Full house (On Hold)

By sisters4ever77

1K 9 0

Ema, Beth,Amy, and Kat are besties that has a story behind them. They live at the Foster's house. What will h... More

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New things
New home , new family
Getting along with the boys
Brothers and sisters
Dare is a dare
The Date
Movie Night or Love Night
Chicken wings or chicken boys
I Wont Say
Is it a Date
Am i a nobody to you?
First day of school
Uncle Nash
BOOM. He's dead
A Great Party
Another Long Night
Must Read
Let The Fun Begin

Food fight

26 1 0
By sisters4ever77

Chp 17 (( Food fight))

Beth's pov:

After going to the administration, each of us went to different paths. I went with Harry.People stared at us, but i didn't care. He was longer, I reached to his shoulder. He placed his hand around my shoulders and smiled.

He was wearing a black leather jacket, then 2 boys approached to us wearing leather jakets too

"Hey harry" said the one with cropped black hair and plugging out muscles. They did this boys handshake.

"Sup? New girl" said the blond one

" Hey guys! No she is my girlfriend's big sister, and she.is.jake's.girlfriend " he said with a shrug " oh yeah! Beth meet Cole and Niall.Guys meet Beth" we hugged each other

" So Jake huh?" Said Niall with a wink

" Ummm yeah! "

" Why would a sexy girl want Jake?" Said cole

" Oh maybe cause he is sexy too" I said with a wink

" Aren't I sexier" said nial

" Sorry Niall in the sexiness scale you are nothin to my Jake" I said with a chuckle while niall fake pouted

"BURNED, I already like you Beth"said Cole while laughing

"I like you too"i laughed

"Your such a rude stranger" he said while frowning

" Oh I am sorry come here I will give you a hug" we hugged each other

" So lunch with us beth?" Said Cole

"Yeah why not"I said while smiling

"Beth don't you dare steal my friends ok?!"

I pretended to be thinking "ummm we'll see"

The bell rang " ok better we get going" said Harry

We went to the seniors hallway and I found my locker ,Harry went to his. So now I am alone in this school, I just wish I blend in fast.

I walked to my first class math. Ok little secret I love math! I now such a nerd! But hey being cool doesn't mean I fail my studies!!

So I will enter now go to the most friendly smile, I hope i find and make friends

I entered the class everybody is staring at me so I plastered on a smile. Mr.Mark my math teacher gave me a disapproaving look and said.

"so mrs......" He trailed off and looked at me

"Beth" I said

"Full name"he gave me a look

"Bethany!"i said confused

"Oh ok Beth have a seat" he said to me, ughh then why did he tell me to say my full name if he called me Beth!!

I looked around the class to find only one seat at the back left corner of the class near a brunette with blue eyes. She was wearing dark jeans with a white shirt and a lether jaket and black compact boots ,she had the tough look. Yo that's the girl who I want to know!!

I went and sat next to her while Mr.Mark began to explain, unknown tough girl turned to me and said "hii my name is Harper you can call me Harp" she smiled and continued "nice to meet you Beth"

"Nice to meet you too Harp" i smiled

"Love your boots" i whispered

"Thank you, loved your crop top!!" she smiled

" So your one of those new girls who hangouts with the foster boys?!" She asked but it was much more as a statement

"Yup" I said poping the 'p' "how did you know?" I asked

"People talk so much and having cheerleaders as friends you know everything so fast"

" Oh ok so Harp your popular right?"

"Yup" she said poping the 'p'

"not a thing to brag about but how do you know the fosters since you just moved here and do you know the other girls who were with them or not?"She asked

" Long story"

"Care to say"

"Ok see Ema, Amy and Kat and I live with them ok"

"I didn't understand"

Our conversation was interrupted by Mr.Mark

"so girls I think your having fun back there do you want to share it with us"

'Fuck' I heard Harp curse under her breath

"Sorry Mr.Mark but I think we were whispering so its a private conversation" we both said at the same time

We turned arounds to see each other and said "ginks" at the same time again.

I coudnt hold my laighter anymore and burst laughing Harp did too. After 2 minutes I controlled my laughter to see an angry Mr.Mark

"You two out now"

"What?" I yelled

"Out! Go to the principal office"

We grabbed our books and all and then we went out

"Were not going to the principal office " said Harper

" Ok then what do you usually do?"

" Oh my friend hangout in the Fosters Cruiser we have card games beer junk food and all even phone chargers and u?" said Harper

" Me I used to go take the girls and we go and do some problems in school like puting some alcohol in canteen's food or open fire alarm or play paint fight or water fight things like these" yup we were naughty. But it was fun !!

" Wow! Its really cool I think we have to do this " said harper

"Wait! So you tell me you never did this?" I asked

" Nah we just drink and play card games"

"Wtf? Not fun at all I have an idea today its a food fight ok"i told her

"Ok! I like you beth"

" I like you too harper"

We went to the car and I saw Cole,Nick Alex, Jake, Jee, and 2 random girls sitting playing cards they all of them were wearing leather jackets or compact boots weird isn't it ?

