Formed Bonds

By xBlixx

22.1K 652 269

When Satan is told that Rin is now in the care of Mephisto (helpfully supplied by Amaimon) He decides to send... More

The Playground
Quality Time
Operation: Playtime
The Art of Betrayal
Tensions (With a Chance of Glitter)
The Harsh Reality


5K 126 20
By xBlixx

Prologue (?)

"So, you not only come without Samael but you tell me that he has managed to get his hands on Rin?" Satan growled in frustration as he stood up out of his seat and paced back and forth, "Of course, Samael must have been in contact with that damned Exorcist and must have been appointed their guardian... Damn that Paladin! I almost had my son and now he is in the possession of the traitor?"

Satan was officially pissed. After spending fifteen years waiting to find and retrieve, none of their attempts had ended in success... To make matters worse he would now have to deal with one of his other sons? This wasn't a surprise though as it was obvious that Mephisto was playing games with him. The Demon King of Time was always getting in Satan's way and his patience was wearing thin. So, he wasn't just pissed, he was enraged.

Poor Amaimon could only stand there as he watched his father pace around, seemingly angry. It was never a good thing when Satan was angry. Honestly, the last thing he wanted to do was make his father angry, but it would have happened anyway. After all, Mephisto did send him back and told him to tell his brothers about all of the current events. Word would have gotten around one way or another, so Amaimon had made the decision to tell Satan everything. Better this than the possibility of Satan finding out through someone else and that would have most likely led to him to being punished for concealing the truth.

"It seems even in death the Paladin has managed to keep the Young Prince from us," Amaimon said before sighing, earning a glare from Satan, "I'm sorry to bring that up but it's true... Anyway, what do you think Onii-sama's intentions are with Rin?"

The Demon King of Earth's words certainly didn't help brighten Satan's mood whatsoever but the younger King was right. It was frustrating when Astaroth had failed to retrieve Rin but even more so when he himself couldn't even do it. That damn Paladin was too stubborn and so was Rin. That's what happens when one is raised in the wrong place... Either way, Satan wasn't going to let the things that happened change anything. Some way or another he was going to get Rin. It was only a matter of how or when.

Satan stopped his pacing as an idea suddenly crossed his mind, the most perfect plan. He actually had a huge advantage and he would capitalize on it. Mephisto would most likely need help handling Rin, since he obviously wouldn't be able to control his flames, which meant that he would ask for help. Who was his go-to guy for help? Amaimon. Every time the Demon King of Time wanted Amaimon for something, Amaimon would be at his Beck and Call. Satan slowly turned towards Amaimon and grinned.

"I have no idea what that traitor's intentions are but I think I have a solution to our little problem," Satan said with a smirk as he approached Amaimon and rested a hand on the younger demon's shoulder, "I know how terribly bored you get, so this might be hitting two birds with one stone, so I have a mission for you. Would you be up for some fun?"

The Demon King of Earth's facial expression changed from stone-faced to that of an excited child. He didn't know what the mission was yet but it was quite easy to amuse him, that and whenever his father sent him to do something there was always something to look forward to. Amaimon smiled and eagerly nodded.

"Of course, father, I'll do whatever you want me to, as long as it's fun," Amaimon replied excitedly as he looked up at his father, "So, what kind of mission will you be sending me on, I'm curious."

Satan knew that Amaimon was easily amused and that is why he would be even more perfect for the job. See, it did tend to get boring in Gehenna, especially for a demon like Amaimon because for some reason it was also easy to bore him. However, whenever something caught Amaimon's interest he didn't hesitate to accept. In the end, Satan was going to get what he wanted. No one was going to get in his way.

"Oh, trust me, I promise you that it will be a very fun experience. Have I ever disappointed you, Amaimon?" Satan asked as his grin widened and slowly wrapped an arm around Amaimon's shoulder and pulled the other male close, "The next time that Samael calls you, go to him and do what he asks until you can get to Rin. You see, I'll be sending you on a retrieval mission. I want you to do whatever you have to get your youngest brother into Gehenna, no matter how long it takes."

Amaimon was excited but at the same time he was worried. Doing this meant that he would be lying to Mephisto and lying to him wasn't all that easy. He doubted his acting skills were good enough but there was no way he could refuse the request. Besides, with Satan it wasn't like he had a choice.

"Don't you think that Onii-sama would catch on? He isn't exactly dumb, so what if he finds out about the whole plan?" Amaimon inquired as he looked away from his father, not wanting to see what his facial expression might be, "I mean, I'll do it but I am worried that I might get caught and Onii-sama has some pretty strict punishments, too..."

Satan sighed and shook his head before replying, "I know that he will eventually find out but I have complete faith in your ability to complete the mission." Without any warning, he gripped Amaimon's shoulder and squeezed tightly, not looking at the younger demon with a serious expression, "I will not allow failure for the third time, you got it? Otherwise it's not Samael you'll have to worry about. I've waited far too long and my patience has about run out."

Amaimon flinched at the grip but made no other reaction before sighing and nodding, "Don't worry, father, I won't let anything get in the way. The next time you see me, I'll have company with me."

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