Doing It Wrong


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I need something different. Something's been missing... More

Epilogue Part 1

Epilogue Part Two

1.4K 57 6

Be ready at seven. I know you hate shopping, so I already got your outfit covered. - Trey

As soon as she entered her apartment building after a long day of classes and work, the receptionist handed her the white Chanel box. When she made it back upstairs and opened it, she saw the note from Trey along with a simple black dress and a pair of black red bottoms. She chuckled and put the box into her closet and decided to take a shower and start getting ready. Odell already had Kali for the weekend but they would be together tomorrow since it was Kali's birthday.

Since she was finally old enough to remember it, they were going all out with a Minnie Mouse themed party. Odell had gone crazy booking bounce houses, a teacup ride, and a pony for the party. Demi thought he was doing too much but he loved spoiling Kali and as long as he was paying for it, she was letting him have his way.

After getting out of the shower, Demi lotioned herself down with her vanilla body butter then slipped on a matching bra and panty set from Victoria's Secret that she hadn't worn in a while. Now that she was thinking about it, she couldn't remember the last time she had gotten all dolled up to go out. She was used to being in lab coats and scrubs all the time, or leggings and sweats. But she hadn't really dressed up and gone on a date since she had been with Odell, and those were bittersweet memories.

There was a knock on her door and she didn't realize that it was already seven. Straightening her hair obviously took longer than she thought it would. She pulled her dress over her head and fixed it on her body before going to open the door. She smiled when she saw Trey standing there holding a single white rose.

"Dr. Lovato," he greeted, offering the rose to her.

"Thank you. Um, I just have to put my shoes on and I'll be good to go," she said, dropping the rose in the vase on her living room table before rushing back to her room.

She sprayed her perfume, combed her fingers through her hair one last time, slipped her shoes on, then grabbed her clutch before going back out to Trey. He was looking at the pictures of her and Kali that decorated her walls.

"You look stunning, Demi. Even with your nerd glasses on," he joked, causing her face to flush red as she pushed her black square framed glasses up her nose. She was constantly running out of contacts and constantly forgetting to order new ones so she had gotten used to getting stuck with wearing her glasses everywhere.

"My insurance doesn't cover laser eye surgery, Tremaine. Where are you taking me?" She asked after locking up. She checked her phone as they descended in the elevator to see if Odell texted her about Kali or something, but he didn't so she slipped the phone back into her clutch.

"It's a surprise. Come on." He took her hand and led her out to the parking garage where his black Range Rover was parked. He helped her inside then got into the drivers side and they pulled out of the garage and began to make their way through the streets of New York. 

"So now that you got this grant, what's next?"

"Well, we have to do tons of paperwork and stuff like that. Then my professor and I will start assemblying our team. After that, we can begin the study. I mean, it's a lot more complicated than I'm making it sound but the grant was my biggest obstacle. Research is really expensive," she explained as Trey nodded in understanding.

"What about you? What have you been up to besides walking your dog and tweeting about the injustices of our world?" Demi questioned with a chuckle.

"I've been in the studio. The Grammys are coming up so I might go. There's an even greater chance of me going if I can convince you to be my date," Trey said as he looked over at her, but Demi quickly shook her head.

Getting pregnant by Odell had put her in the spotlight and dating Odell had kept her there. She didn't like all of the extra attention on her when she didn't do anything to deserve it but fall in love with the wrong man. Plus, fame made Odell a monster and she hated it. She hated everything about that world and as much as she liked Trey, she wasn't going reintroduce herself to it because it just wasn't worth it.

"If you go, I'll be watching from my couch," Demi replied. Trey could tell she was uneasy about the subject so he let it go.

"Oh, we're here," Trey said. Demi didn't even notice how long they had been driving, but they were at a beach side restaurant that looked small and cozy. Demi could smell the water as she got out of the car even though it was February and it was freezing outside.

"Neverson," Trey said to the receptionist once they walked in. They were directed to a candlelit booth next to a window and they gave their drink orders before their waitress walked away.

"God, this is beautiful," Demi breathed out as she looked out at the moonlit beach. It was freezing but she would love to dip her feet in the water and just relax because she hadn't been to the beach in so long.

"I'm glad you like it. I found this hidden treasure a few months ago and I've been waiting to find the right person to share it with," he seriously said as Demi giggled, but stopped when she realized he was serious.



"Let's just enjoy tonight and not worry about the rest," she said, more to herself though.

All she could think about was how Odell would react if he found out there was even remotely something going on between them and she knew his reaction wouldn't be good. But on the other hand, she was a grown woman who was working her ass off everyday and she deserved to go on a nice date and be pampered every once in a while, even if it was by her baby daddy's best friend.

"So what did we learn tonight?" Trey questioned as he walked Demi to her door. She tried to find her key in her clutch but after staying at that restaurant nearly all night and downing almost five bottles of champagne, she was a little tipsy. Just a little.

"Beach side restaurants have the best champagne," Demi said as she leaned against her door and flashed Trey a lazy smile.

