
Par Panda-chan31

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"The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place". Guess that makes sense, seeing as I was reborn int... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Chapter 8

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Par Panda-chan31

Disclaimer: I do not Own Yu-Gi-Oh or any characters created by Kazuki Takahashi. I only own my OCs, this fic is purely for entertainment.

Chapter 8

Seto growled beneath his breath as he surveyed the dueling field before him. He and Yugi stood atop the battlements of Pegasus's castle, and spread before them the hologram monsters of their respective decks stared one another down. His Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon was rotting away from Yugi's attack, combining his dragon with the Mammoth Graveyard. Yugi had managed to turn not only his dragon into a waste, but also to turn the weakest monster in Duel Monsters – Kuriboh – into a nearly impenetrable defense.

In another time, another place he would be applauding Yugi's ingenuity. But right now, it only served to force Seto into a corner.

He hated to lose under normal circumstances, a trait ingrained into him by Gozaburo Kaiba, his adoptive father. That man had taken great pleasure in making Seto suffer when he hadn't won, and eventually the need to win had become second nature. However, this time more than just his reputation was on the line; Mokuba's soul and Reila's well being were at stake. Pegasus had the upper hand so long as he had those two under his control, and the bastard knew it. Seto had to win this duel, to free the two of them and get them back where they would be safe from harm.

Briefly closing his eyes, the card that held Mokuba's soul flashed in his mind; the image on it showed that Mokuba had been terrified. His large eyes shone with fear, and the look of disbelief was almost too much to see. He saw Reila's face too, the look of horror and hatred as she glared at Pegasus while holding Mokuba close to her, tears staining her cheeks even as her eyes promised retribution. He couldn't let them down, he had to win no matter what.

As his dragon fired another Neutron Blast at the wall of Kuriboh, he felt a surge of emotion run through him; regret. He regretted leaving Mokuba alone and unprotected. He regretted not ensuring his company had loyal employees instead of the snakes who currently sat on his board of directors. He regretted that Reila had been dragged into this, all for trying to protect his brother; something that he hadn't done himself.

As his dragon continued to rot away, he realized something; he was the rotten one. He'd been thinking of only himself, his ego, his reputation. He'd allowed his brother and friend to be hurt because he hadn't been strong enough to overcome his defeat. He'd let them both down, but not only that; he'd broken his promise to Mokuba. He'd failed his little brother, but it wasn't too late to fix that.

As Yugi's Celtic Guardian destroyed one of the heads from his Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Seto pushed aside his guilt and regrets. He still had 400 life points, and the duel wasn't over. His dragon may not be able to attack, but...

"Yugi, it can't end this way. If I don't defeat you in this duel, Pegasus will keep Mokuba and Reila prisoner - forever. I can't let that happen, and even though I don't have a card that can keep you from attacking I think I have a strategy that will stop you in your tracks." Seto was taking a huge risk with this next move, but if there was one thing he knew about his opponent, it was that Yugi genuinely is a 'nice guy'. He didn't have what it took to annihilate his opponents, to leave them broken at his feet. Seto had been taught well, that defeat was the equivalent of death. He might be an exemplary duelist yes, but Yugi was not capable of harming others to get what he needed.

Well, either way this move would either give him victory, or the ultimate defeat. But he was willing to bet everything that Yugi wouldn't follow through with his attacks when faced with this choice.

"What do you mean?" Yugi asked, his brow furrowed in confusion as his eyes darted across the field, trying to figure out Seto's plan.

"I'm going to force your hand Yugi." As Yugi's friends speculated on the sidelines, he steadily stepped backward, never stopping until he'd positioned himself atop the very edge of the battlement, the wind whipping his coat around him.

"Kaiba! Stop this." Yugi said, looking disturbed as Seto stared him down calmly.

"Your move Yugi. You can attack my dragon and wipe out my remaining life points, but the resulting shock wave might cause me to lose my balance and fall."

"Don't tempt me!" Yugi actually looked scared, but was using anger to cover the emotion; a child's defense. He'd shown Seto that as much as he wanted to win, the idea of winning at the cost of bodily harming someone else sat ill with him.

