Night and Day

By sheighnyyy

44.9K 1.1K 352

What really happens off cam? How deep is the relationship going behind the fans' knowledge? Are they going to... More

Why Are You So Greasy?
Hidden Feelings
Hold My Hand Tightly...
Yet She Remembered...
What is real?
Fakes it till she makes it...
Been waiting for this.. For you.
Don't Forget

Change (MS&WS)

5.4K 123 18
By sheighnyyy

"meoributeo balkkeutkkaji da--"

"Oh Yes!"

"Whoooo!! MAMAMOO!! MAMAMOO!!"

They smiled and waved to moomoos (their fans), who were screaming their names and waving their mooboong (mamamoo light stick) like crazy.

"Thank you for having us tonight!" Maknae (youngest) Hwasa bowed and waved.

"We really apprecaite you guys coming out here in this cold season for our last promotion of Um Oh Ah Yeah. Thank you so much!" Solar, the leader gratefully clapped her hands to the audience.

"Until next time--!!" screamed Whee-in.

"We say Mama mama moo~ It has been Mamamoo! Thank you and Good Night!" They harmonized as they always did whenever they introduce themselves or they end their performance for the day.

At the back stage...

"Eonni~~ massage my feet~~" Moonbyul asked Solar while removing her heels.

"Waah~~ That's really tiring..." Whee-in butted in.

Solar went to Moonbyul and carefully pressed her calf and feet.

"Do you like it? Is it good enough?" She asked her after what seem like a minute or two.

"Oh.. Wow. This is exactly the reason why I don't want to wear heels while dancing..."

"You have to~" She patted Moonbyul's knees and went to their changing room to get comfortable.

"I'm hungry!! I want to eat tteokbokki!(spicy rice cake)" Hwasa slumped on the sofa.

"Me too~" Whee-in agreed with her best friend.

"Manager eonni~ Please let us eat." Moonbyul tried to show her aegyo due to their hunger but failed.

"You can't have it tonight. You have a fanmeeting tomorrow and your face will bloat if you eat it. Now change.. We have an early schedule tomorrow." She wasn't that strict when it comes to their diet, but she was in charge of putting a good image of Mamamoo.

"Ne~~!" The two bffs slowly made their way to the changing room while Moonbyul took her time resting her feet.

"Byul-a~ you should go change too.. It's freezing!" Solar showed up wearing her coat over her favorite sweatshirt, her jeans and her comfy rubber shoes.

"Uwah~! I'll wear our couple sweatshirts!!" Moonbyul ran in the changing room and decided to put on her black sweatshirt with the yellow 'moon' written on it, just like the white sweatshirt of Solar with the red 'sun' written on the middle.

In the middle of waiting for her 'sisters', Solar passed out quickly as she was tired.


"Eonni... Yongseon eonni..."

Solar felt a nudge on her shoulder "Oh? Where are they?"

"Let's go. How can you sleep fast like that? Hwasa and Whee-in are in the van already." Moonbyul pulled her to her feet.

"Oh okay..." she let out a huge yawn as she stood up.

"Le gow!" She said loudly, distracting herself from the fact that Moonbyul was really wearing their couple sweatshirts and her cap saying 'Crush on you'. She also had the same cap, only it reads 'U'.

As if reading her mind, Moonbyul who was holding Solar's cap, put it on for her.

"Thank you, Byuli~"


"Okay! Before we end this fanmeeting, We are going to answer 3 questions from you guys. And we are going to draw your names." Solar was beginning to feel tired so she sat down on the mini stage. It was already 4 in the afternoon and they spent the whole day laughing and making memories with the fans.

"Whee in-a~ give me one.."

Whee-in took her time mixing the papers inside the glass bowl and then she picked a pink paper.


"Ms. Je Na? Where are you?" they looked at the moomoos and spotted a chubby girl with blond hair jumping giddly.

"I'm here!! OMG!! OMG!"

Moonbyul went to the fan.

"What's your question?" She asked before offering her the mic.

"Uhmm.. First of all, I've been a moomoo since you've debuted!! And I love you all but I love Hwasa-eonni more! Saranghaeyo~"

Hwasa gave her a flying kiss and a heart sign. "Na do~"

"My question is for Hwasa eonni. If your fellow members become a boy and you are the only girl left, who would you choose as your lover?" The fan read on her phone.

"Ah.. Like Um Oh Ah Yeah? I don't really have to think about that." Hwasa walked towards her best friend.

"I'll choose the person I've known for the longest time... Accept me, Whee in-a~~" She clunged to Whee-in's neck and Whee-in returned her embrace.

"Ddaranghaeyooong~~" She replied in aegyo.

