You
Chapter 10- Firelight
Chapter 11- Cobalt Ties
Chapter 12- The Trill of the Race
Chapter 13- Shattered Glass
The Elevator Chapter
Chapter 15- Laughing With Troubles
Chapter 16- Earlybird In Worry
Chapter 17- To Fall Like An Angel
Chapter 18- Wild Eyes
Chapter 19- Cry Wolf
Chapter 20- Playing Cupid
Chapter 21- Tainted With Poison
Chapter 22- Sheens of Gold
Chapter 23- Painstaking
Chapter 24- Like Studded Diamonds
Chapter 25- Me in Your Wildest Dreams
Chapter 26- Natures Crown
Chapter 28- Bottled Sunshine
Chapter 29- Trailing Scars
Chapter 30- Qualifyed Love Experts
Chapter 31- Cours d'Amour
Chapter 32- Cosmo Children
Chapter 33- Scream
Chapter 34- Illuminating With Lanterns
Chapter 35- Our Nostalgia (Part 1)
Chapter 35- Our Nostalgia (Part 2)
Chapter 36- The Tearling
Chapter 37- The Art Of A Queen
Chapter 38- When Things Look Up
Chapter 39- When Things Fall Down
Chapter 40- An Abundance Of Tears
Chapter 41- Crys of a Broken Girl
Chapter 42- Carving Dreams
Chapter 43- A Queen's Tale
Chapter 44- Bitter Blue
Chapter 45- Three Bright Paths
Chapter 46- Beauteous Storms
Chapter 47- Bleeding Black
Chapter 48- With Every Ounce Of My Fractured Heart
Sequel: Fame Through The Fire

Chapter 27- Their Bad Blood

1.5K 51 41
By iamourship

Sorry the chapter took so long, I was really busy. But to make up for it, this chapter is really long, so enjoy!

"Aron, does this place seem familiar to you?" My friend asked as she drank in our current surroundings. They were jaw dropping, an exquisite sight that I never had the pleasure of seeing before. Nor was I even aware a place like this existed in Kalos. We must have missed it during our previous travels, which was a shame really.

In the dead middle of the forest, situated away from any civilization, was a towering waterfall that plunged into a crystal blue pool before running into the distance via a small stream. We had stumbled upon it miraculously and were instantly won over by its natural beauty. The vegetation here was noticeably greener, taking on a tropical feel. The gentle rumble of violent water was lulling to me, like the steady rhythm of drums in the background. Though, Pokemon appeared to be very scarce in this part of the forest. I hadn't even heard the rustle of a wild Pokemon since about a mile back.

"Yes it does. We've defiantly been here before I just can't remember when, or what it was for." The blonde boy replied as he pondered over the matter. Both siblings examined the area intensely, searching their brains for a specific memory. Ash and I on the other hand, watched the two in utter puzzlement.

"Of course! How could I possibly forget?! This is where our parents brought us for my thirteenth birthday. We had a picnic here as a present, the first time we left the enclosure of our house." Elaina concluded, looking very satisfied with herself. A brief smile crossed her face as she recalled the pleasant memory.

"That's right! If I remember correctly, we walked here from our house since it was only a short distance away. Which means..."

"Our parents...oh no..."

"We're home."

*.               *.                *.                  *.

After twenty minuets of searching, walking down half forgotten trails and watching the siblings bicker about which direction was right, we finally stumbled across a small household.

It was a two story, old fashioned wooden home that appeared to have been standing for centuries, like the kind of house you would find in Victorian times. Lumber was stacked high with beams crisscrossed against them, giving the place character. A sloping roof shaded a large doorway that was gated off with iron padlocks. The whole property was boxed in by a rotting wooden fence that had weathered away over the years. The back garden was littered with bare and fruitless trees and patches of wild daisies. Though, the grass was rather well kept.

"Pika pi..." Ash's Pokemon exclaimed as we emerged from the forest line and into the sun-beaten property.

Elaina and Aron walked up to the front gate unfazed, as if they had never left. However, the house gave me a slight uneasy feeling. I wasn't sure exactly what it was, possibly the fact that it didn't look as if it was in the right era. Both sibling hopped over the decaying gate, not even bothering to undo the padlock.

"Come guys, just jump over!" Elaina called as she gestured for Ash and I to follow. I looked over at my crush who didn't seem to have any problem with the place. Instead his face was consumed by his usual goofy grin as he approached the fence. With an effortless bounce, he landed lightly on his feet. I shrugged and decided to follow too. There couldn't be anything wrong, after all, Elaina had lived here most of her life.