"My fate is completely in your hands Yugi. You'll decide this duel one way or another; of course if you don't surrender I might be hurt. You wouldn't want that, would you?" Seto found that he was surprisingly calm, despite how much was hanging in the balance.

As the group on the sidelines chattered, Seto and Yugi stared one another down to see whose resolve would break first. But Seto wouldn't back down, couldn't back down. Whatever Yugi had ridding on his winning this tournament paled in comparison to Seto's owns reasons. He needed to free Mokuba and Reila, to get them to safety. And once he did, he would never let anything happen to the two of them again.

"I'm warning you Kaiba; don't push me too far. I must win to rescue my grandfather." Yugi said, determination showing on his face. On one hand, Seto could understand the need to help family. On the other hand...

"And I must win this duel to rescue Mokuba and Reila; the difference is I'm willing to risk anything to do it." Something that Yugi wouldn't do. Seto was almost certain that Yugi would bow out, that he was just trying to save face in front of his friends by pretending to be tough. The kid had too soft of a heart to do what was necessary to win. "You know, I can stand up here all day Yugi; and I'm certain you won't make any attack for fear of knocking me off. Even though you know by not attacking, you give up the only chance you have to save your grandpa." Seto watched the clenching of Yugi's jaw and knew that he'd struck a chord with his statement before continuing. "Which means I have the upper hand over you; for in my case there's nothing holding me back."

Drawing his next card Seto actually felt a small wave of relief; things were looking up. "Ah, a magic card... Reborn the Monster, which I'll use to resurrect the Blue Eyes head that was just destroyed by your Guardian."

The play of fear, horror, and disbelief that played across Yugi's face might have given him a sick form of satisfaction at one time, but Seto didn't care about that right now. Right now, he could practically see Yugi's mental strength deteriorating. Seto's strategy hadn't just been to gamble with his life; it was to make Yugi see that the world wasn't as cut and dry as he wanted to believe. By shaking his faith in the way the world works, by showing him the truth of the world he'd shaken him, rocked the very foundations of his beliefs. And it was causing Yugi to second guess himself over and over again. Psychological warfare was one of the greatest tools someone could use against an opponent, and Seto wielded it with amazing precision. There were few who could match him when it came to using words as weapons.

"Surrender, Yugi! That is unless you have the courage to unleash your attack!" Seto waited, eyes fixed not on the monsters but on his opponent across the field.

"Kaiba, I've never backed away and I'm not starting now! Celtic Guardian, attack!" Yugi sent his monster forward, sword held high.

The next few moments happened in slow motion.

Yugi's friend, the brunette who Seto couldn't recall the name of, ran towards Yugi pleading with him to call off the attack. Yugi seemed frozen in shock, his Guardian moving ever closer while Seto's Blue Eyes roared in defiance. Seto didn't so much as flinch, and kept his composure even as Yugi called off the attack.

"Couldn't do it, huh?" Seto said calmly, stepping off the ledge. With one final command to his dragon Yugi's Guardian was destroyed, and the victory was his. Now he only needed to defeat Pegasus, and he could finally get Mokuba and Reila out of that madman's clutches.

I don't know how much time had passed since Seto had left to confront Yugi. I was never in the habit of wearing a watch, which was both a blessing and a curse now. And since dungeon cells notoriously lack windows, I had nothing but my own heartbeat to judge how much time had gone by... And I was doing a poor job of keeping track of it.

I'd managed to pull Mokuba into my lap and sit myself against the wall, listening to the flames in the hallway sconces sputter occasionally. Aside from Mokuba's steady breathing and me singing softly under my breath, it was the only noise I could hear. I sang not only to keep the silence at bay, but also on the chance that Mokuba might be able to hear me. I don't know how the whole soul-being-sealed-away thing works, but if there was a chance that Mokuba could hear me then I wanted to try and comfort him; but I was running out of songs.

