
By iiiiidk

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Just a story about a girl, and her roommate in college. More

First Real Day
Saturday Morning

First Day

539 1 1
By iiiiidk

        "Finally, my first day of college.  I can't wait to see what my room is like." Hannah said, anxiously.   "And your roommate too." Replied her mother. "Oh yeah, I can't wait for that either!  I hope she's nice.." Hannah said clearly becoming lost in thought.  Different versions of potential roommates running though her mind.  Each version of her roommate became increasingly difficult to be around.  Without realizing it, Hannah had become extremely worried, and almost scared to meet her roommate.  

        As their car pulled into the parking lot, Hannah snapped back to reality.  "Here we are." said her mother almost as if presenting the college to Hannah.  "It's big." Said Hannah.  Her voice was quiet, and with a pinch of fear.  Looking at her, Hannah's mother could tell she was nervous. "Everything okay, Hannah?  I wish I could go in, and see your room with you, but I can't be late for work, and it's a long drive." she said in a sympathetic tone.  "Yeah, I know me too, I'd be at least a little less nervous with you there.  Drive safe, love you."  Hannah responded, clearly still worried about her imminent meeting. Her mother responded quickly "Love you too, call me tonight."  Hannah nodded, and waved goodbye, as her mother drove away.

        After a few minutes spent finding her room, Hannah finally arrived at the door.  "Here goes" she said quietly to herself as she opened the door.  It was quiet, and empty.  Her roommate hadn't arrived yet.  Hannah sighed with relief, if only for a brief moment.  It didn't take her long to realize that she now had to wait even longer to meet her new roommate.  Hannah decided to familiarize herself with the room, and unpack a little.  There were two beds each against its own wall, at the back of the room.  Two drawers were built into the bottom of each bed, serving as a small dresser.  There was a small closet, on the wall in between the two beds.  Just large enough to hang some clothes, but too small for much else.  At the end of each bed was a small desk.  Each with two small drawers.  Accompanying each desk was an uncomfortable looking wooden chair.

        Hannah walked over to the bed on her left, and started unpacking her bags into the drawers at the bottom.  After unpacking, she decided all she could do now, was wait to meet her new roommate.  She didn't have her first lecture until tomorrow.  Hannah ended up lying down on her bed, continuing her thoughts from earlier. "I really hope she isn't mean. Hopefully someone I can trust.  Someone quiet would be preferable."  Her thoughts drifted, as Hannah slowly fell asleep.

        Hannah dreamt of a time when she was younger.  She was about 4 years old, playing with a ball, in her backyard.  While playing, Hannah had tripped and skinned her knee.  Hearing Hannah crying in pain, her mother came to the rescue.  Her mother picked her up, and carried her inside, to the bathroom.  After cleaning, and bandaging Hannah's knee, her mother softly kissed the bandage, while telling Hannah she was now all better.  The two then went to the living room, to watch TV.  Lying on the couch together, Hannah's mother held Hannah in her arms as the two of them fell asleep.

        A couple hours later, Hannah woke up in a really good mood. Unfortunately this didn't last long.  As she woke up Hannah discovered an arm wrapped around her.  Surprised and confused, Hannah jumped up out of bed to face the person who had been cuddling her in her sleep. The unknown girl was shocked by the sudden jolt of movement from Hannah.  In an attempt to move away from Hannah as she was jumping out of bed, the other girl had tripped, and fallen to the floor.  Frozen in fear, at the sight of Hannah's angry face, all the girl could do now was sit there with tears rolling down her cheeks.

        Looking down at the other girl, Hannah started to yell "What the hell are you.." she trailed off.  Confused, she stood there speechless, as she looked closer at the crying girl on the floor.  The girl had light brown hair, and was wearing a cute outfit.  She was obviously shorter than Hannah, which was surprising because Hannah was relatively short herself.  The girl's face was extremely red, which Hannah couldn't help but find adorable.  Hannah really couldn't stay mad at her for long.  A few moments passed when finally Hannah broke the silence.  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to get hurt.  You just scared me." she said.  The fallen girl sniffling, attempting to stop her tears responded. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.  When I walked in, I saw you lying there with tears in your eyes.  I couldn't help myself."  Hearing this, and recalling her earlier dream, Hannah's face turned an even deeper shade of red than the other girl.

