I'm His Little Nerd

By CLQuinn

39.3K 513 60

Ellie Ashbrook, your average 16 year old nerdy schoolgirl. Elliot Ryans, your above average 17 year old rugby... More

I'm His Little Nerd
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 2
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 3
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 4
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 5
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 7
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 8
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 9
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 10
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 11
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 12
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 13
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 14
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 15
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 16
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 17
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 18
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 19
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 20
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 21
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 22
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 23
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 24
I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 25

I'm His Little Nerd - Chapter 6

1.7K 25 2
By CLQuinn


Chapter 6

I woke up slowly and grumbled, for some reason i had a wierd dream about my parents splitting up and my dad marrying Leons mum then Elliot having me all to himself. I shuddered at the thought before clambering out of bed, i picked up my phone and stared at the background, it was of me and Leon mucking out one christmas with our hats and those funny blowing things in our mouths.

I smiled as i remember the day so well, i opened up a new message and selected a name

Ellie - i cant make today, im ill, sorry

i sent it before chucking it back on the bed and quickly getting ready to go out with the boy i had chosen to go out with, i felt really stupid for choosing elliot but i kept reminding myself it was for his future which sort of made it worthwhile. I also hated lying to Leon but sacrifices had to be made.


Mum wasnt in when i went downstairs but dad was and he handed me a bowl of cereal as i sat down and fumbled around with the spoon, my dad noticed this and sat down with me

"you know, most people actually eat their breakfast with the spoon instead of fiddling with it"

i shrugged and slowly began eating it, he sighed and shook his head

"your not meeting Leon today are you?"

i shook my head slowly but didnt look at him

"who you seeing then?"

i looked up slowly

"a guy named Elliot"

my dad nodded slowly

"a guy named Elliot?" he said, as if tasting the words to find out what he was like

"isnt that the guy your now tutoring?"

i stared up at him and nodded, he nodded and leant back

"you seem nervous though, you havent taken a fancy to him have you?"

i shook my head eagerly, that would be something that will never ever happen.. ever.

"course not, im only meeting him to teach him some stuff, hes so stupid"

my dad chuckled and leant forward

"well as long as nothing else happens and your ok then im fine too"

i nodded and finished my cereal in silence before handing my dad the bowl, he went to wash it up and i watched him wash it then dry it before putting it away, he looked distracted so i walked forward slowly

"dad are you ok?"

he looked up, almost breaking from a trance

"course dear, go have fun today"

i nodded slowly and went up to him and gave him a hug, he hugged me back before we pulled away

"i love you"

i gave him a kiss on the cheek

"i love you too dad"

he smiled and i smiled back before walking out to the hallway, he followed me and watched me as I slipped my trainers on and shoved my phone in my pocket, i was meeting Elliot at the mall in about half an hour which was good because it only took that long to get there anyway.

I smiled and waved at my dad as he waved me off and i began to walk to the big centre to meet Elliot.


I had just walked into the huge building when Elliot himself came running up towards me

"oh there you are brooky, i was wondering how long you were going to be"

i nodded slowly and we began walking slowly through the place, looking into all the different shop windows.

We reached Milkshake city and Elliot tryed to drag me inside even though i protested

"oh come on, i want a milkshake, ill even buy you one"

i shook my head

"i thought we were supposed to be studying, not drinking milkshakes"

he paused before raising his head and pouting

"you cant study on an empty stomach"

i tryed not to but ended up laughing, he smiled and winked before dragging me in, i stood by the counter and looked up at the big board with all the different choices layed out, I felt Elliot press his body behind me, i tilted my head and saw that he was looking up and making a funny face which meant he couldnt choose

"you look slightly constapated there Elliot"

he turned to me, poked his tongue out and looked back at the board

"im not sure if i want a crunchie one or a snickers one" he turned to me "what one do you want brooky?"

i looked back up at the board then back to him


he smiled and nodded and turned to the person waiting to take our orders

"we'll have a large skittles and a large crunchie please"

the person nodded and wrote it down on two cups before handing it to the other guy who was making the milkshakes, we had to move out of the way so other people could order, Elliot walked over to one of the chairs and i stood next to him

"you can sit on my lap you know that brooky?"

i shook my head

"no, im fine standing"


i nodded slowly, i couldnt let myself get sucked in by any of his different charms. A few minutes later and our milkshakes were done, we took them and began a slow walk through the shopping centre, i presumed we were heading to the car park where Elliot had probably left his car.

When we reached it he opened the car door for me and i climbed in and buckled up whilst he ran around and climbed into the drivers seat and did his seatbelt, we finished of our milkshakes before putting them in the cup holders and Elliot drove off.

We pulled up to his house and he climbed out and opened my door for me, we walked up to his front door before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a key, he unlocked it and we went indoors.

The house was fairly tidy, probably as tidy as mine. There were pictures of Elliot and a lady who looked like his mum, although i couldnt see any of a guy, maybe he doesnt see his dad.

Elliot smiled at me before he showed me upstairs and into his room, it was really messy and he gave me a 'sorry' look before making room for me to sit down on his bed, i sat down and watched as he rushed around trying to tidy it up.

After about ten minutes he gave up and flopped down on his bed next to me, he reached over and brought up a few books, he opened one to a page and handed it to me, Fractional Distilation. I looked up at him

"you dont like science then?"

he nodded slowly

"i dont like any subjects if im honest"

i chuckled before spinning around slightly so i was properly facing him, hesat up straight and crossed his legs facing me and i found myself doing the same, our knees were so close it burned.

We opened all the books to the right pages and i slowly began explaining things to him, about 5 minutes later i realised that he was no longer staring at the books... but me. I kept my head down but spoke

"looking at the wrong thing there Elliot"

he shook his head

"no im not"

i looked up at him and made eye contact, he stared at me and i stared at him

"you were staring at something that fascinated you, so am i"

i gave him a confused look but didnt break eye contact

"what do you mean?"

he tilted his head slightly

"you fascinate me brooky"

i tryed to hold a laugh but my confused look stayed put

"again, what do you mean?"

he pulled back slowly and looked away briefly before returning his eyes to me

"im the hotest in the rugby team, im the captain, every girl wants to kiss me, all the girls at school would kill to be in your position, i brought you a milkshake, ive shown you to my house, ive tryed tidying up for you yet you still havent even tryed anything on me, your so difficult"

i nodded

"like i said i have no inter-"

he cut me off using a way i was least expecting, my lips melted when they collided with his.


:O he kissed her?! comment, vote and fan please <3 xxx

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