Chapter 6

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A/N: Only Scarlet is of my own creation. I apologize for any errors.

"Alright, listen up. My name is Coach Boomer. You may know me as 'Sonic Boom', you may not." The man on top of the platform announced. "Here's how Power Placement is gonna work." He stepped forward, away from the center of the platform. "You will step up here and show me your power. And yes, you will do so in front of the entire class."

I could hear other students around us groan, Will shifted a bit nervously. I gently patted his arm.

"I will then determine where you will be assigned. Hero or sidekick" Coach Boomer looked at us all carefully. He then began to slowly pace back and forth so he had a better angle to look at every one of us.

"Now every year there are a few students or, as I like to call them, 'whiners babies', who see fit to question and to complain about their placement." He stopped his pacing. "So let's get one thing straight. My word is law. My judgment is final, so there will be no whiner babies. Are we clear?"

There were a few soft mumbles of "yeah" and head nods. Listening to speech had bored everyone.

"I said, are we...clear?!" Coach used his superpower on the last word to get a reaction from us. We all leaned back from the powerful force his shout had.

"Yes, Coach Boomer!" We all shouted back.

He blew his whistle. "Go-time!"

Steps then appeared out from the sides of the platform Coach stood on.

"You! What's your name?" Coach Boomer said, removing the sunglasses he wore. He had pointed at the student standing in front of Zach, who had curly red hair and wore glasses.

"L-L-Larry." The student stuttered nervously, pushing his glasses further up on his nose.

"Little Larry." Coach Boomer mocked. "Get up here."

Larry nervously nodded his head, looked around at the rest of us, but did as Coach Boomer said.

"What's humiliating him in front of everyone going to prove? This is so unfair." Layla said to me and Will, as we all watch Larry climb up the steps.

"If life were to suddenly get fair, I doubt it would happen in high school." Will responded with. I held back a chuckle, and bit down on my lip to make sure it wouldn't bubble out.

Larry stood in the center of the platform, removed his glasses, and placed them in pocket of his pants. He then clenched his eyes shut and did the same with his fists. He started to make this groaning, huffing, sound until he changed his entire body into a much larger, buffer version of himself that was made out of stone.

Coach Boomer looked at Larry with a mix a fear and awe. He quickly got over it as he called out, "Car!". He pushed a button and a car fell from the ceiling, Larry quickly caught it and held it up above his head.

"Big Larry." Coach said with a smile, clicking his pen to mark something on his clipboard. "Hero."

"So he's good. But I'm better." Zach said to me. He tapped me on the shoulder before walking towards the platform. Will tried to stop him, but he wasn't quick enough to grab our friend.

"Did I say you were next?" Coach told Zach.

"Name's Zach, Coach Boomer. Try not to drop your clipboard." My friend sassed back.

Zach walked about in his place, stopping when he clapped his hands together and then separated his arms apart. He seemed to be very concentrated in whatever he was doing.

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