Sighing I shifted Mokuba a little to get some feeling back into my legs. Not that Mokuba is heavy, but I'm not used to long periods of sitting around. Normally I'm always on the move, going to and from meeting, events, or various projects. This forced inactivity is beginning to grate on my nerves; the worst part of being the "damsel in distress" is the waiting. It really ate away at me that I was now entirely reliant on other people to save me, something that I never wanted to experience again. I crave control over my own life, over myself and any situation I'm in. Yes, I admit I'm kind of a control freak – but after being murdered then orphaned at such a young age I think I have the right to control my own life.

Hearing footsteps heading closer to the cell I rubbed my eyes and slapped my cheeks a little to wake myself up. Despite being thoroughly exhausted I hadn't let myself sleep for fear that Mokuba wouldn't be here when I woke up. Additionally, I didn't trust any of the guards here to not be a complete sleaze and attempt something inappropriate with me. But my main concern was that Mokuba would eventually be moved to a hidden cell somewhere in the castle. I remember Tristan leaving during Yugi's duel with Pegasus to find him and take him to safety, but Bakura was loose and roaming the island; with Mokuba's soul currently not in residence, I didn't want to run the risk of Bakura getting hold of my friend's body. So if I had it my way, I'd be staying right by Mokuba's side until his soul is returned.

Besides, I made a promise to Seto.

Kemo and another guard came into view, stopping just outside the door. The one whose name I didn't know appearing completely stoic and unreadable. Kemo on the other hand had another leering grin on his face as he looked in; I'm beginning to think that he's either enjoying seeing me knocked down a few pegs or he has a fetish for bruised, dirty hostages. That thought made me shudder as I eyed him warily. Unlocking the cell and both men entered, moving to stand before me.

"Master Pegasus has requested your presence. Seto Kaiba managed to secure the right to challenge him and as a reminder of what's at stake you're to attend the duel as an honored guest." Kemo said, stretching out a hand to take Mokuba off my lap.

Kemo's words sparked another memory; Seto standing on the edge of a ledge, daring Yugi to attack while knowing the shock might knock him over the ledge and kill him. I'd completely forgotten that Seto had gambled with his life like that. Despite the circumstances, despite the fact that I knew he was okay, that thought sent my temper skyrocketing.

Oh. Hell. NO.

Snarling I lashed out, swiping my nails across Kemo's outstretched hand and almost grinning at the cry of surprise as I saw blood welling up from the marks. Kemo backed off as the other guard came forward, but I'd managed to shift Mokuba off my lap enough to use my good leg to kick out, hooking my foot around his ankle and pulling back quickly. He fell to the ground with a satisfying grunt, and I swiped again at Kemo as he came closer.

They weren't taking me from Mokuba's side without a fight.

Kemo swore as I drew more blood, and the two eyed my warily from a distance. I knew that I couldn't keep this up, I had surprised them and that was the only reason I was even able to keep them at bay to begin with. But now they were studying me, watching my every move and continuing to fight them wouldn't work. But my anger was rolling through me in harsh waves, a combination of anger over every little thing that had happened to me, Mokuba, and Seto in this life. It clouded my judgment, so although logically I knew that continuing to fight was futile my adrenaline was hyping me up and a fight sounded good.

Kemo lunged forward, and as I reached out to get him with another swipe of my nails I realized that it was a feint; the other guard seemed to pop up behind me, slipping his arms beneath, then around mine and holding them in a lock as I struggled to get out of his hold. But he had me pinned fairly well, and any movements caused pain in my shoulders. Huffing angrily I narrowed my eyes at Kemo. "You can tell Pegasus that I decline his invitation; I won't be used to intimidate Seto!"

Kemo flexed his hands as he checked over the scratches I'd given him; one was actually pretty deep, and I felt a sick satisfaction at the sight of it. He looked up at me, lip curled into a sneer as he came forward, not saying a word.

"I told you, go tell Pegasus-"

My cheek exploded in pain as Kemo backhanded me, my head snapping to the side. I was momentarily stunned by the force and the pain; being smacked by a child was one thing, but this was on a completely different level. I turned my head to look at him slowly, tasting blood; a quick check with my tongue and I felt the split in my lip and the blood running down my chin. Oh he'd pay for that one, I wouldn't rest until I'd gotten him back for this.

