
By Pukafish

210K 8.3K 953

Lyla Bouquet is your average teenage girl. Except not so average after all. She becomes an outcast at school... More

Who is he?!
He goes to my school?!
He's my mate?!
My fate?!
My protector
My friend
The Encounter
Lost and Found memories
Move on?
Save me...
My Superman
The Decision
New Comer
Lies and Truths
The Truth
Will you...?
Marry me?
Bad things find and destroy good things
Survive the torture
Pup and its mother
Not over yet

Never doubt the ones you love

6.9K 279 31
By Pukafish

I woke up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I’ve had enough with it, it’s been on my nerves since freshman year and now I can’t take it anymore. I stood up glaring at the clock as I shut it up by chucking it across my room. My room was silent, ahh better. I yawned and went into my bathroom and took a shower. I pulled over a sweater and quickly put my leggings on. Allen was just in the room next to me and I was anxious to see him. God, I never knew this day would come...Lyla Bouquet! You’re head over heals for him! I shook my head, wiping the stupid smile off my face and braided my hair to the side. It was ten in the morning but it was sunday, thankfully. I opened my door and jumped a little when I saw Allen opening his door.


I smiled wide, “Morning~”


He half smiled, “Morning~” His sleepy voice was unbelievably attractive. He walked over and hugged me, resting his head on my shoulder. He seemed to be very tired,


“Hehehe, you still sleepy?” He just nodded. My heart was throbbing,


“Then go and sleep, it’s sunday.” He shook his head,


“You’re awake, just give me five and I’ll be out.” He hung his head low and went into his room.


Oh god, my boyfriend was way too attractive. It still surprises me that he still chose me after Tess...Speaking of Tess, she got suspended for three days, she got all kinds of warnings for wearing her clothes too “revealingly” heck, they should’ve just kicked her out. Allen walked out smiling. He just wore a grey hoodie and black skinnys. He was too perfect. He held my hand and started walking to the kitchen. The smell of bacon caught his attention. My mom smiled, looking actually pretty good today,


“Morning you two~” She sounded so joyful today. Allen and I sat down smiling,


“Morning” We both said.


My mom brought us our food, “You’re dad’s on a business trip in Hawaii, won’t be coming back ‘till next Friday at the least.”


I tilted my head as I raised my fork, “Is that why you’re so happy today?”


My mom dramatically opened her mouth, “No! I’m going to a two day field trip tomorrow with my class, I’m just excited that’s all!”


Allen smiled, “To where Mrs. Bouquet?”


He looked even more attractive being so polite.


“Oh call me Sam, and to Sea World. The kids are pumped up!”


I rolled my eyes playfully and took a bite of my toast. To be honest, after Allen came, my relationship with my parents healed surprisingly quickly. I forget the last time we fought. Allen soon finished his food and chugged down his orange juice. My mom chuckled,


“Wow, you must’ve been hungry!”


I looked at her and smiled, “All boys are.”


I soon finished mine and kissed my mom good bye. Allen and I decided to go to the library.


He asked, “Have you finished your spring projects? My teachers gave us ours early.”


Crap I forgot. It was March and some of my teachers gave me tons of work to do.


“N-no. I didn’t even start! Oh god I’m done for. Mr. Sebastian gave me a lot of trigonometry homework instead of a project. Mrs. Leigh gave the whole class three history projects and Mrs. Wesler gave us a chem. assignment. On top of that, Mr. Davinci is having us write a twenty page essay on Romeo and Juliet. There’s no way I can do all of that in a month and a half.”


He chuckled, “We have the same teachers, we can work on them together, don’t worry. Unless your grades need improvement…”  


I sighed, “A’s in all of my classes, but these projects can change all of that.”


He wrapped his arm around me, “It’s going to be fine, you’re smart Ly” He said comfortingly.


We walked into the library and walked into the far end. The end no one goes to. We sat down looking around.


“I better go get books for my history projects.” I said standing up and glancing around to see the “History” section.


Allen stood up as well, “Yea, I need some books for English…” We smiled at each other and went separate ways.


