Silver | Kylo Ren x Reader

By supremekylo

16.9K 861 374

30 years have passed since the last wolf attack in the small town of Havensboro; after a gruesome wolf murder... More

The Wolf with Silver Eyes
The Man Named Armitage
The Sacred Silver Necklace
The Truth Behind Ben Solo
The Scarif Book Store Massacre
The Claw Marks on the Wall (NSFW!)
The Three Words
The Kidnapping
The Last Howl (NSFW!)
The Epilogue

The Wolf Attack

1.6K 87 52
By supremekylo

The weather your hometown encountered was rather an illusion. The constant sunny skies you assumed would lead to sunny days always turned out to be the stormy kind. For some reason, it was a rarity for the weather to actually stay true to itself. Back at the university, the weather was lovely, no cloud in the sky and a rather cool temperature. Then afternoon had hit and storm clouds came rolling in.

Your Monday was going to be a long one. Three classes in the morning and then work in the afternoon till night. You weren't dreading it, but, you weren't looking forward to it either. The job you had was peaceful and paid decent money; but, you'd be lying if you said you weren't exhausted.

It was a nice surprise to make a new friend who—in fact—had a class with you. The Armitage fellow was a rather kind gentleman, always wearing a smile and was awfully polite. Of course, you didn't think much of it as it was the least of your concerns. At least one man was able to be a decent person unlike the others.

Darting out of your car and toward the entrance of the store, the sudden heavy rain came pouring down on you and nearly drenched you from head to toe. Pulling the door open and rushing in, your body trembled. Your hair had gotten slightly wet and your jacket was soaked along with your jeans. It didn't help when the bookstore's thermostat was low.

Making your way towards the back and leaving your things in the private room, you decided your jacket was of no use with how wet it now was. Letting the jacket hang off of a chair to dry, you sighed, you definitely were going to be freezing.

Walking out and rubbing your arms as you shivered, you aimed for the front, only to stop in your tracks as you recognized the person from afar.

You had easily identified the dark hair, lean body, and scar on his face. Still, you hadn't known his name. In your head, his name was wolfman with his interest in lycanthropy; far better than scarface (as you weren't sure how well he'd take it if the name ever slipped). You wondered as to why he was at the store again after a single day. Had he already read the few books? Or did he really like reading?

Wanting to approach him, you were instantly blocked by one of Poe's friends—Rose.

Hearing a small conversation erupt to the right of him, the man—wolfman as you claimed—turned his attention from the bookshelf, over to the pair. Seeing the back of some young woman, his eyes then landed on you, instantly recognizing who you were.

Watching you as you spoke, letting out a small laugh and smiling, only to then point, the dark haired man instantly looked down at the book in his hand as the woman [Rose] you had been talking to started walking away. Lifting his head back up and looking over, you stood there and watched Rose go, in case she had gone the wrong way. Just as you were going to turn around, you were startled.

"Sorry..." the man before you spoke. "I thought I'd come over and say... hello." He swallowed as you simply smiled, appreciating the gesture.

"H— Hello!" You beamed, holding onto your arms as you were still trembling. "It's funny seeing you again so soon... Do you read that fast?" You questioned as the man lightly smiled, causing your heart to flutter at his rather handsome grin.

"Actually, they're more of side stories in case I get bored. I like reading so I wanted to see what else you guys carried in here," he nodded, eyeing the surrounding bookshelves. "You may just see me often in here, I am an avid reader and I do read books quickly," he admitted as your smile grew.

"That's lovely! Reading is good, it helps you get away from the real world and can also build up your vocabulary," you pointed out as he nodded in agreement. "Anything in particular you want?"

Making a face as if he was thinking, he rubbed his chin. "Actually... I was wondering if you had that Bill Gates book still? It looked pretty interesting," he joked as you lightly laughed.

"A sense of humor, I see," you responded, laugh still breaking its way through your words. "I'd be happy to take you to the book," you gestured as the man shook his head.

"As flattering as that sounds, I only kid. I'd rather read the Cat in the Hat one." Playfully rolling your eyes, the man watched you with such a lighthearted smile. It had been a long time since he felt that way. So long since he had seen someone as bright as you, constantly smiling at a person like himself.