"Demi can't hold her alcohol," Trey retorted as she hiccuped.

"Trey is good at picking spots for dates," she continued as he took her clutch from her and fished her key out of it.

"Trey really likes Demi..." he trailed off as her grin widened and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Demi really really likes Trey," she breathed out. And then he kissed her. He wrapped his lips around hers and pulled her flush against his body. He kissed her like he had been wanting to do for so long, but he knew that all he could do tonight was kiss her because she was drunk and tomorrow was her daughter's birthday party and he couldn't sleep with the girl that his best friend was still in love with.

"Tonight was one of the best nights I've had in a while," Demi admitted once they pulled away.

"Me too." He held her key in front of her face so she took it as she pulled away from him. He was about to leave, but she tugged him back.

"It's late. We're going to the same place tomorrow. Just sleep over. If it makes you feel better, you can take the couch," she suggested.

He nodded and walked into the apartment behind her. She slipped her feet out of her shoes and exchanged her dress for a large tee shirt. Her makeup came off and she plugged her phone in as Trey stripped his pants and shirt, leaving him in an undershirt and a pair of boxers. They both slipped under the covers, Trey's arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her close. With the feel of his hands combing through her scalp and his warmth engulfing her, she fell asleep.

"DADDY. GUESS WHAT? GUESS WHAT, GUESS WHAT, GUESS WHAT?" Kali screamed as she ran into Odell's bedroom. He was pretending to be asleep but he really wasn't because he knew Kali would wanna wake him up since today was her birthday and she thought he would forget.

"DADDY!" She jumped on the bed and shoved him as hard she could to wake him up. Odell chuckled and picked her up, throwing her into the air before catching her and kissing both of her cheeks.

"What is it, Kali bug?"

"Do you know what today is?" She squealed as Odell pretended to look confused. "DADDY."

"It's your birthday, Kali!"

"How old am I?" She questioned with her little eyebrow raised, just like her mother.

"Hmm, let me take a guess. You're four?" He said as she smiled and nodded her head.

"Kali, I would never forget your birthday. You know that right?" Odell said as he sat up and she nodded again.

"I love you daddy," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I love you too, Kali bug."

"We gotta get ready for my party! Come on!" She exclaimed, wiggling out of his embrace and running out of the room as Odell chuckled and ran his hand down his face.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy!" Kali squealed as soon as Demi entered Odell's house, leaving her friends that had started to arrive to attack her mother with a hug.

"Happy birthday princess!" Demi exclaimed as she picked Kali up and kissed all over her face.

"Thank you mommy. What'd you get me?" She asked with the most adorable smile on her face.

"My love," Demi cooed, but once she saw the look on Kali's face she started to laugh. "I'm kidding, baby. Your daddy and I have a big surprise for you. Why don't you go play with your friends?"

Kali nodded as Demi set her on the ground and she went back with her friends. They all went into the bounce house so Demi walked over to where Odell was finishing setting stuff up.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Demi said as she approached him.

"It's fine. I know you've been working hard lately," he said as he brought her in for a hug.

"Do you need help with anything? I think Trey and Tinsley are on their way," Demi questioned as Odell looked around.

"Just bringing the rest of the food out and finishing off the goodie bags. I tried to get as much finished as I could but your daughter is..." he trailed off as they both started laughing.

Demi went back into the house to find where Odell had started on the goodie bags. This morning, Trey had went back to his place to shower and everything and he said he would be at the party lately. Demi still felt butterflies in her stomach after their date last night and she couldn't wait to see him again. She just didn't want to make it obvious to Odell that they had been together last night.

"Hey stranger." After twenty minutes of stuffing goodie bags, Trey walked in behind her, brushing his hands against her hips and lightly pecking her cheek as she broke out in a wide grin.

"Hey," Demi said, looking at him through her glasses before ducking her head again.

"Where's the birthday girl?"

"She's in the teacups now but we're about to cut her cake and sing happy birthday so you came just in time," Demi said as she finished off the last goodie bag.

"Hey, you done with these?" Odell asked as he came inside.

"Yeah, they're all yours. Is the cake all ready?" Demi questioned as Odell nodded. Tinsley walked in holding what looked like a million gift bags and a beaming smile on her face.

"Where's my little diva?" She questioned. Demi gestured outside, and they all went out there and gathered the kids together to sing happy birthday.

It was obvious that Kali was on cloud nine. She was dressed up in the cutest Minnie outfit but instead of wearing the ears, she had a tiara on her head with real diamonds, courtesy of the man who made all of Odell's chains. All the focus was on her and she was grinning as Odell set the Minnie cake in front of her and stuck four candles into it.

"Mommy, come here!" Kali said. Demi went by her side and knelt next to her as Odell lit the candles.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Kali. Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang. Kali closed her eyes for a few seconds before opening them and blowing the candles out. Everyone cheered and she hugged Demi as Odell cut the cake.

"Where's my surprise?" Kali questioned as Demi chuckled.