I’m glad Allen’s here for me. He’s my mate, but he’s also my best friend. Life can’t get better than that. I’m never pressured to do anything. Not all dates have to be fancy or romantic. We could go to the library and study together, and we would both enjoy each others company. I guess it happens when you find your “True love”. I shook my thoughts away and concentrated on finding my history books. I was looking through the tall bookshelves full of new and old books. I finally found the book I needed, but it was way too high for me to reach. I got on my tippy toes and tried reaching for it. Ugh no use. I reached once more when someones hand reached for it from behind me. I quickly turned around and to my horror, Cashmere was standing there, smiling normally?


“What do you want?” I looked at him suspiciously.


“A thank you would’ve been better, but eh.” He handed me my book.


He backed away a few feet and smiled, “You didn’t come to my party Friday night.”


“I fainted.” I said seriously, “Isn’t that a good excuse?”


He frowned, “Fainted? You ok?” He sounded concerned. Hah, like I’d believe him.


“Yes, Allen helped me through it. Now If you’ll excuse me, Allen and I have to work on our projects.” I was passing him when he grabbed my wrist and spun me around.


“Hey!” I yelped quietly, we were in a library…


“I’m sorry about Friday. About the things I’ve said to you.”


He sounded so sincere, but don’t be fooled Lyla.


“Its fine, whatever It always happens to me, I don’t really mind anymore. I really have to go Cash, see you later.”


I was about to leave when he embraced me suddenly. I squirmed in his arms, dropping my book. What the heck was he doing?!


“Let...go!” I yelped. He was strong, but really warm like Allen. I felt him being ripped apart from me. Allen was there, his eyes dark blue, and his fist in the air. He grabbed onto Cashmere’s collar,


“What the heck do you think you’re doing?!” I ran beside him and wrapped my arms around him from behind,


“Stop Al, please. We might get kicked out. Please~” I felt him relaxing a bit.


“Allen, please don’t use force, talk. Talking won’t get you in trouble.”


He looked at me with his fierce blue eyes, “Wait for me at our table.”


I nodded and quickly walked away grabbing my book.

***Cashmere’s POV***


Allen quickly glared back at me after watching Lyla walk away quickly. Dang~


“What the heck was that Cashmere?!” He growled.


I rolled my eyes and brushed my wrinkly shirt off, “God, I just hugged her, calm down.”


Allen stiffened up, “You know we are mates.” He stressed his voice, oh yeah he was mad.


I flinched at the word mate. “Yea, I know. It’s not like a kissed her, geez.”


He seemed to relax a bit, “Yeah, whatever. Just don’t touch her, she’s mine”


I stood up straight, I was shorter than him but I straightened up anyways. I looked at him, my heart actually starting to hurt a bit. I took a deep breathe,


“I like Lyla.” Oh crap. What have I just done.


Allen’s eye’s turned dark blue, “You what?!”


What did I just say?! Wait, I do like Lyla. What is there to loose? Yeah, they are mates, but she can always have a reason to break the bond. I’ll just have to work harder to break them apart.


“I said, I like Lyla. I already imprinted on her when I hugged her. Now it’s a matter of time before she changes her feelings about you.” I snickered.


Allen clenched his fists, “You don’t know Lyla. She got her lost memories back.”


My heart fell lump. Crap, if she got her memories back, their bond will only get stronger. Dang, this will be a challenge.


He glared at me, “So it will be a matter of time for you to get over her.”


That hurts. For the first time I actually had genuine feelings for a human or a girl in general, and I’ll have to fight for her. I guess some people are just worth fighting for.


“It’s ok. I guess I’ll just have to fight for her.” I glared back at him.


I guess this means rivalry begins…

***Lyla’s POV***


Allen walked back to our table looking furious but nervous.


“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” I asked nervously.


He shook his head, “No, just had a little talk with Cashmere…”


He sat down and flipped open his book. We were silent the whole time but I knew he wasn’t studying. No, he was thinking about something else, and I saw it in his eyes.


-Three hours later-


Holding his hand, we walked out of the library feeling glum. He didn’t talk to me the whole time and had a serious face on. I wonder what happened back there with Cashmere.


I asked softly, “Um, not to be nosey or anything but, what did you and Cash talk about?”


He squeezed his hand so hard, I flinched. “Don’t call him Cash, and nothing.”


