A Trip To Tesco - Harry Style...

By VasHappenin_x1D

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Daisy's life is far from normal as something threatens to take it. She goes on a normal trip to Tesco, while... More

A Trip To Tesco - Harry Styles Fanfic - One Direction
Chapter 2 - Second Impressions - Harry Styles fanfic
Chapter 3 - It's A Little Bit Muddy
Chapter 4 - What Makes You Beautiful
Chapter 5 - Jerk It Out
Chapter 6 - Date Time
Chapter 7 - Going Public
Chapter 8- The Truth and Disguises
Chapter 9 - A Wise Moment
Chapter 10 - Hospital Drama
Chapter 12 - Twitcam
Chapter 13 - Results
Chapter 14- Comforts
Chapter 15 - Zoo
Chapter 16 - Treatment
Chapter 17 - Side Effects
Chapter 18 - Ups and Downs
Chapter 19 - Inspiration
Chapter 20 - Strike
Chapter 21 - Josie
Chapter 22 - Comforts
Chapter 23 - Funeral and memories
Chapter 24 - Fading
Chapter 25 - Waking Up
Chapter 26 - The Truth and Laughter
Chapter 27 - Picnic
Chapter 28 - Reunited
Chapter 29 - Surprize!

Chapter 11 - Distractions

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By VasHappenin_x1D

Chapter 11 – Distractions

I woke up the next day on my own bed; someone – probably Harry- had carried me to my room and put me in bed. I rolled the covers off and stood up realizing I was only in my underwear and a large plain white t-shirt I presumed was Harry’s. It got me a little embarrassed that Harry had seen me in my underwear and I hadn’t realized. I just hoped it was only Harry that saw and not the others too. I slipped my fluffy blue slippers on and pulled my dressing gown on when a familiar curly haired boy poked his round the corner of my door and grinned when he saw I was awake.

“I see you finally woke up” Harry said walking over to me. He was fully dressed and a smile lingered on my face.

“I am – what time is it anyway?” I asked in Harry’s chest as he gave me a hug. I loved his scent – it was a woodsy smell, I snuggled deeper into his chest as his arms wrapped tighter around me. My eyes beginning to droop which made no sense because I’d only just woke up.

“It’s two in the afternoon” Harry’s husky voice said melting me further into his arms. His voice is just so – WAIT- two in the afternoon- it couldn’t be could it?

“You’re kidding me right? It’s not-“ But I pulled myself away from Harry and glanced over his shoulder on the clock on my wall and sure enough the time read 2:03. Harry’s chuckle made me glance back at him and he leaned it to kiss me. I didn’t object, how could I? I had the perfect boy, who was really cute and I loved the way his lips felt on mine. Soft. Warm… I trailed away as his lips moved against mine. It was one heck of a way to wake me up in the morning – make that afternoon. He broke away and grinned at me.

“C’mon, let’s make you some breakfast” he said tugging at my arm. Right on cue my stomach grumbled making me blush slightly and Harry to show off his famous smirk.

“By the way, you look great in my top” he said whispering while we walked down the stairs. Damn, I hoped he wouldn’t say anything. He winked making me blush further.

“Thanks for that by the way” I said quietly as we walked into the kitchen. He just grinned widely showing his pearly whites and sat me down at the kitchen table. I probably looked like a mess; my hair most likely looked like a birds nest and I was wearing a pink fluffy dressing gown and blue fluffy slippers, yet Harry still grinned and looked at me like I was beautiful which made my heart flutter frantically in my chest.

Harry picked up a bell that was on the table and rang it; I looked at him with an odd expression as I’d never seen the bell before yet alone knew why he rang it. I heard footsteps in the hall so snapped my head in the direction of the noise. I almost did a double take when Niall, Louis, Zayn and Liam walked in the kitchen. Liam and Zayn had white overalls, an apron and chef hat on while they were both holding a whisk and a bowl, meanwhile Niall and Louis had had black trousers, white long sleeved top and black waist jacket as well as a towel draped over their arms, they were obviously meant to waiters by the way they looked and their posture. I laughed and they all looked at me smirking, this was a good start to the day.

