Zayn's Story.. (A One Directi...

By bellaholmes58

49.1K 175 39

Zayn Malik's life is fine when he walks into the coffee shop one Wednesday afternoon, but when he leaves he's... More

Zayn's Story.. (A One Direction FanFic)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 6

2.6K 12 4
By bellaholmes58


AHHH the date scene. Can you say YAY?!?! lol. so it's not my fav chapter cuz I'm not the best at romantic scenes, but I hope you guys like it more than I do. PLZ VOTE! :)


It was nearing six o’clock and I had everything ready except a shirt. I paced around desperately, every once in a while checking in my closet. I don’t know what I was checking for, I guess I was waiting for a perfect outfit to magically appear? Despite how little sense it made, I paced endlessly and kept checking my closet for a burst of new inspiration. I barely even noticed when my door opened and Louis walked in.

“Someone’s a bit high-strung.” He sat down on my bed and watched me freak out.

“What do you want?” I guess it came out a little bit harsher than I’d intended.

He held his hands up in defense. “Don’t shoot me, I was just bored.”

I stopped my pacing and stood to face him. “So you automatically came to me to entertain you?”


“I’m flattered. But as you can see, I’m busy.” I went over to my closet and hopelessly dug around.

“Remodeling your closet?” He got up and led me by my shoulders over to the bed and sat me down. “What are you looking for?”

I sighed. “I have a date tonight and I’m not sure which shirt would best match my black jeans.”

Louis thought for a moment and turned to the closet, picking up a stray sock on the floor and tossing it in my hamper. “Let’s have a look-sey.” He went through the options and pulled out a few choices.

One was a grey sweater, the next was a green t-shirt, and last was a bikini top.

I gaped at the bikini. Why did I even have that in there??

“Where the hell did you get that?!” I asked him as he held it proudly up with the other tops.

“It was wrapped around this.” He reached back and pulled out a white lacey thong. At this point I was having a heart attack. I racked my brain trying to remember how they could’ve gotten there but drew all blanks.

Louis saw my confusion and added, “Last week when you were out with Liam, Harry came home drunk with a someone and thought this was his room.” He tossed the thong and bikini top into the corner and went to my bed.

So Harry brought one of his hoes to my room? That bastard. I’d think of a way for payback.

Louis laid down the shirts and smiled at his decisions.

I checked them out, carefully inspecting them. The sweater was a nice one, but it was early March and already too warm for it. The green one said, “I’m not Irish, but I’m still lucky” on it. It was a birthday present from Niall. I made the executive decision to go with the green one. It was the laid back look I was trying to go for.

Louis saw my contentment and began to walk away.

“Thanks Lou!” I called after him.

He stopped in the doorway and smiled at me. It wasn’t a happy smile, I could tell. There was something else behind it, but I couldn’t tell what it was. It almost seemed like sadness. “Good luck tonight.” He shut the door behind him.

I stood up and went over to my giant mirror that hung on the back wall. I checked myself out from every angle, approving every piece of my outfit individually and double checking to make sure everything was in place. After one final wink at myself, I turned around and left my room.

Once outside Kalenn’s dormitory, I nervously stepped out of my car and went over to the large French doors that led inside. I wondered why they weren’t locked. It was a school, and I thought all schools had to have their dormitory doors locked. I shrugged it off and continued down the hallway to the elevator.

When I was on her floor, I made my way to room 302 and stopped in front of it. I knocked twice, and the door opened almost immediately.

Kalenn stood in front of me with a black and white speckled dress on. Let me just say, it hugged her curves perfectly. She wore a light jean jacket over it and her hair was up in a purposely messy bun. She was wearing black strappy sandals and I caught a glimpse of her pedicured toes. Was it possible that she could be completely perfect?

I hadn’t noticed I was staring until she cleared her throat uncomfortably and looked at me, blushing.

“Approve of what you see?” She asked me.

I smiled widely at me. “Of course. But I thought you didn’t like dresses?”

She looked down and around. “I didn’t think this would be too formal.”

I saw her self-consciousness and quickly said, “You look beautiful. Don’t think for a second you’ll be out of place.”

She looked back up at me and smiled.

As she shut the door behind her, I debated taking her hand on the walk downstairs, but I noticed her arms were crossed and didn’t want to push her. I glanced at her hand resting on her jacket and thought about how soft it felt at the movies. I wanted to feel it again.

We sat on the patio of the Parlor, waiting for the waitress to take our drink orders and I took in how amazing Kalenn looked. She was looking down at the menu, and her long eyelashes brushed against each other when she focused on something and blinked. Her flawless skin was undoubtedly perfect without makeup, and I was glad that she didn’t cake it on like some girls do. She was naturally beautiful.

She looked up, feeling my gaze on her and smiled sweetly. “I wasn’t expecting this.”

My brows furrowed together. “Expecting what?”

She looked around and took in her surroundings. “Something this beautiful. The whole set-up is…Spectacular.” She said the last word separately, putting extra thought into what she should say.

I think my pride could have lit up all of London at that moment, but I brushed it off and smirked at her. “Well I wanted to pick something that was as beautiful as you are, but I couldn’t find anything. This was the next best thing.” Smooth.

Kalenn blushed and held back a grin. “Cheesy, very cheesy. But sweet. Thank you.”

I smiled at her and was about to say something, but I was interrupted by our waitress practically floating over and standing in front of me. I could tell straight away she was a fan by the way her eyes were as big as the moon. “Can I take your drink order?”

She asked specifically me, and didn’t even look at Kalenn.