" Hey" said harper

"Hii" I said

"Beth what are you doin here?" Asked Jake

I went to him and gave him a kiss

" oh I just came to have some fun" i said

He gave me a look

"Mr.Mark kicked us out cause we talked" i sighed

They laughed

" Wait you just kissed Jake, why?" Asked harper

" Oh he is my boyfriend so what are you doin here" i whispered to Harper then told asked the boys

"Just staying with old friends "

" Ok soo guys I have an idea " said Harper while clapping

" oopsie I forgot to introduce you to the others"

"I already met them except the girls ,hi I am beth" I said while putting my hand out for a shake the blond one said "hi I am Ally call me Al"

The black haired one who looked asian said " hi my name is Annalee call me Lee" she said while shakking my hand

" Nice to meet you guys "

" Ok so what's the idea Harper" said alex

" It not mine its beth's " she said and motioned for me to talk

"Ok so it was a tradition in my old skool for me and my friends to make every week a fun thing for the whole school to talk about so where going to have a food fight today what do you say?"

I heard great and cool

" we're so going to do this?" Jee yelled

"Wait I don't want to ruin your fun Jason but you are not in school anymore " said Lee

"Oh fuck this I am going in with me Jake?"

"I am going in"said Jake and highfived Jee

"Mission:food fight here it we begin "

We planned and I messaged all the girls with the plan and everything, we exchanged numbers and it was real fun to hangout with them

(A/n skipped the rest of the meeting part)

Amy's pov:

After first period I saw a message from Beth telling us to skip class and come out to the car cause we have a plan to do.

So I went to my locker grabbed my bag and went out to see the guys and some people who I met with 2 boys and 3 girls .

Harper , 1 of the girls, said we have to buy leather jackets so people know we are from the gang. They took us to a store who sells all kinds of leather jakets and we bought most of them so for everyday use.

Alex tried to talk to me but I just ignored him and said there is nothing between us. I even saw that bitch in my biology class glaring at me! Her name is Samantha, i dont wanna talk about what she did to anyone.

So now we are all at the popular table in the middle of the canteen. Deciding that when it becomes 12pm we go with our group to the corner tables and sit.12:o5 food fight begins and we will hide under our tables.

"11:59 , 12" said Jake I don't know what is he doing here

We all stood and went with our group my group is Kat, Alex, Harry, Samantha, and Cole, one of Harry's friends. Why dont i ever have good luck, 1) Alex is with me 2) Samantha too.

We went and sat I tried to see the fun and ignore Alex.

"5,4,3,2,1 its 12:05 FOOD FIGHT" said Ash while he is stood on the table in the middle of the canteen and jumped and ran out of the cafeteria doors better for him.

It became like a mad house people having revenge from each other. I am just sorry for girls who waisted money for first day of school outfit. Seriously! Never expected this!

The principal came " STOP!" He shouted and everybody froze dropped the food


"Me" said Kat while shrugging, she always do this takes us out of problems and put herself into them, even though its my fault.

"No its not Kat Its ME" said Alex

"Well well well please all leather jackets follow me " seriously not a good idea !!

Ema's pov:

We followed him. We were like 20 persons. Ash was holding my hands while we were walking .

We went to the office

"So who's is idea is it?" He asked

"My idea" said Beth while she took a new step

"so who are you young lady you seem braze? To tell the truth"

"Oh yeah my name is Bethany. I don't really want them to get problems for my idea you know ?"

"You are new here Ms.Bethany right but I don't think taking all the fault will help him so much"

"What? Why?"

" They are going to get detention because they entered and helped for the food fight!"

"Oh ok. Is it a problem guys? We can go eat dinner in mac after dinner!"

" Excuse me Miss I don't care about your after detention plans ok?!"

" I was just, you know making them feel better that's all when I decided to do the food fight I planned what we will do after detention you know!" Said Beth

" Beth we want to go to the beach ok? I want to try my new bikini" said Harper

We all brust laughing omg are they seriously deciding what they will do after detention infront of the principal?

"Excuse Miss Harper but have manners"

"What did I do?"

" Oh my so detenition for this whole week starting from today" he said

"Wait , who are you" he said pointing at Nick, Jake and Jason

"Mr.Andrews did you forget us" Said Jason while fake crying

"Oohh i remembered you last year seniors , but since you're here too you going dentition today only, and i dont want to see you here again"Said Mr.Andrews.

When we went out I hugged Beth " Beth it was a great idea food, fight was amazing.Next week paint fight ok?! And then we will draw on the walls ok? Please" I begged

"Of course nest week paint fight" she said with a happy face then her eyes suddenly widened

"Ema we have a problem"she looked around

" not here see ya guys" she yelled and pulled me with her

When we went into an empty hallway "what about Meg today is Monday did you forget Mondays and Wednesdays she will wait for us to tell her about school and the boys"

My eyes widened how did I forgot? Megan today we were going to visit her? We have detention??

" We will text the girls and tell them about our promise for Meg so they just cover it for us " I said

" Ok see ya beth " I said and went to the toilet and then to my next class, thank god, we went and bought from the shop some cloths or we were going to stay in dirty cloths.



new characters huh?


you'll find out soon

Next update: tuesday


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