        Not sure how to respond, Hannah said "It's fine. Let's just forget about it.  I'm going to go take a shower now."  The girl responded with a nod. "My names Hannah by the way.  What's yours?"  "Breanna" she said, as she still sat there in the same position on the floor.  Gathering her clothes, and a towel, Hannah kept looking back to Breanna.  She was still sitting in the same spot on the floor, almost five minutes later. "Are you okay Breanna?  You didn't get too hurt when you tripped did you?"  "I'm okay." Breanna said in a quiet, but calm voice.  "Okay then, I'll be back later." Hannah said, as she left for the showers.

        Hannah was in the shower for about fifteen minutes.  She spent this time processing what had just happened between her, and her new roommate.  "Well, she definitely seems like a nice person.  She is a little odd though.  Still, it could be worse." she thought to herself, as she finished up in the shower.  It was now almost noon, and Hannah was starting to get hungry.  She decided she would go back to her room, and see if Breanna wanted to join her for lunch.  The two of them hadn't gotten the chance to talk much, and Hannah really wanted them to get along.  

        Arriving back at the room, Hannah found Breanna sitting on her own bed, half covered up with a blanket, and reading a book.  There was a faint, pleasant scent in the air that she didn't notice before she left for her shower.  Breanna didn't react much to her returning to the room.  Hannah walked over to her bed, and sat down looking in Breanna's general direction.  After a couple minutes of waiting for Breanna to take a break from her book, Hannah finally gave up and said "I'm going to the Cafe for lunch.  Wanna come?" About five more seconds of awkward silence passed, before Breanna replied with a short and simple "Sure."

        Breanna climbed out of her bed, and put her shoes on.  She then stuck the book she was reading into her bag, put the strap over her shoulder, and was ready to go.  Hannah didn't notice it before, but Breanna was wearing a completely different outfit than earlier.  A black top, and blue jeans.  Not quite as cute as the one she was wearing earlier, but still it looked nice on her.

        "I'm ready" Breanna said, as she stood there waiting for Hannah, who was obviously lost in thought.  "Oh, sorry I space out sometimes." Hannah grabbed her bag, and the two left for the Cafe.  The Cafe was about a three minute walk away.  Hannah wanted to use this time to get to know Breanna a little.  "So how do you like our room?" asked Hannah.  "It's okay, I guess.  I've never shared a room with anyone before." Breanna replied, obviously nervous.  "Me neither.  I was pretty worried about what kind of person I would have to share a room with.  I can tell you're a nice person though, so that makes it a lot easier, for me at least." Hannah responded, trying to make Breanna feel more comfortable.  This didn't seem to work, as Breanna still appeared uncomfortable.  The two didn't talk much more on the way to the Cafe.

        At the Cafe, Hannah purchased a ham sub, and a large Dr. Pepper.  Unsure of what she should get, Breanna decided to just go with the same.  The two found a table, in an area without too many other people, and quietly ate their meals. Hannah finished her food first.  She then sat there sipping her drink, while waiting patiently for Breanna to finish with hers.  It only took a couple of minutes for Breanna to finish up.  Hannah was eager to have a real conversation with her roommate.  Hannah asked "So Breanna, what are you going to major in?"  "I haven't really decided." Breanna responded.  "No?  I'm majoring in graphic design."  Hannah said trying to keep the conversation going.  Breanna nodded, and seemed interested, but didn't have anything to add.  "You don't talk much, do you?" Hannah said, obviously slightly irritated.  "I'm sorry...I've never really had any friends.  I get nervous around people." Breanna said meekly.  "I promise, you don't have to be nervous around me.  Lets go back to our room, so we can talk easier." Hannah suggested.  Breanna agreed with a simple "Okay"

        Hannah, and Breanna didn't say a single word more, until they arrived at their dorm room.  Hannah opened the door, and walked straight to her bed.  She had been trying to think of a way to get Breanna to open up more.  She sat down, and faced Breanna's bed, ready to continue their conversation.  "I'm not normal" Breanna said, immediately after she closed the door.  This surprised Hannah.  This was the first time Breanna had spoke up before she could.  "What do you mean?" Hannah responded, with a puzzled look on her face.  "I told you that I've never had any friends before.  It's because I was home schooled."  Breanna said, as she sat down on her bed, staring at the floor.  "That's not that weird. Lots of people are home schooled."  Hannah said with a smile on her face. Breanna went on "There's more to it.  I just..I don't really want to talk about it."  "Okay, then lets just talk about something else.  It doesn't really matter to me what we talk about.  I just really want us to be friends." said Hannah, bluntly.  "Me too...  I'm just worried you'll change your mind when you learn more about me." Breanna said quietly, almost as if she didn't really want Hannah to hear her.  Hannah was quick to respond.  "Tell me this.  Are you a nice person?"  A moment of silence passed before Breanna finally answered with a simple "Yes".  "Then you really don't need to worry so much.  I promise you, nothing you say is going to make me not want to be your friend.  You're a nice person, and that's really all that matters to me."  Breanna looked Hannah in the eyes for the first time since their confrontation earlier this morning.  She smiled ever so slightly and said "Thanks."