"Very funny..." Feeling your teeth begin to chatter, you sighed. "Ugh, this change in weather isn't in my best interest." Realizing your hair was slightly wet along with your pants, his eyes trailed back up to you and your vibrating frame. "I really should've used my umbrella."


Noticing he had been taking off his jacket, you blinked, "oh, no, it's okay! I— I'm g— good!" You lied, the man ignoring you and walking closer to pull the large, leather jacket over your shoulders. "Really, you don't have to, I don't want you to be cold..."

"It's fine, I get warm easily," he admitted. "Plus, you need it more than I do. Use it. I don't mind."

"Are you sure? I don't want to forget that I have it on and not—"

"I don't mind," he repeated himself. "You can always give it to me another time," the man nodded as you took in a small breath.

"How would I know there's going to be another time?" You questioned.

"I'm sure there will be. Like I said, you may start seeing me often." Crossing his arms, your eyes trailed them. The buttoned up shirt he was in hugged his chest and upper arms, almost as if holding on for fear life. The buttons almost looked as if they'd pop open in any given second. And you? Your heart was racing at the sight. He was a very attractive man.

"That is true..." You snapped your eyes back up. "Well, I appreciate your sacrifice in making me warm," letting out a small chuckle, the man simply grinned. "But I really don't want to take—"

"Keep it," he simply spoke as you blinked. "I have plenty, I don't mind giving one up. Plus, you don't have to worry about returning it."

"Are— Are you sure?" You stuttered as he nodded. "Thank you..." you nearly whispered.

"In exchange, I'd like to know your name," he pointed his hand before shoving it back into his arm as he kept them crossed.

Raising your brows the slightest, you smiled once again. "M— My name?" Seeing him nod, you let out a small breath. "It's Y/N, uh, Y/N Y/L/N."

"Y/N..." he repeated, the sound of your name rolling off of his tongue sent chills down your spine. "Lovely name."

"Thank you! And... And what might your name be?" You curiously asked.

"Ben Solo," sticking his hand out, you looked down at it and forgot how large it was. Taking it within your smaller one, you shook it. "I trust you will take good care of the jacket although I'm giving it to you."

"Of course!" You nodded your head rapidly while shaking his hand. "I will!"

"Good." Slowly separating his hand from your own as he looked down at you, your breath hitched. "It was a pleasure to meet you. If you'll excuse me, I have more books to look at," he pointed his hand.

"Yes, yes. Of course..." you nodded. "Thank you, again. If you need anything I'll be towards the front," you pointed, slowly backing up before walking off, biting your bottom lip as your heart thudded within your chest.

Watching you walk off, he smiled to himself. At least not everyone in the small town—let alone, planet—was awful.

Spending most of your time placing books back in their right spot, restocking, and tending to the register, you somehow always had Ben in your line of vision. It was sheer coincidence, it wasn't like you were following him, he just so happened to be there each time.

Happy that your body was finally warm, making it easier to move, you nearly had forgotten you had his—or now your—jacket on. Even though you hadn't noticed it at first, you noticed it smelt rather good. Trying not to think about what he smelt like, you tried focusing elsewhere, although you constantly found yourself looking at him as he busied himself with reading.

Picking up a misplaced book, you looked up to see it belonged on the top shelf. Groaning to yourself as you wondered as to why someone would misplace it, you tiptoed and tried reaching up. "Great..." Looking around for the step stool, you sighed. Turning around and trying to reach up again as you held onto the bookshelf, the book was instantly taken from your hold.

Growing wide eyed as you looked up at the hand, your eyes followed along the arm as you noticed someone was now standing right behind you. Turning around, you instantly gulped. The proximity between you and Ben was small, enough to possibly fit a few books in between, making your heart skip a beat.

Blinking as your eyes snaked up his torso, to his face, your stomach turned. "You look like you needed help," his voice rung, your breath getting caught in your throat.

Swallowing, you nodded, "yeah... thank you." Nervously smiling, he gave you a small grin back—at least, it looked like it from how minuscule it was.