"You'll come with us, and for every attempt on your part to escape you'll get hit again. I work for Master Pegasus, not you. And you'd do well to learn that you're completely at his mercy and you have no power here." Kemo snarled, and I actually felt a twinge of fear at his words. Pegasus hadn't revealed what my part in this was, or what plans he had for me and until I knew what he had planned I had to be cautious. Too bad my temper had gotten the best of me before that little reminder had sounded in my head.

Kemo grabbed one of my arms in a bruising grip, the other guard moved to my other arm and took hold of my arm as well, albeit not quit as harshly. Seems he wasn't quite as upset with me for fighting back as Kemo was, or he was just a genuinely nicer guy. Hard to imagine such a person existing in Pegasus's employment.

Although my ankle had gotten a little better, it was still too swollen, too bruised, and too unstable to support any weight at all. Luckily, the nicer guard was on that side of me and seemed to notice the problem, for he took my arm and placed it on his in a way that I could support my weight on his arm like a crutch. I gave him a brief look of thanks as we made our way slowly to the arena where Seto and Pegasus were. When we reached the stairs, I gave Kemo an arch look. "Well Mr. Brilliant, what plan do you have for this?" The three of us couldn't all fit at the same time, and I couldn't make it up the stairs by myself.

Growling he moved to raise his hand, but I backed up into the other guard quickly and almost put weight on my bad ankle before the he caught me. Sending a warning look to Kemo he bent and picked me up, taking care not to jostle my ankle too much. His kindness was touching and as he walked up the stairs, Kemo trailing a little behind I studied his face. He looked to be in his thirties, with black hair and green-gray eyes; he wasn't remarkably handsome, but there was a kindness in his face that I hadn't seen before. "Thank you." I said quietly, touched by his attentiveness.

"Please don't try to fight anymore Ms. Sarota." He said, and his voice was calming, even nice sounding. Then again, next to Kemo a troll would be nice sounding and kind in comparison. I looked away and didn't say anything, because I couldn't promise that I wouldn't try to fight and didn't want to lie to him. I'm alright with lying to get what I need, but lying to a genuinely nice person sits ill with me. Half-truths are different than lies though... Or so I told myself, remembering the half-truth I had told Mokuba.

At the top of the stairs Kemo joined us and took hold on my arm again once I was standing, and we resumed our journey. The closer we got, the more heavy the feeling in the air became; Pegasus was using his Millennium Eye. If this experience was going to happen every time I encountered a Millennium Item, I was in trouble; unless repeated exposure could lessen the effect? Either way, I was surprised to discover that each Millennium Item had a distinct feeling to it. Yugi's Puzzle had been powerful, but there had been undercurrents of benevolence and compassion mixed with determination and... Almost like an unwavering sense of right and wrong. It was hard to put into words, but it was an energizing, encouraging feeling despite how heavily it weighed on me.

Pegasus's Millennium Eye... The feeling was different. There was power yes, but there was... Loss, suspicion, a tangible grief and determination to it. It wasn't evil per se, but didn't feel the same as the Puzzle. I wondered if others could sense the presence of the Items as well, and if so why didn't they ever show it? And if I was the only one, was it because my soul wasn't from this world? And could the current wielder of an Item change the feel of it's energy permanently, or was it a temporary fluctuation based on the wielder's emotional state?

I didn't even notice when a set of double doors were opened and I was led onto a balcony, wrapped up in my thoughts as I was. But Kemo shoved me forward, causing me to stumble and accidentally place weight on my ankle, a short cry escaping me as I steadied myself on the banister in front of me. Hearing a series of gasps I lifted my head, seeing Yugi and his friends directly across from me on another balcony. Their eyes were wide with shock and I briefly wondered how I must look to them; split lip, blood on my chin, dark circles under my eyes... Yeah I looked like hell. Hastily wiping my chin I looked down, not wanting to dwell on them or their opinions.

My stomach dropped as I took in the scene; Pegasus and Seto were dueling, and Seto was currently losing.

