Teenagers (Warren Peace)

By aspeninlove

235K 4.4K 458

Scarlet is about to attend Sky High with her twin brother Will, and best friend Layla. She already has her ow... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

12.1K 265 19
By aspeninlove

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to their own creations.

           Will awkwardly stood on the podium, swinging his arms back and forth. After a few more seconds of stalling, he moved towards Boomer and whispered something in his ear.

"What do you mean, you don't know what your power is?" Boomer shouted at Will, leaning back to look at him.

Uh, oh.

"Well, uh..." Will stuttered. His eyes flicked nervously towards the crowd.

"I got it. You're messin' with the coach. Just like your old man!" He stepped to the side and pulled out a remote.

"Car!" And down from the celling fell came an old, rusty car and it landed right on top. I squeaked in fear and grabbed onto Layla. As much as William may annoy me, I wasn't ready to see him be murdered by a rusty old car. Besides, I did not want to explain this to mom.

"That was close!"

"Are you insane?!" Will shouted from underneath the car, slowly moving so his head was sticking out from underneath it."I don't have super-strength!" Boomer rolled his eyes and clicked on the same button. The car was pulled off of Will and placed back from where it came from. Dusting himself off, Will slowly stood back up.

"Oh, I get it. You're a flier, just like your ma. Why didn't you say so?" Boomer clicked on another button that caused the spot Will was standing on to spring backward
and send him into the air. He ended up falling down the bleachers, each bump he made caused me to cringe.


"Quit messin' around. I haven't got all day. What's your power?" Boomer shouted at Will in annoyance.

"I don't have one." Will finally confessed in defeat.

Turning to look at Boomer, it was easy to see he was not at all pleased with my twin brother. "Stronghold. Siiiide-kick!" He used his power the yell the last portion, causing the windows to shatter and everyone in the gym to tremble and back away.


After Boomer's tantrum was over, he sent Will to the nurse's office while he continued to evaluate the other students. I wanted to leave with him but Boomer called me out and prevented me from following my brother. Will left with his face gazing down, refusing to make eye contact with anyone. A map of the campus Boomer gave him clutched tightly in his hold.

The whole point of the first day of school is to determine what two categories freshmen belong in. Afterwards, we pick up a class schedule. It's a slow process so it does take a while. Thankfully, there are a few more instructors who evaluate the freshmen, other than Boomer.

After a while of watching Boomer yell at some more students, I realized that Will was taking an awful long time to get back to the gym. I turned to tap Layla on the shoulder, I made sure that Boomer wasn't watching us before doing so.

"I think I'm gonna go check if Will's okay." I told her.

"You're gonna miss the rest of orientation," Layla said as if missing would have been the end of everything.

I gave her a slight smirk, "Catch me up on what I miss." 

As Boomer moved on to some history rant about Sky High, I used my invisibility to slowly sneak out of the building. Thank goodness coach was to busy talking about a sport activity to look in my direction as the door made a slight creaky noise. I made sure I became visible again before walking in any direction. I wasn't sure where the nurse's office was so I just walked the same way we came from. Not knowing how Will was doing made me nervous so I sped up my pace. As I came around a corner, I bumped into a hard chest which caused me to stumble back. Looking up, I made eye contact with the scariest eyes I have ever seen. Standing in front of me with a snarl on their face was no other than Warren Peace.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I -

"Watch where you're going, Stronghold." He all but growled in my face. Yeah, this guy definitely hates me.....

I mustered up the meanest face I could've and spat back, "Excuse me, but --

"You're excused." He interrupted with.

"Huh?" The mean face sliding off into one of confusion.

This time Warren smirked at me. He leaned forward, lowering himself to look me in the eyes. "You said excuse you, now I'm excusing you to be a saint somewhere else."

"Listen buddy, I don't know who you think you are but -"

"My name's Warren." He leaned back and gave me a bored look.

He was testing my patience as he kept interrupting me. "Look, all I'm trying to do is find the nurse's office."

He rolled his eyes at me and replied with a simple, "Whatever." Straightening his leather jacket, he the moved to continue on the path he was originally heading in.

Quickly, while his back was turned, I stuck my tongue out at him. Which I then slipped back in as a blonde walked pass me and gave me a strange look. I let out a frustrated groan as I realized I would have to ask the blonde for help.

"Hey!" I yelled. Spinning around to catch up with the girl. "Wait up, blondie!"





A/N: Hi everyone! Hope you all liked the last chapter and my little scene edit! <3

Okay, confession time! The more I watch YouTube videos, the more I want to be apart of it. Sooooo, I'm thinking of giving it a try. I thought about making the first video a Q+A were you guys can ask me questions to learn more about me or anything that's on your mind(:

I love you all!!

Don't forget to like and comment!!

Much love,

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