"Are your parents home?" The raven haired boy asked as we all walked towards the front porch. It was crowded with baskets of multicolored flowers that were in no particular arrangement. In fact, we had to sidestep some of the clutter as the four of us piled onto the porch.

"Of course! They never go anywhere els, and if my mums not in the garden then she must be here." Elaina replied with confidence. Her face was bubbling with emotions, from happiness to excitement and even nervousness. I sensed that the girl had very mixed emotions about her parents. Desperately trying to hold onto a grudge- apart of her nature- but being crippled by her love for them.

Her brother on the other hand seemed secretly overjoyed as he suppressed a grin. Aron impatiently ran his fingers through his hair and awaited someone to knock on the patched door. For the first time, the siblings looked homesick, even as they stood in front of the antique household.

The thing is, even if you rip yourself from the place where you call home, something always pulls you back. It doesn't matter if you swore to never return as you watched it fade into the distance, that place always holds a part in your heart. No matter what memories haunt you, it will always be home. After so many years of being there, I wasn't surprised the blonde siblings were missing this place. To be honest, sometimes I missed home. I missed my mother every morning and the Ryhorn that lived among us.

Elaina rapped the door three times and a small silence prevailed as we waited for an answer. More moments passed and there was no reply.

"They're not used to visitors so-"

Aron was cut off by the door swinging open.

"Hello?" Said a small voice that was soft and very feminine. A woman stood in the doorway, her eyes in shock and her mouth twisted into a thin line. She had a small frame with pasty white skin. The lady was clad in a thick floral dress that had a frilly white apron wrapped around the waist, her outfit matching the old fashioned atmosphere of the house. Her golden blonde hair was strung into a messy ponytail with stray strands drifting into her eyes. Those eyes, they were an icy blue that could send a chill down your spine given the circumstances.

"Hey mum." Aron gave a small wave at his mother who, in turn, smiled with delight.

"Aron, Elaina, what are you doing back so soon?" She asked as familiarity seeped into her eyes.

"We just happened to walk by on our travels and thought we should pay a visit." Aron explained cheerfully. The blonde woman embraced her children heartedly, squeezing them close until Elaina's face went red from lack of oxygen and Aron was looking uncomfortable.

"Where is Leon, is he still with you? And who is this young couple?" She asked while looking Ash and I up and down with amused eyes. Instantly, a blush heated my cheeks a deep rouge at her comment. I looked at the ground in an attempt to hide it.

"Sadly, Leon isn't traveling anymore. And, these two friends are our new companions, Ash and Serena." Elaina informed her mother, who pouted slightly at emphasis on the word friends.

"Oh well, why don't you kids join us for lunch? Its almost ready and I accidentally cooked to much." The sibling's mother suggested with a grin.

"That would be fantastic!" Ash immediately agreed with the image of a meal in his head. I wondered if the only things to cross his mind were battling and food.

"Come in, come in, all of you!" She stood back and allowed us to enter. Elaina and Aron casually strolled in with no formality whatsoever. I went in next, giving the kind woman a small smile. Just as Ash was about to enter, she put a forceful hand on his shoulder to stop him short. "I'm sorry Ash, but I just can't allow that creature in my house." She eyed Pikachu on Ash's shoulder worriedly and attempted to distance herself while still being polite.

"Mum, really? That's unnecessary Ash, Pikachu can come inside." Elaina countered her mother with a firm expression.

"Not now Elaina, I don't feel comfortable with such a dangerous creature in my household." The mother scolded her daughter with a small glare.

"But Ash shouldn't have to leave his partner just for our connivence." My friend raised her voice in an argumentative tone.

"I'm not having this quarrel with you Elaina, we have guests." Her mother warned, signifying that the argument had concluded.

"It's okay Elaina, if your mother is uncomfortable then Pikachu will be happy to stay outside." My crush tried to reassure the bitter girl who's face was plastered with a scowl.

"Pika, Pikachu." The yellow mouse agreed, hopping off of its trainer's shoulder. Pikachu gave a small nod before scurrying off into the back garden.

"It's just so stupid..." Elaina huffed under her breath as she turned to walk into the old fashioned dining room.

"Sweetheart, why don't you give Ash a quick tour of the house! I'm going to talk to Serena for a minuet!" The woman called to her retreating daughter who waved halfheartedly in recognition.

