The Story of Lilac {Revisions...

By puppy5828

662 3 11

"Dad let them go! I'll go with you just please... don't hurt them" she said letting out a sob looking at her... More

Author announcement! (OLD)
Chp 1~ The Valley (New)
Chp 2~ Ivan? (New)
Chp 3~ PackHouse (NEW)
Chp 5~ Oliver and Company?? (NEW)
Chp 6~ Lilac's Wolf (NEW)
Chp 7~ Return of the Dog (NEW)
Chp 8~ Soft Snores (NEW)
Chp 9~ Jaiden?! (NEW)
Chp 10~ Ivan and Josh? (NEW)
Chp 11~ You would think we were getting robbed (NEW)
Chapter 12~ Purple gas (NEW)

Chp 4~ Stars (NEW)

28 0 0
By puppy5828

Lilac's POV:

As I hugged Jake and my brother, my eyes wandered exploring the room, twinkling with little bits of wonder. But holding on tightly still unsure. Trying to get up off the bed as the nurse just told us I was free to go. I wobble a bit as Jake and Ivan lead me to the door.

Jake then wraps his hands around my waist softly looking down at a small smile and worry glowing in his eyes. He murmurs into my ear, asking if it's okay if he carries me.

I blush a light red as I nod, he pulls me up into his arms like a fragile baby. Ivan lets out a small snort from my expression and follows Jake out of the room.

As they keep walking I glance around a bit to see some sofas. A coffee table with some cups and bowls littered on top of it was a massive TV.

I aww in wonder and perk up when I see all of the plants that are placed keenly around the massive room, definitely the living room I thought to myself. There are pothos hanging down from shelves, their vines crawling across the walls backing a green border partway around the room. Some strings of pearls and turtles flow in and out of the pothos as well, some hang more than halfway down the walls. Some Air plants are handing in the corners sticking out their little bird nest-like pots. String lights are up and around the room as well, there are aloe, snake, and spider plants, as well two huge towering monsteras' are posted around the room. On bookshelves, there are smaller succulents and little cacti and some violets sitting basking in the huge window that's across from them. 

Then I finally notice the hands that are scrounging through the bowls and lifting cups. I look up only for my eyes to meet an enraged female glaring at me with fire-spitting eyes. 

She stands up and walks over, getting extremely close to our faces. Her face contorts as she sticks out her hip looking me up and down. Steam is billowing out of her ears as she opens her mouth a couple of times before she starts screaming in my face.

"Who is this slut?!" she screeches spitting on my face as she speaks. I look at her scared and confused. I did not say anything since we've walked out of that damn room. Is she on drugs or something?

"She's my mate, Jessica." Jake lets out a low growl she shuts up quickly her face falling and stuttering an apology trying to still get his attention even after her outburst. He ignores her pleas and her hands grabbing at him and starts to lead us out of the room I notice sparks of anger flickering through her eyes as we make eye contact. I glare at her a soft growl exiting my mouth as I bare my teeth at her slowly moving my fingers over his shoulders to tell her off. I quickly snap out of it my wolf still snickering at how the girl turned tail from what she controlled me to do.

A low whimper flows through the air along with a bang against the wall. Looking up I notice a bulky man holding Ivan's arm as he stares down at him. Ivan lets out a small raspy breath, shriveling more into the wall and looking towards me and Jake expectantly.

"Let go of him you jerk!" I squirm in Jake's arms as I try to go help my brother. Jake grips onto me and walks closer to where Ivan is pinned.

"Josh stop scaring the poor kid and train outside!" he snarls out pushing him off of my brother his nose flaring.

Ooooh, his wolf is so protective of you two~ my wolf purrs out softly completely forgetting about the girl from earlier. I blush as she keeps letting out delicate floral words of praise at our mate.

Well, he is our mate after all, and with us being in a place with so many new males he's just making sure we don't get hurt. He is handsome and all but I would like to take care of myself, and Ivan. It's the only thing I did anyway my whole life. Cook, sweep, scrub, cook, sweep, scrub. I did it constantly. I don't need help from him. . . I don't think anyway.

