The Runaway Royals. Completed...

By MaeJacko

597 41 0


👑Chapter 1👑
👑Chapter 2👑
👑Chapter 3👑
👑Chapter 4👑
👑Chapter 5👑
👑Chapter 6👑
👑Chapter 7👑
👑Chapter 8👑
👑Chapter 9👑
👑Chapter 11👑
👑Chapter 12👑
👑Chapter 13👑
👑Chapter 14👑
👑Chapter 15👑
👑Chapter 16👑
👑Chapter 17👑
👑Chapter 18👑

👑Chapter 10👑

22 3 0
By MaeJacko

I role my eyes "Yes that's fine." the rest of the day went fast and before I knew it, it was the end of the day, Maddie and Kian agreed to pick me and Eddie up when we had finished the detention to work on our fact file. Me and Eddie was walking towards our English room unsure of our punishment. Eddie reached over to my hand and I nearly hit him straight on the nose but recoiled when i remembered our deal. We walk into English to find Mr Taylor working at his desk. He looked up to us with a bored expression, I could tell that this teacher doesn't like me and Eddie.

"You two will have to sort out the library and put every book in its right place for example the romance books on shelf four, got it?" we both nodded and he waved his hand at us to proceed down to the library.

As we walked down I relised that Eddie and I were still holding hands even though no one was around, I turned to look at him and found that he was already looking at me with curiosity all over his face "what?"

"Nothing, its just I have never met anyone like you before Miss Belle."

"Really, Miss Belle? the only people that call me that are the teachers." I started to laugh at his face, he had gone a light shade of pink, awe I didn't know Eddie Maxwell got embarrassed, it was kind of cute. Don't start jumping to conclusions, I said kind of. besides I was already engaged to someone else, someone I had never met in my life. My life sucks! He let go of my hand when we had reached the library and opened the door for me.

"Laddies first." he said with a gesture of his hand for me to enter.

"Thank you" I walked through to see shelves of adventures waiting to be fulfilled, I didn't know weather to be happy that there was thousands of worlds I could explore or distraught that we had to sought out them all. "We better get started." I turn my attention to Eddie and he nods in agreement.

He claps his hands together making me jump, luckily he doesn't notice. "This is going to be fun" My mind kept drifting to tonight when me and Eddie will have to talk about our past, Mr Taylor passed each of us a piece of paper full of questions to ask the other person, mine had questions like, What is their favourite colour? What type of music do they listen to? Unfortunately I didn't know what was on Eddies paper. I was snapped out of thought by someone's hands frantically flying about in front of my face. "Hey blondie, was you even listening to me?" He must have been talking to me but I didn't pay attention. I shake my head and he lets out a loud sigh. "I said that your brother is very protective of you" My brother? Oh yes Kian, I forgot that he is pretending to be my brother. "Is he always like that? I thought he was going to rip my head off when I asked you to be my girlfriend to get Alice to stop stalking me."

"Well he's always looked out for me and because there's only us and h- our mother he feels a responsibility to watch over me" I turn to him and smile, I continue to sort out the fantasy books and Eddie sorts out the action when one randomly drops of the shelf and onto Eddies arm. "Are you okay?" that's going to leave a bruise.

"Yeah I'm fine" He picks up the book whilst rubbing his shoulder. I notice what book it is, Sleeping beauty. Typical, She has to leave home because an evil villain wants revenge and try's to kill the princess to get it. story of my life. I role my eyes and pick the book up and put it back on the shelf. Eddie looks at me curiously but shrugs it off and continues to sort out the books. The rest of the hour went surprisingly slow neither me or Eddie talked which I didn't mind, it let me think about my beautiful kingdom and how I can't wait to go back. I knew who was creating all this havoc, my mothers sister, my aunt. Talia. she was jealous of my mother because she had fallen madly in love with my father and Talia hadn't experienced what it felt like to love. When my mother married my father, Talia was filled with rage and disgust, She believed that my mother didn't deserve to have a happily ever after so she killed her and my father, and I'm next. That is why I have been trained to fight so that I can protect myself and others around me, I could do archery, kickboxing and fencing. I know what your thinking, its not very ladylike to do kick boxing and learn ways of fighting but would you rather have a queen that could protect you or one that drinks tea whilst there is a war happening In there own kingdom?

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