"Yeah, whatever mum." I heard Elaina mumble as she stalked off.

"Serena dear, why don't you come with me to the kitchen. You can help me with the finishing touches of lunch." Elaina's mother suggested warmly. I simply nodded, not sure what els to do. I was lost for a reason why she would want a private conversation with me. "I'm sorry about my daughter, she gets touchy on the subject of Pokemon, has been like that for years." She apologized and lead me into a well lit kitchen.

The room was lined with polished timber cabinets and an old gas stove in the right corner. Counter tops were decorated with vibrant embroidery and a cauldron of bubbling stew was perched atop the blazing stove. An aroma of fresh herbs wafted around the kitchen and I breathed it in happily.

"The food smells amazing Mrs...uh..." I tried to think what to call her. What was the siblings last name? Did they ever say?

"Please, call me Annabelle." She responded.

"Sure thing." I smiled then continued to admire the Victorian style kitchen. A few moments of silence passed as Annabelle stirred the pot of stew and I wondered aimlessly.

"Don't you love young love?" Elaina's mother blurted out, causing me jump, half from shock and half from the contents of her words.

"Y-young l-love?" I stuttered hopelessly.

"You and Ash, I mean. I took one look at the pair of you and could see unharnessed passion. Don't tell me it isn't a thing?" Annabelle put a hand on her chest as if the world would go tumbling down with my denial.

"Ash and I?! No, we're not a...I mean...there's no thing going on." I blurted as a red hue tinted my cheeks. I covered them helplessly with my hair to disguise the blush. Annabelle approached me with a sorrowful look, her icy blue eyes had softened until they almost seemed calming. She placed a gentle hand on my face and pulled my hair away.

"Maybe someday sweetheart. Don't give up on him, Ash just needs time." She reassured me in a soothing tone. I was paralyzed in shock, dumbfounded as I stared back at her. For a few moments I was speechless, my jaw completely numb.

"O-okay." I uttered once I finally regained some sense. I had only just met this woman and she seemed to know my whole story, my struggle, my frustrations. With one last warm smile, she dropped her hand and turned back to the cooking. My cheek tingled where her touch caressed my skin.

"Elaina has taken charge, hasn't she? It's just like her to butt into other people's relationships. She can't help herself! Know she means well, not matter how much she screws up. Sometimes she has an image of perfection in her head and will do anything to make it a reality, I guess you and Ash are apart of that picture. She's taken an obsession to the emotion of love ever since I first gave her those damn romance novels. She claims to knows everything about the feeling, but in reality, she has never been in love herself. I'm so sorry if she has become a nuisance." Annabelle shook her head in dismay as she dissected her daughter like a science experiment.

"Oh, Elaina truly isn't a nuisance. A lot to handle at times, but never a nuisance." I comforted my friends mother. Annabelle seemed really nice, and I felt as if I would grow to love her, but she was strange. It was as if she had known me for years rather than mere minuets.

"So tell me Serena, cause I know my children won't confess the full truth, how are they doing?" She inquired curiously, looking at me through the corner of her eye.

"Aron and Elaina are managing quite well. They have both taken a liking to Pokemon battling. Despite my efforts to get Elaina into Pokemon performing, I don't think she will ever try that again. Aron has already caught two Pokemon whereas Elaina only has one. It's called Eevee and she is very cute. I used to have an Eevee actually and I assure you she is perfect for her." I explained graciously. I knew how sensitive the topic of Pokemon was in this family and tried to make it as appealing as possible. But Elaina's foretold facts about her parents stubbornness were proving correct.

"Dear Serena, I'm thankful for your answer and honesty, but really, I'm am not in need of persuasion to like Pokemon. We both have our different views, and that I totally respect, enough to invite you into my home and offer you my food. And truth be told, I enjoy your company. But what is cute to you, for me, is a beast that holds fangs of abnormal length and probably the ability to breath fire. Still, I'm not completely sure why I let my children out into a world of such creatures. But children dreams are not to be messed with, and I most certainly don't want to suppress an amazing destiny." She informed with a serious expression, one that sent a shiver down my spine. I was taken aback for a minute, staring back at her with ample eyes. Truthfully, I understood her point of view, but had never looked at it that way. It left me speechless, I could barely utter a word.

"O-oh." Was my brief, yet still unrecognizable, reply.

