The Cold and The Broken (Shor...

By KiDuval06

428 29 3

--Short Story-- MaeLynn Aurora Remon has been locked away for five years. Kept away from her daughter and bea... More



52 5 0
By KiDuval06

The wolf is in total control, switched into full protective mode. Every ounce of the normal Dimitry is pushed back at the moment. The halls are scarcely guarded, making any other wolves easily avoidable and this escape quite quick. MaeLynn sits on the wolf's back as he moves quickly through the forest, the fastest and quietest solution for their escape. She's directed him in the direction of her friend's hideout, stopping in a clearing nearby to finally talk to the human Dimitry. There's a few things she needs to tell him.

As he regains control and shifts, she doesn't hear him move. Though her eyes are closed, she uses her energy to finally see the wolf's soul. It swirls around in his torso, the colors beyond her wildest expectations. A rich gold with the same vibrant shade of blue as his wolf's eyes, so much brighter than any she's ever seen. He's truly powerful, now she knows to what extent. Only the most powerful souls have golden glows to them. Dimitry's is no glow, the holographic wolf is almost entirely made of golden beams.

He watches her sit in the damp grass, eyes closed. She is his mate, the bond already partially finished. He should've known, should've figured it out. There's no way a wolf would mark someone who isn't his own mate, his wolf knew who and what she is when he did it. Dimitry has no complaints. She is breathtakingly beautiful, stunning him in many ways. Long, curly hair the color of a darkened crimson flame, pale face dusted with a few freckles, truly amazing. Her scent is so powerful, intoxicating smell of vanilla and roses. He waits to see what color her eyes could bring to her already flawless face, but she keeps them closed.

"Why won't you open your eyes for me, mate?"

He can feel her like a film over his mind, strong worry and insecurity. The reason she hasn't opened them yet, she is afraid to tell him why. Whatever it is, he will never leave her. Dimitry wouldn't even dream of abandoning his mate, his light. He just needs her to understand this. She will never have to face anything alone ever again, not with him around. They've both been alone for far too long. He moves closer, sitting in front of her still form.

"Lynn, whatever you are afraid of, you can tell me. I will never let anything hurt you. I couldn't care less if your eyes are pink, or non-existent all together; you are perfect no mater what."

She hesitates slightly, but the tense muscles in her shoulders loosen slowly. Her slim hand reaches for him, seeking the comfort of his warmth. Dimitry wastes no time pulling his own up to hold hers. A feeling of déja vu fills him, reminding him of the time they told each other of their pasts. In his eyes, she is much calmer and more comfortable with sharing this information than she was then.

"As a rogue-born, the training was intense and I was sent into battle at a very young age. They are not-too-careful about who they send, many children never live to see their second war. I was four years old when they sent me out, a territory fight with another group of rogues. My eyes were damaged very badly. I was temporarily blind for months, but it came back partially."

Her hand shakes against his. Even the dimmest idiot would know the bad part was still coming. His mind wanders slightly to the 'partially' part of her story. Something must be wrong with her vision, though she's never showed any signs. She releases his hand and he lets her, watching as she moves it to touch just under her superimposed lashes.

"It's a pretty strange condition, almost complete color blindness. I've only ever been able to see the colors of wolf spirits and souls. I've been told my eyes aren't the same dark green they were before. I should have told you, but it never came up."

He sighs in relief. The way she was worried, he thought it was something much worse. Colourblind or not, Dimitry wont turn her away. He will protect MaeLynn for as long as he breathes. She is already his wolf's priority, the wolf would do everything for the one who stole his heart. He uses the fresh connection of their minds to coax her gently.

'Open them for me, beautiful. Nothing will scare me from your side.'

A pair of, almost white, pale green eyes meet his. They are in fact stunning, very unique. Once she sees he isn't turning away, her hand grasps his own once again. Then something amazing happens. The color darkens, filling her irises a stunning emerald green. Surprise and awe fills them, her other hand jumping to her chest. MaeLynn once again drops his hand, but also moves back quickly. Her eyes fade back, but her words leave him speechless.

