Skip Beat: The Truth Comes Out

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SPOILERS FOR MANGA TO CH 244! Ren confesses he is Corn, destroying his relationship with Mogami. Then they... Daha Fazla

Ch 1: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 2: Scene One
Chapter 3: Scene Two
Chapter 4: Scene Three
Chapter 5: More Truth Comes Out
Chapter 6: Speaking and Surprises
Chapter 7: Back at Work
Chapter 8: Lust and Lunch
Chapter 10: Epilogue

Chapter 9: Angst and Passion

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Ch 9 Angst and Passion

Kyoko puts on her shoes and an unseasonable trench coat, and slips outside to fetch a taxi. Once at Ren's, she ditches the shoes and jacket in the genkan, and quietly unlocks his front door with the key she still has possession of. She tiptoes to Ren's bedroom, and flips on the lamp at his bedside.

Ren jumps upright, startled. Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he asks in astonishment, "Kyoko? Wh-what are you doing here? Do you know what time it is?"

"Yes, I do. And I came for you." She bears a mischievous but honest smile, and blushing cheeks.

" looks like..."

"Yes, it is. It's the robe and nightgown from the make-up scene we did for the movie. I borrowed it from Wardrobe. said in your unscripted lines that I looked...beautiful--and even bewitching. S-so...I-I was pretty sure you'd like it."

Ren sighs, putting his hand to his forehead and looking down. He then turns his body so that he is sitting in the bed with legs hanging off and feet on the floor, and then he looks back up at Kyoko.

"Listen, Kyoko...I meant to talk to you today, but you were too busy with make-up work at home, so I was going to wait until tomorrow. But apparently I have to do this now."

"Wh-what are you talking about? Y-You're making me nervous!"

"Listen, Kyoko...I know it's my own fault, but...we've been moving way too fast. I mean we just barely started dating! I think we need to slow down."

"But why?! I want to be with you! I don't care how long we've been a couple officially. I've loved you from a distance for so me, nothing we've done seemed too fast at all!"

"That's just your hormones talking! This is all new to you, so you're feeling things any teenage girl would with a guy she liked! I mean, if Sho had done these things with you when you were crazy about him, you'd have felt the same way!"

Kyoko slaps Ren, hard. For the second time. "Don't you dare EVER compare my feelings for him to my feelings for you! What I feel for you is an ocean deeper than that; there is no comparison! I was just a stupid kid who was blindly infatuated with Sho! What I feel for you is nowhere near the same! Ya know, Sho used to touch me all the time, casually of course, whenever he was around and I never thought twice about it. But all you have to do is lay your hand on my shoulder and I shiver! I never felt this way about Sho and never could have! I'm not the same dumb little girl I was back then! I've grown up, or haven't you noticed? I know what I want!"

Ren is understandably shocked. And he has to admit she is making some good points--but he still isn't convinced that what she is obviously planning is a good idea, or even truly her own. After all, had he kept a respectable distance from her ever since the love scene, he doubts she would be standing by his bed in the middle of the night right now.

"When Sho tried to steal your first kiss and I told you it was nullified, you vowed to guard your chastity with your life! Now you're sneaking into my bedroom? You may think it's your own idea, but that's misguided wouldn't be here right now if I had kept my hands and mouth to myself since we got together! If we do what you seem to be here for, I guarantee you that you will end up regretting it and hating me!"

"You're wrong! When I vowed to protect my chastity, it was only for the right man, baka! And that's you! And let me tell you something else, buddy! During that scene we did...I didn't touch you like that because it was scripted! I forgot all about the damn thing! I forgot we were even being filmed or that anyone was watching! I mean, it was something I had already been wanting to do! If you hadn't kept moving forward after we got together, this little midnight visit might have been delayed—a little bit—but it still would have happened! Ren, I have been yearning for you and dreaming about you even before that scene, and ten times more since! I'm here of my own free will, absolutely certain of what I want! There's no way I could ever regret it!"

