Disney Desendants: Off With T...

By wonderfulwendy

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It's been a few years since Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos have turned into good people and are now living in Aura... More

Just a note by the author


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By wonderfulwendy

"She took over Auradon. She could have harmed you. Or your friends. She could have harmed anyone she got her hands on," Ben's father said.
"Yes. But she never wanted to do it. She was forced by her mother," Ben told his parents.
"Yes. But she could have told us," His mother said.
"And we don't know if it's true. She could be faking it," His father said.
"She wasn't. I could tell," Ben protested.
"How??" His father asked.
"She was pale. She had bags under her eyes. She looked stressed. She hesitated when her mother made her do magic. She argued with her mother. She gave me my crown. She broke her mother's crown. She turned her mother into a playing card for us!! She made me king again," Ben answered.
"But she took over before," His father said, "If she didn't take over, none of this would happen."
"Her siblings. What will happen to them??" Ben asked.
"They didn't work with Queenie for most of it. They refused. But they should have told somebody. They would have saved us. Instead, they didn't," Ben's father.
"And their mother??" Ben asked.
"Well she's a card now. She can't do anything unless evil gets her in their hands," His mother replied.
"I want what's best for them," Ben said, "They need to learn!! They can't read clearly, spell clearly or even do sums that a primary school student could do!! And why?? They got banished with their mother at a very young age and never went to school or even had any education."
"It's not our fault," Ben's father said.
"I never said that," Ben replied to his comment, "But the point is, we can't just abandon them on the isle. They chose us over their mother. The one who looked after them. The only one who was there for them when no one else was. They chose us. We need to help them."
Ben's father sighed, "Go on then. You're the king."
Ben smiled.
"So. Got your bags packed??" Harriet asked everyone.
Harvey and Quentin nodded.
"Queenie??" Harriet asked.
Queenie sat on her bed, facing away from everyone else.
"Queenie??" Harriet asked.
Queenie didn't reply.
"You haven't started to pack," Harriet sighed, walking towards her.
She sat next to her.
"Come on. We'll be going soon," Harriet said.
Queenie didn't budge.
"Queenie!!" Harriet shouted, annoyed, "Do something!! Stop being so childish and stupid!!"
She grabbed Queenie and turned her to face her.
Once she did, she gasped.
Queenie was still pale. She still had bags under her eyes. Bug her eyes were red. And sore. You could immediately tell.
"Queenie come on. What's wrong??" Harriet asked.
Harvey and Quentin walked to the bed and sat down.
"You don't deserve to go back!! You didn't do anything!!" She said.
"Is that all??" Harriet asked.
"You three deserved to live a life here. You all deserve to have a good future," Queenie said.
"Queenie," Harvey said,"We just....."
"No!! I won't let you go!! Only I deserve to go back. I brought all the villains here. I betrayed you," Queenie said.
"No you didn't," Quentin said, "I think we sort of betrayed you."
"Just admit it. I ruined your lives forever!! I'm still surprised you're here trying to make me feel better. I thought you'd hate me," Queenie said.
"We will never hate you Queenie. You haven't ruined our lives," Harvey said, "And even if you did, we will never hate you. We will always gave you in our hearts."
"So stop being lazy, and pack up," Harriet said, jumping up.
"I won't allow you to go. Even if it means forcing King Ben to allow it," Queenie said.
"Don't be stupid," Harriet said, "It's fair that we're going too. Anyway, even if it was only you, I'd choose to stay with you."

There was a knock on the door.

Harriet sighed and walked to it.
She opened it.
"Ali, you do know you don't need to knock to get into your own room... King Ben!! Sorry, I thought you were Ali!! Don't worry!! We're packing now!! Nearly finished!!"
Harriet bowed.
"Can... I come in??" Ben asked, "By any chance pleaseandthankyou??"
"... Um yes," Harriet said.
She let him in.

