The Smallest White

By brynn_smith

32.6K 708 169

Erin, elite gymnast is an orphan. Shaun White's family is looking to adopt a teenager and it just so happens... More

The Smallest White
Ice Baths are Torture
Seriously? The Snowboarder?
Prep for Visa
Visa's...What Fun
Home... Where the Wi-fi Automatically Connects
Girls are Geniuses
Olympic Trials
Take Off to London
Team Processing
Opening Ceremonies
Team Finals
Individual All Around Part 1
Individual All Around Part 2
Event Finals
Home is Good

Say What Now?!

1.8K 33 8
By brynn_smith

Hey everyone! I'll try my best to make this a great update!


Erin's POV

I slept the whole next day. It's how my body recovers from big competitions. When I finally did wake up, I didn't bother changing out of my sweats or putting my contacts in.

I heard noise from the living room. Normally Shaun and Jessie just mess around in the basement so they don't break any of Mom's decor. Or maybe they just wanted to annoy the crap out of me. Seriously you don't wake the pixie up when she isn't done sleeping. Believe me. There are serious consequences.

As I snuck down the stairs, armed with my pillow to hit Shaun and Jessie, I gasped suddenly. My brother Shaun, the childish snowboarder who sings Hannah Montana, had a girl curled up into his side as they told jokes to each other.

I decided to play it cool. I mean as cool as it can get when I'm like a zombie. As I walked past the living room, I accidentally let a huge yawn slip. I was just on my way to the kitchen -I'm starving.

"So the pixie wakes up!" I heard.

"Shut up White if you want to live. I was woken up way to early!" I shouted back to him as I grabbed an apple from the fridge.

"It's 2 in the afternoon, elf."

"Whatever. I'm tired." I whined as he picked me up in his arms.

As we got back to the living room, Shaun sat me down on the floor as I continued to munch on my apple.

"This is my girlfriend, Krissa." Shaun said as he wrapped his arms around the girl. She had long platinum-blond hair, bluish gray eyes and was dressed like a typical snowboard chick.

"Wait you're telling me that my dorky, childish brother has a girlfriend? I mean you sing Hannah Montana for crying out loud!" I swear I was going into shock. I mean she was so beautiful!

"Yup! I love this dorky guy!" Krissa responded with a grin.

"I'm going back up to bed tomato." I swear if I didn't get back up to my bed soon I was going to fall asleep right here.

"You just got up though!" Shaun whined ruffling my hair.

"Erin why don't we have some girl time?" Krissa responded as she led me up the stairs.

Krissa's POV

I was relaxing in my apartment when I got the text from Shaun. Weird. I thought he just got back yesterday from his new sister's gymnastics competition.

"Help. I have no idea how to be a good older brother." I read out loud. Seriously. I was sure he was fine but I hadn't seen him in a week so what the heck, mine as well go and see him.

When I rang the doorbell at Shaun's house, he opened the door and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"I missed you so much." He whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickling my ear.

"I missed you even more. Now what's this problem that you speak off?" I replied back, pulling away from the hug. He led me over to the couch, and we sat down.

"I have no idea how to be a great older sibling." He mumbled out, his head in his hands.

Oh gosh, he has no idea how perfect he is. I've seen him helping tech some younger kids at the slopes. He is great with kids.

"Shaun, you are amazing! Every older sibling makes mistakes but it's natural to feel scared. I remembered when Cami started looking up to me. I was terrified- but look at her now! She doesn't care whether I make huge mistakes. All that matters is that you're there for them." I wrapped my arms around him, and he wrapped his around me in an awkward hug. Typical for us.

"Tell me about her." I whispered. I really wanted to meet his sister.

"She's tiny. We call her pixie. She has long brown hair and eyes just a little bit darker than your's. She's an elite gymnast, hoping to go to London. She snowboards and is pretty good from the youtube videos. She's crazy, hyper and overall the perfect little sister." He said showing her a picture he took of us at her competition right after she took first place.

I now really couldn't wait to meet Erin. I bet she and Cami would get along great...

Shaun then started telling me this really stupid joke that made me laugh really loud. Crap! Erin was still sleeping upstairs.

I heard a door open and a person try to walk silently down the stairs but failing. Trust me- I've done it multiple times.

I saw a young girl walk past the living room into the kitchen. Shaun got up and followed her, shouting "So the pixie wakes up!"

"Shut up White if you want to live. I was woken up way to early!" She shouted back.

"It's 2 in the afternoon, elf." I heard from the kitchen

"Whatever. I'm tired." I heard her respond.

God. My boyfriend was hilarious. He walked back in carrying her and sat her on the ground. She was wearing a pair of sweats and a tank top. Her hair was up in a sloppy bun and she had a pair of glasses on. She was just as Shaun described. Gorgeous. Tiny- I can totally see why they call her pixie now.

