Persephone's Angel

By Angel0624

94K 2.8K 1.7K

A Phanfiction. Persephone loved her mother very much, that is, until she was murdered. She must go live with... More

Persephone's Angel
Learn To Be A Servant
Wishing You Were Somehow Gone Again
Thinking Of You
Twisted One Way
His Angel of Music
Box Five
A Competition Of Sorts
Poor Fool, She Makes Me Laugh!
Just An Infatuated Fan?
Music of the Night
Risk Taker
Many Happy Returns
The Star Princess and the Emperor of the Night
Stag Night
The House on the Lake
Lakes and African Forests
Love Never Dies
Last Ditch Effort?
I Love You
The Angel's Disrepute
Not Whilst I'm Around
Wedding Day
End of a Viscount's Love Story
I Want My Mummy
Bring Him Home
Little Black Book
First Fight
Little Black Book (Continued)
Bride and Groom
Doctor Day
Kittens, Kittens Everywhere!
Le Fantome de l'Opera
The End?
Fin/Ask Chapter

La crème glacée

1.8K 54 57
By Angel0624

Chapter Eighteen: La crème glacée

--* It was near two o'clock in the morning when he came in. I was dozing on my bed, unable to sleep; I would have nightmares and wake screaming. Abelia rested on the couch in the living room and I felt his arm fall around me. I quickly tuned and sighed, I needed to be sure it was my Opera Ghost and note my perverted uncle. I sat up and lit a lamp, he groaned and shielded his eyes; when he put his hand down, however, I saw the red outline of a hand on my Opera Ghost's right cheek! "Wha..?" I asked, he gave a weary smile and Abelia walked in, leaning on the doorframe and cocking an eyebrow.

"I hit him so you didn't have to" said she, I smiled and turned my attention back to my Opera Ghost, his eyelids were half drooping, his shirt was torn in places (one of his sleeves was torn off!) He was covered in dirt and muck and heavily smelt of sweat. Dotted over his body were red, puffy scratches and deep, purple bruises. His hair was a mess and his trousers matched his shirt; overall he appeared most exhausted.

"I'm sorry, my little dove, I'm sorry I couldn't see you sooner...I was making a new...uh...machine for the good Monsieur William" my Opera Ghost said, changing his tone to a growl as he said William's name. 

"...Ten minutes" I whispered "all I wanted was maybe ten minutes"

"I know, my lovely little angel, I know; I'm sorry, I cannot say how sorry I am enough" he said, entrapping me in a hug and kissing my head multiple times. "I won't ever do it again, my love, I swear on everything I hold dear" he added, rocking me back and forth "how about tomorrow we spend time together?...the whole day! Just us! I'll take you to the park and we can go for a stroll...I'll even take you during the day!

We can get ice cream cones and go to little antiquity shops and walk around the gardens in Parc De Bagatelle, hell, we can even go to the Louvre if you so fancy to go! I hear they have a new collection of exhibits from the Susa Galleries." My Opera Ghost said, giving me a weary smile and grasping my hands; I nodded.

"I would love that" I whispered, he nodded and sighed, running his fingers through his hair and laying back down, pulling me down gently next to him. I reached up and switched off the gas, Abelia said goodnight and I heard her leave my room; I sighed and curled up against my Opera Ghost. I don't think sweat had ever smelt so sweet.

--* In the morning, as he made me breakfast, I told my Opera Ghost everything that proceeded with Firmin the day before; I had to calm myself several times as I read Firmin's note to the Opera Ghost. He would pause and push the charcoal black frying pan off of the hot burner and walk over to me, holding me and kissing my cheeks. When I finally did finish reading the note to him he shook his head "so, M. Firmin and your mum...?"

"Yes" I whispered softly

"But it didn't make you..?"

"Yes" I said, he nodded and sighed softly, placing an egg onto a plate next to buttered toast and two links of sausage. He gave to me this plate and smiled.

"I know it's hard, my darling, but, you must think, that was your mum's deal. Your mum didn't say 'no' to it...did she? I thought so, and, as perverse as this may sound, just remember that your mum got what she wanted and the only consequences are memories; whilst I do think incest is wrong and utterly nauseating, you must consider the person's happiness....were they both happy? I think so." My Opera Ghost paused "though, Firmin's actions towards you are strange and inexcusable...I will speak with him later" he added with a growl, finishing his own breakfast and bringing his plate 'round, sitting beside me; he smiled and gave me a wet kiss to the cheek.