"Did the jacket do its job?" Ben questioned as you instantly nodded.

"Yes! I feel warm now, thank you. I could barely move before," you lightly smiled as he simply eyed you, your heart now picking up its speed. Something about this man made your blood rush—in a good way. "I— I could give it back?" Just about to take it off, his hands engulfed your own, your heart slamming its breaks as your throat locked.

"Like I said, keep it," he reiterated, lightly leaning forward as you slowly nodded your head, feeling the warmth of his hands exert onto your own.


Standing in silence for a moment as you stared up at him, his hands still held onto your own, the tall man gazed down at you. Only two days of knowing him and you felt as if he had won you over. You couldn't tell what, but something about him made you want to fall into panic mood each and every time you looked at him. He was just too... did you ever have a word to describe him? Your brain froze. He was otherworldly.

It couldn't be a crush, you hadn't had one in so long, but he made you feel things that a crush would normally make you feel. It was intoxicating, you felt your cheeks burning as your body stood still, heart throbbing and breath constantly getting caught in your throat. How was it that a man as—in simple terms—dead looking as him made your heart go wild?

"I don't want to seem straightforward or the least bit of creepy, but, are you busy after work?" He asked, your breath suddenly being able to leave your slightly parted lips as your chest began to heave. You must have looked like a maniac.

"After— After work?" You questioned as he nodded. "Um..." Thinking about how you had to study and the fact that you were tired, you simply shook your head. "No, no I have nothing."

"Would you like to go to dinner with me?" He boldly asked.

Taking in a small, deep breath, your heart suddenly echoed within your ears. "Of c— Yes, yes that sounds lovely!" You smiled as Ben gave you the same small grin as before. "I should give you my number or— or you give me yours? So I can tell you when I'm out..." nodding your head continuously, Ben lowered his hands from your own, reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out his phone.

"Here, I can text you so you know it's me." Handing you his large phone, you took it in your hands and dialed in your number, handing it back to him as he saved it.

Feeling your phone vibrate in your back pocket, you shifted your eyes from him, pulling it out and seeing the unsaved number on the screen. Opening the message that simply said 'Ben', you instantly saved his number. "I'm usually out by eight but I'll let you know if anything," you spoke, sliding your phone back into your pocket as you then looked up at him.

"I'll see you then," he bowed his head, turning around and walking off.

Taking in small breaths to steady your aching heart, you looked down at your hands, the feeling of his leaving an imprint.

"Do you mind if I pick you up?" He spoke up, you lifting your head up and looking over. "Either here or at your place, whatever you feel is more comfortable."

Taking in a deep breath, you smiled, "my place is fine!" You nodded. "I'll message you my address."

"Okay," nodding his head once, he turned back around and walked off, leaving you there internally screaming and blushing.

With your anticipation getting the best of you, the time had gone rather slow. You weren't sure if you should consider it a date or not, but it had been a while since you had dinner with someone who wasn't Rey, Finn, or Poe. If it was a date, then this would be the first in years. If it wasn't, then you were still happy. It felt rather exciting knowing you were going to dinner with a man who was very attractive and quite friendly. Maybe then you'd get to know him better...

Looking at your wrist watch as the minutes slowly passed, you finally saw the big hand hit the eight, causing you to rush towards the back and gather your things. It had been a while since you felt such way—especially towards someone else.

You were excited to say the least, a part of you really wanted to get to know Ben. He seemed like one of those introverted people who had a lot about them but hid it well, you also wanted to befriend him. For now, you considered him an acquaintance—even if you were moving pretty fast. But, you didn't seem to mind, it didn't bother you the slightest.

There was something about Ben Solo that captivated you, you just couldn't tell what exactly.

Exiting the book store, you nearly darted over to your car, stopping at the drivers side only to look up at the bright moon. Maybe tonight you wouldn't be dreaming about the damned wolves. That was the least the universe could do for you.