"This is my girlfriend, Krissa." Shaun said as he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned into his arms

"Wait you're telling me that my dorky, childish brother has a girlfriend? I mean you sing Hannah Montana for crying out loud!" She said. I almost laughed right then and there. She was hilarious.

"Yup! I love this dorky guy!" I said with a grin. I mean he was seriously perfect to me.

"I'm going back up to bed tomato." She said looking at Shaun.

"You just got up though!" He exclaimed, ruffling her hair. Boy that did not help.

I felt bad. She seriously looked exhausted. I guess that's what happens when she competes at a huge meet and had to sit next to Shaun for the plane ride back.

"Erin why don't we have some girl time?" I asked her. She needed some time with another girl- I could tell. I pulled her up the stairs with me. Shaun had told me that her room was Jesse's old room.

Her room was still the color of Jesse's and had a few bags around. She had a gym bag with two fancy leotards peeking out the top.

"So I'm Krissa!" I chirped. I really hoped she liked me. From what Shaun told me, she had a hard time opening up to new people. Another thing she and Cami had in common.

"I'm Erin. Also known as pixie, elf or deranged pixie." I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing.

"Deranged pixie as in Alice from Twilight?" I managed to sneak out between laughs.

"Yup. I just learned about that last night."

I spent the next two hours getting to know Erin. She was really sweet and she opened up to me pretty easily.

"Bye Erin. Bye Shaun!" I said giving them each a hug as I climbed into my car. I had to go pick Cami up from dance practice.

Erin's POV

I really liked Krissa. She was really nice and reminded me of my older sister. She was really chill and didn't seem to care what people thought of her.

I was really sad when she had to leave. She had to go pick up her little sister from dance practice. Hopefully she would bring her over some time. Cami was only a year older than me and I seriously needed a friend my age here.

"So how did you meet her?" I asked Shaun as I laid my head down on his lap.

"One of my best friends, Leah and I were at the slopes about a year and a half ago. I saw the most beautiful girl finishing up a run on the halfpipe. I was seriously awed. Leah introduced me to her and apparently they were best friends and the rest is history." He said, running his hands through my hair.

"Can I meet Leah sometime?"

"Sure. I can call her over right now." He said, getting up to go call her.

When Leah came over, I was reading Harry Potter. What can I say I'm a Potterhead.

"Erin, this is Leah- my super duper best friend!" Shaun said with so much enthusiasm I had to laugh.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Erin and I just wanted to meet my brother's best friend." Leah had medium length brown hair, bright blue eyes and was dressed like a typical snowboarder. Right down to the beanie. She was about three inches shorter than Shaun, so that meant, basically that she was towering over me.

We talked for about an hour and then she had to go to the gym. I probably need to go to the gym today but who cares.

"She was also really nice. I can see how her and Krissa are friends." I said after she had left.

"Yup. Because of her, I met Krissa!" He exclaimed with his goofy grin.

Hearing him talk about his friends made me really miss Tony and Jared. Hey! I could Skype them! Thanks for the idea self!

"I'm going to go Skype my friends bro." I said as I walked up the stairs. I opened up my Kindle Fire and clicked on the Skype app. Praise the Lord! Both of them were online, so I started a group video call.

"Erin!" They shouted.

"Oh my god! I miss you guys so much!" I responded. They were like my best friends outside of the gym.

"So how's the orphanage?" Jared asked.

"No more orphanage. I got adopted!" I shouted.

"Yea, I saw you with a family at Visa's." Tony said.

"Wait you guys watched it?"

"OF COURSE! CONGRATULATIONS!" They shouted together.

"Thanks! How's the slopes back home?"

"No snow- it sucks. We're just doing strength training right now." Tony said dryly.

And at just that moment, Shaun ran into my room and jumped onto my bed.

"Hi!" He shouted into the camera at my friends. I just face palmed. Seriously. He was such a dork.

"You're Shaun White!" Jared stuttered out.

"So I've been told by pixie here."

"E, what are you doing with Shaun White?" Tony questioned.

"Um he may possibly be my new older brother." I said sheepishly.

"Say what now?!" Tony shouted.

"Dude! That's sweet!" Jared shouted.

"Now pixie, who are these two boys?" Shaun asked, trying to look serious but just cracked up.

"Shaun, these are my best friends- Tony and Jared. Tony is the one with the reddish hair and Jared is the idiot with the blond hair."

"Where in the heck did the name pixie come from? She's more like a deranged pixie at times!" Jared shouted out. Oh gosh this was gonna be a long conversation.

About two hours later, I finally got off Skype with boys. I seriously missed them.

But maybe I can convince Mom and Dad to let them come for a little bit this winter so we can shred some powder...







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