A Trip To Tesco - Harry Style...

By VasHappenin_x1D

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Daisy's life is far from normal as something threatens to take it. She goes on a normal trip to Tesco, while... More

A Trip To Tesco - Harry Styles Fanfic - One Direction
Chapter 2 - Second Impressions - Harry Styles fanfic
Chapter 3 - It's A Little Bit Muddy
Chapter 4 - What Makes You Beautiful
Chapter 5 - Jerk It Out
Chapter 6 - Date Time
Chapter 7 - Going Public
Chapter 8- The Truth and Disguises
Chapter 9 - A Wise Moment
Chapter 11 - Distractions
Chapter 12 - Twitcam
Chapter 13 - Results
Chapter 14- Comforts
Chapter 15 - Zoo
Chapter 16 - Treatment
Chapter 17 - Side Effects
Chapter 18 - Ups and Downs
Chapter 19 - Inspiration
Chapter 20 - Strike
Chapter 21 - Josie
Chapter 22 - Comforts
Chapter 23 - Funeral and memories
Chapter 24 - Fading
Chapter 25 - Waking Up
Chapter 26 - The Truth and Laughter
Chapter 27 - Picnic
Chapter 28 - Reunited
Chapter 29 - Surprize!

Chapter 10 - Hospital Drama

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By VasHappenin_x1D

Chapter 10 – Hospital Drama

The boys went to get changed and bring some clothes so I quickly scurried around throwing things in random places trying to make it seem tidier. Once I was satisfied I ran into my room, had the quickest shower I think I’d ever had, and put some real clothes on; Matilda had a really bad sense of style. I combed the brush through my hair and went back downstairs waiting for them to return.

Zayn was the first one to return, I opened the door and he had a bag, a blanket and a mirror, I gave him a weird look but he just shrugged.

“You do know I have mirrors here right” I said as I showed him to one of the spare rooms.

“Well, I just wanted to be sure... anyway this is my favourite mirror” He said like a little boy with his favourite toy. I giggled and left him to unpack his things walking back down the stairs because the doorbell rang.

As I swung the door open for a second time my hand flew to my head as I could feel a headache brewing, the rest of the boys were stood grinning back at me and I quickly put my hand to my side as I didn’t want them to worry, after all I had only just told them. Niall was the first to walk in, a bag in one hand and a packet of pretzels in another. Liam followed, he only had one bag with him and I was pleased to see he hadn’t gone overboard with the packing like the rest of them – although Harry had one bag too, he walked in and kissed me on the cheek grinning so his dimples were showing. Last but not least Louis, I laughed at the sight of him; he had a grey onesie on, bag over his shoulder and a giant stuffed carrot toy.

“Louis, what is it with you and carrots?” I asked, the others behind me chuckled and Louis dramatically pretended to be hurt by throwing his hand over his heart and his mouth dropping open.

“I have no idea what you are talking about Flower, carrots are totally normal” he stepped inside and I closed the door behind him.

“They are, but having a stuffed carrot toy is going a little too far Louis” I said poking him in the arm, he let out a small growl and pretended to cover the ears on the carrot, if carrots even have ears.

“Don’t listen to her Joyce” he said muttering and resting his cheek on the stuffed toy.

“Boys!” I said grinning and signalled for them to follow me. We had four spare rooms so two of them were going to have to share. Niall picked the room opposite to Zayn.

“Okay I have two spare rooms and three boys, so two of you are going to have to share” I said

“Or I could just share with you” Harry said wiggling his eyebrows and smirking at me.

“Not tonight Harold” I said rolling my eyes

“So there’s hope for tomorrow? I’ll share with you boo bear” Harry said looking at me before turning to Louis nodded his head.

“Okay, Liam here’s your room” I said opening the white door letting him walk in

“Here you go Hazza and boo bear” I said walking into the room. It wasn’t a bad size and there was a double bed so they would have enough room.

“Thanks flower” Louis said jumping on the bed and Harry walked over to me wrapping his arms around me waist.

“Thanks poppet” Harry said, but before I could say anything else or even laugh his lips brushed against mine, they lingered for a few seconds on my lips, his sweet breathe running over me.

“Keep it PG! Joyce doesn’t want to see your PDA” Louis shouted from the bed. Harry’s lips broke off mine as a small laugh escaped his lips. I loved his laugh, it was so innocent yet I couldn’t help giggling too.