Yugi felt his jaw drop at the sight of Reila across the playing field; he remembered seeing her at his school the one time she'd appeared there, and she'd been stunning to look at. Something about her called out for others to take notice, like she was some sort of beacon. She'd walked with confidence and carried herself with an unmistakable grace. But now...

She looked tired, pushed to the limits. Her skin had an almost waxy, sickly look to it; her hair was lank, her clothing fit badly, and the split on her lip was causing it to swell even as she angrily wiped at the remaining blood on her chin. But even so, she still had a grace and power to her that made Yugi wary, on guard as though waiting for her to attack.

He'd noticed it before, when he'd briefly seen her at school; something about her put him on edge. It wasn't that she'd been cruel – in fact she seemed kinder than Kaiba – but there was something unnatural about her. He'd noticed it again during his first duel with Kaiba too, the barely perceptible aura that seemed to resonate from within her. She'd seemed physically effected by the duel, and thinking back she had seemed to... To know that there was something more to the duel. She hadn't seemed phased when Seto had fallen to his knees after the spirit of the Puzzle had banished the darkness from Kaiba's heart, and in fact had seemed to have a grateful look on her face when she'd finally looked Yugi's way.

Just what did Reila know? And where had she gotten the knowledge?

"Reila, what happened?" Kaiba eyed her swollen lip, the way she held herself up using the banister in front of her, the dark circles under her eyes and his brows furrowed as anger and concern warred on his face. He even turned away from the duel before him, taking in her features with a sharp eye, his frown deepening as his eyes lingered on the redness of her one cheek.

Yugi thought back to Tea's accusation that Kaiba didn't have a heart. Yes her comment had been laced with anger, but Yugi saw the truth on Kaiba's face; his brother and Reila were what he had at the end of the day. He might have a hard time knowing how to interact with others, but those two were held close to his heart. He cared about them both, and the affection he held for his little brother and the friendship between him and Reila were what had led him to risk everything during their duel.

If Kaiba had known how badly Reila was being treated, coupled with Mokuba's soul being taken it would have definitely spurred his need to win, something that Yugi could sympathize with. His grandfather's soul had been taken, but physically he was safe – which was more than anyone could say for Reila.

Reila shook her head in response to Kaiba's question. "Never mind me Seto; I'll be fine. Just take down that snake so we can get out of here." Yugi had to admire her courage, most girls wouldn't take being treated so harshly lightly. Her strange eyes fixed a harsh glare on Pegasus, and Yugi winced at the sight. How Pegasus could so flippantly brush off such a murderous look was something he couldn't understand.

"Come now little Reila, there's no need for name calling. You have no one to blame for your current state but yourself. Really who knew that such a temper lay hidden beneath that finely crafted image you show the public?" Pegasus had a smug smile on his face, and Yugi wondered what the girl had done to warrant such cruel behavior from him – or if Pegasus was just a sadist.

Reila's response was another murderous glare.

Yugi studied Kaiba carefully as his demeanor became even more determined and he drew another card, placing a monster card face down in defense mode. He was playing it safe after losing one of his Blue Eyes White Dragons, trying to find a way around the power of the Millennium Eye. But Yugi feared that this wouldn't end well and that Pegasus would triumph, despite Kaiba's dueling skills.

And then Mokuba, Seto, and Reila would be at his mercy.

"Tell me something my old friend, did you like watching cartoons in your youth?"

I rolled my eyes at Pegasus's question to Seto. Of course he wouldn't have had time to watch cartoons in his youth; at the orphanage we had been limited to one hour of television a day, and I highly doubted that Gozaburo had allowed cartoons in the house at all. My uncle had allowed a set amount of time for television in our house, but Hojo and I had never bothered to watch anything childish; we both had a love for anime yes, but never the childish ones. We preferred the darker, more mature ones with deep plots and deeper characters.

I doubt Seto had that luxury as a child, and now he barely had time to do anything but work.

At Seto's blank stare Pegasus frowned. "Is that a no? Kaiba you're even more cold-hearted than I thought. For me, they were the absolute best - and none were closer to my heart than the misadventures of one tricky hare. I am speaking of course of Funny Bunny, such a clever rabbit forever evading Ruff Ruff McDog and his long paw of the law. Oh how I'd spend hours watching their never ending antics and perpetual game of hide and seek!"