We make our way up the stairs Josh runs out of the house as fast as he can nearly taking a door and an old lady down on the way out. Feeling a soft bed under me I smile and look up at Jake who smiles back before leading Ivan out of the room.

"Your room is one over from my room, please get settled in." Jake insists.

The light taps of footsteps disappear but the snapping of a door clicks shut. Jake looks at the window rubbing his hands through his hair. The door is closed behind him, his hips are pushed out to the side as he leans into the door his fingers running through the small knots in his hair. His shirt rides up softly as he lets out a long sigh.

I glance up into his eyes and smile gently.

"Is everything okay?" my mouth speaking softly as I get up limping towards him slightly, ignoring the now dull pain from the pain meds they gave me.

He looks handsome but I can't help but feel worried about what he is going to do. He smiles softly as he looks at me.

"Sorry just thinking of what we should do with your father..." he exasperates and helps me to sit back down.

The mattress caves in gently as he sits down next to me. He wraps an arm around me carefully, looking down into my eyes. Nuzzling into his chest I sigh out gently from how warm he is. I feel all of my worries fly out the window as he rubs my back gently. My eyes closed without realizing it.

Gripping his shirt he lays us back onto the bed and I purr out softly when he gives my forehead a gentle peck. It's so calming with him. I never could have imagined such a calm evening with someone my heart can't stop fluttering for.


Chris' POV:

These fuckers are gonna pay for locking us back up in this tiny ass cell! my wolf snaps out loudly.

We just need to figure out how to get out of here, that's the easy part. My eyes swivel around the room and I notice a window just above the foot of the hard bench I'm on.

Getting off the bench I look down the hallways to see no guards. I grab the food they gave me earlier and transform into my wolf. Rolling in the food will help to mask my scent... hopefully. It smells of grease and that fake cheese they put on it.

I jump onto the bench and squeeze myself through the bars my bones aching when my hips try to fit through. Gladly they surpass the bars and I sprint off in the direction of my house. My eyes immediately look back down the road for any blue and red lights, before I find myself at my doorstep.


Ivan's POV:

I jolt awake rubbing my eyes and look around the room. Oh yeah. . . were in the pack house now, safe from Dad. Laying back down in my new bed I sigh softly and bury my face in the pillow. I move my hips up and back stretching while I crack my back. I then get up to search around to see if they have any new clothes in the closet.

I notice by the desk theirs a heap of clothes with a light blue sticky note on the top. The handwriting screams Lilac, with swirly letters, and small floral designs littered around as decoration. Something she does when she's distracted.

"Hello, little bro!! Jake gave me some clothes to give to you. I hope you like them and that they fit =), Try to get some more sleep if you can it's been a long two days, call me when you need something There's a phone somewhere in this stack that Jake made me give you, so call or text when you want. See you later!

Love you, ya big sis Lilac <3."

I smile softly and stick the note onto the wall before I shove the clothes into the empty closet. Grabbing my new phone which is lying on the desk, I open it to see Lilac and Jake's phone numbers are already programmed.

Looking through the clothes I pull out a pair of blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and a red jacket. After waltzing into the bathroom I set them down before turning on some warm water and I hop in. Scrubbing myself down and washing my hair I'm finally done. Stepping out of the now steamy shower I dry off before pulling the clothes onto me. I grab a pair of socks and my shoes.

Grabbing the phone I stuff it into my jeans before making my way down the ridiculously large staircase. I walk around aimlessly for a bit before I walk into the kitchen.

Ivan how about we eat... you haven't eaten in a while my wolf whispers worry lacing his gentle voice. I smile softly.

Of course, I'll eat. I look around but instead of a tray of bacon laid out on the counter, I grab a piece of bread, butter, and apricot jam. Tossing the bread in the toaster I wait till it pops out before I spread some butter and a good amount of the jam on the top.

I walk back up to my room taking some bites out of the toast while I hear the low growls of the pack behind me as I sway my hips up to my room. There's a ton of eyes on. . .I feel them staring holes in my back. But as I shut my door and go to the window and open it I sigh softly.