I severely hoped she didn’t ruin this night for Kalenn and I. From the looks of it, she was one step away from foaming at the mouth.

Kalenn answered the girl, obviously noticing her rude behavior. “I’ll have a strawberry lemonade.” She looked straight at her and said it loud enough so that she had no choice but to turn and look at her.

She smiled a fake smile at her and wrote it down. Then she turned back to me.

“I’ll have the same.”

She jotted it down and grinned madly at me. I tried my best not to puke. She was in no way delighting to the eyes.

I was about to apologize for the waitress’s rude behavior, but Kalenn spoke before I had the chance.

“So how long have you been in London?”

“About eight months. They other boys and I got a rather large town home to make it easier for work n stuff.”

She nodded and looked like she was thinking. I started to wonder why she hadn’t said more, or even asked about the band. She knew who we were, but didn’t even seem interested in it. Not that I was complaining, it’s refreshing to have a conversation not circled around my work.

“So what was it like in America for you? Anything interesting going on over there?”

The corner of her lips turned up into a half smile. “A bunch of boring snobs. I like England a lot better.”

“Really?” I would’ve thought it’d be the other way around.

“Yeah. It surprised me too. It’s just a lot more calm here. Even chaos is more classy.” She looked up from her menu and smiled at me, then looked back down.

“Do you miss your friends much?” I pushed further. “Leave anyone special behind?”

She didn’t look up from her menu. “My friends said they’ll come visit me.”

I nodded. She obviously didn’t answer the last part on purpose. Maybe she did have a boyfriend back home. But she obviously wasn’t with him at the moment.

The waitress came back and brought our drinks after we’d chatted a little more. It’s amazing what you can find out about someone in just five short minutes.

“Are you ready to order?” Once again she directed the question to only me. I looked across the table and nodded to Kalenn. “Ladies first.”

Kalenn smirked and looked at the now irritated waitress. “I’ll have the Salisbury Steak.” She folded up the menu and handed it to her. She took it, more like snatched it, up and turned back to me with a big grin plastered on her face. She had to be about 25 or 26. A grown woman should know better than to be so rude.

“Chicken Parmesan, please.” I didn’t look at her as I held my menu up for her to take.

“It should be ready soon.” She smiled and walked away. Once she was in the corner by the waitress stand I saw her jumping up and down with another waitress. I looked back at Kalenn, and found her staring intently at me.

“Why do you like me so much?” She asked me. I wasn’t prepared for this question to be asked, but I had about a thousand reasons.

“You’re a beautiful person, I can tell. Plus there’s something about you that’s drawing me in. I don’t know what it is. But I want to find out.” I made sure I made eye contact with her to prove that I was telling the truth. I guess girls like that or something.

Kalenn looked down at the table and blushed. “Wow.”

I smiled and looked down at her hand, resting on the table. I took the chance and grabbed it, examining it against mine. It was so petite and small. I ran a thumb over the back of it and was in awe of how soft it was. I lifted my head and she was looking at me, too.

She suddenly looked away and seemed to be upset about something.

“What’s wrong?”

She glanced back up at me and smiled. “Nothing.”

I was about to press it further, but the rude waitress came up to our table with our food. She set it in front of us and noticed Kalenn’s changed mood. She smiled happily. “Can I get you anything else?”

“No.” I said it a little colder than I should have.

I took another look at Kalenn and saw that she was once again smiling at me.

After finishing our food, the next phase of the date was ready to be commenced. We walked out of the restaurant and I stopped and faced her. “Do you mind taking a walk with me before I take you home?”

Kalenn smiled happily. “I’d love to.”

So we strolled down the sidewalk towards the park across the street. Thankfully The Parlor was right next to the park I’d planned to take her to. It all worked out rather perfectly.

She took my hand and put her fingers in between mine. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been on a date.”

I turned to her. “How long?”

She thought for a moment. “About two years.”

My mouth opened in fake shock. “Well that’s absurd! The men in America must be blind.”

She giggled. Such a sweet sound. “Or maybe I just turned them all down.”

“Why would you do that my darling?”

She shrugged and looked down. “Guess I was waiting for the right one.”

We stopped in front of the large fountain and I thought about what she said. Deep inside, I hoped that I could be the right one for her.

The fountain had lights coming from underneath it, and it illuminated the area surrounding it. I glanced over at Kalenn and admired her from over the lights. In every type of lighting, she was beautiful.

“It’s beautiful.” She commented on the fountain.

I shrugged nonchalantly. “Still, not as beautiful as you. But I guess it’ll have to do.”

She blushed. That was quickly becoming one of my favorite things to see. She shyly smiled, looking down.

I took her by the shoulders and gently turned her to face me. She looked up at me and her gaze rested on my lips. She bit her lip slightly, making her seem more enticing to me.

Out of courtesy, I asked, “Can I kiss you?”

“Please do.” She mumbled.

So I pulled her closer to me and rested my lips on hers. They were so soft. Softer than her hands. She brought her arms around my shoulders and stepped closer into me. I caught her bottom lips between my teeth and gently pulled.

She pulled away and looked at me. “I didn’t think it could be possible, but your kissing is better than your date planning skills. I’m amazed.” She whispered. Her voice was shaking, and I considered my job well done.

I fought against the grin threatening to ruin the moment. Instead, I placed another kiss on her lips.

I got no sleep that night. I was up thinking about Kalenn.


Yeah I'm not too great at romance and kissing stuff. :-/ I'm sorry if it sucks!!

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