"Just make your move!"

I could have kissed Seto for interrupting Pegasus's little speech, I really could have. Listening to a grown man speak so fondly of a cartoon rabbit was... Disturbing to say the least. And coming from someone who is a self-proclaimed fangirl, that's saying a lot.

Pegasus chuckled darkly. "But Kaiba, that is my move."

A sinking feeling started in the pit of my stomach; Pegasus was about to play the Toon World card. And with that card his monsters would be protected, hidden in the creepy pop-up book and out of range from Kaiba's monsters. A trickle of fear went down my spine; it was one thing to know that Seto would ultimately lose the duel, it was another thing entirely to see him lose the duel.

And ultimately his soul.

Gripping the banister tightly my eyes darted across the field, trying to think of a way to help Seto get the upper hand and win. Yes, Yugi was supposed to ultimately prevail, but if Seto could win here and now then we could find a way to get Yugi's grandfather out of danger later. The Millennium Puzzle might have the ability to reach into whatever realm Pegasus had placed the soul into and set everything right, but I wasn't one hundred percent sure about it. It's not to say that I don't care what happens to anyone else, but my first priority is to my friends. If only I could remember what tactic Yugi used to get around the Toon World card...

Closing my eyes tightly, I racked my brain trying to remember the strategy Yugi had used, but I was drawing a complete blank. Nothing except the mind-switching technique was coming to me, and Seto didn't have that option; besides it had taken a heavy toll on Yugi's mind once they entered the Shadow Realm, which I was almost certain Pegasus wouldn't invoke during his duel with Seto.

Still, there had to be a way...

There has to be a way for Seto to overcome the Millennium Eye...

Pegasus had been so fixated on toying with Kaiba that he almost missed the stray thought from Reila's mind. Looking up to her, he took in her pained expression as she viewed the playing field; she was an enigma, one moment haughty the next showing her fear plain as day. But how did she know about the powers of the Millennium Eye? Thinking back, she'd shown no shock when he'd taken Mokuba's soul, not like Kaiba had. It was almost as though she'd known it was coming. What knowledge did she have hidden inside that pretty head of hers?

Focusing his Eye on her, he used more magic than he had the last time he tried to probe her mind; obviously her mind was harder to enter than others, something that he marveled at. She seemed so ordinary, yet within her he sensed a wisdom that was older than her years. Did she hold knowledge of the Millennium Items? If she did, that knowledge could prove invaluable to him and his desire to resurrect Cecelia.

He pushed past the first layer of her mind, the surface thoughts that prattled around with increasing frequency. He pushed past her fear, her grief and anger, delving faster and faster into the core of her mind. There all her secrets would be laid bare before him, and he could pick out what he needed now and sift through the rest later.

Each mind that he'd delved into reflected the body and soul that it inhabited; Yugi's grandfather had been an airy room, full of older games, with paintings marking specific memories he held dear. Mokuba's had been more childlike, almost chaotic in a sense with no real discipline to it yet, a reflection of his room and memories haphazardly thrown around. But Reila's...

Reila's mind was large, immensely so. With his Millennium Eye he could see a clear blue sky, a stretch of glittering white sands meeting a deep blue ocean. Situated on the very edge of the beach stood an impressive white marble temple glittering in the sunlight. Golden domes and torches dotted the exterior, and the architecture was one he'd never seen before. Smiling to himself he pushed forward, racing to the temple that he was sure held her deepest, most intimate thoughts in the shadowy interior.

The ocean churned violently, a dark shadow making it's way swiftly to the surface. Before he could blink Pegasus found himself face to face with an enormous dragon, it's red eyes gleaming maliciously as it stared him down. His sapphire blue scales glinted from the water streaming down it's body, and it's golden armor glittered in a macabre show of beauty. It's tail lashed out, stopping just before Pegasus's face as the dragon's voice rumbled through the mindscape, it's blood colored eyes narrowed in anger. Pegasus eyed the sharp point of the golden armor that never wavered in front of him, showing the dragon's precision and deadly intent.

