Tell Me You Don't Love Me

By Desire2bdesired

16.6K 486 65

Ty is Tyler Perry's Daughter helping out her Dad on the set of Why Did I get Married and that is when she me... More

The Beginning
The Dance
What Is Going On?
So Confused
Have You Seen Her
Where Is She?
Making Up
Premiere/ What Now
I Don't Know
She's What pt.2
She's What Pt.3
She's What (Final)
Paradise or Tragedy
Filming anxiety
Wedding Trouble
See you again
Won't loose You
Ex's and Wedding

She's What Pt.1

351 16 2
By Desire2bdesired

Tyler POV
Today we are going back too see Ty at the hospital. We walk in too see her doctor running up to me
Doctor Dorham: Mr. Perry! Mr. Perry Quick we need you to calm Ty down she is going into cardiac arrest.
I walk in the room too see her shaking and her her mouth starting too foam
Tyler: Princess Imma need you too caln dow now please we dont need anything bad happening too you.
She wouldn't calm down so they had us go outside while they tried there best too help her
Tyler: Fuck man Jesus please just let be alright
Tyler was sitting in the lobby crying while sharon held him while just the Janet walked in
Janet: Heyy guys what wrong
Sharon: Ty went into cardiac arrest the doctors are ding the best they can
Janet: omg😭 I hope she's okay
Everyone sat in the waiting room waiting too hopefully be told good news while they didn't know they wer ebeing plotted on

???: Okay I bailed you out now you know what you have too do
Candy: And what exactly is that
????: I want you too make Ty regret all that she has done too me
Candy: What the fuck is it for me
????: Money duhh and A good lawyer too make sure you get off home free I have alot of connections
Candy: hmmmm Ill see what I can do
????: Yeah you do that cuz I would hate for your son and mother too die
Candy: Wait no Ill do please dont hurt them
???: That's what I thought we will discuss more details soon Janet POV
I really hope Ty is okay 😭😭 I want her I really Im juss svared she cant trust me hopefully when she wakes up we can mend our relationship.
Tyler POV
I want her too be ok just as Im crying I hear the doctor call us
Doctor Dorham: Family of Perry
Tyler: That's us
Doctor Dorham: We have calmed her down and she is stable
Tyler: Thank you so much
As they all walk in they see Ty laying there she look pale and lifeless. All they were hoping for is a miracle.

As my spirit self is sitting watching my family be hurt and in pain I've got too get back in my body amd fight this. I cant just leave them like this

*2 weeks later
Tyler POV
Ty has been progressing great and the doctors say she will wake up anyday now we are working on her time
Tyler: Princess it's us again we came too you I just want you too wake up. Just then I felt her squeeze my hand. GUYS GUYS come quick she squeezed my hand.
Ty:*groans Aaaah Daddy it hurts
Tyler: Hold on princess Im gonna go get the doctor
Tasha: Heyy honey we been here the whole time
Doctor Dorham: Heyy sweetie Im gonna give you some medicine it shoild start working instantly and you guys just call if the paim starts up again
Ty: Daddy guess who I seen
Tyler: umm who
Ty: Nasja
Tyler: What
Sharon: Who's Nasja
Tyler: Ty's little sister that passed away when her and Ty were younger
Ty: She called me Honey drop and all like when we was younger
Janet:*mumbling umm heyy Ty
Ty: Could you guys let us talk for a minute

Everyone left out of the room while Ty slowly sat up and exhaled slowly starting too talk so she won't stumble over her words
Ty: Well I just wanna say that I heard everything you said and that we are going too have too work on this relationship because I'm not gonna keep getting hurt as tou can see my body cant take all the stress. I want too know if your really committed too this relationship and that you really are willing too be with me
Janet: How did you hear what I said? But that's the least of my worries Im just happy your ok and I am committed too this relationship and I want you too know I really do love you and I am willing too do anything too make this right tell me and I'll do it.
Ty: You can start by taking me on a date when I get out of here and we can work from here
Janet: That's perfect
Ty: now give me some love bighead
Janet: My head is not big *pouts
Ty: Im just playing come here baby

Janet: Girl nobody yold you too kiss me like that
Ty: So Ill do it again 😏
Janet: Bet
No pov
Soon as Janet said that Ty mustered up some strenght and pulled Janet into her roughly kissing her making Janet moan in the kiss biting her lip then whispering too her "now what where you saying"
Ty: Exactly you lucky Im in the hospital but just know you getting punished when Im back and healthy
Janet: Hmm we will see about that
Just then everyone came in the room say aww amd there little comments
Tasha: Aww snap Jan 😂 we gne pray for your legs
Jill: Foreal gone be limping and all 😂
Tyler: Maan Ty you already punising her dang 😭
Sharon: Hush baby you acting like you aitn never punished me
Ty: Oop Dad see I knew you wasnt innocent 😭😂

While everyone was hapoy at the fact Ty and Janet are working things out and That Ty is awake and talking. Little did they know there worse nightmare was on there way too shred all there worlds apart.
(A/N I know its short but what do you guys think😏 Update coming again Tuesday or Wensday excuse any mistakes)

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