"Your eyes are a deep blue colour, my favourite colour... So breathtakingly beautiful..."

How does she know this... She just revealed her colourblindness to him. How does she know the colour of his eyes? Could his wolf have told her? He finds this highly unlikely, since he's been nicely seated in his mind this entire time.

MaeLynn doesn't know what to think. She hasn't seen true colours in so many years, but she just did. As soon as she took his hand... The colours were magical. The green leaves scattered through the trees, the greyish dirt at her feet, the brown twigs and sticks laying everywhere, it's a sight she's missed. However, during the brief moment, it's not what capped her attention.

Dimitry is stunningly handsome in full colour. Those deep blue eyes complement his lightly tanned skin and darker blonde hair. Her mate, in all his glorious colour, is a sight she never hoped to see.

Her question still stands, how did this amazing phenomenon happen? She wasn't focusing, but Mae is sure she seen a flash across her chest, her soul.

Her mate stays still as she approaches, wanting to test her theory. She shifts her eyes down to her chest, watching the glowing wolf pace around. Her soul is a deep violet colour, with large gold eyes. She observes it attentively as she places her hand on Dimitry's bicep. Golden tendrils of light flow from her soul-wolf's eyes, enveloping her in the mark of a powerful soul. She slides her eyes up to his chest, observing his soul-wolf's reaction to this.

MaeLynn's and Dimitry's souls mix together, the holographic wolves prance between them with tails intertwined. This is definitely a sight to behold, the sign of true soulmates.

She pulls back another time, watching the wolves separate and her own loose it's golden glow. The nature surrounding her also looses it's colourful beauty. Very interesting indeed. She's seen this happen one other time, in a pair of mated guards who visited her once. The stronger one shared his power with his mate, without knowing. Once the bond is completed, Dimitry's power should remain within her as long as he lives, forever connected by the bond of true soulmates.

He watches his mate in silence as she touches him briefly, eyes bleeding between dark and pale. The change is mesmerizing, MaeLynn's colours both equally hypnotizing him. She seems distant, thinking.

"MaeLynn, are you going to tell me why your eyes just changed between pale green and emerald?"

Her smile shines in the sun, blinding him by the happiness he can see. His mate, his MaeLynn, is so very happy, and he can't wait to hear why.

"Your soul and mine are perfect matches, they merge together beautifully. The golden power of yours joins with mine, and when I touch you..."

This time her hand meets his chest, those incredible eyes darkening. He is anxious to hear her final statement, the one that causes her such joy. He needs to know how he made her so happy, so he can continue doing it forever.

"I can see colours again. Green leaves, brown dirt, and blue eyes."

Green... Brown... Blue... She watches Dimitry take a moment to think it over. He must really think she's crazy now. Mae moves to pull back, but he has another idea. She finds herself crushed to his chest, spinning in circles as her mate lets out a carefree laugh. He looks down upon her as if she's the best thing in his world.

They don't spend much longer in the clearing, opting to continue on their journey to retrieve her daughter. The small dark-wood cabin she remembers so clearly is unchanged in appearance. The man who stands out front is also unchanged in her five years of absence.


Mae runs into his open arms, relieved to see him unharmed and alive. Her most trusted friend is also very relieved to see her as well.

"Rora we've missed you so much! Lili's been asking when her mother was coming back, I wasn't too sure you ever were."

A ferocious growl splits them apart, both pairs of eyes shifting to the man in wolf form. His murederous eyes are on Excalibur, she can see his intentions. It seems the wolf is still not fully under the human's control yet. MaeLynn moves to quickly caress Dimitry's large wolf head. As bad as it may sound, she'd forgotten momentarily that he was right behind her this entire time. He is not quite pleased about being forgotten, but calms down at her soothing touch. The true effects of a mate bond, enough to calm an enraged Alpha wolf.

"X, meet my mate, Alpha Dimitry Aleskov. Dim, meet my friend Excalibur Jenes."