"I'll ask your dad to go get it," Demi said, letting Kali sit at the table with her friends before going over to Odell.

"You want me to cut the cake while you go get Kali's surprise?" Demi asked as Odell nodded. He passed her the knife and went back into the house. Demi cut the cake while Trey scooped ice cream onto the plates. They distributed it to the all the kids, but their attention was on Odell as he came out of the house with a mini pink Range Rover.

"OH MY GOSH!" Kali yelled, abandoning her cake and running to the pink car.

"Thank you daddy!" She screamed, throwing her arms around his leg as he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

"Anything for you, princess. But your mommy picked it out."

"Thank you mommy," she said to Demi as she came over.

"Wait, let me get a picture! Kali, get in the car," Heather said. Kali happily got into her new car so Demi and Odell knelt down next to her and smiled for the picture.

After everything had settled down, Demi, Tinsley, Trey, and Odell were cleaning up while Kali was in the living room with Heather playing with all of her new toys.

"So Demi, did you read the paper today?" Tinsley asked as Demi shook her head.

"No, why?"

"Because there's a tiny article in there about your research! Like, it's small, but they basically said that if it works it'll be a huge breakthrough for the mental health community!" Tinsley exclaimed, showing her the article on her phone.

"What research?" Odell questioned as Demi pursed her lips.

"The research I've been talking about for the past year," she responded with a roll of her eyes, because she was positive that she had told Odell about it.

"Guess I'll have to take you out to celebrate again," Trey whispered into her ear, thinking that he was being quiet but he wasn't.

He caught Odell's eye, and Odell knew that he could've blown up on both of them and demanded that whatever was going on came to an end, but he didn't. Instead he closed the Tupperware container and put it into the fridge.

"Maybe we can all go and celebrate. That's huge, Demi. Congratulations."

Demi was pretty sure she wasn't the only one in the kitchen who was stunned, but no one said anything. They just continued to put everything away, and Demi realized that Odell really had changed.

After everyone finally left the house, Demi and Odell were getting Kali ready for bed. She was spending another night with Odell then coming home after the long weekend. Demi missed when Kali wasn't around but it was also nice to have some time to herself.

"Mommy, do you know what I wished for?" Kali said through a yawn as Demi French braided her hair down her back.

"Sweetie, you're not supposed to tell me or else your wish won't come true," Demi reminded her but Kali shrugged.

"I wished for you and daddy to be together like all my friends' mommies and daddies," Kali said as Demi tied the end of her hair and Kali turned to face her. Odell sat at the edge of the bed as Demi brought Kali into her lap.

"Listen princess," Demi started, smoothing her curly strays away from her forehead. "Your daddy and I love each other very much. Trust me, we do. And we love you too. But we're not going to be together, okay? I know you see a lot of mommies and daddies together, but there are a lot of mommies and daddies that aren't."

"But I just want us to all be together," Kali sniffled, so Demi looked over at Odell for help.

"We're all together right now, Kali bug. And aren't we all together every Sunday at daddy's games? And aren't we all together during birthdays and holidays?" Odell reminded her as she sadly nodded her head.

"I know it sucks that we don't live together but that's just the way things are, Kali. That doesn't mean we love you any less, okay?" Demi kissed her nose as Kali nodded again, so Odell got her all tucked in and kissed her forehead.

"Love you, Kali bug."

"Love you too daddy."

"I love you, Kali," Demi whispered as she pulled the covers up to her chin.

"I love you too mommy."

They shut her light off and turned her night light on before leaving the room. Demi folded her arms across her chest and looked at Odell, the conversation with Kali lingering in her mind. Were they really doing the right thing for their child by not even trying to be in a relationship again?

"We're doing the right thing, Demi," Odell stated as Demi furrowed her eyebrows. "You twist your lips like Kali when you're thinking. And I know what you're thinking. But we're doing the right thing."

"But you grew up with divorced parents-"

"And I turned out fine. Kali will be okay. You know that girl is always in her feelings. We're both happy and she's happy, and that's all that matters. We're doing the right thing," Odell finished as Demi slowly nodded her head. He brought her in for another hug and released a deep breath as he rested his chin on top of her head.

"So you and Trey, huh?" Odell asked as they pulled away. Demi shrugged as she let her eyes roam around.

"I'm not mad at you. It's been three years and even though that's my best friend, Trey is a good guy. I was serious about all of us going out to celebrate. Maybe we can go after my game next Sunday?" Odell suggested.

"That'd be great, Odell. And I know I give you a hard time and we don't see eye to eye all the time, but I wouldn't have chosen anyone else to have a baby with," Demi admitted with a small smile on her face.


"Yeah. I mean, you broke my heart a long time ago, but you're an amazing father and Kali loves you so much. So I love you for that."

"I love you too."

Demi flashed him one more smile before disappearing down the staircase and hearing back home. As much as Odell wanted Kali's wish to come true, probably more than she did, he could accept the relationship that him and Demi now had. It was the only way for them to move forward, together, and raise their daughter in the best way possible.

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