“Madam, I am your server Mr Tomlinson and this is your partners server Mr Horan, we will be waiting on you today” Louis said as Niall stood next to him both in the same upright posture.

“I – uh – Thank you” I said unsure what to say. I glanced at Harry who was looking at me, he was trying his best not to burst out into laughter. Louis and Niall walked into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with a mug in their hands.

“Tea, for the lady” Louis said setting my bright pink mug with a puppy grinning back in front of me, Niall set down a blue polka dot mug in front of Harry and stood back.

“I hope you find the tea up to your standards” Niall said and they both walked back into the kitchen.

“So how long did it take you to come up with idea?” I said sipping my tea just how I liked it, a bit of milk and two sugars.

“Oh, you know...” Harry said playing with a curl in his hair, grinning sheepishly, it obviously took them a while to plan it all. Before I could reply Louis and Niall where back with a plate in each hand. They both went on either side of the table and placed it in front of us, I tried to hold back at laugh, but failed miserably when I realized they had made toast.

“This is just a starter madam, the main course will be with you shortly” Louis said and they once again walked into the kitchen.

“Well this is very exotic” I said sarcastically to Harry grinning, he just laughed and shoved a piece of toast in his mouth.

“Hey! I heard that!” Zayn shouted from the kitchen making me Harry and I laugh further. I Just loved his laugh, it was just- so- cute! We finished our ‘starter’ and they came back to collect our plates.

“I hope you enjoyed your starters” Niall said, they disappeared but walked in a minute later holding a bowl, I didn’t know whether I wanted to know what was in it or not. Louis set it down in front of me, and I soon discovered that inside it was porridge, or something that was meant to be porridge. I picked up the spoon in front of me and picked a bit of it, I grimaced at the site of it and soon put in back in the bowl. I didn’t even want to attempt to try it. Instead of the normal porridge texture it was runny and in clumps. I glanced up at Harry who must have been thinking the same thing as me because his face was full of disgust.

“I don’t even want to attempt to try it” I said to Harry who glanced up from the bowl of goo.

“I was thinking exactly the same thing, this simply won’t do” He picked up the bell and rang it once. Louis and Niall hurried in and stood straight next to each other.

“I would like to speak to the chefs if that is possible” Harry said, Niall nodded and Louis replied saying they would be right back. Sure enough a few seconds later the two of them returned with Liam and Zayn trailing behind, still in costume.

“What do you call this?” Harry said showing the others

“Porridge?” Liam said although he nose was wrinkled in disgust at it.

“Does this look like porridge to you?” Harry said, even though he had a serious expression on his face although the corners of his mouth were slightly turned up into a smile.

“Well, we may have added too much milk. But at least it’s the right... colour”  Zayn said in an Italian accent I’d heard so many times on videos before. It was pretty good.

“Would you eat this?” Harry questioned and the two of them and Louis shook their heads meanwhile Niall nodded.

“You would huh?” Harry asked Niall, who nodded, looking slightly caught off guard and flustered that he might of said the wrong thing.

“Prove it” Harry said raising his eyebrow. Niall looked at the others boys and me before taking a step closer to the bowl Harry had pushed towards him. Niall cautiously picked up the spoon and picked up a spoonful of the failure of porridge. Liam eyed the spoon, giving it and evil expression making me giggle slightly, once he realized I’d seen him he soon retuned his expression to normal. Niall on the other hand had just eaten the gunk and looked like he was going to throw up, instead he swallowed it, obviously taking him a lot of effort to do so and nodded his head sticking his thumbs up to say it was good, which was ironic because he looked like he was about to turn a deep shade of green.

“See, even Niall who eats anything thinks it’s horrible, you two should be ashamed to call yourself cooks, clean this up. C’mon Daisy, this restaurant sucks” Harry said taking my hand and pulling me out my seat. The looks on the boys faces was hilarious, I don’t think they knew whether to laugh, be sad or angry, they just all stood their awkwardly as we walked out and into the lounge. As soon as we sat down we burst out laughing, Harry leaning on shaking hysterically which only made me laugh harder. After a good five minutes of laughing and a few tears rolling down of faces we both finally calmed down.