“I’ll be in my room if you need me” I said as I pushed myself off Harry; I had been leaning against his body. I quickly pecked him on lips and walked out the room shutting the door behind me, biting my lip.

I started to make my way to my room but the headache had migrated deeper making my eyes water. Stupid brain tumour I thought, the doctor had said I would often get headaches but that is normal when you’ve suffered from a tumour, I wasn’t sure what that meant though. I hopped down the stairs into the kitchen, opened the medicine cabernet and got out a tablet. The medicine I was prescribed was much stronger than the pain relief you can get over the counter, and I always had to be careful about how many I took. I popped the pink tablet in my mouth and took a drink of water to wash it down.

I had almost made it back to my room when I heard a bang coming from one of the rooms. I headed to where I heard the noise: Niall’s room. I didn’t hesitate to open the door. I stepped in and saw Niall wedged between the two single beds my mum and I had pushed together to make a double. I should have probably warned him about that. He looked slightly puzzled and couldn’t help but let a laugh escape my lips.

“Niall! You really shouldn’t jump on the bed, you never know when you could fall!” I said, I walked over to him and gave him my hand to help him up. He rolled his eyes but took it, I heaved but he just wouldn’t move.

“Uh, Daisy. I think I’m stuck” Niall said, I couldn’t control my laughter and just nodded signalling to him I’d be back. I knocked on each of the boy’s door and led them to Niall’s room. I hadn’t told them why, so they all looked at me with puzzled, curious expressions on their faces.

Zayn was the first one to burst into a fit of laughter, followed by Harry, Louis and Liam. Soon enough we were all having a laughing fit, even Niall was laughing his socks off. I had tears running down my cheek and Harry who was stood next to me looked at me with his gorgeous smile, white teeth and dimples showing, he wiped the tear from my cheek and went over to help Niall up along with Liam.

Five minutes and a lot of tugging later Niall was free and brushing his clothes down, his cheeks were tinged pink and we all collapsed on the bed – making sure we kept clear of the gap.

“Who knew beds could do that” Niall said sighing. We had all stopped laughing by now, although my side hurt from laughing so much.

“No Niall, who knew you, could fall like that” Louis said and Zayn smirked.

We all lay there in silence just thinking to ourselves, although it wasn’t an awkward silence. The grin which had been tugging at my lips vanished as my head began throbbing. My hand automatically went up my forehead and I winced as the pain was making my eyes water.

“Daisy. Daisy, are you okay?” I heard Harry said looking at me with a concerned expression. The others were sat up looking at me. I tried to nod as convincingly as I could, but I really was pretty painful.

“Harry, carry her to the car, we need to take her to the hospital” Liam said as they all stood up. I tried to say that they didn’t need to bother and the pain would go away soon, but Harry already had me in his arms. Niall ran around frantically, I’m not too sure what he was doing, Zayn stood behind Harry rooted to the spot.

I closed my eyes trying to ignore the pain, I could feel Harry’s breathing getting heavier, either I was getting heavy or he was worrying. Cool air whipped around me and before I knew it we were driving to the hospital. I could feel the pain easing off a little but it was still there. Harry still had me sat on his lap and his fingers were drawing circles on the back of my hand, it calmed me down a little. Liam was driving and Louis was in the passenger seat. Zayn and Niall sat on either side of Harry not saying a word. As I sat perched on Harry’s knee I felt myself getting angry, I wasn’t sure why, it was just building up inside of me, it  took all I had not to suddenly burst out, although my fists were clenched. A siren blared near the car and when I looked up I saw we were already at the hospital. Liam sure knew how to drive fast when he wanted to.

Zayn opened the car door and helped Harry out, I locked onto his arms as he walked in the entrance, I hated hospitals, I’m sure most people don’t like them, but spending so much time here you get to see so much. I’d seen people crying, I’d seen people go from their normal selves to skeletons of themselves, I’d seen people be sick, and I’d seen people collapse. It was a horrible place, but sometimes you just couldn’t get away from it.

“My friend here has severe head pains” Liam said to the receptionist

“Okay, what’s her name?” The middle aged women in blue uniform asked.

“Daisy, Daisy Stone” Liam said frantically

“Has she been here before with head pains?” The lady said typing on the keyboard

“She’s previously had a brain tumour” Liam said, he looked at me then back at the receptionist.