Ren considers her words carefully, looking back down. When he looks back up at her, he admits quietly, "I'm scared, Kyoko. I don't want to hurt you, and I don't want to lose you. I've heard so many stories...she's willing at the time, and then regrets it and blames him for taking advantage of her and stealing something precious and irreplaceable from her. I don't want to be that guy, or you to be that girl!"

"Oh, Ren, I'm not one of those girls. Those girls have doubts to start with! Then they blame the guy because they're too immature or embarrassed to take responsibility for their own mistakes! You could never take advantage of me, and you can't steal something from me that I give you willingly because I want to. Your fears are groundless. You know me better than anyone else, me!"

Ren looks up again. "Are...are you sure?"

Kyoko smiles reassuringly. "Absolutely. Zero doubt."

Ren stands up.


Kyoko leans down and presses her lips to Ren's, reaching both hands up to his head—slipping her fingers beneath his wig, sliding it off to run her fingers through his real hair. Ren simultaneously puts his hands on Kyoko's sides.

Then Kyoko pulls back from Ren's face. "Let me see your eyes," she whispers. Ren drops his hands from Kyoko's sides as the girl backs up, allowing Ren space to get into his bedside table drawer to retrieve his lens case. He takes out his lenses, and peers up at Kyoko again, with his real eyes.

"You're beautiful just the way you are..." Kyoko whispers, inching her face toward his again, "Kuon." As their lips meet again, her hands once again finger-combing through his blond hair, Ren reaches around her arms to her back and unties her obi. Then he pulls her hands from his head, placing her arms back at her slowly slide the robe down them. Kyoko pulls her head back from their kiss to look into Ren's shimmering green eyes. Ren then stands up, looking down into Kyoko's eyes, full of passion and love. He takes hold of her arms, now down at her sides, and bends in for another kiss. He rubs up the length of her arms, massaging her shoulders when he reaches them. His kiss turns more passionate, and Kyoko lifts her now-moveable arms up to place her hands on Ren's chest. She immediately begins to unbutton Ren's pajama top, and he moans into the kiss. Once his shirt is undone, Kyoko begins to glide her hands over his bare skin, working her way up to his shoulders. Ren responds to the contact by turning the kiss into a tongue-kiss, making Kyoko moan as she begins to rub his bare back through his open shirt. Ren moves his hands up into and through Kyoko's hair, enjoying its smooth texture. Then Kyoko gently forces Ren's arms down out of her hair to remove his top, sliding her hands slowly down the muscular limbs.

Ren then places his hands on the exposed part of Kyoko's chest, sliding them down to the top of the V-type neckline of her gown as Kyoko caresses his back. Then he bravely ventures to use those hands to cup Kyoko's breasts over the fabric, causing Kyoko to break from the kiss and throw her head back in pleasure with a cry, letting go his back. Ren's thudding heart races even faster, thrilling to her reaction to his touch and the feel of her upper body through the cloth of her nightwear.

Then Ren lets go Kyoko's breasts to wrap his arms around her and crush her body into his, letting her feel his arousal unabashedly, rubbing her back and bottom. Kyoko resumes exploring Ren's back and shoulders...and bravely ventures to feel his bottom through the silk of the lower half of his pajama set. Her breath is coming in pants, her veins flooding with a drastic increase of blood. Ren's own respiration is just as heavy, his pulse mimicking hers.

Then Ren takes hold of the hem of Kyoko's nightdress, sliding the fabric up her legs, taking in the feel of her bare thighs as he takes the garment up higher and higher. Then he moves his hands to Kyoko's front, his hands spreading across her stomach as he continues to lift the nightie. Kyoko "aaah's" in excited delight, as Ren "mmm's" his own pleasure at the feel of her bare belly. He runs his hands around to her back, and roams the bare skin there for a moment before returning to the front—to pull the nightie up to the gathered bottom of the bodice just below her breasts. Kyoko begins to pant furiously in anticipation. Ren pokes his thumbs just under the gathering, barely skimming the bottoms of Kyoko's breasts. "D-don't tease," whimpers Kyoko. With that, Ren pulls the nightie up over Kyoko's chest, taking hold of her bared breasts with his hands as he does so. "Oh, God," he growls, as Kyoko calls out his name—his real name—and digs her nails unconsciously into his back. He runs his fingers over her hardened nipples, making her utter almost inhuman sounds of pleasure. Finally, he lifts the garment up the rest of the way, making Kyoko's arms move from his body to raise straight up for full removal of the material.

