
Od VanessBoO

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Kelly has been forced to live with her crush for a year. But unfortunately, he doesn't turn out to be the typ... Viac

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 22

22 9 0
Od VanessBoO

After a whole weekend of partying, it was finally time to leave. Hillary and Vince already started to go out, and Dylan and Miranda seemed to be hitting it off. Laura and Angela seemed ecstatic with the new information that Drew and Dean were also pranksters. They spent the rest of the day talking about the number of pranks they had pulled and how extreme they were. They were even planning to prank some people they didn't like, that were in this school. Secretly, I look forward to seeing that. Everyone left with many goodbyes and hugs.

For some reason, I wanted to stay behind and spend some time with Ryan. I guess that reason is because I am madly in love with him. Yes, I admit it. I am and have always been madly in love with Ryan Selow! I felt very happy for admitting that to myself. And maybe, he might have the same feelings for me. He has shown it through actions, yes, but maybe he would say it if I admit it to him.

I didn't tell Ryan that I'd be staying and I guess he didn't know that I was still here because what he did next was truly unbelievable. He slid into the living room with his headphones on, wearing only boxers, socks, and Micheal Jackson gloves. I started laughing and he didn't seem to notice me because he started singing, on the top of his lungs, Black or White. He began to dance, exactly like Micheal Jackson. He was actually a really good dancer, I was only laughing because he was doing this in his boxers. His eyes were still closed and I took that chance to start dancing with him. It was fun! I danced to the rhythm he was making and by taking in the words he was shouting out loud. He even did the moonwalk and I had to back up a little so he wouldn't know I was behind him.

My stomach began to hurt with all of the laughter going on and so I decided to end this. "Ryan!" I pulled the headphones off of his ears and yelled. He fell backwards, tripping over a bump in the carpet. "Whoa! What are you doing here? How'd you get in? Uh.... What did you see?" I continued to laugh and all he did was blush. "R-Ryan... To answer your question, I never left in the first place and I had been here the whole time watching you dance." His face turned a deeper shade of red and I continued to laugh, harder. 

"So....So, you saw everything?" I nodded while trying to stifle my laughter. A smirk spread across his face and he continued to stare at me. "Well, don't keep me in suspense! How did you like my killer moves?" He began to dance again and I frowned. Even when he was getting embarrassed, he still found a way to be arrogant. "Ryan, you are impossible... Did you know that?" He laughed and grabbed me by my wrist off of the couch.

He threw me over his back and carried me all the way to his bedroom. I screamed and pounded on his bare back. Boy, was he muscular! I finally gave up my attempt as he threw me on the bed. "So... Why did you stay?" I smiled, time to joke around with him. "I wanted to move in with my boyfriend, duh!" His face flushed. "I'm kidding, you douche bag! I came because I wanted to hang out with you.... alone". His face was still white as a sheet of paper; he looked as if he had seen a ghost. 

Ryan cleared his throat and said, "Perhaps we should continue this talk when I'm wearing...um, pants." I couldn't stop my eyes from dropping down to his boxers, which were now covered up with his hands. I stifled my laughter as he ran towards his drawer for some pants.

I decided to mess with him. "What if I didn't want you to wear pants, and instead, take those tight boxers off". He froze, facing away from me. I slowly got off the bed and began to stroke his back slowly until I reached the hem of his boxers. I could tell he was nervous. He was shaking.

And then I started laughing and he released a breath he had been holding in. "Don't do that!" He yelled, with a really raspy voice.

I watched him as he pulled out sweatpants and began to wear it. I couldn't take my eyes off of him for some reason. I silently prayed to myself that he wouldn't put on a shirt. Please, please, please, please, don't put on a shirt. I guess my prayers were heard because Ryan sat right next to me on the bed with no shirt on. I couldn't help but stare. He was just so...so Mesmerizing! "So, what are you doing here?" 

"Can't a girlfriend and a boyfriend hang out?" He nodded his head in agreement. "So, what do you want to do first, Kelly?" I pretended to think while tapping my chin. "Well.... I was thinking... A piggyback ride!" I jumped on his back while he was trying to run away and he groaned and fell. "Come on Ryan! Get up!" He got up slowly and started running, after he secured me in place. I was laughing like crazy. "Kelly, I'm going to throw you off my back in five-", he began to run back towards his bedroom. "Four", I yelled it with him. "Three...Two..." He stood in front of his bed and released me. "One!" I fell right onto his pillows and Ryan jumped right next to me.