“Okay, the doctor will see her straight away. If you’d like to follow me” She said walking down the white hospital corridor and into a private room. No one had recognised them as One Direction yet, and I was pleased, I couldn’t deal with them right now, not with this stinking headache. Harry carefully placed me on the hospital bed and stood back so all five boys were lined up on either side of me bed. Harry my right hand, holding it firmly and Louis on the other side holding my left hand.

“Daisy, how are you?” Doctor Holt said to me. I hadn’t seen him in a while but he hadn’t changed much. His short black hair was still cropped in the same position and he had the familiar uniform on.

“I’m okay. My head hurts but it’s starting to go now” I said looking at him, he flicked through a clipboard of notes, obviously mine.

“Well I’ll run a few tests and give you a stronger pain relief. I see you have five new friends” he said looking at each of the boys making conversation.

“Yeah, this is my boyfriend Harry and they're Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn, his band mates” I said gesturing to each of them, Harry’s mouth tugged up slightly when I said boyfriend but I could tell was still worried.

“Nice to meet you, have I heard of your band?” Doctor Holt asked walking to a chest of draws and pulling out a needle. I started to feel faint; I forgot how much I hated needles.

“We’re in a band called One Direction” Niall said, I wasn’t looking at him but I could tell he was speaking by his distinct Irish accent.

“Really?! My daughter is a big fan” he said grinning, before turning back to me. I tightened my grip on Harry’s hand and eyed the needle. Damn.

“Alright Daisy I’m going to have to do a quick blood test before the scan. You might feel a little prick but it shouldn’t hurt too much” I felt my heart sink, a blood test. You would have thought I would have got used to it by now as I’d had more than I could remember, but each time I had the same emotion.

Zayn, Niall and Louis turned and went to seat on some seats across the other side of the room, Liam’s hand replaced Louis’s and Harry gripped my hand tighter and drew circles on my skin. I felt a prick on my arm, but couldn’t bring myself to look.

“Alright, good job Daisy” Doctor Holt said. The thing about me and injections was that I was alright when the actual injection – or in this case blood test,  – was taking place, but as soon as it was over I felt myself going really hot, my face losing its colour and my breathing rate increased. I always had this, although I had never fainted, I’d always got close.

“Daisy, its okay, it’s over” Harry’s soothing voice spoke, and nodded timidly and concentrating on breathing. I didn’t want the first time I faint to be in front of One Direction. Harry helped me to stand up as I was still feeling a little nauseous and Dr Holt led me to the room where the X-ray would take place. The boys waited in the hospital room for me as they weren’t allowed in.

“Alright, if you lie down on the bed, putting your head in the slot and keep as still as possible. It should last no longer than two minutes” I did what he said and lay down on the bed. A few seconds later the bed moved and I was under the scanner, it was pretty claustrophobic but I knew it wouldn’t last long so tried not to think about it, instead I thought about Harry’s hand in mine, his famous grin and how it felt to kiss him. Before I knew it the bed moved out from under the scanner and I was free to leave.

“If the pain gets any worse don’t hesitate to come back. We should get the results in a week and here’s your prescription. If you go to the clinic downstairs they’ll give your medication” He said and I smiled before walking out back to the boys.

“How are you?” Harry said rushing over to me as soon as I walked back into the room, the others stood up and walked closer to me.

“I’m fine. Results in a week, I just need to get this” I said waving the prescription around. Harry looked relieved and pulled me into a bear hug.

“Good, I was worried for a second” Harry aid pulling away pressing his lips to my temple.

“Alright let’s get your prescription and go home, I’m sure you just want to relax” Liam said as the boys picked up their jackets and we walked out. Harry’s hand was back in mine; whenever his hand wasn’t in mine it felt odd.

Half an hour later Louis pulled up in the driveway and we all walked in collapsing on the sofa, it had taken the energy from all of us, and so Niall pulled out a DVD and stuck it in the player. We all curled up getting comfy. Harry’s arm round my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder. Liam was on my other side and Louis on Harry’s. Niall and Zayn had grabbed some cushions and sat at our feet, stuffing their faces with a bag of popcorn they’d found in the cupboard. It was nice to just relax, I hadn’t felt that stressed in ages, I knew I should probably ring and tell my mum but I just wanted to forget about It for a bit. I focused on the DVD and a grin tugged at my lips when I found Niall had settled on a Disney classic: Bambi. Hopefully they’ll be no tears, although I could only speak for myself!

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