"Come on sweetheart, lunch is ready. Why don't you help me put it on the table?"

*. *. *. *.

Everyone gathered around a grande mahogany dinning table that was set with six polished chairs and draped in a vintage table cloth. It was decorated with herbal pieces and intricate silverware that looked beyond expensive. My crush licked his lips eagerly as the golden blonde woman dished out bowls of perfectly seasoned stew. A warm sent of various flavors filled the room as everyone chatted quietly.

The siblings father caught my eye as I entered the small room. He originally sat silent, a newspaper clutched between his bear-like hands. The man appeared to keep mostly to himself, only speaking to greet his children home and give Ash and I a welcoming nod. The man had a bush of unruly jet hair on his head that dropped into his line of vision on numerous occasions. The eyes that held a passion for newspaper headlines were a forest green, one the siblings had inherited to an extent. Elaina and Aaron's iris shade of teal-green appeared to be the perfect mixture of both their mothers bright azure and fathers emerald. His features were once immaculate -I could imagine- in a world of younger age. Now, slight wrinkles creased the skin on his forehead and had sunken in his temples. A tuff of unshaven hair rimmed his jawline of sun soaked skin, a natural tan that allowed his children to avoid inheriting their mother's pale complexion.

"So, if Leon is not traveling with you anymore, I'd like to know where he is." Annabelle inquired as we all settled into our seats with steaming bowls before us.

"He decided to stay in Laverre City. The gym leader there offered to be his mentor as they share a passion for the same type of Pokemon." Aron explained as he shoved down a forkful of stew. Annabelle nodded slowly as she contemplated her feelings about her fourteen year old son suddenly living without any family members.

"I'm happy for him. What type of Pokemon does he have a passion for?" Their mother responded curiously.

"You would know if you bothered to make an effort with Pokemon." Elaina stated in a sulky tone. Her face was cold and in lack of enthusiasm.

"I'm not arguing with you at the table Elaina and most certainly not in front of our guests." Annabelle scolded with a stern expression that challenged her daughters.

"I was simply stating facts." My friend argued.

"Those are inappropriate facts for the current moment, leave it be Elaina." Annabelle held a look that would have paralyzed me from head to toe but Elaina stuck up her nose, appearing unaffected.

"There is never a bad time to discuss this. In my opinion, this should be a welcomed topic of conversation where we try to meet common grounds or you show support for the life that your children have chosen to live-" she was cut short by her mother's wrath.

"I will not tolerate this kind of attitude young lady! You have not the authority or the right to tell me what I should believe in. Pokemon are dangerous creatures that I want no association with. What part of that do you not understand? You have chosen that path and, as your mother, I will not suppress your dreams but leave me out of it! I refuse to be dragged into the craze for harmful creatures-"

"Mom!" Elaina yelled at the top of her lungs, pounding a fist on the table. Everything shook with the force of her blow and a heavy silence prevailed. It was the kind of silence that ate away at your very being and started to chip at you piece by piece.

A small tear rolled down my friends face as she looked at her mother with glassy eyes. Her expression held heartbreak, something that made my insides ache for her. Elaina's lips were slightly parted, somehow holding back her sobs. She was cracking at the edges. The slightest disturbance would send her over a cliff. So everyone stayed mute, trying to keep the broken girl from falling apart.

I could read her despair sunken eyes like a book laid out in front of me. All she wanted was her mother's support, her compassion. It was natural to want a mother's love. Having their consent is something most people often take for granted. She had fought wars for this years on end. I knew what it felt like to fight for my mothers support on my dream. I had been there before, so I could empathize with my friend.

"Ash, Serena, do you think you could give us some privacy for a brief moment?" Annabelle asked in a softer tone. Without a second thought, I nodded and raised from my seat. Ash abruptly followed me, an uncomfortable look across his face. He appeared happy to escape the tension filled scene.

My crush and I quietly left the dining room, our feet tapping on the polished timber floor the only echoing sound. My gaze never strayed from directly in front of me, quickly approaching the front door. Not a word was uttered from the dining room, which caused an uneasiness to stir within me. My fingers coiled around the rusted brass nob and with one last glance at the reticent family behind me, I pushed the front door open.

Ash and I slipped away in an eccentric awkwardness. After the door clicked closed, we continued down the porch steps and proceeded until we reached the crippled gate. I paused mid-step, causing Ash to stop with me. He looked on with curious eyes, silently questioning me.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" I whispered in concern. The raven haired boy sighed and put a gentle hand on my shoulder. Although he thought it would calm my nerves, his touch only accelerated my heart rate.

