Bloodshot; A Michael Clifford...

By uncool5SOS

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Michael wasn't always like this. He wasn't always in such a horrible state, and his eyes weren't always blood... More

Chapter 1; Meet and Greet
Chapter 2; Chelsea
Chapter 3; Party Time
Chapter 4; She's Making It Hard To Leave
Chapter 5; Beaten
Chapter 6; Confrontation
Chapter 7; Rebuild
Chapter 8; Unwanted Truth
Chapter 9; A Pile Of Lies
Chapter 10; Fun Friday Movie Night
Chapter 11; First Date
Chapter 12; Interruption
Chapter 13; Keeping Secrets
Chapter 14; Assistance
Chapter 15; Deep Part 1
Chapter 15; Deep Part 2
Chapter 16; Our Own Thoughts
Chapter 17; One Last Thing
Wonderful Morning, Horrible Night; Chapter 18
Chapter 19; All Gone
Chapter 21; Together
Chapter 22; It's All Over Now

Chapter 20; Not Even a Goodbye

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By uncool5SOS

Chelsea's POV

I wake up but i'm still surrounded by darkness. It feels like my mind is awake, but my body isn't. I can't move, I can't see, I don't even think I'm breathing on my own.

What happened? Where am I? Am I dead? Where's Michael? Where's Michael?

All I can think about is Michael. Who cares about me. I need to know that he's okay. I try to call to him but the words refuse to escape my lips.

I hear a door open and then close.


"Hey sweetie" I hear a soft feminine voice say to me. "I'm your nurse. I don't know if you can hear me, but your heart rate is speeding up, so I need you to relax. Michael is okay. He's in the room next to yours." The sweet lady says as she softly caresses my hand.

I try to mumble a response, a question, anything, but nothing comes out.

"You will be okay." She says again as she leaves.

I don't want to be alone.

Michael's POV

I wake up to the smell of a hospital. You know, the very distinct smell of death and medicine?

I open my eyes slowly to a small, bland, and dim room. The tv is on quietly, and I hear small beeps coming from the very few machines I'm hooked up to. I move my arms and legs, and I take a deep breath.

How did I get out of that accident alive?



"Oh my god" I gasp.

As I try to scramble out of bed, the machine that monitors my heart rate starts to beep obnoxiously. Then suddenly, 2 nurses burst into the room and put their hands on my chest to calm me down.

"Sir, please calm down. Please calm down and let us tell you what is going on with your friend"

"She's not my friend, she's my girlfriend and I love her and need to see her now" I say as I push forward more.

"Michael, we need you to stop to see if you're stabilized enough to walk about" another male nurse says as he walks in and checks the machines.

"If I'm strong enough to push two of your nurses away from me, I'm strong enough to walk to the next room" I grumble.

With that, I take the clippy thing off of my finger, and yank the IV out of my arm. I stand up, feeling an abnormal breeze on my white ass from the stupid hospital gown.


"Where is she?" I grumble.

"Michael if you'll let us please explain to you what is going on- she's in a bad state right now, and should not be startled. Plus it will be a shock to you"
A short stubby female nurse explains. I stare down at her stout figure and short brown bob.

I turn to my left and see a small mirror.

"All I got out of this was a fucking cut on my eyebrow?" I mumble.

She must be okay then... it was a semi, I would have gotten hurt badly as well... she'll be injured, but not gone. No, not gone.

"Why do you need to tell me what kind of state she's in if she's going to be okay?" I ask.

"Well sir-"

"Michael" I correct them.

"Eh... Michael. She's not necessarily... okay..." the small woman says gently.

I feel my heart drop to my stomach, and I feel sick. My eyes go wide, and my shoulders sag.

"I need to see her now." I say as I turn around and head toward the door.

Chelsea's POV

I hear the door open for the millionth time, and I can't help but hope it's Michael each time.

"Hello, it's me again" the lady nurse says sweetly.

I internally roll my eyes. She's sweet and all, but she isn't my Michael.

I hear rustling in the room next to me. I also hear muffled shouts.

"Sir! Sir! Please calm down!"

That must be Michael. My heart hurts for him. He must be worried sick, but I'm okay.

"Oh um, sir, you can't be in here"

Michael's POV

I barge into the room that Chelsea is supposed to be in, but the girl I see in that hospital bed is NOT Chelsea, it can't be.