It's finally dawn but for me, it feels like the day has already been way too long, even though it's just starting. I pull out my phone open it up and nibble on my toast as I text Lilac.

{Ivan~Hey Lil you awake?

                                                        What did I say about that nickname...but yes I am awake~Lilac}

{Ivan~Ok, well is it okay if I go out for a run?

                                                                                                                               One second I'll ask Jake~Lilac}

I sigh out gently and set down the phone as I stuff the last bit of toast in my mouth. I should have grabbed a drink. My mouth is as dry as my hair at this point. Finally, after a couple of minutes, she texts back.

                              Jake says we can all go out on a run, he said we both need to get used to our                                                                                                                                                       surroundings~Lilac}

I sigh softly but ignore my want to go alone and I walk out into the hallway. Looking around I see Jake get shoved out of the door and Lilac smiling cutely as she walks out of the room after him. Gladly her leg has already healed thanks to the doctors, don't know how it happened but whatever they did it worked wonders. Especially for her face to be radiating in happiness.

I walk over as Jake whines out about how his back hurts from all of the pushes she gave him. I help Lilac get him down the stairs and out into the backyard. All of us laugh, pushing each other lightly as we talk under our breaths so no one can hear. My ears catch a growl and I look up only to see the guy from earlier. . .Josh, I think it was towering over me. My smile fades instantly into a frown, crossing my arms over my chest I stare directly at him.

"What do you want?" I ask now ticker off, dragging my foot into the grass as I take a small step towards him.

"Why are you here?!" He snarls as he takes a step closer looking straight into my eyes. A strong move with Jake right here. I glance over at Lilac only to see her looking back at me and then toward Jake as she whispers what seems to be an "Are you sure?", worry filling her now frequent bright eyes.

"Well then, mister bad boy, your alpha took me and my sister in... But! we're going on a run so sayonara little pup" I scoff turning away from him and taking a step beside Lilac. My mind is racing, hopefully, that small amount of confidence is worth it.

Looking back at the guy when I finally stand still he looks surprised. His eyes are wide his mouth hanging open just waiting for bugs to fly right down his throat. Smirking softly I notice that both Lilac and Jake are already standing there in their wolf forms, clothes next to them.

Walking off behind a bush I undress and shift. My bones cracking into place and fur sprouting all around me. Gray fur grows around my eyes and they become wider and more wolf-like, I sigh softly and look down at my white paws which fade up into a darker gray than the normal gray fur I have all over. That is despite the darker blue tips on my tail and ears. Don't ask me how our favorite colors are on my wolf's coat but I don't question it at this point.

Picking up the clothes in my mouth I trot along over to Lilac as she lays down an open bag right in front of me. Pushing my clothes in I then hear Jake growling softly and nibbling Lilac's ear.

Where shall we go first? Jake says softly as he pulls away from Lilac. Lilac immediately starts talking about the valley not noticing the dark shadow that is sneaking around the tree line.

A snarl rings out and Jake gets in front of us, I look over my eyes squinting before I recognize the shadowy figure as our dad. Immediately I snarl out my wolf's anger seething and burning down my throat as I go into a full-blown sprint before tackling him to the ground, my nails dig into his arms as he starts to try and pull away. I shout through the mind link for Lilac to get away and for Jake to help me keep him down. I'm done with his bullshit, for making me and Lilac like this. For locking me up for days on end with no food.

My nails rip through flesh as my dad shifts from under me, I immediately fall off the muscular frame under me.

The sparkle of the kitchen knife flashes at me along with his putrid yellow teeth. He swings it at me the handle being gripped in his mouth as I fall back. I see his eyes look undeviatingly at Lilac and I immediately run in front of her as her yelps fill the still brisk air.

Searing pain rips through my leg I feel my paws get warm and it's then that I know I have a knife stuck in the middle of my leg. I falter onto the ground as my dad stands over me with a crooked grin painting his features. 

A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger but hey.... haha not sorry!

 Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter. Comment and Vote if you enjoyed it!

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