Undercover Revenge - BTS (HEA...

By satansoo_yoongi

102K 2.8K 888

Kay was a nerd, a book worm, the girl with no friends at school. She was always picked on by everyone for alw... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 5

6.1K 171 75
By satansoo_yoongi


Today was a Saturday so I had to handle some business. I contacted Jooheon to gather everyone up.

I quickly got ready and ate some food while waiting for the people to arrive at my house.

The door bell rang. 

I rushed to the door to see Jooheon, Chanyeol, Sehun, and Amber.

These are the people in my gang. I am the leader as well as Jooheon being the co head. There are a lot more people in the gang all around the world but these are my closest gang members.

I am on this very important mission that I must do myself. I do not want anyone else to get involved, it was very personal to me. 

No one notices that I live alone. The reason behind that is that my parents were killed. They were brutally tortured and left to die.

I felt my blood boiling, I was so young when they died and the day I found out they passed away, I made it my goal to kill their killer the same way they were killed. No mercy on my half. I was not going to hesitate when I get my opportunity for revenge. 

My parents are a very sensitive topic for me and when brought up I cannot help it to show some sort of emotion. My emotions, however, were not only limited to sorrow. 

I walked to each member and give them a big hug, welcoming them into my house.

" It's been a while Kay! How are you?" Chanyeol smiles.

" I'm fine." I tried not to sound tense.

" Why are you lying? First of all, BTS would not leave you alone and secondly, the mission of yours. It's probably on your mind all the time." Jooheon eyed me down.

" Oh yeah, I just remembered something." Sehun grins. That smile said it all.

" And that is...?" I asked.

" Oh.. you will see on Monday. Do not worry, you will see it the moment you leave your house." Amber laughs and nods.

That is very suspicious but I was looking forward to it. 

" Anyways, the reason I called you guys here is to plan out the mission." I smirked which somehow scared the members. I had their full attention so I continued.

" I know who killed my parents and I want to see them beg for their lives." I laugh like a crazy person. I will make them regret their choices.

We sat around the table together and began planning.


After we planned everything out, Amber decides that we should lighten the mood and go to the mall. We all agreed and got into our cars and left.

As we get to the mall I felt like something was going to happen. I shook the feeling and began to look around to see which store we should go to first.

Foot locker was open so I might as well buy some shoes.

We all walk into Foot Locker and I told each member to pick a pair of shoes they wanted and I would get it for them. I wanted to treat them for always being by my side. 

I saw these nice pairs of Timbs and as I went to grab them, I saw a hand quickly snatch them. Absolutely not.

I look up and see Jungkook looking shocked.

" Give them to me, I was going to pick them up first. You cannot just rush in and take them. That is really rude." I say in an annoyed tone.

" Shut up. You got real nerve talking to me like that. We can take this outside with the rest of BTS." Jungkook said with confidence smudged across his face.

I start laughing really hard. I was done with their bluffs and refused to put up with it anymore. I have more important things on my hand so I cannot risk getting hurt physically. It will only interfere with the plans I have ready.

" What happened Kay?" Sehun rushed to me.

I see Jooheon, Chanyeol, and Amber rushing to me behind him.

"Oh hell no, you're that kid in BTS, aren't you? I told you to stay away from her didn't I?" Jooheon looked mad.

" Whatever, keep the shoes Jungkook. I could buy this whole store if I want, one shoe isn't going to bother me." I mumbled.

I think I said too much. It is going to be hard to keep up the fragile school girl facade if I keep running into BTS outside of school.

Whatever, it would have came out one day anyways.

Jungkook looked surprised at the way I talked to him.

" I warned you to watch your mouth didn't I? Fine, watch your back on Monday." He smirks smugly. 

Intentionally, I looked scared. I hear Amber chuckle, knowing what I am capable of.

He walked away leaving the shoes behind. What was the point of bothering me if he did not take the shoes anyways.

I walk up to the cashier with the rest of the shoes the other guys wanted as well. I swiped my credit card and took them with me.

"Amber, Jooheon, Chanyeol, Sehun lets go!.'' I whined. They were in the corner of the shop acting like children.

Finally they joined me and we walked to the nearest cafe. All of us ordered some coffee and hogged a table near the exit of the cafe.

Jooheon, all of a sudden, grabbed my hand which caught me off guard and tapped the table three times. He was signalling that someone we were looking for was in the cafe.

I turn to look around and my eyes fall on this man named Kang Daesung.

He has information that would help me in my mission and I needed to get it from him. We decided to stay in the cafe till he got up and we would follow and subdue him.

I stuck my hand in my boot and smirked. My gun was in there fully loaded. I signaled to everyone else, asking if they had their guns as well. Mostly everyone nodded, except for Sehun. He had his favorite knife with him.

Ten minutes had passed and Daesung finally got up and walked out the cafe. We trailed behind him till we got near an alleyway.

 This was our opportunity to subdue him. 

I walked up to him and acted innocent.

" Sir, can you help me please?" I slowly walked into the alleyway.

" With what?" Daesung asked with a questioning tone.

" Can you tie the back of my shirt? I know this is a bit weird to ask a stranger to do but I am really struggling." I fake struggled to make it more convincing. 

"Fine." He sighed.

He went to grab my shirt but I quickly flipped him and took my gun out.

"Do not make a sound or I will unload all the bullets in your head." I walked towards him.

Sehun stepped up and stuck a syringe in his neck causing him to pass out.

" Jooheon go get the car and quick, before he wakes up." I wave back.

I pick Daesung up and wait for the car to come.

The car quickly pulled up and I shoved Daesung into it. This is gonna be fun having him under my watch.

Everyone else also got in the car and we drove off to my house. When we got there, I tied the guy up and left him in my basement which had no windows or exits.

Now, we just play the waiting game.

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