Ren moves back a step and takes in the sight with his pearlized jade eyes, making Kyoko squirm a little under his heated gaze. Then Ren furiously kisses Kyoko, massaging her breasts with both hands. Kyoko daringly uses her freed arms then to take hold of Ren's pajama bottoms...and pulls them down, revealing matching black silk boxers. Ren steps out of the cloth now gathered around his ankles and kicks it away. Then he takes his lips from Kyoko's to start kissing and gently sucking down her neck—toward her surging bosom beneath his hands. Then he drops his hands from her breasts to hold her sides as his lips edge closer to their mark. Kyoko's legs nearly give out when his mouth covers one peak and he begins to lick and suckle at her, and she is glad his arms are now holding onto her sides to help support her. She moans his name repeatedly, stuttering on it. "K-Koun...K-K-Koun..." But she wants to touch him too...she begins to rub his bottom, more able to make out the feel of him through only slinky boxers.

Ren then switches his attention to the other breast—and Kyoko takes a great leap of bold faith out of both curiosity and passion—she places one shaky hand onto his erection in the front and begins to slide up and down the shape hidden beneath the thin silk. Ren's head pops right off Kyoko's body, straight up and thrown back with a gasping moan. Kyoko wonders for a moment if she did something wrong, or perhaps even hurt him to make him move away from her like that, but his next move reassures her. He whisks her off her feet into his arms, and gently lay her onto his bed, topping her body with his, his strong arms holding the majority of his weight off her.

He positions himself so that he is face to face with her, making his trunk reach below hers due to their height difference. Kyoko wraps her legs around his belly and instinctively begins to grind into him as he starts kissing her with fervor. After a few moments, Ren halts the kiss and moves his body up, aligning his lower half with hers, putting her face below his chest. He rocks his hardness up and down across her panties, causing her to suck in a sharp breath. She starts to kiss his chest, running her hands across his back and shoulders.

Then Ren suddenly moves onto his side, supporting himself on one arm, and crawls down Kyoko's body with the hand attached to the other. Kyoko feels like she will pass out if she breathes any harder. When Ren reaches the hem of her white cotton panties, he hesitates. Kyoko looks up at him and gives him a nod. He hooks his fingers under the waistband, and pulls the underwear down and off. Then he stealthily slides his hand back up over her leg until he reaches his destination. Finally there, he strokes between her folds, making her tilt her head hard backward into the bed with a sharp intake of air and raise her lower half. Ren is taken aback by both her unexpectedly erotic response and at her apparent readiness for him--surprised by the dampness there. He wonders how ready she is inside. He inserts two fingers and gasps at the hot wetness there, and the total lack of physical resistance. Kyoko cries out as he begins to pump in and out. Just to be sure he won't hurt her later, though, he adds another digit, which she readily accepts. He then removes his hand from her body and reaches for his boxers—only to have his hand grabbed by Kyoko's. He panics, thinking she's changed her mind, full of regret now--but then she slides her hand down his to his waistband. Now understanding—not fearing—he maneuvers his body so she that she can remove the garment herself. Kyoko stares with amazement at his arousal and tentatively reaches for it, but hesitates—looking up into his eyes to make sure it's ok. He smiles at her, and places his hand over hers, putting it where she was heading. Kyoko runs her hand up and down his shaft, making her pant even more furiously than she already was—not to mention him. Soon, however, neither of them can take it much more.

