You Made Me Love You » h.s fa...

By SimpleAnonymous

32.2K 809 81

Brianna Collins is just a normal teenager. Is she? No. Her college life was miserable. Her life is the one te... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Turdy-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Forty-Seven

237 7 0
By SimpleAnonymous

Chapter 47•

Harry's POV


"So yeah.. I gotta go now, bye.. See you tomorrow" Kendall said kissing me on the cheek before leaving. Wow, that left me speechless.I didn't even thought she would do that, does she like me? wait No! Stop dreaming Harry! Of course she won't like me, she only treat me like a friend. ONLY A FRIEND. I noticed there's only a few people left in the mall. I looked at my watch and saw it's already 10:28pm. Shit, I ran to McDonalds first before going to the parking lot. I wanted to buy something for Bri, she haven't ate dinner yet I think.

Brianna's POV

I just sat on the end of the bed watching TV as always. Pretty normal thing, this is what I always do when I'm bored. I suddenly heard someone know on the door "It's open!" I shouted. And then I saw Harry, great. 

"So you decided to go back eh?" I said looking at him, raising my eyebrow.

"Yeah umm... I bought some food for you cause I know you haven't ate anything yet for now" he said. and I do see he's holding some bags of Mcdonalds.

"Yeah thanks.. but I'm not in the mood for eating right now" I said turning off the tv and getting ready to sleep since he's here now. I only waited for him cause he didn't really bring the keys for our room. I don't wanna wake up just to open the door for him.

"Why? Are you okay?" he said coming closer but I stopped him.

"No don't come closer. just- don't" I said laying on the bed, covering myself with sheets and closed my eyes. 

Harry's POV

Is she mad at me? Of course she's mad at me, she won't even let me get close to her. What the hell is wrong with you Harry?! i just watched her sleep while my phone is vibrating from my pocket. I'm having second thoughts of answering it, i don't even know why. But I ended up answering it anyway.

"Hello?" I started.

"Harry, 7am tomorrow. Only You? Got that?"

"Yes" I said hanging up the phone. Management. I think he probably heard about the news about me and Kendall. Maybe so does Bri.


"What did I told you about sticking to one?" Dave said almost shouting. What are they even talking about? Me and Kendall are only friends! they know nothing about what happened last night.

"Me and Kendall are only hanging out last night okay?!" I said shouting, glaring at him. "If you want me to go and hook up with her, fine I'll do it"

"Do it. No ones stopping you. But remember, I'm holding your contract, Styles" he said leaving the room. "Fine" I whispered to my self. They want me to be the womanizer they know? Fine, i'll do it. No one's stopping me anyway. I'll start tonight at The Eagles concert.

Brianna's POV


It's been hours now and Harry haven't returned yet, where the hell did he went to? He didn't even texted me or left a note where he's going. Ughh I can't wait for him any longer, I remembered me and Nathan are gonna go out today. I need to get ready. 


After taking a bath, dressed up, I just sat on the bed waiting for Nathan. But Harry haven't returned yet, where the hell did that guy went? I suddenly heard someone knocked from the door, I quickly got up and opened the door and saw Nathan. "Hey" he said smiling

"Yoo, whatever perfume you put on, you still smell like chicken" I said and we both laugh. But I mean that, he does really smell like chicken.

"Let's go?" he asked and I nodded locking the door.

"Wait for a minute" I said running to one of the other boys' room. I knocked on the door and saw Niall. "Hey Niall, you see Harry haven't returned yet. So I was thinking you hold the keys of the room till Harry got back" I said and he nodded. I hand him the keys and said thank you before leaving. I ran back to Nathan and saw him just standing there with his phone "Who you texting there?" I said and tried to scare him but mission failed.

"Nice try" he said sticking his tongue out "Oh and this is just a friend back in Korea, by the way let's go?" he said putting his phone in his pocket, I nodded and we both got out of the hotel. As usual we do back in Australia, we just walk. We just talk and talk about random stuff while we're on the way where we should be even though I don't know where.

"Hey chicken, where are we going anyway?" I asked but he didn't reply, he just smiled and continued walking.

"Oh we're close" he said and suddenly went behind me and covered my eyes with his hands. I just join-in in whatever he'sdoing, I just continued walking, but I trust Nathan, I know he won't let me trip (I do hope so). "We're here!" he said and he took his hands off of my eyes. I opened my eyes and saw we are in front of the entrance of the carnival. "Well, I just wanna bring back some memories. You know this place is where the first time we go out, cause you know as we're kids we just hang out in houses" he said and I giggled biting my lips.

"I remembered that.."


"I want that dog!!"

"No I saw it first!" I said as me and Nathan argue about the stuffed toy dog we just saw. We both really want it cause it's so cute. "Who ever gets to pop the balloon get's it" I said glaring at him and he nodded. So we both went to the booth where that toy where, the rules is just go pop the balloon with a water gun then who ever pops first wins and pick one prize you want. "Ready?" I asked and he nodded.


We both fire out water guns to the mask clown's mouth till the balloon gets bigger and pop out. We both fire each other's faces for distraction but until we noticed an older guy just popped the balloon first so he gets to pick a toy. And he just picked the one me and Nathan were fighting for. And we saw he gave it to a girl, probably his girlfriend. "Dude that's gross" I said looking at those couple 'the disgust' look

"Shut up Bri, you'll do that too with someone" he said putting down the gun back to the counter of the booth, and so did I.

"Never!" I said laughing, we both started walking but we suddenly heard some screams. I looked back and saw a roller coaster ride just beside the booth we just been to. 

"Wanna ride that?" Nathan asked pointing at it.

"No.. That ride is like 15+ age! And we're just 13 duh" I said laughing. "But I promise if we get older, we'll ride that together" I said sticking out my pinkie.

"Promise?"  he said sticking out his pinkie in front of mine.


*End Of Flashback*

"Let's start the fun!!" I shouted and we both run in.

Harry's POV

I sat on the corner of the bar, taking some shot well many of them. I didn't care how many shots I've taken so far, I just needed it even though I feel a bit dizzy. Suddenly I saw a prostitute was walking right to me, as she was in front of me she suddenly leaned his face closer to mine "Are you alone baby?" she said as she move his hips seductively.

"Yeah I'm alone bitch" I said putting down my drink on the counter of the bar.

"I can show you how bitchy I am" she said licking her lips.

"Show me" I said and she slowly sat on my lap, moving his hips slowly as she was kissing my lips hungrily. She was only wearing a bra and a thong if you ask me. I put my hands on his waist to make her dance for me more. She was rubbing his crotch on to mine making me wet a little. She shoved his tongue in side my mouth fighting with mine in dominance.


Someone called me from behind but I didn't care, I just continued what I was doing. But suddenly someone grabbed my hand, forcing me to go with who ever that person. Once we got out of the club, I rubbed my eyes and looked at that 'person' or people.

It's the boys. (Liam, Zayn, Niall, Louis)

"Harry what the hell?" Zayn said shouting but I just didn't looked at them.

"Harry look at us!" Liam said forcing my chin to move it, making me face him "What the hell did you just did?"

"I know what I fucking did okay?" I shouted "Just stop making me feel like a child!" 

"Maybe if you started to obey us, maybe we won't" Louis said pushing my shoulder lightly, I tried to hit him but the boys suddenly pulled me back.

"Just fucking stop being like this okay?!" Zayn shouted and all of them left me outside of the bar. Dammit! Ughh they have a point, but who cares, I'm living my life. Nobody can stop me.


Churry for the late update :3

BTW do not worry bout Harry haha :D


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