Mate's Affection [Affection S...

De Sarah24SM

1M 48.4K 3.1K

Erika is just another teenage girl who doesn't care much about her appearance, she is best friend with the An... Mais

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59

Chapter 05

15.9K 878 29
De Sarah24SM

"Juliet!" Erika exclaims.

After debating for few seconds she made a decision to wander around the house when she came to stop in this particular room and now she is more than delighted to take this decision.

Out of curiosity she opened the door more and as soon as her eyes landed on the laptop she decided in that exact moment how she will survive this Holy Grail called boredom. Nothing is better than doing a little video chat with one of her favorite person in this whole house.

"Tiger, what are you doing here?" Julian the middle son of Gio's asks.

He was in the middle of leaving for a meeting when the request of for the chat came in, thinking it was important as it's not everyday this particular person calls only to find tiger on the other end of the call.

"What is this aren't you happy seeing me? Not even you too!" she whines.

She feels a bit left out when the twin left her here and now even her Juliet seems he isn't interested to talk with her.

"Of course, I'm happy baby girl but who don't want to see you? Is Enzo giving you hard time again?" he asks worriedly.

It was a known fact that how much she gets in his nerves, no matter what she tries to do even if it's a good deed it always ends up as a crime in front of Enzo. He chuckles remembering all those time when he knew his brother was going to strangle her. His thoughts get interrupted when he hears her.

"Awe, I knew you loved me the most, but nah he isn't I can give him hard time if he tries. It's the twins now that they got mates they are pushing me aside" she complains to him.

"Mate does that to guys"

Julian smirks knowingly, it wasn't a surprise now that his younger brother's are busy with their mate. As it was bound to happen sooner or later all of them had to find or claim their mates and then their whole reason for everything happens to be their mate one and the only and no one else.

"So, when are you coming back? I miss you"

She avoids the whole mate crap, yes that's what it was crap to her. Just because you found your mate doesn't mean you can side kick someone like they mean nothing to you now and yes she was hurt when she couldn't get tog o on that carnival.

Julian chuckles knowing exactly why she misses him and also that she doesn't want to hear anything about mates.

"May be around next month, I can't leave things here Enzo is turning me into a workaholic" he sighs.

"Do you want me to kick him for that" she grins making him laugh.

"Nah I can do that myself so what's going on with you?" he grins.

But just as she goes to reply she is being dragged out of the room and come face to the door. Uh what just happened?

She blinks her eyes looking at the door thinking, what happened? Then she bangs the door for someone to open up only to see Enzo opening it for her with a glare.

"What the hell?" she asks him.

How can he pull her out of the door when she was in between such a important call with his own dear brother?

Enzo cannot believe the absurdity of this situation, why does he have to deal with this girl time and again? He takes a deep breathe as he growls back.

"How dare you enter my room without my permission?"

But all he gets is as narrowed eyes as an answer when she pushes him back entering his room like she owns it. This girl is asking for a death warrant from him that's for sure.

"You could've said that nicely"

She answers walking in and once again continuing with the video chat with Julian who is laughing so hard that tear falls from his eyes. She never fails to amaze him and the way Enzo dragged her all the while she had a clueless face was beyond him.

So, now he watches his brother's reaction as she once again enters the room.

"Don't you dare fucking touch my bed and my things?"

Enzo warns her, he had had enough of her acts and this needs to be stopped right now before he murders her. He never liked when someone entered his private room without his permission but this girl she id down right using his things like she fucking owns it.

Rolling her eyes she stops mid air trying to jump on the bed. She debates just a mini second before giving him an evil smile then jumping on the bed. She keeps rolling everywhere on the bed just to irritate him.

Seeing that Enzo roars in anger, how dare she disrespect him and avoid his warning, she is as good as dead.

Erika stops her rolling and watches him with wide eyes in horror as Enzo tries to control his shift. Just as he jumps on her Giovanni enters the room to hold him back. While Marisa rushes Erika out of the room, who looks a bit pale after what she just witnessed.

"Calm down"

Giovanni commands to Enzo making him submit to his father and the Alpha. He was helping his mate in the kitchen when he thought to check on tiger only to find the living room empty and after a while he heard some banging from his son's room.

So, to check what the commotion was he rushed in here only to be thankful for his timing as he can clearly see that Enzo was just mere second to shift and if he shifted god knows what he would have done to Erika.

"What the hell was that?"