Ren removes Kyoko's hand, and adjusts his body over hers in the right place for entry. With a shaky breath in, he thrusts inside. Kyoko calls out his name, and seeing that she didn't feel (or notice) any pain, he begins to rock. He had never felt anything so exciting and deeply moving in his whole life, with any woman he'd ever been with. Kyoko had nothing to compare it to, but she felt just as extremely excited and deeply moved as he did. But after only a few moments, Ren can't take not being able to see Kyoko's face. So he flips them over, backing himself up against his backboard—a little scrunched up, but he didn't mind so long as he could see Kyoko's eyes. Her face had never looked more beautiful, flushed with desire and love just for him, giving him a pleasure she would never give to anyone else. He kisses her again as he takes hold of her sides to help lift her up and down on him. Kyoko uses her legs to push off the bed and help out too. She then releases Ren's lips to lean her head back, moaning in ecstasy. When she tilts her head forward again, looking straight into Ren's sparkling eyes, she begins to chant his name. "K-Kuon...Kuon...Kuon..." Tears begin to form in her own eyes. Ren's already pounding heart doubles in speed seeing and hearing such love, all for him. The real him. He begins to chant her name back as his pace quickens. "Kyoko...K-K-Kyoko...Kyo-ko..."

Tears now falling freely, Kyoko, with haltering speech, says, "I-I l-love you...K-Kuon." Then her wet eyes close as she climaxes with a wail. Heartbroken in a good way, and intensely pleasured physically inside Kyoko's clamping and releasing body, Ren reaches his own zenith a moment after her, her name on his lips.

Kyoko collapses onto Ren's heaving chest, breathing heavily and softly crying. Ren pets her head lovingly, and breathlessly says, "Kyo-ko...I-I love you, too. More than...I can say."


In Ren's giant tub full of bubbles, the couple with irrepressible smiles on their faces talk about everything under the sun, telling each other about parts of their lives the other knows little or nothing about; their hopes and dreams for their futures; their worries and fears. Then Ren suddenly gets a panicked look on his face, making Kyoko panic. "Oh my God, Kyoko, I'm such an irresponsible idiot! Why the hell didn't I think of this?!"

"Wh-what is it, Kuon? You're scaring me!"

"I didn't think to use a condom!"

Kyoko sighs with relief. "Is that all? Don't worry about it. I have an IUD. I can't get pregnant."

"What?! You mean you're on some type of birth control? When did you..."

"As soon as I realized I was in love with you. I never thought this would ever happen in a million years, but I also never dreamed I'd become an actress, either, so I decided to be prepared, just in case." She grins at him.

"Wow. Well I'm very glad you did that."

"But it wasn't easy! I had to go to a million clinics to find a doctor willing to do it! This kind of birth control isn't too popular here, especially for women who haven't had any children yet. And I have to go back for regular check-ups to make sure it is staying in place. But it was the cheapest kind of birth control available here, and it lasts five years, unless you have it taken out. It still cost a lot, though. I had to borrow money to pay for it. It's not covered under our National Insurance, ya know."

"May I ask who you borrowed the money from? I mean...wouldn't they have wanted to know what it was for? Surely you wouldn't say..."

"Well, since my debt for the acting school had already been paid off, President Takarada was willing to loan the money. I just told him I needed it for something important that may someday dramatically impact my life and acting career but the details were personal. He said that was fine, and that I could pay him back as I got money in from acting jobs."

Ren laughs. "You really are something else, Kyoko. Getting the President of the company you work for to loan you money for birth control! No one but you would even try such a thing! You're adorable. Although the way you said it, it almost sounded like you were asking for abortion money!"

Kyoko laughs. "Really? Do you think so? I hope that's not what he actually believes it was for..."

"Nah, I'm sure not. He wouldn't suspect you of all people to have that problem."

"Well, I sure hope you're right!"

The two laugh together.

" it alright if I stay here tonight? I brought clothes for tomorrow..."

"I was hoping you would," Ren replies with a warm and sincere smile.


Kyoko finally gets to fall asleep to the sound of Ren's heartbeat, her head on his chest and his hand petting her hair. They both sleep like exhausted babies, completely content in one another's arms. They awaken happy and refreshed in the morning, and head to work together.


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