The Journey to Be Made {Compl...

By AkiRayne001

22.7K 312 254

After becoming the runner up in the kalos league and stopping the kalos crisis , ash decides to continue his... More

Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

chapter 3

1.8K 23 39
By AkiRayne001

Welcome back my dear fan fiction readers.sorry I wasn't able to post for a very long time.I had my final exams but now that they are over,I will publish chapters more often.I would also suggest you to read the stories written by "thebloodofdawn".she is my best friend and she will be publishing a story on ash's journey too.but now enough of chitchat and let's continue the story!! Also , I have made this chapter long cause I didn't post for a very long time ..... too long.....

Note- I changed my username to TheHopeOfDusk



Greninja use water shuriken on that pokemon's head !then use double team and aerial ace!!screamed ash while mimicking greninja's actions.

"Raaaawwrrrrrr"screams the pokemon as it got hit by greninja's water shuriken but teleported when greninja used aerial ace.

"Awww man it knows teleport!!!!wait greninja  use  the  same technique we used on diantha's gardevoir!!!"screamed ash."Grenin"noded greninja and he started throwing water shurikens toward  the  weird pokemon.

The weird pokemon dodged them all and a cloud of steam arose as the water was vaporizing. then ash nodded and greninja understood.

Greninja brought two silver coloured sticks(I don't know what they are called...) and went inside the steam cloud and used cut several times on an unexpected-attack-thinking-pokemon.

"Raaaawwrrrrrr!!!!"screamed the pokemon in pain and then it made balls of yellow and white aura appear around him and then he hit greninja with them. Ash and greninja winced in pain but stood strong.

"Lets end this once and for all !!!For riolu use WATER SHURIKEN FULL POWER!!!!!!!"screamed ash.

Greninja took the water shuriken off his back and held  it in the sky and it grew twenty times bigger then a regular water shuriken , it also became a bit goldish in colour. And with a nod from ash he threw it right onto the already wounded pokemon.

There was a blast and smoke covered the entire area and when the smoke cleared all that was visible was a pokeball where the weird pokemon stood and ash helping greninja up .

Well to most it would look like ash was wiped out and greninja was also holding ash up like he was holding greninja who now was looking like a normal greninja.

"Riolu , you can come here and the four of you can come out of the Bush."said ash. After this dawn,misty, pikachu and Brock came out of the Bush and walked towards ash and riolu came running towards ash .

"Riolu ri olu!!!!"was heard by everyone but the  pokemon and ash.ash heard riolu saying that hi ash , so good to see you!!!!. "Riolu ! So it is you !"said ash

"well now we should head towards the pokemon centre to give you two and this pokemon a check up!"said ash while picking up the pokemon the weird pokemon's pokeball."And I will answer all answers after these three get a check up and we are all calmed down.

Then ash released charizard and asks  charizard to take him riolu and greninja  to the pokemon centre. He asks misty, Brock and dawn to reach the pokemon centre on foot. They all agreed and started walking out of the Forest While ash riolu pikachu and greninja climbed onto candidate's back as it took off with a "rrraaawwwwrrrrrr!!!".

-(time skip) outside pokemon centre-

"Thanks charizard. Now take a good rest."sad ash after the trio of him,riolu and greninja were off charizard.

Greninja and riolu were shaking in fear as charizard gave them the ride of their lives."Well well. See who are trembling . "Said ash with pikachu on the ground laughing his head off.

"Gre nin ja nin ja greninja"said greninja disapprovingly with riolu agreeing with him."ok . We will talk later. Now let's get you all a checkup while taking out the weird pokemon's pokeball .

Ash along with pikachu riolu and greninja walk into the pokemon centre and are greeted by a nurse joy and chansey.
"Welcome to the pokemon centre.What can I do for you?"asked nurse joy.

"Could you heal these pokemon(while pointing at greninja and riolu) and this pokemon . I don't know what pokemon it is . Could you tell me about it after they are healed . Ohh and yes could you make sure pikachu is ok too?"asked ash."sure it is my duty "said nurse joy while taking all the pokemon with Chandra to heal them ." I wonder where Brock misty and dawn are."said ash to himself.

-with Brock misty and dawn-

"I guess ash reached the pokemon centre by now. How long will this take??"screamed dawn impatiently." I was  wondering about the thing that happened with that pokemon ash called greninja. It looked so much like ash." Even I am wondering the same thing. We will ask ash once all th  pokemon are healed."said Brock.

-(time skip)Brock and misty and dawn enter the pokemon centre-

"Look . Ash is sitting over there . Let's go there too."said dawn while pointing to the couch on which ash was sitting.the walk over to ash and see ash deep in thought."Umm... Earth to ash . Are you there?"said dawn jokingly to get his attention.

"Ohhh.hey you guys . I didn't see you coming ."said ash." What we're you thinking about ash?"asks misty." Ohhh. You'll find out soon enough." Said ash. " what's with the  suspense ash?"asks Brock."hmmmm....well I ummm... I --"hesitates ash but is luckily saved by nurse joy who came it with his pokemon (not exactly his excluding his pikachu and weird pokemon[Ash caught it ] cause greninja is released).

" Let's go get my pokemon"said ash as an excuse for not answering the  questions bombarded on him."(sigh) ok.."said Brock not satisfied because of not getting a reply.

"Are the pokemon alright nurse joy?"asked ash."All the pokemon are in good health now. And the pokemon you caught...well umm surprised me as it is a champion level pokemon. It is called type:null."said nurse joy."WHATT!!!!!?? A champion level pokemon?"screamed ash and misty and dawn and Brock.

"Yes, it is . Didn't you know that? Oh , you must be from a different region so you might not know."answered nurse joy."Yes. We are from a different region.Let's leave this topic now.How are the other pokemon?"asked ash.

"Well, riolu sustained many injuries from what I think type:null.Riolu will need lots of rest.Greninja is just tired. I wanted to ask did you use greninja to fight type:null?"asked nurse joy.

"Yes. I did use greninja. Why did you ask? It was a great fight. Greninja was great. He fought the  pokemon  you call type:null and even defeated him."said ash."Really? A greninja  defeated the alola champion level pokemon?"asked nurse joy.

"Well, let's leave this topic for now . How long will it take for riolu to be completely healed?"asked an anxious ash." You cam take him now but don't let him battle or do hard training for a few days."said nurse joy.

"Sure nurse joy. "Said ash as he took type:null's pokeball and placed it with his other pokeball, let pikachu cling onto his left shoulder an  surprisingly riolu climbed onto ash's right shoulder and greninja just walked and stood near ash.

" Could we get a room with four single  beds nurse joy?"asked dawn."Sure. Here take this key."replied nurse joy while handing
Misty a key.

"Guys, before you all bombard me with questions could we go eat something? I am starving."said a hungry ash."pika pi"agreed pikachu."count me in in"said riolu but the humans excluding ash heard"ri riolu"."Grenin is"said greninja while  nodding.

"Ok. But afterwards you have some explaining to do mister"said dawn in a serious tone while giving ash the death glare." Ok. I guess"said ash with fear  in his voice. "And you two have  to give me an explanation on your sudden appearance in from sinnoh and kalos."said ash while pointing towards riolu and greninja.

It seemed as if it was going to be a very long night for our heroes.
Who knows(except me...)what awaits their future as the journey continues...


And done!!!Hoe was my longest chapter till date? The next chapter will be out soon....i guess.So please ask questions freely and if i get more then 50 views then i will be posting a special info box which will be A/N as a chapter that is not a will feature ten real facts about me.the real me.
Hastalavegas amigos!!!See u all very soon!!!!

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