Define Perfect Park Jimin

By theysayJulie

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In which a playboy, name Park Jimin watches over a blind girl. How would that turn out? Definition of Perfect... More



559 29 6
By theysayJulie

Jimin's Pov

"How did it go yesterday?" Hoseok hyung asked, as Taehyung slung his arm over my shoulders. Jungkook followed behind and the senior hyungs were somewhere else. "Terrible." I shortly answered, the guys chuckled, "What could go wrong?" Taehyung asked, "Saying that she's blind, and she can't do a thing." I retorted. Taehyung stopped in his tracks abruptly making me trip.

"What the heck dude?!" I straighten my back and maintain my balance. "You said that?" Hoseok hyung's eyes widen as I nodded. "You're so mean Jimin, you don't say that. Especially to a blind person." Jungkook whispered the last part. Hearing Jungkook say that made me feel guilty, his voice is soft and quiet made everything seem innocent and guilty.

"You better say sorry to her," Hoseok hyung pointed a finger at me, "I don't say sorry hyung," I shook my head, "I'm not the type. Remember I'm the school's playboy?" I rolled my eyes and walked ahead, sticking my hands in my pockets. "Whatever Jimin, you're going to regret once you see her innocent face." Hoseok Hyung caught up to me as we walked to homeroom. "Since when did you become so... nice?" I asked with my hands still in my pockets.

"Uhh... I don't know..." Hoseok Hyung cocked his head to the right. We entered in the classroom and Dohee was sitting in her desk. She heard us come in and a smile plastered on her face. "You guys are finally here!" She exclaimed, Hoseok hyung eyed me weirdly and I felt the same. "Good morning Dohee-ah!" Hoseok Hyung threw his backpack off and sat next to Dohee.

"You guys are early again. How was your morning?" Dohee asked. "Wonderful!" Hoseok hyung exclaimed, I shook my head and chuckled sitting left of Dohee. "Yeah, not when you're screaming at a spider in the bathroom." I crossed my arms over the desk and placed my chin on my folded arms. Dohee chuckled, "Good morning, Jimin." Her voice suddenly went soft, "Hmm morning." I simply replied.

Hoseok Hyung pinched my arm, making me react and silently scream, 'oww!' rubbing the spot where Hoseok hyung pinched. He pointed at Dohee, 'You better say sorry' he mouthed. I shook my head and went back to the same position. A pinched landed on my side again, I flinched scooting back with the chair scraping the floor. "Is everything okay?" Dohee asked concerned.

"Everything is fine." I gritted through my teeth, but Hoseok hyung cleared his throat, "Actually it's not fine. Jimin actually has something to say." I snap my head to Hoseok hyung, 'What are you doing?' I mouthed. "Well, I have to look for Taehyung and Jungkook they need help on homework." Hoseok hyung got up with a smile, pushing in his chair. He waved at me before showing a thumbs up, 'bye!' He mouthed and ran out the room.

My mouth parted and sighed, "What did you want to say? If it was about... yesterday then it's all good I understand. Makes perfect sense anyways, what can a blind person like me do? But I can't do the possible without trying." Dohee started, and I stared across the room feeling more guilty but relieved that she understood. "I... I just want to apologize. I was... I guess you can say I was fed up. What I said yesterday... I didn't mean it." Dohee nodded her head, "It's okay, you had to blame someone." She smiled, I never knew her eyes become crescent when she smiles.

Hoseok hyung and Taehyung walked in, followed by Jungkook. "So what I miss?" Hoseok hyung pulled out a chair from the desk and sat, Taehyung winked at me. They heard everything didn't they. "Um Jimin?" Our heads averted to a feminine voice at the door. I rolled my eyes, "Oh boy, not again." I mumbled to Taehyung making him laugh and he patted my back.

I stood up and walked over to her, putting on my flirtatious smile. "Yes, sweet heart?" I said sweetly, her cheeks blushed into a shade of res as she looked down to hide her face. I chuckled, and pulled her chin up to look at me. "I can't talk to you if I can't see your face sweet heart. Don't be shy around me." I leaned against the door frame of the classroom.

"Um, I m-made chocolate chip heart cookies." She shyly smiled, holding out a round box. "Sweetie you're too kind, is it also for me too? It can't just be for Jimin himself, I'm hurt." Taehyung's low voice vibrated making the girl freeze, her face flushed a deeper red. "Jimin oppa and Taehyung oppa can share." She still had the shy smile as Taehyung accepted the box of cookies, "Thanks sweetie, I'll make sure to enjoy them." Taehyung patted her head and waved at her as she waved back shyly. She exit the room and once she was gone I sighed and rested my face from all the smiling.

"Cookie Dohee?" Taehyung asked Dohee, she seemed stunned and just blinked. "Oh I-I don't want to eat your... present." She refused, "If it's given to us, we share right Jimin?" I nodded although Dohee couldn't see, she probably knew I did. "Do you guys often get presents? From girls in general?" She asked as she grabbed a piece of chocolate chip cookie.

"Yeah, you could say we're the flower boys in school." Taehyung finished his chocolate chip cookie, grabbing another piece. "Oh. Flower boys huh, you all must be very handsome to be flower boys." She chuckled finishing her cookie getting chocolate at the side of her lips. It was bothering me, I went up and wiped off the chocloate off her lips. She froze and blinked processing what I did, the guys did too.

She lift her hand up to her lips cleaning the extra crumbs off. She didn't say anything and just sat there, I felt a hard punch my arm, "I saw that." His monotone voice echoed the room. "Oppa." Dohee smiled at the voice of her brother. Hoseok hyung, Taehyung and Jungkook snickered, I felt my face heat up.

Never had my face heat up in embarrassment for something I did to a girl. This is the first, Jimin what's wrong with you? "Oppa have a cookie. Some girl came in to give this to, Jimin." Yoongi eyed me and refused to take a cookie.

School ended and I was in the classroom stuck with Dohee and Mrs. Kang reading braille, "Ugh this is so hard. How did you learn this?" I complained throwing my head back. Dohee chuckled, "I just kept reading." Dohee shrugged her shoulders as if it was easy. Mrs. Kang left the room, I sighed trying to read braille, "I don't understand this." I skimmed my finger over the bumps in the book.

"Need help?" Dohee offered, "Nope, I got this." I refused, "It's not hard to say, I need help. Let me help you." She pushed her desk with mine connecting it. I heaved a sigh, ruffling my hair and turned my head back to Dohee. I flinched away as a reflex when her face was centimeters away from my face, I stared into her light brown eyes. I felt her breath brush against mine, and I believe Dohee felt our face centimeters away.

-  -  -  -  -  -  -

Is this going a little bit too fast? If it is just tell me.


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