Giovanni asks his son as soon as Enzo controls his shift. Enzo maintains his distance to get a grip on himself. He really can't believe he lost it right there that his own father had to command him back. Closing his laptop where seeing all this Julian is laughing as a maniac he replies.

"I don't like when people invade my privacy!"

"People or is it someone in particular? Next time you loose your control, I won't be forgiving" Giovanni warns

"Then, make sure she doesn't come near me" he growls back.

Enzo walks to his bathroom for a much needed shower, while Giovanni sighs leaving his son all alone.

"When I said make yourself at home, it didn't mean invade someone's privacy specially Enzo's"

"I was missing Juliet"

Gio scolds Erika, who looks innocently at him defending her. After that encounter Marisa gave her some mother talk ad now she feels all better. The whole thing opened her eyes as she now knows never ever to piss him off but then again she can't help but do it.

In all her time with this family she has never seen Enzo shift to his wolf as he is the black sheep of the house as she likes to call him. She has gone on some wolf riding with the twin and Julian which has been there daily routine once.

But she has not even once seen Enzo shift or anything close to it except today, now she is sure he isn't some wolf but a ghost those eyes can't be of any normal wolf. She sure can judge as she has seen all of his brothers shift in front of her eyes. Even Giovanni isn't so dreadful after you see him few times shifting.

Shaking his head at her he sighs.

"You are going to be death of him!"

"But that's the whole plan!"

She cries when he ruffles her hair. This girl is so unpredictable. He warns her once again before leaving her by herself hoping this time she won't be giving any attacks to anyone.

"Next time make sure you keep a safe distance, before pissing him off! Got it?"

"Aye, aye captain"

Saluting him she moves to watch some movie while waiting for the twins to be back from their dates. How long will the take anyway she is too tired waiting them. She makes some popcorn while the movie starts.

"I hope the twins are having fun with their mates. I can't believe they are so grown up now and found their mates"

Marisa states as she is wrapped up in her mate's arms. After the whole commotion now they are once again are lying in peace. Seeing Enzo loosing his control like that was a first to everyone and then there was Erika who was so pale and she can understand why?

But now that it was a done deal she can't help but wonder about her younger boys and their beautiful mates, who must be having fun in their date well she hopes the do.

"Well our boys all are all grown up now and I'm glad the twins got their mate. I just hope both Julian and Enzo find their mates soon so I can finally kick them out of this house and have some alone time with my mate" smirks Giovanni.

Marisa gasps and hit his arm "Gio you cannot kick them, they are my babies no matter what! How can you say such things, I warn you don't ask them to leave this house, I will be more than happy to let them stay here with us. I can't wait to meet all their mates. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have all those chairs in our dinning room be filled?" she smiles as Giovanni kiss her cheeks.

"Yes! It will be wonderful but I think, I don't have to kick them I know they will want to have some privacy anyway."

He knows how much his mate is waiting to meet her son's mate all of them so she can be truly happy seeing her son complete.

"I always hoped Erika would be mate to one of our boys but seems the possibility is zero now the twins found theirs. Julian and Enzo haven't shown any sign that she belongs to one of them"

Marisa speaks her worry, it wasn't hidden from any of the boys as well how their mother wished she could just be up and adopt Erika but she always had faith she will end up with one of her son but she can't help but be a bit disappointed on that part now.

"I was hoping too for her to be part of our family, but its all fate honey may be she was destined to be someone else but no matter what she is a family. She was since the day she screamed she wants to be a tiger seeing the twins shift" he laughs remembering the day 10 years ago.

"Look, look it's a butterfly!"

8 years old Erika has been playing with the twin when a butterfly comes flying her way so she yells jumping on her seat in excitement before running to catch it as the twins too run after her to get the butterfly.

"Don't go off wandering kids. The lunch will be ready soon" Marisa shouts at the kids as she sees them running off.

"Why is she here again? Isn't this a family occasion?"

Enzo complains looking at the giggling Erika who looks like a guy is her over sized shirt and pants with a cap on her head with a ponytail. It seems like she is always around them these days, wherever he turns she is there!

"She is twin's best friend why are you being mean? I think she is cute, right Pa?"

Julian asks his father seeping his drink. Among the two he is fond of his brothers friend who always seems to be doing something to get in trouble and it's really amusing to watch her as she boss the twin around, she even boss him once a while and he lets it.