        "A lot of people would say I'm not normal either, you know."  Hannah said with a smile on her face.  Breanna just sat staring at her with a questioning look, as if she didn't believe what Hannah was saying.  "It's true. I haven't really told many people but..I've always been more attracted to girls than guys."  Breanna's face grew a bright red, and she looked away for a moment.  Her gaze returning back to Hannah, she said "You mean your're a lesbian?"  "Well I don't really like hearing it said quite like that, but..Yeah, I guess so." Hannah said with a guilty look, as if she was slightly ashamed of admitting it.  "Me too...I think.  I've only ever had deep feelings for one person before.  When I was 11 years old,  My friend Haley and I used to kiss each other, when we would go over each other's houses."  Said Breanna, with an empty smile on her face.   She continued "But it didn't go on for long, and eventually we just stopped being friends."  Hannah, mirroring the expression on Breanna's face as she responded "Aww, sounds like you were a cute couple.  Sucks that it didn't work out for you.. " "it's okay." Breanna said, as she grabbed her book out of her bag, covered up with a blanket, and continued reading where she left off earlier.

        Taking the hint from Breanna, Hannah decided it was best to let the conversation end there for now.  Hannah thought it would be best to give Breanna some alone time.  With that in mind she chose to spend the next few hours exploring the campus, and meeting new people.

        It was a little after six when Hannah returned to the room.  She was pretty hungry, and figured Breanna probably would be as well.  There, she found Breanna sound asleep, with her book still in her hand. Hannah moved as quietly as she could to her own bed, trying not to wake Breanna quite yet.  Getting a closer look, she noticed Breanna was drooling just a bit. Hannah thought it was cute.  A slight smile formed on her face as she decided to wake her roommate. "Breanna." She whispered softly, getting no response back.  Just a little louder, she tried again. "Breanna, wake up, lets go eat."

       Breanna woke up slowly, wiping the drool from her face.  She looked confused at first, almost as if she wasn't sure where she was.  This didn't go on long as she quickly became alert when her eyes met with Hannah's. Her face grew red and she pulled her blanket up to her face, completely covering her mouth. Her other hand hidden beneath the blanket.

       "You don't have to be embarrassed. I drool sometimes too." Hannah said as she noticed Breanna beet red, and on the verge of tears.  "Come on, lets go eat." She said, changing the subject back.  "I'm fine, you go ahead." Breanna responded quickly, and without hesitation.  "Come on, you have to be hungry!" Hannah insisted, clearly not taking no for an answer.  "Fine, you go, and I'll meet you there in bit." Breanna said nervously.  Hannah accepted this, and made her way to the cafe.

       Hannah had planned on waiting for Breanna, before getting food, but she was starting to reconsider. She had been waiting for almost twenty minutes. Breanna arrived, just as Hannah started to make her way up to order.  "Finally! What took you so long?" Hannah stared at Breanna with a questioning, and somewhat angry look on her face.  "I'm so sorry! I got lost." Breanna held her hands up slightly covering her mouth as she spoke.  "It's fine, let's just eat already."

       The two got their food, and once again Hannah got a large Dr. Pepper with hers, but this time Breanna chose to just get a small water instead. "Didn't like the Dr. Pepper last time?" Hannah said, trying to make small talk. "It's okay, I'm just not that thirsty."  "Fair enough, I drink too much of it myself anyway. And I have a small bladder so It always makes me have to pee."  Hearing this, Breanna's face turned slightly red. "Me too, I usually try not to drink too much." Breanna's eyes were glued to the floor as she spoke. This was followed by a brief awkward silence, before Hannah suggested they return to the room for the night.