Getting inside of your car and plopping your purse in the passenger seat, you were quick to leave the parking lot and make your way back to your home. The one thing that was on the back of your mind: what were you going to wear? With the dropping temperature, you couldn't really wear a dress, you weren't willing to freeze up your legs. Maybe sticking to something simple, you didn't want to seem desperate, after all... this wasn't a date. Right?

The minute you had parked was the minute you sent Ben your address; you were afraid you'd forget and somehow let that ruin everything. Arriving to the apartment building, you rushed up the stairs and to the fifth floor, unlocking your front door and shutting it behind you. Nearly tossing your keys and purse onto your small dining table, you sprinted to your bedroom and opened up your closet. "What to wear, what to wear?"

Pushing through the hangers, you decided to keep it simple yet fashionable, something that'll keep you warm. You went for a white, long sleeved turtleneck, simple black jeans and the same booties from before. Lying them on your bed, along with a black coat, you quickly entered your bathroom, stripped off your clothes and showered.

Cleaning yourself and washing away the feeling of the rain water, you found yourself squealing as you had gotten out and wrapped the towel around you after drying up. How was it that you had gained someone's interest so easily? All you did was tell him where books were... smiled a little and somewhat humored him, other than that, you didn't do much. Maybe you were charming and just didn't want to believe it?

Me? Charming? As if. Rolling your eyes, you changed into your outfit, brushed your hair in hopes it'd stay looking nice and applied some makeup. Looking in the mirror as you were satisfied with your look, you let out a small breath. "It's not a date, no need to get so worked up... he's just a really good looking guy who asked you to dinner... no big deal," you spoke into the mirror as if giving yourself a sort of pep talk, although your nerves were still all over the place. "Oh, but what if this does become a date? What if I screw up? What if I get all weird on him?!" You panicked, whining to yourself, "What if—" Hearing a knock on your front door, your head snapped over to your phone on the counter, seeing a text from Ben that you had missed.

"Five minutes ago? Good job, Y/N..." Opening up the message to see it said 'almost there' you swallowed your anxiety. "Everything will be alright." Grabbing your purse and stuffing your phone into it, you held onto your keys and opened the door.

The first thing in your line of vision was a dark gray tee, lifting your eyes up to see Ben looking down at you. "Hi," you greeted as he simply smiled. "Was it easy to get here?" You questioned followed by Ben's nodding.

"Yeah, you live in a nice place," he spoke, eyes still on you as your heart fluttered.

"Oh, yeah... my father helped me choose it although I insisted I didn't need it..." Sighing, you shrugged. "Better than housing in a dorm."

"You go to college?" He asked, raising a brow as you nodded.

"Yeah... really hoping to graduate in a year." You responded with a thin smile. "Not that I don't mind schooling, I just want to get into my field already." Walking outside as you shut the door and locked it, the two of you walked along the halls and towards the staircase.

"What are you majoring in?" Ben questioned out of curiosity.

"Nursing... hoping to work in the ER. It's pretty basic, I know, almost everyone wants to be a nurse but I like the idea of saving lives. Working at a bookstore really doesn't work out... you can save people from boredom, but that's about it." Chuckling, Ben lightly smiled at your enthusiasm.

"That's a nice way to go, you seem like you've got a good heart on you, anyway," he nodded, you looking over at him and taking in a small breath. It almost made your heart flutter. Almost.

"What do you do? Do you go to school?" You asked, wondering.

Looking over for a moment, he let out a small laugh and shook his head. "No, I left that behind a while ago. I work for a business, an independent one." He spoke. "I'm kind of one of the main guys, if you must."

"Oh, that's neat. Is it your own business?" Looking at him again, he lightly shrugged.

"Sort of... not entirely, but I get a lot done for it." Ben responded, the two of you making your way down the stairs and out to where he had parked. For the small walk, the two of you continued talking about your careers—mainly yours and your goals rather than his own—before making it to his car. "So, if you're studying to be a nurse, what makes you want to work at a bookstore?"