"We are acting like total babies right now, Ryan". He laughed. "But I like acting like a total baby; its fun." I laughed at him and he pouted like a baby. I kissed his forehead and he smiled. "I love you Kelly!" He kissed me back."I love you too, Ryan!"

Ryan's POV

Kelly and I walked to the school, hand in hand. I knew she was going to be scared of what I was going to do next, because she slipped her hand from my grasp once we entered the school building. She turned her head to me and gave me a shy smile. "Kelly, you're my girlfriend now." She smiled and slipped her hand back into my grasp. Everyone stared at us as we walked into our first class together, and just to seal the deal, I planted a kiss on her lips. The people around us gasped and began to gossip. I bet this would go around the whole school faster than I would be able to sit down for my first period class. 

I made sure to sit next to Kelly because the girls around us were shooting her death glares. Dylan was on the other side of me and he seemed happily dazed. "Dylan, are you okay?" He jumped a little and stared at me. His mouth twitched at the corners and formed a smile. "Miranda kissed me. I'm in heaven. Do. Not. Disturb". I laughed silently as he went back into his dreamy state. They must be having a lot of fun. They make a great couple.

Two Months Later

I sat down next to Laura and Angela at our usual lunch table. They were talking nonstop before I interrupted them with a "Hey!" They stood up and hugged me. "Whoa!! What's that about?" Laura laughed and Angela jumped and clapped her hands. "Drew and Dean are going to meet our parents today!" I hugged them back. "That is so great! I wish you all good luck!" I looked around the table again. "Um, Guys... Where's Hillary?" At first, they didn't hear me because they were too wrapped up in their conversation. "Guys, where's Hillary?" Angela looked at me and said, "She's still in the dorm... Why?" I ignored her last question and pulled out my phone.

Kelly: Hills! Are you alright?

Hillary's Phone: I'm sorry but Hillary's phone is offline right now. She will still receive her messages when she is online again! Have a nice day.

I angrily threw my phone in my bag and started towards the dorm buildings. "Kelly, where are you going?", I heard Laura scream after me. I ignored her and continued towards the building. I started running, once I had finally left the cafeteria. There was something wrong because Hillary never turns off her phone and she never lets it die either.

I ran to our dorm room and found that the door was already opened. My heart leaped in my chest as I imagined the what if's situations. 'What if she's not there?' I shook my head and entered the room. "Hillary!" I looked around and saw a black lump on top of her bed sheets. "Hills!" I ran over to her and shook her. "Hills! Are you okay?" She slowly looked up at me and that's when I knew she had been crying. Her face was smudged with mascara, her lipstick had faded and was now all over the pillow she had been using, her hair was a complete mess, and endless cartons of ice-cream were surrounding her bed.

"K-Kelly. Is that you?" I sat next to her on the bed and stroked he hair. "Hillary, what's wrong?" She began to cry again. I stoked her head again and she calmed down a little. "He-He cheated on me!" I didn't even need to ask who. I knew Hillary would not want to hear his name. Vince is about to get a huge boot in a part that was named private. "With who? Why? Doesn't he know what treasure he has right in front of him? Well, a treasure he had." Hillary began to cry again and I continued to comfort her while texting madly to Ryan to meet me in my dorm.

Kelly: Come to my dorm right now!!

Ryan: Whoa! Kelly, aren't we a little too young to be doing the 'nasty'? ;)

Kelly: I'm serious. Oh, I am gonna kill Vince!!!

Ryan: Why? What happened?

Kelly: He cheated on Hillary!!!

Ryan: He did WHAT??!!??

Kelly: He freakin cheated on my best friend!!! I am gonna freakin choke that son of a donkey!

Ryan: Do I have to come over right now? Class begins in five minutes!!

Kelly: Yea!! Your the only person who might know where he is!

Ryan: Did she try calling him?

Kelly: She's not dumb you know!!!

Ryan: I knew it was a stupid question before I sent it.

Kelly: So, are you coming or not??????

Ryan: Yea, I'll be there in a minute.

Kelly: Good. You know where the dorm is right?

Ryan: Yea. I was snooping through your bag for gum once and I memorized the key number.

Kelly: You did WHAT!! You know what, I don't even care right now. Just come!!

Ryan: Fine, I'm on my way, miss impatient!

Kelly: Sorry, I'm just really mad right now. I wanna find the son of a donkey and kill him before he flees the country.

Ryan: Hey! He's my best friend. Watch your tone!!

Kelly: Just hurry up and come here!

Ryan: Yeah, yeah. I'm almost there.