       The two made their way back to the room, without much more being said.  Upon entering Hannah again noticed a nice scent in the air.  "It smells nice in here." Hannah said, with a questioning look on her face, as she wondered where the scent was coming from. "Yeah, I guess so" Breanna made her way to her bed, where she sat on the edge of the mattress.  Noticing Breanna seemed pale, and a bit distressed, Hannah asked "Everything okay Breanna?"  "Yeah..I'm just not used to being away from home for so long.  I'll be fine though." "It's okay I've never been away for more than a week myself, so I'm sure I'll be feeling the same way eventually."   Breanna regained a bit of color. "I'm going to take a shower." She said as she grabbed a medium sized cloth bag, that was stuffed into one of the drawers beneath her bed.

       The moment Breanna left, Hannah decided it was time to call her mom.  "It's great mom. My roommate is a little weird, but she's really nice."  "That's great honey.  I'm glad you're having a nice time." The conversation went on for about fifteen minutes, before Breanna returned.  "Oh, my roommate is back." "Okay honey, I'll let you go so you two can hang out and get to know each other better." " Thanks mom, I love you. Bye."

       Breanna was wearing some loose fitting pink pajama pants, and a white shirt with penguins on it.  "I like your pjs. Are penguins your favorite animal?" "Mmhmm" Breanna responded while tugging on her shirt so she could see the penguins better. Breanna then went over to her bed, and began stuffing her bag back into the drawer beneath it. "You should put that bag in the closet.  You might tear it, if you keep stuffing it in that small drawer." Hannah said trying to be helpful.  Breanna began to blush. "It's fine. I won't rip it." Breanna hurriedly finished getting the bag into the drawer as best she could, and then closed it.  She then got up onto her bed, and covered her legs with a blanket.  The bag still stuck out just a little, but Hannah felt it best to just let it go.

       "Are you looking forward to your classes tomorrow?" Hannah said trying to start up a conversation.  "Mmm, I don't know.  I'm kind of nervous."  "That's natural.  I'm sure we'll both be fine though."  "You're probably right."  The conversation continued for about a half an hour, until Hannah decided that she should lie down for the night, so she could get an early start tomorrow.  "I'm not sure i'll get much sleep myself. Will you please wake me up tomorrow morning?" Breanna asked meekly.  "Sure, I'll make sure you're up. An hour before classes start sound good?" "That'll be perfect. Thanks."

       It didn't take long for Hannah to fall asleep, and before she knew it, tomorrow had come.  She had some time before she needed to wake her roommate, so she decided to get dressed, lie back down, and read a book for awhile.  While lying there Hannah noticed another scent in the air.  This time it was not a nice scent, but not overly horrible.  It was familiar, but she couldn't quite place it.  

       The time came to wake Breanna, so Hannah got up and attempted to do just that.   She tried calling her name, but to no avail.  Next she made a futile attempt to wake her by softly poking her arm, while continuing to call her name. The biggest reaction she got was a moan.   Time was ticking, and she still wanted to have breakfast before her first class, so finally she decided to just pull the blankets off of Breanna.  Immediately after doing so, the scent from earlier became much stronger.  Breanna finally woke up, and in a small panic grabbed the blankets back.

       Hannah noticing a small bit of Breanna's protruding undergarments before being covered. "Was that...?"  Breanna's face turned a deeper shade of red, than ever before, which in turn caused Hannah to blush almost as much.  Hannah turned away and stammered trying to change the subject, fully realizing the scent from earlier was urine.  "I..it.. we don't have much time before class." A brief silence followed.  Hannah still facing away from Breanna then said "it's okay you know. It's not that big a deal." She turned towards Breanna, but with her eyes closed.  She continued "I'm going to grab some breakfast before my first class. Do you want to come?" A few seconds passed before Hannah slowly opened one eye to see Breanna shaking her head no.  Hannah then made her way to the door.  She turned back one last time, with sympathetic look on her face . "Okay, but we can have lunch later right? I just really want us to be friends." Breanna didn't say a word, but after a moment gave a slight nod.

       Hannah smiled, as she left for the cafe to have a quick breakfast.  She was excited to start her first real day of college, but now she had a lot more on her mind. Mostly concerning her roommate.  She's an odd one, but Hannah liked her.  Hannah still wasn't really sure what to think of her newest discovery though.  "She wets the bed I guess." She thought to herself as she again started to blush.  "It's really not a big deal.  So she has to wear a..diaper? She doesn't have to be be embarrassed about it.  Although I guess I would be too.  Oh, I hope she doesn't want to leave the school just because I found out..."

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