Genesis (old draft)

By Paradox_

178 23 0

A Canadian hunter discovers a spear that gives him the ability to transform into other animals. More

Chapter 1: The Birth of a Legend
Chapter 2: First Discoveries
Chapter 3: Storytime
Chapter 4: Spider Battle
Genesis - Chapter 5
Genesis - Chapter 6
Genesis - Chapter 7
Genesis - Chapter 9
Genesis - Chapter 10
Genesis - Chapter 11
Genesis - Chapter 12
Chapter 13: Leveling Up
Chapter 14: Escaping HQ
Genesis - Chapter 15
Chapter 16: Bai's Secret
Chapter 17: The Amazons
Chapter 18

Genesis - Chapter 8

5 2 0
By Paradox_

   Spencer breathed a quiet sigh of relief as the footsteps grew quieter. He waited for them to completely leave, then he set off exploring once again.

   For a good five minutes he walked through rows and rows of rooms, all exactly the same as the rooms before. He walked on a bit more, then he heard more footsteps, this time slower. Again, not wanting to get caught, he hid in a room. This time, as soon as he got in, the footsteps quickly receded. Spencer realized that he didn't really want to wander the halls a lot more, so he decided to sneakily follow the footsteps, wherever they took him.

   The footsteps eventually led him to a special hallway with only one large door that resembled a bank vault. As he secretly watched the person (whom he assumed to be a guard) go through the door, he went over and examined it. Suddenly, more footsteps came, faster this time. However, he was now cornered, with nowhere to hide. He decided he'd stand his ground. When the people approached, he saw two men in surprisingly normal attire. “Please come with us, sir.” Spencer was a bit surprised by their casual tone, as if they were his friends simply asking him to come over. He followed the men into a large, well lit room. In the room was a table, and at that table sat Marcy.

“Marcy? What are you doing here?”

“I'm sorry for the lack of explanation, my friend. Allow me to provide a more complete one. I am Marcellin Leandres, leader of C.A.O., or Commitee for the Aid of the Ociramma. The Ociramma is the name given to the one that wields the silver spear, which I'm certain you brought along with you.”

“I'm afraid I don't fully understand.”

“Then allow me to give you a tour. Come.”

“Wait a moment. Remember why I even came here in the first place? To France? I came here looking for my friend Atticus. Being some fancy organization, as it seems, I don't suppose you'd know where he is?”

Marcy sighed. “I see. Well, to be honest with you, we are actually the ones who ‘kidnapped’ him, but let me assure you that he has come to no harm. In fact, I shall take you to see him right now.”

“Wait, why did you kidnap him?”

“We are an organization committed to aiding the ones that hold the spear, whoever they may be, as you can clearly see in our company name. When you found and used the spear, we got word of it through sources of our own and wished to draw you here. I thought that the best way to do so would be to take one of your friends into our care as a sort of hostage. Not the best method I'll admit, but it was absolutely crucial that you meet us. Now that you're here, he is free to leave whenever he pleases. I will send him with an escort whenever he chooses to do so.”

“I must say I don't really agree with your method, but I'm just glad that he's okay. Another thing I'd like to ask, why an escort? Wouldn't he be arrested for kidnapping, being a stranger and all?”

“My plan is to have him pose as his uncle seeing his nephew off on a trip to America. Then for him to notify his mother via untraceable text message instructions for collecting her son.”

“Smart stuff, I guess. Alright, lead me to him then.”

“Right away. Follow me.”

   Marcy led Spencer to another room. It was a significantly larger one than the generic, small rooms he'd encountered when he first entered the facility, and the room, he found, housed Atticus.

“Atticus, Spencer has arrived.”

“Hi, Spencer!” Atticus exclaimed. He hugged him.

“Hey, Att. How are you?”

“I'm fine, actually. I was kind of bound and blindfolded all the way here, but otherwise fine. Haha.”

“I'm glad you're okay. So do you think you'd like to go home now?”

“That's something I've been thinking about. Honestly, I don't know if I should leave just yet.”

“Why not? You know, your mom misses you.”

“I know she would. However, I feel I could be of some good use to their operations.”

“How so?”

Marcy chimed in. “Do you remember meeting anybody strange at the airport?”

“Well, there was a woman in black clothing and sunglasses. She said age was part of her own organization that was trying to capture a band of thieves or something.”

“She's referring to us. However, the thievery idea is a ruse. They're really an underground group that wishes to retrieve the spear and use it for their own purposes. They monitor the internet and send agents all around the world searching for it. You likely met one of the agents. Now being us, we wish to bring the spear bearer under our own wing, teach them how to use it. We think that Atticus may be able to help us get a “choke-hold” on their internet operations.”

“How long would that take?”

“I've seen some of their work. Honestly, it could take about a month, maybe more. These people are good at what they do. Very good.”, Atticus said.

“I don't know, Atticus.”

“I know my mom misses me. I really do want to see her. I just think that since I can help here, I should do what I can before I go. My mom always said to help those in need.”

“Hmm. I suppose you're right about that. You're really only a kid, though.”

“Don't even try pulling that card on me. I've heard many people say I act at least three years older than I am.”

“Can we at least call her?”

Marcy said, “We'd like not to have any police worries, plus you shouldn't stress her any more than she already is."

“How could we stress her more? And if you know that then why are you encouraging him?”

“I think it'd be better for her to think he's been kidnapped and not know than to know he's somewhere far off, knowing he won't be coming back for a while.”

“That's bull. If my kid were missing I'd be less stressed knowing they were still alive.”

“Even so, what Atticus says is right. He can help, so he should. Plus, we're good people.”

“That's up for debate. Even though you've not hurt us a lot, you've still caused his mother worry.”

“I really wish that didn't need to happen, but the alternative was too risky. I am sorry.”

“Hmm. Well I'd still like to think about all this.”

“Please, take your time. I will show you to your quarters, if you don't mind.”

“I suppose. You know, you said you'd give me a tour as well.”

“Of course, though would you like that tomorrow?”

“Sounds like a good idea. Alright, lead the way.”

“Très bon. Very good. Right this way."

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