"Ya... Stop it you two. I'm going to puke.." Moonbyul said as she went back to the stage beside Solar who was laughing uncontrollably.

"Who? Eonni?? Eyy... Greasy MoonStar? No way.. " Whee-in teased.

"Okay okay.. We're dragging the time already! Hwasa-ya~ another one please"

Solar, still red from laughing, got the blue paper Hwasa picked.

"Mr. Kwang Jae! Say your question~"

Immediately, a highschool boy stood up with his moobong flashing like crazy.

Hwasa went to him.

"What is your question for us?" She put her arm around his shoulder.

"Stop shaking.. I'm not going to bite you!" Hwasa laughed sexily.

"Ah yes... Ah.. So... He-Here's my question.. Is it true that Moonbyul noona is the most greasy to all of you off cam? If not, then who?" He wiped the sweat trickling down his neck with his hanky.


Hwasa joined the others on the stage laughing. They were sharing a joke only the 4 of them knew. Witnessed..

"Wow.. What a unique question!" Solar clutched her belly as she laughed awkwardly.

"Ya~~ Is it that funny?" Moonbyul pouted but she couldn't really stop the laughter wanting to burst out of her.

Feeling sorry for laughing without so much of an explanation, Whee-in answered the boy.

She wiped the tears she cried from laughing so hard.

"The truth is... Moonbyul eonni is not greasy to all of us at home... It's really Hwasa. Hwasa is like a monkey. She would hug or kiss you if she sees a chance. She would constantly grab your butt or you chest if she's hyper." Whee-in tried to explain although she knew it was different from the question. Hwasa is a pervert. But she is not as greasy as Moonbyul...

Moonbyul is different..

She looked at Solar and Moonbyul meaningfully. Moonbyul raised her eyebrows as if to question what? While Solar just shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay okay, let's end this... I'm going to draw the last one... Please give us an easier question.." Moonbyul said as she drew the purple paper and gave it to Solar.

"Ms. Min Ji~ please give us an easy question... "Solar called out still laughing lightly.

"Yes, I'm here!!" a weird highschool girl in a bob and glasses waved.

Moonbyul went to her place and gave her the mic before going back to the stage...

Wait... That girl looks familiar...

"The truth is, I'm actually a MoonSun and WheeSa shipper..."

"Wow... Really?" Whee-in who was now sitting on Hwasa's lap asked.

"Whee in-a~ she said she like us. We should get married. We have too many fans! Hahaha!" Hwasa told her bff.

"Shall we?" Whee-in laughed.

"But my question would be for MoonSun... A lot of fans, even non-fans, have noticed your closeness... Solar eonni answered this question before but that was 1 and a half year ago so we assumed you might have changed your answer... " The girl continued.

"Go on... " Moonbyul said as she sat down beside Solar and hugged her.

Other fans were thinking they were giving fanservice. But not really, she was just used to hugging Solar whenever she's beside her. She absentmindedly did it.

"If there is a chance you two could date each other, without any people judging you, would you take that chance?"

An awkward silence fell between them as they stared at each other.

"Uhh.. " Solar started.

Moonbyul released her hug from Solar and got her mic.

"For me.." Solar looked at her shocked that she was answering without any hesitation.

"I would date her if she likes me back. But if not, I wouldn't even tell her I like her. I would just have her as my best friend than ruin our relationship. Right?" Her heart was thumping so hard as she revealed a tiny bit of her secret to the public. She was also nervous on what Solar would say.

After all, it was true that Solar said no when they were asked that question. She was about to say yes that time too but she didn't want to look like she was crushing on her one-sidedly. Byul decided to answer first because she felt like something had changed between them. Like they grew more closer.. Solar and her... They have changed. And she was hoping her answer would too.

"Uhh.. Should I? Uhmm.. I think I have the same answer as Byul's. I mean, i would rather be a best friend than be nothing... I would be afraid to lose the friendship I have with her." Solar quietly said.

"Uwah~ you guys are taking the question seriously~" Hwasa and Whee-in teased.

"Just get married, you two!" Solar teased back.

"We have to end it here... Thank you for the questions although they are really weird... " Solar and her members gathered up in the middle of the stage.

They only have two microphones left. The other two were with the staff. MoonSun and WheeSa each have one.

"Until next--" Solar started but she grew conscious as she and Moonbyul were so close, holding the mic together.

"Ya eonni~ ppali~~" the maknaes cried.

"Uh? Ohh... Until next time, We say--"

"Mama mama moo~~ It has been Mamamoo! Thank you everyone!" They harmonized. But Solar wasn't looking at their moomoos. She was looking at Moonbyul. And the same goes for Moonbyul.

Though, they might have been thinking the same thing...

Something between them has changed.

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