"You will leave this sacred place and bring no harm to my priestess. BEGONE!" The last word was punctuated by a fierce roar, the likes of which Pegasus had never heard. It sent a jolt of pure fear down his spine as he pulled back his magic quickly, returning it to himself even as the roar echoed in his mind. He'd never encountered something so fierce, so foreboding as that dragon. Just what did Reila hide within her? What spells or knowledge did she possess that such a creature would guard her so fiercely?

Taking a shaking breath he glanced up at Reila, who appeared dazed from the confrontation within her. But her face didn't hold any fear; it was almost calm, despite what he'd witnessed within her mind. She looked down at Pegasus with absolute composure, even as she eyed his shaking hands as he pressed one to his Millennium Eye. Her shoulders weren't so tense, as if a burden had been lifted from them and she stood straighter, prouder.

"Who... Who are you?" He said quietly, trying to shake off the feeling that he'd made a grave mistake.

Staring down at Pegasus, I raised an eyebrow slowly. He was muttering under his breath, clearly shaken by whatever it is he witnessed in my mind. I had felt the intrusion into my mind just as I had the first time, only more intense this time; I'd had a moment there where I seriously feared that Pegasus had succeeded and gotten my knowledge of the future. Yet now I had no fear of Pegasus having taken anything but my surface thoughts; I'd felt a presence rise from within me, with all the subtlety of a Mack truck and blast him out of my mind. Whatever he had seen had left him visibly rattled, and knowing that my thoughts and the knowledge I held of the future was safe for now was a welcome stroke of luck.

Thank whatever deity is out there for that small favor.

It felt good to be back in control for a moment, to not be weighed down with worry and fear. But it wouldn't last, Pegasus was already shaking off his fear from whatever he had confronted in my mind and turning his attention back to his duel with Seto. I almost wish that he would focus on me more than Seto, but he'd apparently pushed me aside to focus on someone who didn't have a force to stop his schemes within them. Growling beneath my breath, I could do nothing but watch helplessly and pray that whatever luck had been given to me could be given to Seto in return.

As the duel continued, I saw Yugi staring at me curiously. Given that I was calmer now from the relief of having somehow thwarted Pegasus's Millennium Eye, I did nothing but raise an eyebrow and return his curious gaze. Seeing that I'd noticed him, he gave me a sheepish smile as an apology, which I returned with a shrug of my shoulder. I could see the questions on his face, but didn't have the time nor energy to be interrogated, even in a nonverbal fashion. It would seem that the wielders of the Millennium Items knew that there was something different about me, which made me worry about what would happen during the Battle City tournament.

Maybe I would need to take an extended vacation during that time; I have a general rule about avoiding deranged psychopaths and avoiding Yami Marik sounds like a fantastic idea.

Returning my focus to the duel, I cheered as Seto managed to chain the Blue Eyes Toon Dragon with his Shadow Spell card. The toon version of the Blue Eyes was just plain creepy to look at, and as intimidating as the real thing was, I'd take that over the toon version any day. Eyeing the true Blue Eyes on the field, I wondered at the fact that I wasn't as physically effected by this duel as I had been when Seto dueled Yugi. I could feel the presence of the Eye, and even the presence of the Puzzle from across the room both pressing on me, but not nearly as heavily. Maybe prolonged exposure to the presence of the items was the answer? Or perhaps it was because there wasn't a Shadow Duel going on. But then again, the spirit of the Puzzle hadn't used his shadow magic until the very end of their duel... If my reaction the first time had been to being unaccustomed to the magic from a Millennium Item that would make sense.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts I almost missed seeing Seto destroy the chained Toon Dragon. But even as a warped toon, it must have hurt to destroy a monster that was so precious to him. And Pegasus's mocking wasn't helping matters at all; if I had a shoe I would throw it at him. What was it about this guy that drove me to violence?

The duel continued, with Seto losing his other Blue Eyes to Pegasus's Dragon Capture Jar, and then being infected by his own Crush Card. Whatever had helped me just moments ago was of no use to Seto, and events were unfolding too fast for me to remember and warn Seto. As Seto used Reborn the Monster to bring back his Sagi the Dark Clown, Pegasus sneered.

