Forgotten Memories [Zumin]

By Cat_Noir_trash

42.9K 2K 2.7K

While helping 707 and MC out with cleaning Seven's house, Zen trips over something on the ground and one of t... More

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Vial 11

2K 107 45
By Cat_Noir_trash

Okay.....just drink some sort of beverage, and you'll start to cool down..... Just drink some wine, Jumin.... Just drink the wine.... Jumin thought to himself, pouring himself a cup of red wine. Mm~ Tastes like the blood of my enemies, just the way I like it~ Or, is it just grape flavored? Either way, it's refreshing....

"JUMIN!! I GOT THE ANTIDOTE!!" Saeyoung exclaimed to the 27-year old. He was running up to him; sweat dripping from his forehead. "I" huffed the tired out red head. He then handed Jumin the small vial that had a silver liquid contained in it.

"Thank you, Luciel..... Now, if you excuse me," said Jumin, slightly bowing to Saeyoung. The black haired man walked over to the albino who was talking with Jaehee. "So, I was just standing there in line at the convenience store, and then the young girl behind me asked if I was an angel! I was so flattered, and her mother was giggling as well. The little girl was so cute, I just had to wink at her!" said Zen as he was telling a story to the hardworking assistant. "Zen, that little girl must have been such a cutie," chimed Jaehee, chuckling under her breath. "She was!" replied Zen, his arm behind his head.

"Zen, are you thirsty? I could get you a drink if you'd like," said Jumin, his hand on the albino's shoulder. Zen turned around and said, "Oh? Now that I think of it, I'm a bit parched. A drink sounds lovely, Jumin. I'll go get them, it's no trouble. You just sit back, and relax." said Zen, starting to walk away from Jumin and Jaehee. "NO," shouted Jumin. With that being said, he received wide eyes from Jaehee and Zen. "Ahem, I mean..... I'll go get the drinks... You just continue talking with Assistant Kang.... I'I'll be right...back...." said Jumin, quickly turning to the opposite direction of the two RFA members.

He went to the table in the corner that had the refreshments, and quickly poured the liquid from the vial into Zen's glass. When Jumin had just finished pouring the antidote into his glass, Zen was walking over to him. "Did you get the drink I requested?" Zen chuckled, waving to Jumin.

"Oh, y-yes..... Here," stammered Jumin, bluntly handing Zen his glass of wine.

"Oh, thank you, Jumin." smiled Zen, taking the cup from Jumin's pale hand. "You know, I don't think the wine was the only thing I was thirsty for, you get the gist?" said Zen, taking his first sip of the drink.

That sentence made Jumin choke on his glass of wine. Did he just say what I thought he said?! Jumin thought to himself, clearing his throat.

"Well, I think it's time that we go greet the guests....." said Jumin, his forehead and palms sweaty.

"But, all of the guests already arrived. MC did a good job, didn't she?" said Zen. All Jumin did was nod with wide eyes.

"So, Zen........"

"Yes, Jumin?" asked Zen, looking at the 27-year old.

"Do you....feel any....different?"

"What do you mean by that? Physically, no..... Mentally, I guess I bit...."

"Do you know what the ring on your finger means?" Jumin asked bluntly, his head perking up.

"The....ring?" repeated Zen, focusing on the silver ring that was on his left hand.


"Zen...." said Jumin, looking at Zen who was on his right.

"What is it, Jumin? What did you think of the report? Was it good enough?"

"The report was fine, but I would like to change one little detail on the cover page."

"Sure, what is it? Did I make the font too big? Too small?"

"No, everything's fine.... But, the one thing I would like to change on the front page, is your last name." smiled Jumin, his face a warm shade of magenta.

Zen let out a silent gasp, his face flushing a bright red. "J-Jumin...."

"Did I surprise you?"

"WE'RE ALREADY ENGAGED DAMN IT, STOP TOYING WITH ME!" scolded Zen, his left index finger pointing directly at Jumin's face.

Jumin took this opportunity, and kissed the finger with the ring on it . Zen flushed even a darker red, (was that even possible?). "Is it just me, or is it getting really hot in here?!" exclaimed Zen, scooting away from his fiance.

"Is both, an answer?" smirked Jumin in a sadistic tone. He then scooted closer to the flustered albino, hoping to taste his fiance's lips once more. "" squeaked Zen, now practically climbing the couch.

"Wrong~ Both is an answer,"

"Says who?" hissed Zen, shivers going up and down his spine.


"Fair enough answer...."

"Now, come down, and I'll give you a treat~"

"What's this treat?"

"You're just going to have to wait to see that~"

"Mmm.....fine..." groaned Zen, climbing down the couch. When he sat back down on the cushions, his lips met with Jumin's. 'His lips taste like.....grapes? He's been drinking wine again most likely.....' Zen thought to himself.


"J-Jumin?" said Zen, his eyes sparkling.


"Could you change something about me?"

"And what would that be? You're already perfect,"

"My last name~" hummed Zen, tackling Jumin to the ground, kissing him in the process.

"Zen..... Y-you remember me?!"

"One hundred percent, my fiance~" chuckled Zen, pecking Jumin on the cheek.

"I see my antidote worked successfully!! God 707 does it again!" said Saeyoung, his glasses glinting. "When's the wedding, guys?!"

"This Saturday?" asked Jumin, looking over at Zen.

"Sounds lovely~" chimed Zen, hugging his fiance tightly.

"And for now, we can enjoy the RFA party!!" exclaimed Yoosung, jumping in front of Saeyoung and MC.

"Yoosung! My main man!! Where were you?"


"Playing LOLOL....., am I right?" said Saeyoung.

Yoosung nodded embarrassed. "You got me, Seven......"

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