Excalibur sends her a surprised look at the mention of her mate. He mustn't have picked up on his obvious possessiveness. She doubts he'll come near touching her again, now that he knows her mate is present. Rogue or no, X has a high respect for the mate bond and always has. The thing that upsets him most is a mistreated mate.

"You better treat Aurora right or so help me, my rogues will tear you into as many pieces as I deem necessary."

The wolf of her mate stands taller, moving closer to her side protectively. She can only guess that means he'd never hurt her. As the stare-down between the two males continues, Mae grows restless. She's been kept away for five years, and they're wasting even more of her time with dominance games? This is ridiculous!

"Both of you stop! X, get my daughter. It's been long enough."

As her longtime friend heads through the large door, she waits impatiently. Dimitry tries to distract her with questions through mind-link.

'How'd you meet him?'

'He leads a peaceful rogue group around these woods, I ran to him once I got my baby free from my sister's old lover.'

'Why did he call you Aurora?'

'My middle name, safer than using my real one. Now let me wait in peace.'

He huffs, turning back to watch the doorway from a few steps behind his mate. The man, X, returns with a small girl about six years old. Mae runs at her, holding her tightly to her chest as Dimitry stares. No. It can't be true. The large green eyes belonging to the girl meet his wolf, her golden hair shifting as she looks up at her mother. Her question confirms everything.

"Mummy, how did you find daddy?"

He can barely control his wolf as he leaps up, bounding towards his daughter. However, his mate has other ideas. She crouches defensively in front of the small six year old, fury in those pale eyes. She signals her friend to take the girl, voicing her need for a conversation with her mate. The man understands, heading away from the house with his little girl in tow. Dimitry snarls, not wanting the man with his daughter, but MaeLynn stops him. As soon as the others are out of earshot, she turns her fury on her now-shifted mate.

"YOU left ME after a one night stand, and now I find out you were with my SISTER during? How many women did you bring to bed without her knowing, how many times did you cheat? Then you go and get me pregnant, only to play house with my daughter after Adelinne dies?! How DARE you! How dare you lie to me about everything you've done! To your friends, family, pack, after what you did to my sister! And you couldn't even protect my baby Lilova-Marie while you had her. I walked right in during an ATTACK and picked her up out of the forest. She could be DEAD because of you!"

Every word is a knife in his soul. He knows they are all true. He couldn't remember the girl from that one night, his wolf had taken her to bed without his consent. He should have wondered about his daughter, why some random child his girlfriend brought home was deemed family by his wolf. His baby was created with his mate, before they'd even felt the bond. Dimitry falls to his knees as she finishes her rant. He must beg her forgiveness with everything he's got. He fears if he doesn't he will truly loose everything.

"You were the only one. I always felt guilty, I did cheat and I lost control on everyone, hurting too many. I swear I never knew you were pregnant, I wouldn't have left you so alone. I love our daughter so much, I've been looking for her for years since she disappeared. I'll never hurt anyone again. You give me the strenghth to control the wolf, please I need you. MaeLynn, my beautiful mate, give me a chance to prove myself. Please don't leave me."

He watches her stand facing away from him, as he still kneels helplessly with tears streaming down his cheeks. He can't loose her, he won't. She's too important, she's his to protect and love. Dimitry knows he'll do anything she asks even if that means giving her time, though he hopes she doesn't request that.

MaeLynn walks a few steps towards the small house and turns the nob slowly, tauntingly. She wants to be angry, to hate him, but can't. He's shown her his true self, the one not affected by the feral wolf. She's met the wolf, knows he simply needs to heal. The man kneeling behind her is a broken one, not the strong Alpha his pack needs. Her and her daughter need him just as much. She's his perfect soulmate. He has given her everything, she must do the same.

"If you truly want my trust, show me how true your feelings are. Come and prove yourself to me, my Alpha mate."

She enters the small wooden cabin, letting the light from the fireplace glow through the open door. Her mate follow quickly, prepared to show her just how true his love for her is.

From that night forward, the dull greys and blacks of her world are replaced by brilliant colours. Two souls joined by the love of a man and a woman, forever each other's light.

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