"It's your last move and you're going to spend it reviving a clown? Oh yes that's right Kaiba; he's the best you can do with my virus still about. Shame when you consider all that's on the line."

"Mokuba... Reila... I tried my very best." Seto looked up to me as he swallowed hard, shame creeping onto his face. Tears filled my eyes as I tried to give him a reassuring smile; tried to let him know that it would be alright, but I could see that he'd already accepted defeat.

"Seto..." What had he done to deserve this?! Pegasus might claim that his scheme was fueled by his love for his deceased wife, but if this was the price of loving someone so much then what good was it? The dead remained dead no matter what, and no amount of technology or magic could change that. My hands clenched into fists, my nails biting into my palms... All this pain, hurting so many people just for his own selfish reasons! As Pegasus mocked and belittled Seto, telling him his best hadn't been good enough I wanted to scream; those words were something Gozaburo would have said, and would push Seto right back to where he'd been in the past, that dark place where he still harbored hatred for the man.

Feeling the magic from the Eye increasing, my eyes snapped open just as it began gleaming. Without thinking I snatched a vase that was within range and moved to throw it, to distract Pegasus and maybe save Seto; but Kemo appeared behind me and wrapped his arms around mine, causing the vase to fall and shatter as the heaviness in the air increased. Bucking in Kemo's grip I tried to get free, but not even clawing his arm did any good. Turning my head I saw the wide eyed shock on Seto's face, heard his cry of shock.


Pegasus laughed at his triumph, ignoring Reila's scream above him. He now had both Kaiba brothers at his disposal, and he was ever closer to his ultimate goal; to have his beloved Cecelia back again. "Take away that empty shell; teach it to wash dishes or something." His men moved to comply, and he turned to face Reila, her face red from fighting against Kemo's grip and her black eyes full of fury.

"Little Reila, so full of spunk and secrets. But no matter; you're only hope at being freed just lost. You must be so disappointed in him." His words sparked even more anger and he laughed at the glower she sent his way. She really was like a little kitten, all claws and teeth but no real power behind her... Except that presence in her mind.

"Now that Kaiba has been taken care of, I really don't have anymore use for you... Well, for your soul that is; all I need is your body. Once my tournament is over, your soul will join your friends in my collection, and through you I'll take control of Sarota Entertainment. Yet another company to add to my empire; I seem to be getting quite a large one."

Reila – literally – spat in his direction, bringing a frown to Pegasus's face; he detested bad manners.

"If you think for one second you'll get my soul without a fight, you're wrong; I'LL KILL YOU FIRST!" She renewed her struggling, managing to get one arm free and landing her elbow in a heavy blow against Kemo's nose, but the man kept his grip, getting her back under control.

Pegasus laughed at her words. "If I had a dollar for every time someone threatened my life I'd be even richer than I am now. However, don't think that I'm completely without a heart; I know that you'll miss your beloved friends, which is why I'm going to let the three of you live out your lives together; sans souls, of course." Reila glowered at him, trying to make sense of his words. "You see I know all about the corporate bylaws that prevent you from inheriting Sarota Entertainment, and that's why in a year you'll be formally engaged to Kaiba – or the shell of him at least." And with that engagement and subsequent wedding, Kaiba Corp. along with Industrial Illusions could pressure Sarota's board into electing Pegasus CEO, through Reila of course. More money at his disposal to use in reviving Cecelia was not something that Pegasus could pass up.

Reila's face morphed into a look of disbelief as Kemo bodily picked her up. Pegasus looked to his henchman with a satisfied smile; he'd shocked her into silence. "Kemo, take her to Kaiba's cell; I think the two of them need some quality time, and Reila needs time to adjust to her future." Pegasus also needed time, time to build up magic and research spells to overcome the presence in her mind. He couldn't take her soul so long as that dragon was within her, but for now she could be kept out of the way.

He would have Cecelia back soon, and then all would be right.

Continuer la Lecture

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