Taking the passenger seat as Ben had started his car, you looked over at him. "Well, the place is wonderful and the customers are great... I rarely have problems and I'm surrounded by nothing but books and merchandise so it's quite nice. Although it has nothing to do with nursing, I at least get my books at a really good price, so there's that," you nodded as Ben looked at you for a moment before backing out and driving to wherever it was he wanted to take you. "Plus, I needed a job to pay off for the apartment and they were hiring so I took the opportunity. Scarif's a really great book store."

"Yeah, it is, I wish I had discovered it sooner. Or, at least noticed you before." Looking at Ben and feeling your cheeks heat up, you looked away. Now is not the time to get flustered when he could easily look over and see it! "But, I'm sure you'll be expecting to see me more over there."

"That'd be nice, it's always great to see a recognizable face. My friends tend to visit a lot and give me company from time to time. It can be quite lonely in there on off days. Usually the store's packed, but with this whole wolf fiasco, barely anyone goes out anymore," you sighed, Ben looking over for a moment as he could see the drop in your expression.

"I'm sure they'll start going back once it dies down," he nodded, you looking over and seeing a small grin on his face, causing you to smile.

"I really hope so..."

"Chalmun's Cantina?" You questioned, looking up at the neon sign.

"Sorry... I was going to take you somewhere nicer but I didn't want to make it seem like we were..." Scratching the back of his head, he pointed a hand as you looked at him. "On a date of some sort?"

Feeling your heart drop as you lightly frowned, you only looked away. Of course you weren't on a date, what made you think that? "Oh, no... that's fine. I don't mind the Cantina, actually. I come here quite often with my friends," you truthfully spoke, hands now deep in the pockets of your coat as Ben looked down at you, seeing the thin line on your lips.

Had what he said about it not being a date bother you? "Maybe we can do something after this? I mean, I feel bad that it isn't the ideal place..."

Instantly snapping your head up, you shook it. "No, no you're totally fine! It's got great food and drinks here, don't worry about it!" You waved a hand. You were simply glad that at least you were going out with someone new. As much as you loved the trio, it always felt nice to meet a new face.

"Okay, well..." walking up to the door, he opened it for you, gesturing for you to walk in as you bowed your head.

Getting a table for the both of you, the two of you spent most of the dinner conversing—whether it was getting to know one another, talk about the town or just interesting topics in general, you find yourself rather content. Ben wasn't bad company at all, though he did have a shell he had to break out of at first, he was overall wonderful to be around; at least it felt like it with you.

As for Ben, he was amazed that he even had such a great time. Most of his days were spent on his own, he barely had company, to be around you felt refreshing. You were refreshing. Your aura was so nice to have around and so were you, you were always so... happy. At least, it seemed like it towards him. Your smile was something he enjoyed seeing and your laugh was a sound he liked. He did anything to see and hear either of them.

There was something about you that he truly couldn't ignore, you were heavenly; and, although a bit different than him, your presence was welcoming. Something he needed. Someone he needed.

"So you're twenty three?" Ben asked as you nodded.

"Yeah, I had taken a year off of schooling to travel..." Swatting a hand as if it were nothing, Ben nodded back. "How old are you? You don't seem much older than me." Taking the last sips of your drink, Ben gently pushed his to a side.

"Just turned thirty, so I guess you could say not much older." Ben revealed, crossing his arms on the table and leaning forward.

Raising your eyebrows, you smiled, "wow, that's still fairly young! You look... really mature for your age."

"Is that an insult?" He raised a brow as you instantly shook your head.

"No! Of course not!" You shrieked, cheeks burning from embarrassment as Ben only laughed. Frowning, you shook your head again. "That's so not funny..."

"Hey, I'm just messing with you. I'll take it as a compliment, no worries," he smiled as you looked up and saw the dimple on his cheek. You had never seen his smile that wide before, it was actually really cute. "I get that a lot, plenty of people guess different ages for me. I guess I do look pretty mature." Ben leaned back as you let out a small breath in relief.

"And here I was thinking I had said something wrong..." Looking down at your cup, Ben's lips curved downwards, feeling bad for teasing you the way he had.

"Hey, it's alright, technically I am an old man to you." Ben leaned in again, you looking up and smiling, seeing him wink.

"Okay, because seven years is such a huge gap. Whatever you say, old man." You lightly chuckled, sitting back in your spot.