"Actually I'm here to announce something. So. Me and my father have had some thought. Sending you to... Is Queenie okay??" He asked.
Queenie nodded,"Yeah. Just worrying."
"Well... Back to what I was saying. Sending you to the isle... Is wrong..." He said.
"Wrong?? Are you ill??" Harriet asked.
"No. I'm fine," Ben laughed, "You three choice us...... But you should have told us what was going on. But I realised you chose us over your mother."
"Don't send them to the isle. Send me instead," Queenie said.
"Actually...... I'm not sending anyone to the isle. We sent everyone who needed to go yesterday. You were forced by your mother. You couldn't help it. You chose us too," Ben said,"I want to help you. All of you. I trust you. If you'd let me help. "
"So...... No one's going to the isle??" Harriet asked.
Ben smiled and shook his head.
Harvey yelled,"Yeah!! Thank you so much. You don't know how much this means to me!!"
Ben smiled.
"Guess what Ali!! We're not leaving!!" Harvey shouted, running out of the room.
Everyone laughed.
Harriet smiled.
"Thank you," She mouthed.
"No problem," Ben mouthed.
"How's the science project going??" Quentin asked Harriet.
"Good!!" Queenie smiled, "Me and Harriet are doing good!!"
"Um... I'm doing good!! You've found nothing!!" Harriet said.
"I can't be bothered," Queenie sighed.
"What??" Harriet asked, "We are supposed to work together!!"
"Don't do it. Just get a bad mark," Queenie said.
"I'm not getting a bad mark!!" Harriet sighed.
"I'll get a bad mark then," Queenie said.
Harriet smiled and got back to studying.

"Well...... You changed your hair," Quentin said,  to Harriet.
"Yeah. I really like it!! I always wanted all my hair to be purple!!" Harriet smiled.
Quentin smiled.
"Guess what??" Harriet asked, "We have a book about the at... At-o-m-s!! Atoms??"
"Yes," Quentin said.
"Atoms. We found a book on atoms!!" Harriet smiled.
"What does that say??" Queenie asked Quentin, pointing to a word on a book.
"Try saying it," Quentin said.
"A-At-Mos-Per... That doesn't sound right," Queenie frowned.
"Atmosphere," Quentin laughed.
Queenie looked at him confusingly.
"But..." She said,"There's no F in the word!! And why's there a P?? And a H?? Unless they spelt it wrong. Very unprofessional!! "
Quentin laughed.

Harvey and Ali came in the library, talking.
Ali looked excited, Harvey looked happy, but annoyed in a jokey way.
"Tell them!!" Ali said.
"No!!" He replied.
"Tell them!!" She said again.
"No!!" Was his comment.
"Please!!" She commanded.
"Later," He said.
"How long is later??" She asked.
"Like a month," He whispered.
Harriet looked at them.
"We're hearing all your convosation. So you better tell us now," Harriet said.
"Oh gosh!!" Harvey said.
He slapped his head.
"Tell them," Harvey told Ali.
Ali smiled.
"Like out like going out?? As in out as in on a date out??" Harriet asked.
Ali nodded.
"Aww!! I thought you'd be a cute couple!!" Queenie said.
"Congratulations!!" Quentin said.
"Have you kissed yet??" Harriet asked.
"No!!" They both shouted.
They both blushed.
"Liers!!" Harriet joked.
"No!!" Ali shouted,"We haven't though!!"
"Really??" Harriet asked, raising her eyebrows.
"No!! I'm not all about that stuff," Harvey said.
Harriet stared at them in awe.
"Awwww!!" She said,"So cute!!"
"Don't you dare call me cute again," Harvey said.
Harriet laughed.
"So have you or not??" Queenie asked.
"What??" Harvey asked.
"Kissed," Queenie said.
"No," Ali said.
"Yes," Harriet said.
"I'm confused," Quentin said.
"No!!" Harvey shouted.
"We haven't!!" Ali said.
"It's really not bad," Harriet told Ali, "But I bet you're dead embarrassed."
Ali looked at her, "For what??"
"For telling me lies," Harriet said.
"For goodness same, it's not a lie!!" Harvey said.
"I don't lie," Ali said, "If I do, my mother would tell me off."
"You're both red!! You're so embarrassed!!" Quentin laughed.
"Well... Yes," Harvey said, "Y'all saying stuff."
"Never mind," Queenie said, "You're so cute!!"
Harvey growled,"Don't call me cute again!!"
"I'm older than you. Therefore I can call you cute!!" Queenie giggled.
Harvey growled.
"Does that mean I can call him cute??" Quentin asked.
"Yeah," Queenie replied.
"Cute!! Cute!! Cute!!" Quentin said.
He repeated the word over and over again.
"Stop!!" Harvey shouted.
"Queenie's cute," Quentin said.
Queenie growled, "I said you could call him cute, not me!!"
"But you're younger than me," Quentin said, "Therefore, I can call you cute."
Queenie growled.
"Well. I'm younger than all of you," Harriet said,"I shall call Ali cute."
"Aw thanks!!" Ali smiled.
"How did we end up in this convosation??" Harvey asked.
Ali shrugged,"I don't know."

Everyone laughed.

And this is what I like to call-

                                The end

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