Vampire Naruto ( sasunaru )

By solomonkane221

88.5K 2.8K 660

Naruto is hated by everyone for something he has no control over, what happens when the villagers go to far a... More

My name is kurama
Welcome to the family
Time skip author note
Humor me not
IMPORTANT Author note
Tora the cat
True feelings
First thoughts
Another important author note
Author note
Untitled Part 17
Smile of a gentle angle
New story
Untitled Part 20
Author note

I don't have a reason to live

6.8K 215 88
By solomonkane221

A three year old blond boy with azure blue eyes ran down the dark alley way hoping there was escape from the mob of villagers who were chasing him with different weapons to hurt him with.

" get back here you filthy demon ! " shouted a drunk man as the boy tripped over his own feet and landed hard with a thud but got back up and ran until he met a dead end. ' oh no ' he tried to climb the wall but failed to as he was grabbed harshly by the hair and thrown to the ground hard.

He was surrounded by angry Civilians who were drunk or just want a good punching bag. " well looky here the demon in the body of a child piece of shit " said a drunk slurred as he kicked the child's ribs in earning a whimper.

And the beatings began.

After hours of torture the child lay in a puddle of his own blood, his small body could take no more pain, all his bones broken , cuts and bruises and his skin burned to a crisp as there was ninja among the mob. He could no longer scream as he lost his voice somewhere during the flames or was it when he lost his virginity? He doesn't know anymore.

Everything was beginning to become numb to him, ' why me? What did I ever do to deserve this? ' he thought as could no longer cry out his one eye. The right eye had been cut out and crushed.

He heard footsteps coming toward him and fear filled him. ' is someone here to hurt me to ? ' he wondered as he felt his vision blur from blood lost, his injuries weren't healing as fast as they use to since the Kyuubi chakra was suppressed by the seal.

Yes he knew of the demon in him , it wasn't hard to figure out since they never shut up.

" well what do we have here " said a dark voice over him. " Mm your dying " the voice said as the boy looked up to see a cloaked figure with red eyes looking down at his pitiful form.

" what's your name boy ? " asked the man as Naruto found himself answering in a raspy voice. " Naruto ".

The man bent down beside the child and ran a hand through his mattered blood covered hair and smirked revealing fangs. Naruto eyed the man confused, ' who's is he? ' thought Naruto scared as the man continued to stroke his hair, for some reason he didn't feel so scared anymore. " do you want to live Naruto ? " asked the man as the boy thought for a moment.

It was a strange question and one he never been asked since everyone been dead set on killing him.

" what's to live for? Pain? " Naruto one eye became dull. " no you will find it one day " the man said lifting the frail boy into his arms and walked out of the dark alley.

( time skip )
Hakubi prob

I come across a boy laying in his own blood dying, if I had a heart and wasn't a cold hearted vampire I swear it would of broke then and there. I could see the lifeless one eye that held so much pain and sorrow in them. His other eye was gone and bleeding out.

' who could of done this ? ' he thought walking toward the child who looked about three or younger. " well look what we have here " he said as the child didn't react as if he'd given up on life. " your dying " he pointed out wanting some reaction out of the boy. He was a three hundred year old vampire who held no emotions what so ever so he didn't really no how to speak to a human child.

" what's your name boy ? ". He asked using his power a little to get an answer. " Naruto " the boy croaked out as blood leaked out his mouth. Hakubi bent down and stroked Naruto's hair gently as blood stained his pale hand and cloak. Why do I feel so drawn to him he's just a human like any other. Well I've never seen someone do something so horrible as this in all his years. Yes he'd seen things but this was just cruel!

" do you want to live Naruto ? " hakubi asked as Naruto's eye went dull and he spoke, " what's to live for ? Pain ? " he said as hakubi froze. Has he given up? He must not know what the words hope is just by the look in his eye.

" you will find someone to live for one day " he said picking him up and decided he would take him home to the others.

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