Chapter 2

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I could smell the food my mother had prepared for breakfast as I walked down the stairs. Just as I reached the doorway of the kitchen, there was a big thud from upstairs. Mom and I both looked up towards the celling with a questioning look. The sound of a door opening and closing took our attention away from the sound above.

"Good morning, Mrs. Stronghold." Layla, mine and Will's best friend, said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Mornin'" Mom said.

"I noticed you had recyclables in the trash. I took the liberty of moving them for you." Layla told her, taking a seat in a empty seat at the table.

My legs began to move again and I made my way over to the table sharing a smile and a wave with Layla, taking the seat next to her. I dumped the backpack I had on my shoulder onto the floor next to my chair.

"Thank you, Layla." Mom told her with a smile, placing two empty plates in front of us.

"You hungry? I've got plenty of eggs, bacon." Mom asked Layla, making her way back over to the counter.

I looked at some of the few foods on the table, contemplating on what to eat.

"No, thanks. You know how my mom can communicate with animals? Apparently, they don't like being eaten." Layla responded, just as I was about to reach for the bacon. I pouted, nudging my favorite red head with my elbow for ruining my breakfast. She waved me off. With the thought of almost eating a cooked animal, I grabbed a carrot from one of the other plates.

"How about juice?" Mom quickly said.

"Great." Layla said with a smile.

I stuck my tongue out at her, which Layla saw. She flicked me on the head and I threw one of my carrots at her as my weapon of defense.

"He's on his way." Dad told mom as he made his entrance into the kitchen.

"Oh, hi, Layla." Dad, walking towards the table.

"Good morning, Commander." Layla teased with the name.

Dad grabbed for the newspaper, sending the red head a confused look.

"Commander, huh?" He questioned.

Layla made a gesture towards her eyes. Dad seemed to get the hint and pull out his glasses from inside his shirt.

"Oh. Thanks, Layla," he said, taking a seat across from me.

Dad raised an eyebrow at me, looking at the carrots on my plate. I shrugged my shoulders but pointed at the person occupying the seat next to me. He gave me a small smile, understating the small gesture, and went back to looking at the papers in his hands.

"I can't believe you, Will, and Scarlet are starting high school. Seems like yesterday you three were swimming naked in the kiddie pool." Mom told Layla, pouring orange juice into a cup.

"Mom!" Both I and my twin whined to our mother in unison. Will gave mom a look while passing by her.

"Hi Layla." Will said, taking the open seat next to her. She smiled at him, accepting the juice from mom as she came up behind Will to place it on the table. A phone began to ring and she quickly scampered away to answer it.

I grabbed a few more carrots from off my plate and stuffed them into my mouth.

"Josie, it's... the other one." Dad said, holding up a red flashing cell phone.

Mom quickly closed the phone she had currently in her hand and made her way over towards Dad.
"Go," he said into the phone.
I leaned in closer, trying to hear what the person on the other line was saying once Dad answered the phone. From the other line, I could barley make out the words 'robot' and 'trouble'. The conversation was short, and Dad turned to Mom, filling her in on what she needed to know.

"There's trouble downtown big trouble. Downtown." He said in a somewhat dramatic tone. Meh, it was kinda a given that it was something important if the call was to phone they answered as superheroes.

"Oh, shoot, and I really wanted to see Will and Scarlet off to the bus." Mom said, disappointed, while Dad got up from her seat and slipped away. She looked to Layla and said, "I remember their first day of preschool. They wouldn't let go of my leg."

"Mom!" Will and I whined in unison. Personally, I was thankful for the call. I knew my parents would be alright in any type of battle, but the interrupting call meant that Mom couldn't walk my twin and I off to the bus. I love my mom but she could be a bit embarrassing at times. And I really didn't need to start the year off being walked to the bus by a parent as if I was in first grade.

"Josie," Dad called for Mom, waiting on her. She quickly pressed a kiss to Will's cheek and rushed over to do the same with me. Both of my parents were about to walk out the kitchen door when Dad turned back around.

"Oh, Will, Scar, uh, a reminder. A lot of the kids at Sky High will only have one superhero parent, not two, so take it easy on them, huh? No showing off." He said to my brother and I.

Will turned to share a look with before giving his attention back to man in front of us. "Aw, Dad. Not to worry. I'll keep it low-key"

From another room of the house my mother yelled out for dad. "Steve!"

Dad snapped his fingers. "Gotta go!" He said, quickly exiting the room.

Once both parents were gone, Will and Layla moved around the house while I stuffed a few grapes from another plate into my mouth. My female friend had moved towards the dead plants to revive them with her power. Will walked towards the little TV in the kitchen to turn on the news, hopping on the counter. When the sound of a news reporter filled the room, Layla and I moved towards Will, taking a stand on either side of him.

"Reports of a situation downtown. Let's check with a picture from News Chopper Five." The man on the screen began with. "Evil has struck our morning commute. Here's a hint. If you're traveling eastbound on the you might think about alternate routes," the image of robot, the cause of mayhem downtown, made its way onto the screen. "Hang on. This just in. The Commander and Jetstream are on their way." The news reporter interrupted the picture with his new information.

A few seconds later my parents, the Commander and Jetstream, appeared the small screen. They worked beautifully together, as usual, taking down the robot quickly with no problem. Mom stayed floating in the air while Dad had gone down with the robot.

"Oh! And the robot goes down!" The blonde reporter exclaimed as he reappeared onto the screen. It quickly went back to the scene of the fight, focusing on Dad on the robot. "He's plucking out a souvenir from another successful battle. What a team!" The reporter's voice carried on. The image on TV went back to reporter with a small video of Mom and Dad on either side of his head. "The Commander and Jetstream. What would we do without them?"

"They are good." Will said with a small sigh, shutting of the TV. By the tone of voice and the look on his face, it seemed he was thinking about the lack of powers he had and the thought that he was expected to fight against crime with those non existing powers.

I gave his knee a soft pat, wanting to give him some sort of comfort. I looked at the clock on the wall and realized what had to happen next.

"We should get going, wouldn't want to miss the bus." I said.

The three of us grabbed our backpacks and made our way out the front door. Freshmen year here we come.


Meh, freshmen year was that bad for me when I began high school. Sure a horrible teacher here and there, immature and rude students also but in general it was just a whatever type of thing for me.

Here it is! An update! I'm thinking about writing this story on my laptop instead of my phone because I think I'll be motivated to write that chapters sooner and post them sooner. I might not have a chance in the upcoming week since I still haven't begun my AP homework for Junior year and school starts on the 18th. Ughhh, someone save me! Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter!(:
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Disclaimer: Only Scarlet is of my own creation.

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