--* That day the first place my Opera Ghost took me was to Parc De Bagatelle. I wore a light blue dress whilst my Opera Ghost wore a black suit; the day wasn't that hot, surprisingly, seeing as it was May! My Opera Ghost wore a top hat to shield his face from the sun whilst I carried a parasol that matched the colour of my dress. It was as if we were walking in a rainbow! Insects hummed merry tunes all around us and there wasn't a cloud in the sky; the sun pointed its golden fingers towards the earth and tipped his golden crown to my Opera Ghost and I as we walked along a concrete path on the rainbow of sugary smelling flowers.

My Opera Ghost proudly paraded me around the gardens, giving me a kiss or a nibble here and there. I would giggle and kiss him back, holding his hand tightly. We arrived at the small lake in the garden, upon the far end was a few white, rock formations with water trickling down from them. "Do you know what that is called?" My Opera Ghost asked, wrapping his arms around my waist; he stood behind me as we both stood on the opposite shore of the lake.

I shook my head and he smiled "that is a waterfall, a small one, but still one nonetheless." He explained, I loved the way the light sparkled on the lake water, it wasn't a turquoise colour like the ocean was, this water was more of a brownish green; I still smiled.

"Smoky topaz" I whispered

"What's that?"

"Smoky topaz...the water is full of smoky topaz" I explained as two, great, snow white cranes flew above; my Opera Ghost hugged me tighter.

"Do you like smoky topaz?"

"I like everything" said I, turning to him and kissing his nose.

--* After we left Parc de Bagatelle my Opera Ghost and I meandered around the streets of Paris until we came to the Place de la Concorde. "Do you know" my Opera Ghost said as we entered the square "that this is the largest square in Paris" he finished, I shook my head.

"I most certainly did not! It is quite massive!" I said and my Opera Ghost smiled and we paused at one of the large, black and golden fountains that occupied the square. 

"Stay here, my angel, I'll go get us some ice cream. Ça va?" Asked he, kissing my hand.

"Oui, ma belle." I replied, he grinned and bowed, winking and turning away. He walked to a vendor with a red and yellow cart and in the words 'La crème glacée' in big letters. I glanced away from him to see children laughing and playing, running around the fountains and yelling:

"Balise, vous êtes!"

I smiled and turned to my left to see a man wearing a black evening suit, a brown trench coat and a large hat with a small, green feather sprouting from the top of it. I tried not to stare at him too long, but, the man started coming towards me! I moved over, away from him a little; the man came and sat next to me on the fountain. His face was covered, for, he popped the collar to his trench coat; however, there was something strange about his eyes. They were hazel and somehow...familiar.

Just as I was about to say a greeting my Opera Ghost returned holding a chocolate ice cream cone in one hand and a strawberry one in the other. He smiled and handed me the chocolate one "because I know you love chocolate"

"Not as much as I--" I started, but the Opera Ghost put the ice cream to my lips.

"Eat it before it melts, my love" said he, I nodded. I still couldn't figure out, in the slightest, why he would never allow me to say that I loved him. As we ate our ice creams I confronted him of this issue.

"Why won't you ever let me say how much I adore you?" I asked and he chuckled and sighed. Hesitantly, he answered.

"I've been...hurt before by someone I felt was 'in love' with it was...she wasn't. I don't want you to say it until you are absolutely sure you're ready to be with me...forever." He whispered "I can't risk being demolished that way again, my love, and if you said you didn't...." he added, falling into silence. I threw my arms around him and kissed his cheeks, over and over.

"I would never say that, Opera Ghost, do you hear me? I would never say that! Not even if death himself was about to take me away...those words will never pass my lips; it's a lie and a terrible lie at that! It's so untrue it's fake!" I said, my Opera Ghost smiled and kissed my nose.

As we ate our ice creams my Opera Ghost showed several signs of nervousness. His foot was incessantly tapping the ground, his hands were shaking, his eyes were quick and shifty, and he tapped the fountain non--stop. I dismissed it as a sugar rush...


