By Brink_of_pure_awe

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I woke up at six at night to a loud alarm I went to the computer and it flashed PLEASE EXIT THE BUILDING IN T... More

Chapter One Brey: A life changed
Chapter Two Nick: My Parents' wishes
Chapter Three Haleigh: Mission 1
Chapter four Justin: Fast forward
Chapter five Victoria: the return
Chapter Seven Chloe: Austin Smith
Chapter Eight Chloe: Dating
Chapter Nine Chloe: Lies
Chapter Ten Chloe: the TRUTH
Chapter Eleven Emily: Exit Stage Right
Chapter Tweleve Nick: Payment
Chapter Thirdteen Haleigh: Changes and Betrayal
Chapter Fourteen Justin: Assistance
Chapter Fifteen Tori: the unknown
Chapter Sixteen Daniel: well then
Chapter Seventeen Danny: FML
Chapter Eighteen Daniel: Like it's my Last
Chapter Nineteen Chloe: Normal not Boring
Chapter Twenty Emily: Sonnet 71

Chapter Six Daniel: Surprise

75 4 0
By Brink_of_pure_awe

I never realized how hot Brey was I probably didn't notice through all the pony tails, sarcasm, guns, swords, extreme violence, and over all evilness but under all of that she is a perfect ten. After Nick, had snapped the necks of the pilot and copilot I asked him if he had ever had a thing for her. He admitted that he did but that it ended after he saw her kill a few people with a hair tie and a butter knife. I wanted to ask him how someone would do that but I just didn't want to know or have that image stuck in my head. We got on the plane and waited for them to show up thankfully the pilots had an extra uniform in their bags. One of the pilots was the same size as Nick and the other was about two sizes bigger than me. I tried to get Nick to switch but then Justin started to yell at us to get in the cockpit Then Holman showed up with Brey and two of his body guards.

We had been in the air for about twenty minutes when Tori and Justin gave the okay for me to turn the plane to head to the crash zone, and for Nick and Brey to kill everyone and get the drive. Nick started off by shooting Holman's body guards then he grabbed Brey and put the gun to her head. Next, he said "the drive please" it was strait out of an extremely awesome action movie Brey even added to the nostalgia by pleading for him not to give not to give him whatever it was, but Holman handed it over anyway. Nick tossed it to me and I sent it to Tori to see if it was real once it checked out Nick shot him in the head. We flew to the area that we planned to crash the plan at, and put the pilots back in their respective seats. Brey sadly changed into a black tee shirt and leggings then we all put on our parachutes, and exited the plane looking unbelievably cool or at least Brey and Nick did I was kind of flailing around afraid I was going to die. After we hit the ground the three of us to a fun road trip to la only to drop off the drive to AG since she insisted that we deliver it to her personally. I realized that they aren't the best to be stuck in a car with for an extended amount of time I felt like I was trying to talk to two brick walls. Neither of them would say a word so just to try to get any form of communication started me asked if Brey liked her tattoo then she kindly kicked they back of my chair and they both laughed. After we finally gave AG her stupid drive she sent us back home and hoped that we had a peaceful break.

We were at the villa for a record breaking three weeks before AG to give us a mission. We now had to guard a secret uranium vault then find and eliminate all other interested parties, but the catch was that some idiot cleared for a school to be built on top of it. Now the only school in Thomas county Arizona had enough uranium for about forty nuclear warheads and somehow the information slipped out. So, she had the incredible idea to enroll us as students until the school year was over in three months I have never wanted not to do something so badly, but we still packed our bags and flew to Arizona. Brey and Nick weren't on the same plane as the rest of us since they had to bring some items that weren't exactly legal on a plane. After we got to the address I felt like I was in a sitcom. There was the mom, Cassie, the dad, James, and their five-year-old daughter Laurel. When a car pulled up to the house we assumed it was Nick and Brey, but then we saw two people doing wheelies down the street. The next day Jonas, May, Emma, Charles, Dominic, Anna, Kecia, and Austin entered Thomas county high school. Because Brey and Nick only have two aliases and the other was twenty-one and was traveled the world while we thought it would be best if certain people avoided them.

The farthest I got in public school was the sixth grade when my parents dropped me off at the base. Where I pretty much did the rest of school on a computer that how I have a Masters in chemistry at seventeen. The closest I've gotten to the high school experience is high school musical and TV, but Brey told me that all of it was lies "clicks don't exist it's just people and their friends who like to do similar things," she said. My very first day of school consisted of a lot of introductions, getting lost a lot, being bossed around by teachers trying to teach me things I already know, and having to be clueless about what to do. After three days, I have pretty much given up on all of this stuff and started pissing off everyone with Justin who was in every class with me.

After we got home Cassie made us do our homework, keep our room clean, and help make dinner She reminds me of what very I remember of my mom before she dropped me off at Naylor. Out of the eight of us four of us are orphans Tori whose mom was shot and drove her, her sister, and her two older brothers seven hours to the gates of base Naylor Tori was twelve. Brey and Nick's parents were set up and killed by a firing squad, but Brey killed all of them. Then there's me two years after my parents dropped me off I got a letter saying that they were dead. While the other four's parents are alive and well inviting them over for the summer, sending happy birthday and post cards, and calling them on Christmas. They all have other siblings who they barely talk to, or avoid all together since they feel like they were just ditched then replaced.

About a week after we showed up everyone pretty much found a place they felt like they belonged. Brey or Kecia was the girl that no one messed with or you ran the chance of being in the ER in the week that we have been here she has already almost killed four people. Haleigh or Emma is nice and hot in other people's opinion and currently has at least two boyfriends, she gets invited to every party, and is in everyone's business. Emily or May is even worse about being in everyone's business and a full fledge instigator. Jonas was really quiet but still talked in class and stuff while Tori or Anna is completely silent, but no one thought she could talk people started to pick on her and Brey threw them down the stairs. Justin and I or Dominic and Charles in detention more than class thankfully. Then there is Nick or Austin who every girl won't shut up about if I hear "are you friends with him; does he have a girlfriend" one more time I will probably snap I don't get why all the girls are swooning over him since I'm single. After a month, we started to have normal teenage problems. Getting grounded for not keeping our room clean, getting detention, sneaking out to go to parties, or missing curfew. Luckily for Brey and Nick they were sent their list of people to eliminate then they started to disappear. 

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