I put my phone down and hugged Hillary. "Hills. Don't worry, okay. Just make sure to bail me out of prison once I murder that son of a donkey!" She laughed stiffly and grabbed on to my wrist. "He should be happy, you know. He is the first guy that I had ever had real feelings for. And the first guy to ever break my heart. He just killed two birds with one stone. Me, being the stone." I let a tear roll down my cheek. It was hard seeing Hillary like this. I mean, when she was feeling vulnerable. It was okay when she was drunk but, Hillary had always been the tough one. The straight up person. But right now, I could feel her pain. It was as if I was in this situation. I felt her pain. "Hillary, I know its not okay, so I won't lie to you and tell you that it is. All I could tell you is be strong, not everything is what it seems". She wiped a tear off of her face. "But, I.... I saw him... kiss and cuddle her in his arms...and she was so... she was so beautiful!"

I hugged her tight and the door burst opened. Angela and Ryan walked in. I waved them closer and Angela crouched beside Hillary. Ryan just stood there, completely angry. "Hillary, I can't believe he did this to you! Laura and I are really angry." I looked around. "Angela, where is Laura?" She shrugged. "Once she heard what happened, she ran off somewhere. She said something about having to find trash, or something". I shrugged the last comment off and continued to stroke Hillary's hair. She was now snoring silently.

After about twenty minutes of awkward silence, Laura came in, dragging Vince by the ear. "Ow, ow, could you stop now? We're obviously here!" She laughed. "I know, but I just feel happy doing this to you!" She pushed Vince to the floor and locked the door. "Guess who I found!", she yelled sarcastically. Ryan stood up and said, "Why Vince? After everything, I never knew you would stoop this low. You got her in freakin tears!!" Vince looked around and his eyes landed on the sleeping Hillary. "But, I didn't do anything!" I ran over to Vince and kicked him in the groins. 

"You dare lie after she saw you kiss that girl!! You dare lie at all? Why would you do that!! She's my best friend!!" I slapped him hard and Hillary woke up to the sound. "Guys, what's happening?", she said while rolling over. She wiped at her eyes and looked around. Her gaze stopped at Vince, who was covering the left side of his cheek, where I had just slapped him.

"Why is he here? I don't want to see him right now. I don't want him to see me like... like this." Hillary began to furiously wipe at her face, attempting to get the mascara off of her face. She was being her self again, tough. I guess that was a good sign. "What are you guys talking about? Why does everyone keep yelling at me and torturing me? And what kiss?" Hillary stood up and walked slowly towards Vince, her hands were clenched in fists. "So you don't remember cuddling someone in your arms and kissing them, yesterday." Hillary was talking calmly and continuing to walk slowly. Knowing Hillary, this was a dangerous move. Vince backed up a little. "I remember kissing my ex-girlfriend so she could go away, but that was it." Ryan got up, his face in pure surprise. "You mean, Sade is back? You better run dude! I think I know what's going on here".

Hillary slowly turned to Ryan, her features calming. "So this is just some major mix up... That's what your telling me?" I walked over to Hillary and gave Ryan a face. He answered back by mouthing 'trust me'. "Yea, Hillary. Okay, so Vince used to go out with this chick called Sade Roland and she was a total nutcase. The sad part was that she was beautiful and that is what Vince was attracted too. Until she tried to kill herself once because she saw Vince hugging his sister Adrienne. She thought he was cheating on her and decided to stab herself in the heart with a knife. Fortunately, Adrienne found her before she could commit suicide. So, they took her to a medical center for the last four years. I can't believe she's back though." Vince walked closer to Hillary, cautiously. "So, Sade surprised me st the cafeteria yesterday. She told me all about how she got better and how I should forgive her. She didn't believe that I had already gotten a girlfriend and insisted that the only way she would leave me alone is if she could pretend I was her boyfriend for the whole day. I wanted to tell you but, I couldn't find you. I tried texting you but your phone was off."

I turned to Hillary and smiled. "I told you everything was not as it seems." She playfully smacked my arm and walked over to Vince. "So you weren't cheating on me? I am so.." Vince wrapped her in his arms and kissed her before she could even continue. "I will never do anything to hurt you first of all. Second of all, I love you". Hillary smiled and jumped out of Vince's hold on her. "I still don't like you seeing me like this." Vince walked up to her and pushed her stray hairs out of her face. "Like what? Oh, you mean messy! I barely even noticed. Plus, I like the natural you. I still can't believe I made you cry though!" Hillary punched him in the arm and Vince began to tickle her. Ryan cheered them on and Laura and Angela threw a bag of carrots up in the air. All you could hear in the room was Hillary's laughter and the sound of carrots being thrown at random people. We couldn't be happier.

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