"Cute? From which angle do you find her cute? Does she even know she is a girl or have a dress like a girl?"

Enzo narrows his eyes at his brother, who is busy waving excitedly at Erika, how can his brother find her cute?

"Juliet! Look, look I got it! I won! I won" she jumps up and down showing the butterfly that she caught proudly in her palm.

She shows her tongue at the twins who pouts seeing she got the butterfly not them. She always have to win if she didn't then she will make them pa somehow. But it's worth it loosing to her, seeing her happy is all the boys wants.

"Good work Erika, now let it go" Julian says and she happily let it go.

She turns smiling to Enzo and jumps on him.

"Angel! Did you see that?"

She wanted to know if he was proud when she caught it but her hope crashes as he pushes her away.

"Don't touch me with your dirty hands and my name is Enzo I'm not an Angel." he huffs.

She still smiles and hugs his waist. "But you are my Angel!"

Enzo glares and push her hard which leads her to fall down and she starts crying hurt by his coldness.

"Why are you being mean to me?"

She cries, he always pushes her off no matter what she does. Seeing her cry the twins get angry at their brother.

"Don't push her like that she our best friend!"

Finn yells at his brother while Sean picks a crying Erika whipping her tears. They really hate when she cries she looks nice when she laughs but Enzo always makes her cry all the time.

"Oh ya, what will you do and I said her not to touch me, I don't like her. Just make sure she isn't around me" Enzo scolds his younger brother.

Hearing Enzo yell at Finn, Sean gets angry and take an angry step towards his brother and pushes Enzo. No one treats their best friend like that or make her cry if they do they won't get away that easily.

Before they know the three brothers start tackling and fighting with each other. Hearing the commotion both Marisa and Giovanni comes running but before they could stop the boys, Sean starts his 1st shift which automatically sets Finn's shift.

All of them watch in horror as the twins shift for the first time in front of Erika. She watches mesmerized the way her best-friends turn into a ball of fur and she cheers at them.

"Yay! Go, go Twinkies!"

Gio watches her stunned as she laughs and cheer the twins and not run off shouting at them. As the shifting is complete the both little wolf yelp trying to figure out what happened.

So, Giovanni walks to them and pet their head lovingly. He knew their timing for shift was soon but guess, it was bound to happen and now his sons are confused.

"Congrats! You just had your 1st shift pups!"

They both bark at their father happily then growl towards Enzo who watches them angrily. Just because they had their first shift doesn't mean they will out run him, never he will always be strong than them he was sure of it.

Erika runs towards them excitedly and hug the twin pups grinning and pet them like Giovanni did and they both like it. She can't believe her friends can do that it's simply awesome may be she can ask them to teach her to turn as well and then al of them can have so much fun.

"I want to be a tiger!"

Erika shouts happily making Enzo snort at her. He can't believe the level of her stupidity.

"We are wolves not tigers you dimwit and you are a human, you can't shift!"

Julian puts his hand on his older brother's shoulder and warns to shut his mouth before turning to Erika with a smile on his lips.

"Aren't you afraid of us?" he asks her politely.

She thinks for a while before looking at the twins and shakes her head.

"No it's so awesome to be best-friends with the wolf, now I can scare all of those bullies in our school with them!" she points to the pups.

Giovanni laughs before picking up little Erika in his arms, he must make sure she doesn't talk about what happened here today to anyone else she will be in danger along with his family.

"You cannot tell about us to anyone doll. Can you do that?" he asks her sweetly and she listens as he continues "It's a top secret you can tell no one about us, no matter what OK?" he tells her softly and she nods before asking.

"Can I please be a tiger?" she asks hopefully to him as he chuckles ruffling her hair.

"Yes you can be anything you want and from now on you are tiger for us OK?" she grins before jumping from his arms and running at the twins side.

"You two are so cool! Who is going to give me a ride?" she asks as they both sighs and nudge each other to let her ride them but before they could, Julian shift and walks towards and sits down near her. She happily sits on him and they all go for the run, which became a tradition for all of them as they grew up.

"I always thought Julian would be her mate as he always was the one who would treat her perfectly and they bond good" Marisa sighs as she too remembers the time Erika found about their secret.

Giovanni gets up taking his mate with him, no matter what they wish and want things wilt un the way it should.

"Let's go, we haven't had dinner yet and don't worry she will be good and whoever she ends up with will be a very lucky guy!" he answers.

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