"Elaina will be fine. Here, follow me, I'll take you to a place that will help take your mind off things." Ash told me as he took my wrist in his grasp. He unnecessarily helped me over the rickety gate with as much caution as he could summon. I thanked him under my breath but was soon dragged onwards by the enthusiastic boy.

Ash lead me into the forest and didn't utter a word. He was silent as he attempted to map his way through the vegetation. I watched as a small crease formed on his forehead with the concentration. I watched his auburn eyes scan the expanse with intensity. I admired my crush in silence.

We weaved our way through the thick forest, crossing familiar trails along the way. We did not venture too deep, but deep enough to feel as if we had detached ourselves from the stressful atmosphere of the siblings house. When Ash finally stopped, I wasn't expecting it so I clumsily collided with his back, jerking me out of my distracted state.

"Ouch...sorry I-" was cut short by a glance at our surroundings. I had been so engrossed by my thoughts that I failed to hear the gentle rumble of flowing water and the ataractic crash of a waterfall. We had ventured back to the place we started, a tropical paradise that was almost as breathtaking as the raven haired boy who clutched my wrist. The tossing liquid was still vibrant azure, white froth spilling over the immense cliff. "The waterfall..." I whispered in awe.

"Thought it would be the perfect place. Come on, the view will be much better from up here." Ash advised as he began to ascend a nearby tree. I smiled as he climbed up with child like movements. It was an innocent moment, one that reminded me of the simple days.

"Up a tree?" I questioned from the stump base, looking up at my crush.

"Why not? I haven't had the chance to climb one in a while." He responded from 10 feet above. I shook my head with a gentle smile still gracing my lips before following the raven haired boy up the system of leafy branches. As a child, I loved climbing trees. There was something about peering down at those below through a film of green leaves. All my movements were natural and familiar as I swung myself skyward.

Ash had found a comfortable spot on one of the thicker branches that protruded from the trunk at its midpoint. He shimmed down so I had enough room to sit next to him, our shoulders merely grazing. Ash was right, we had the perfect view of the falls. It was peaceful, neither of us said a word as we stared out onto the plunging water structure.

The longer we sat there, the more my mind began to wonder and fantasize. I relished in the company of the boy sitting next to me. His kind presence gave me a sense of home. Those hazel eyes, that were imprinted so perfectly in my memory, shone with admiration a short distance to my right. To me, he was the definition of perfection, though flawed in many ways. My heart had tricked my mind into thinking those flaws were perfections, that's how in love I was. I was stuck in a hole too deep to ever climb out of.

"Are you thinking of him?" A familiar voice asked close by, making me jump briefly. Startled, I clutched a hand to my chest and turned to look at the jet haired boy.

"W-what?" I stuttered out helplessly. Not this again...

"You seem distracted. Elaina taught me that people often become distracted when they're in love, thinking about a special person. So I was wondering if you were thinking about him." Ash explained and left me utterly speechless for a moment. I stared back at him in shock, looking as if I'd been splashed by ice cold water.

"N-no... I-I wasn't t-thinking o-of an-" I attempted to save myself but failed miserably, being abruptly cut off by Ash.

"It's okay, I'm not going to ask you who it is. I was just wondering..." He spoke in a low voice that trailed into nothing and the quietness of the forest engulfed us again. My cheeks burned like an inferno, going a rosy shade of pink.

"That's okay, Ash. But you're right, I am thinking of him." I admitted, even shocking myself. How calmly and composed those words fell out of my mouth was bizarre and left a foreign taste on my tongue. Ash nodded meekly in return, his eyes studying my every feature intensely. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw his fist clench briefly, but the action was too small to really notice.

"Well, if you can't tell me who it is, at least tell me what he's like." My crush asked. This made my brain twist in unusual ways. I began calculating what I was going to say, like finding the perfect puzzle piece out of dozens. How was I meant to respond to this? After a few moments of silence, I decided to play along and satisfy Ash with an answer, though, not give away the truth. A difficult task, I know. 

"Well, for starters, we met when we were young. He was always a role model for me, taught me many things that I still apply to life today. They were small and childish things, but still meaningful all the same." I replied cautiously, peering at the raven haired boy to see if he had figured it out, but upon seeing the unchanged look on his face, Ash was still clueless.