Until my ice cream started to melt faster so I decided to take a big bite out of it (I had been licking it earlier). When I did, I felt something in my mouth that most definitely was not ice cream. I pulled, whatever it was, out of my mouth and washed it off in the fountain to find that it was jewelry...but...not just any jewelry.

It was a ring. 

The ring had a golden band with a medium sized diamond set to it!

My heart pumped faster and my cheeks turned pink; I looked over to see that the Opera Ghost was already on one knee before me. He smiled and I heard the children that I once heard playing and all of the adults cheering! I stood and wavered, and my Opera Ghost asked the biggest question in the history of man.

"Will you, Persephone Kardine, marry me? Will you marry a monster?"

In this moment the cheering faded away and the heat became unbearable! I was nauseous and excited and everyone was watching me! Apparently, I managed to nod, but that was all I managed to do! I fainted exactly after my Opera Ghost slipped the ring on my finger.

--* I woke to Abelia squealing, I cried out and fell off of...well...where ever I was put! I groaned and the world around me spun. "A wedding?!" I heard my best friend shriek "I love weddings! Oh, who's getting married, Monsieur William, who?"

She asked quickly; it took my brain several moments to realize what was happening, I was on the floor in my bedroom, breathing heavily, and Abelia was evidently in the living area with Monsieur William. I sat up, upon my knees, and slowly stood, stumbling over to the right wall and leaning on it for a moment; catching my breath. I heard shuffling coming towards my room and Abelia appeared. "Oh, dear! I didn't mean to wake you, Percy! Monsieur William was just telling me that someone here was going to get married!"

"...M--me" I said softly.


"M--me" I said, louder this time.


"I'm...I'm getting married...I'm getting married!" I cried, grasping on to her arms and bouncing up and down with Abelia. Then, I stopped "I'm getting married.." I whispered, trailing off. Abelia set me down on my bed.

"To whom? Who are you being wedded to? Wait! Don't tell me! Is it..." she paused and pointed into the living area "William?"

Before I could reply William glided into the room and took up my hand. "Yes, madam Abelia, it is I; in fact, we will be wedded to-night...on the roof"

"Wait a moment--" I attempted to say before Abelia cut me off.

"Oh! Tonight? I'll go gather everyone!" Abelia cried, I attempted to stop her but William held me back and Abelia left giggling like an idiot.

"What the hell was that?" I yelled, slapping his hands away from me. William smiled and shrugged. "You imbicile! You ponce!

You utter, utter fop! bastard!" I yelled, William sat down on my bed.

"Call me all the names you would fancy to, princess, everyone, in a few moments, will believe we're being wedded" William said with a smile.

"Well, I will be quick to end that" I growled; as I stormed out William grasped my hand and threw me back into my bedroom! I fell upon my bed and he pounced on me! Holding my wrists down and his knees held down my legs, he began kissing all over my face; I fought and slapped used most of my strength attempting to push William's hands off of my wrists. 

But to no avail.

I resulted to crying out and screaming which was quickly ended by a kiss by William.

I wiggled and wiggled until one of my legs came free and I used all the strength in my legs to kick him where it really hurt! He gave a sharp intake of breath and his hands shot down to his pelvis, grasping his manhood and whimpering in pain. I jumped up and ran out of my bedroom to see Abelia just about to tell a whole group of people that William and I were getting married! "No! Abelia!"

I cried, Abelia turned and smiled. I grasped her arm and pulled her away from the large group of people. "Abelia, I'm not getting married to William, I'm getting married to the Opera Ghost!" I clarified and she started laughing.

"Then why did William say you were getting married?"  Asked she, the crowd heard and started making a fuss.

"Wait, you're getting married to William de Chagny?" A woman asked, the crowd began loosing its head and I had to clam them.

"No! No! I'm not getting married to William! I'm getting married to the Opera Ghost" I said and many of the girls gasped.

"Y--you're getting married t--to" 

"He's not a monster" I growled "he is a man and a gentleman at that! He's the sweetest, kindest, most loving man I have ever met and if you're too blind to see his magnificence then I pity you, for you are truly missing out on a sensational man" I said, I sighed and left the audience before me awe-struck; I decided I was going down to the fifth cellar, I needed to see the wonderful underground lake once again and to speak with my Opera Ghost...then, two questions popped into my head.

Where was the Opera Ghost when I woke and why wasn't he with me?


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