“Harry that was the best failure of a breakfast I think I’ve ever had. Thank you” I said grinning leaning on his chest looking up at him. He grinned down, smiling like a fool which made his dimples show. Damn, they get me every time! I bit my lip to control myself from kissing him. However, Harry had other ideas and his lips crashed against mine. His warm breathe ticked me and moved slowly against mine until they parted and Harry’s tongue found its way in my mouth making the kisses more frantic. A cough made us break apart and the others were stood in the doorway smirking at us, they had obviously seen the whole show.

“Sorry about the breakfast, how about we have some fun? That doesn’t involve you two sucking each other’s faces off” Louis said making me turn a deep shade of pink, they really knew how to embarrass me.

“What have you got in mind?” Harry said as Louis took a seat next to him, their knees brushed and Louis pulled Harrys chin up so they were looking in each other’s eyes. I loved their bromance Larry Stylinson; whenever they showed affection to each other like that it just made me want to aww.

“Harry, I think you know the answer to this… TRUTH OR DARE!” Louis said screaming the last part making Harry cover his ears.

“One day I won’t be able to play because of your constant screaming” Harry muttered, his arm moving round my waist pulling me closer.

“Sorry Hazza, I forget you’re sensitive” Louis said patting the top of Harry’s locks.

“I forgive you Boo bear” Harry said and they returned to normal. I blinked a couple of times and looked at the others who were just talking, boy they sure knew how to surprize me, and I guess this kind of behaviour was just normal to them.

“Me first! Hazza truth or dare?” Louis asked, he acted like an excited puppy bounding in his seat.

“Dare” Harry said and turned back to Louis to hear what he had to do. Louis was deep in thought, his eyebrows creased, when an idea popped into his head he once again turned over- excited.

“Harry, I dare you to strip down to your underwear and run up and down near the gates outside singing Up All Night at the top of your lungs, then when you get back you have stay in just your boxers for the rest of the day” Louis said, I don’t think his smile could have got any wider, the others smirked at Harry’s dare, glad it wasn’t them. Harry huffed for a minute before standing up and stripping his clothes off until he was left in his boxers. Why did Louis do this to me? Harry was just so perfect, and that chest… I tried not to gawk but it was pretty hard when your boyfriend is stood in front of you practically naked.

“It’s a good thing, I don’t get bothered stripping like this” Harry muttered under his breathe so only I could hear as I was stood so close. He grinned at me before walking out of the house. The rest of us stood in the doorway as Harry belted out the song running up and down. It was one of the funniest sights I’d seen in a long time, although Harry seemed to be enjoying it himself as he was grinning.

“By the way Daisy, you can thank me later” Louis said whispering in my ear as Harry began to jog back into the house. I looked at Louis who was smirking and turned another shade of pink. I was starting to think my cheeks should just stay pink if they embarrassed me like this constantly.

The boys laughed as Harry wrapped his arms round me so I pressed against his bare chest; I quite liked this position, although I would never admit it. We all returned to our seats and the dares and truth questions kept rolling, by the end of the night my sides hurt from laughing so much and my mouth felt like it was permanently pulled into a smile. They all really knew how to keep a smile on my face; I’d enjoyed myself so much today. Harry carried me up to my room hours later as drowsiness was consuming me. He placed me on my bed gently and pulled the sheets over kissing my forehead, the other boys had gone to bed so the house was silent. Harry stood up to leave when I stopped him.

“Harry, stay with me tonight please?” I asked, my head buried in the pillow. I didn’t look for an answer I just waited. Sure enough a few seconds later the bed dipped and Harry lay under the blankets on the other side of the bed. I turned over so I was now facing at him, his eyes pierced mine and soon enough his body was pressed to mine, heat radiating off. His arms wrapped around me and my head lay on his chest. I felt him kiss the top of my head and murmur quietly in my ear.

“I’ll never leave you alone Daisy” Harry whispered. I immediately relaxed in his arms, I didn’t want to be alone tonight, the boys had done a good job at distracting me from the results I would get back in a few days, but the thoughts were always there, tugging at my mind. Harry helped to ease the thoughts and as I lay in his arms and sunk into a peaceful sleep I almost forget about them. Almost.

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