"Does he like battling? Is he any good?" My crush asked enthusiastically. This caused a few giggles from me. Of course Ash would find someway to weave his favorite topic of conversation into this.

"He loves battling. It's all he can think about, but that's okay since he's brilliant at it. Still to this day some of his battling tactics are a mystery to me." I remarked, somehow managing to keep myself together. I wasn't breaking to pieces, I wasn't a nervous wreck. In fact, it felt good to let everything out. It was as if I was confessing, but safe from rejection. It was perfect.

"Maybe I can battle him someday." Ash responded with a pinch of determination in his voice. Oh Ash, if only you knew...

"Umm...I don't know if that would work." I muttered under my breath but my crush seemed unfazed.

"Come on Serena, tell me more! What's his personality like? Is he nice?" Ash bubbled with curiosity, looking as if he would jump off his seat anytime soon.

"One of the nicest boys I have ever met." I whispered, just loud enough for him to hear.

I could no long make eye contact. It caused an overwhelming irony to wash over me, and I couldn't take it at that moment. Instead, I watched the regular pace of flowing water spray over the cliff top. Though I was turned away from Ash, words still spilled out of my lips. I just couldn't stop myself.

"He almost never raises his voice and believes I'm worth so much more than I am. He's really enthusiastic about everything and has an amazing sense of adventure. Sometimes I wonder if his stomach ever ends cause he loves to eat. But also, more than anything, he loves Pokemon. Him and his Pokemon have a special bond like no other, he cares for them so much. Honestly, I often think he's too good to be true, but he says he'll never give up on me..." I stared out onto the waterfall with my lips quivering. Words I had wanted to say were about to burst out the edges. It was the perfect timing, the perfect place. I just needed to force the words out. "Ash, it's really hard say these things like everything is alright. Cause it's not. All this time, he's always been you. It's always been you. I-I love you, Ash." The words left my mouth like a symphony that had been suppressed for too long. And though I was shaking limb from limb, it felt satisfying to confess.

But that was when I heard the ear splitting crash from below.

I whipped around to see that Ash was no longer sitting next to me, rather I sat alone on the tree branch. As I peered at the ground, I saw my crush's mangled body laying motionless amongst the grass. His face was twisted in a painful expression but he was lifeless. My heart pounded in my chest as I gazed over his body, so hard that it ached.

Without a second thought, I clambered down the tree trunk with loose footing that almost caused myself to fall. Once I reached the base, I stumbled over to Ash in an unhealthy haste. His body twitched, holding new open scrapes up his bare arms. The rough bark had left scratch marks down the corners of his face and small blood streams trickled down his temples. I gathered his face into my hands and brushed any stray onyx locks from his eyes, which were closed tightly. His body was limp and unresponsive, signifying that he was unconscious.

"A-Ash?" I croaked in a hoarse voice that vaguely resembled my own. How did he fall? What happened? His lips trembled and a small hope welled up inside me.

"Grenninja..." The word was hushed and I struggled to make out each syllable, but once I had, multiple dots connected in my head. Ash must of had a vision again and fell as a result of being unaware of his surroundings.

I wanted to scream for help, but I knew better than to waste my breath in this God forsaken empty forest. Instead, I blinked back tears that were pricking my eyes and aimed to help Ash. I looped my arms through his and began dragging his prone body back in the direction of the siblings house.

It was a lot harder work than I anticipated. Ash was much heavier than I thought. Not another word left his mouth and his head hung idly with lips parted. My weak arms struggled to hold him up, but all it took was one glance at his tortured face to make me persevere. My heavy breaths were raspy by the time I reached the house. The trip felt like hours, each minuet testing my limits. Exhaustion began to fabricate in my muscles and wretched groans filled the silence. As I broke through the forest line, voices could be heard from the back garden. I couldn't interpret what they were saying, but I didn't care. All I needed was help for Ash.

The family was huddled in the back garden, talking in hushed and serious voices. Even in my urgency, I still recognized tension emitting from the group. At first they didn't notice my arrival, they were all too engrossed with their conversation

"Please, I need help!" I cried and the family finally observed my presence. Their faces seeped with alarm as their eyes fell on Ash. A small amount of relief washed over me as I carefully dropped him onto the floor.

That's when my legs gave out and I dropped to my knees.

Oh Ash, please be okay.


Well, there you go. Finally done! The next chapter will definitely be out a little quicker. Hopefully.

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