Eyeing you, Ben couldn't help but smile. Your company was overwhelming in the sense he couldn't get enough of it. Although it was terrible circumstances, he was glad he was able to meet you. "Hey, do you want to go for a walk? Then I can take you back home."

Looking at him, you nodded. "Yeah, sure, that sounds nice. At least I'll have you by my side so no one can attack me." Standing up and getting out of the booth, Ben walked over to you and rested a hand on your shoulder—somehow that made your skin tingle.

"I'll always have your back." He winked before walking on, causing your chest to ache as your heart exploded. Why couldn't this have been a date?

Following him behind, the two of you walked alongside one another down the sidewalk. You had no particular destination, you just walked and walked.

The streets were quiet, but what did you expect for a Monday night? Barely anyone went out on the early weekdays, possibly why the Cantina was quite empty.

Walking rather close to Ben without even noticing it, you kept your hands in the pockets of your coat as Ben had done the same with his jacket. He wasn't kidding about owning multiple, the one he had been in now looked almost identical to the one he had given you.

"How are those books treating you?" You asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had been nothing but natural sounds—and a few passing cars.

"Interesting... they're not bad, some are a bit hard to understand as it's old English... but it's not bad. Pretty entertaining if you ask me, I could write a movie about lycanthropy," he spoke, causing you to laugh.

"Because it isn't like we don't have enough movies or shows about werewolves," you rolled your eyes while Ben shook his head.

"That's because werewolves are far more interesting than vampires or witches...or mermaids and all that crap," he said as you looked at him and laughed again.

"Seriously? You too? You're into that?" You raised a brow.

"I mean, is it not obvious? I did buy out the books." Ben pointed a finger.

"You are right..." You pointed back. "But, do you believe in them? That's the real question."

"That's like asking if I believe in aliens... there's no right or wrong because we don't know—"

"But do you?" You questioned, smirking up at him as he was the one now to roll his eyes.

"I don't know... I can't give you a solid answer. They could and couldn't be, you never know." Ben shrugged as you sighed.

"That would be your answer, you would respond with something like—" turning your attention back ahead, you froze in your spot, eyes widening.

Furrowing his eyebrows as he saw your expression change, Ben followed it, instantly growing stiff.

There, not that far ahead of you, was that same tan wolf from the night before. And, alongside it, was a white wolf. Possibly another one from before.

Gulping, your heart skipped a beat. "Y/N, do as I say, alright?"

"M— Mhm..." You slowly nodded, keeping your focus on the pair of wolves.

"I want you to get behind me, okay?" Nodding again, you carefully moved behind him as Ben held on to your wrist.

Staring at the tan wolf, his upper lip lightly twitched as his eyes glared. Not bothering to waste time, Ben was quick to pull you with him behind a wall and nearly pinning you in front of him as the wolf had lunged. Standing in front of you as his chest was nearly pressed up against your head, your heart fluttered. Why did this keep happening? And why did it feel like that tan wolf was out to get you?

Hearing the sudden sound of a gun being fired, you flinched, Ben instantly moving his grip down your arm and into your hand, reassuring that you were safe. "Its okay, you're safe with me," he lowly spoke as your eyes were now shut, not realizing you had been tearing up until you opened them and felt one slip.

Looking down at you, Ben cupped you're face with his free hand, using his thumb to wipe the tear away as you looked up at him. It felt as if you had forgotten to breathe. What would've happened if Ben wasn't there? Or whoever just fired a round?

Leaving his hand on your cheek, he only pulled you into an embrace. Resting your forehead against him as you vibrated out of fear, Ben held tightly on to you. "I'll take you home."

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ☾  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

A/N: As promised, daily updates! This chapter finally gets the ball rolling! I'm glad to have properly introduced Mr. Ben Solo (AKA Kylo Ren). You'll soon find out why he goes by that name...

Who do you guys think the fan wolf is?

What about that Rogue One reference? I had to make the book store Scarif... it seemed fitting!

Thank you for reading and - as always - please leave a comment and vote! I truly appreciate the support!

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