Oh, that hurts. I sighed and looked at the ground as we continued walking back to my house. Why was he acting so strange? He was fine until he came back from talking to Cashmere. What did they talk about? My eyes flew open, he better not have said anything bad about me. He did lie to me about Allen, I can almost guarantee he said something bad about me. We approached my house as he let go of my hand,


He looked at me, “Lyla, I have to go somewhere, sorry but I’ll see you tonight.” He kissed my forehead and was gone. I stood there on the street, alone. I felt like crying, did I do something wrong? If I did, why didn’t he just tell me?! God, boys aren’t this complicated, but then again, how would I know? This is my first “official” relationship. I sighed and went into my house, which was empty as usual. My eyes flew open when I read the note my mom left me. What? They both went a day early?! Ugh, well I guess I like this, this emptiness. Yeah, I have always been like this, why would I get upset for being alone? That’s nonsense. I’m Lyla, the school outcast, I’m used to being alone all the time, why get upset over something like this when I’ve lived my whole life alone? Wake up Lyla, just because you have Allen, does not mean you need him. But I do. I need him and I want him more than ever. Tears started filling my eyes, causing my vision to become blurry. I ran upstairs, slamming the door behind me. At this point, I was bawling. I couldn’t stop crying. I needed Allen right now, but he wasn’t here. Then I suddenly remembered Cashmere hugging me at the library. What was that? Did he just want to make Allen angry? Or did he mean it? Ugh, I became too dependant of Allen. My memories did get back, and I remember crying alone in the woods whenever he left me for a few minutes. I changed, and I don’t even know if its a good thing anymore. I pulled my knees up to my chest as I curled myself up in my closet. I felt the safest here, dark, quiet, no one can disturb me. Thinking about Allen, I started crying again, hot streams of tears pouring down my face. I sobbed there for hours, and before I knew it, I fell asleep.

***Allen’s POV***


I felt bad leaving her like that, alone on the street. But if I stayed longer, I would’ve told her. I would’ve told her what Cashmere told me, and I can’t risk losing her over him. I walked over to the park and sat on a bench, tilting my head back and letting to cool air take over. I’ve never felt this jealous in my life. I wanted to beat this living crap out of Cashmere but I know Lyla would hate that. Why? Why did she care, by even the slightest bit? He was a jerk to her, and she still talked to him. He did like her all this time, and I was blind, I was blinded from it. I’m an idiot, now Cashmere is going to do whatever it takes to get her. He imprinted on her, that means something. He did it even though we are mates, dang. What if she breaks our bond and forms one with Cashmere? What if she moves on? Oh god, there’s a possibility. I quickly got up. I couldn’t let her go, I loved her so much. If she were to move on, I’d kill myself. I almost did a few times back in Alaska, I can’t live without her, and I mean it. I quickly got up from the bench. I needed her, I wanted her.


I ran over to her house. What if she left to go meet him? What if she already moved on?


I quickly opened the door and looked around the house. Oh god no…she wasn’t here. I ran upstairs and opened the door to her room, after knocking of course.




I held my held my head in my hands, what am I going to do? I suddenly heard a shuffle in her closet. What? I crept towards it and slowly opened it. She was curled up in a ball, all alone in the corner.


“Lyla!” I always missed her, but god I never missed her this much.


Her eyes flew open, and I could tell she had been crying here, all alone. It hit me, it really did. I left her here crying all alone.


“Allen~” Her voice was shaky. She embraced me tightly.


“Where have you been? I missed you…”


I froze, I was trying my best not to cry. I doubted her. But she had been here all this time waiting for me to come home. She loved me, she would never leave me for him.


“I-I’m sorry Lyla...I’m so sorry” I hugged her back, digging my face into her shoulder.


I left her here all alone. I was at the park, doubting her, thinking that she would leave me. But I was wrong. She was here the whole time, alone in the closet, crying herself to sleep. What have I done? I’ve hurt her.


“It’s ok Al, you’re here now…”

I couldn’t stop myself from crying. I sobbed into her shoulder as we hugged each other. I wish time froze. So I can feel this forever, this strong bond between us. I knew right then and there that I would never allow Cashmere to take her away from me, because I knew, I knew that nothing would stop us from loving each other.


Another short but touching chapter! *^* oh Lyla and Allen~ Why must your relationships be so beautiful? Sorry if this chapter was short again, but understand that the short chapters lead to a bigger plot! xD Please vote and comment! I really need some ideas on the next few chapters! *wink wink* Cashmere and Allen's rivalry begins! Next chapter coming REALLY soon

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