"Oh um, sir, you can't be in here" her nurse says, but I ignore her.

I can't stop staring at Chelsea. She is surrounded by all kinds of machines, her head is wrapped in a bandage, she has a neck brace, both arms are in slings, and her legs are propped up in slings as well. And her face. Her gorgeous face is now swollen and red and purple. She was unrecongnizable.

I see her chest rising and falling at a normal, peaceful pace. But then I see one of the machine that's hooked up to her, literally pumping air into her and basically breathing for her.

"Oh my god" I mutter as I tear up.

I did this to her. Why couldn't that have been me?

"Sir, if you can please le-"

"Can I please just be with her... please?" I ask quietly, not taking my eyes off of my girl.

The frail nurse sighs. "I guess it would be okay... I will give you a few moments" and with that, she leaves and shuts the door behind her quietly.

Chelsea's POV

Oh my god it's Michael. He's actually here. I feel his hand touch mine softly.

"My beautiful baby girl" he hums as he strokes my hand.

The heart monitor machine starts to increase slightly.

He chuckles lightly. "Guess I really do make your heart race."

He then picks up my hand and kisses it softly. I so badly wanted to keep my hand on his face and caress his stubble.

"I'm doing okay" he mumbles. "I just-" he cuts off and stays silent for a bit. I swear I hear him choke and sniffle, but he continues to speak. "I just have a small cut above my eye. I guess my piercing got ripped out."

I feel his head press against my arm- he must be laying his head on my bed.

"The doctors said I had a few bruised ribs. It hurts, but it hurts me even more to see you like this" he rambles.

Then he starts sobbing. I have never seen- well heard- a grown man cry before. My heart broke for him. I want to be there for him, but instead I'm stuck inside my own body, unable to tell him that I'm still here.

"I don't even know if you can hear me" Michael says in between sobs. "But I love you so much. I don't understand how I got out with hardly anything, and you came out looking like this."

Do I really look that bad?

"I wish this was me instead of you. Why did it have to be you? You have so much life ahead of you, you're going places. And me? All my life is about is a stupid band that probably won't even get anywhere"

No baby nooooo. You'll get somewhere. All of you boys are so talented. Even the asshole Luke.

"I love you so much Chelsea" Michael sobs.

I love you too Michael

I feel warm lips press against mine.

If I could fucking see and have my eyes open right now, I would be crying. I miss him. He's here, but it feels like he's so far away. I want to see him. I want to hug him and kiss him and love him forever. But I'll be okay, I'll be able to see him soon.

I hear Michael gasp lightly.

"Can you hear me?" He asks softly.

I feel him wipe a finger from my cheek to my eye. I must've been crying.

"You can hear me." I can just hear his smile. Oh god how I miss it.

"Don't cry, love. You'll be okay. I'm so sorry I did this to you..."

You didn't do any of this Michael.

I try with all my little power, to tell him that I love him, but all I manage to squeeze out is a raspy groan, and then a small mumble.

Now, I can feel my hot tears running down my cheeks.

"Please don't cry" he whimpers.

As I struggle to continue speaking to him, I feel strange. I feel my body lose energy. I feel dizzy.

Why do I feel dizzy? What's going on? How can I be dizzy I'm literally just laying here?

I start to lose all senses of smell, touch, hearing. The slow beeping starts to become muffled.

All I hear from a panicked Michael is, "You'll be okay Chelsea. Hang in there baby girl. You're strong."

Michael's POV

As I'm watching Chelsea lay in silence, I feel myself just drop. I miss her beautiful smile, sparkling eyes, and her jokes. Knowing she can hear me though, is a slight relief.

I swear I almost fall asleep when I suddenly hear the loud obnoxious, and regular beeping, slow down gradually. I start to think it's because she's falling asleep- or unconscious again. I sit and watch the zig zag line get smaller and smaller, the beeping getting slower and slower, and then I panic. I press the nurse button and try to not scream at the top of my lungs. I squeeze Chelsea's hand even harder, and I keep telling her that everything is going to be okay. She's strong. She'll make it.

A bunch of nurses burst through the door, and push me aside.

"Sir please leave, we need to stabilize her." A deep male voice instructs.

I have no idea who said it, because they're all looking at her or a machine.

"Can I please stay." I say sternly.

"No- you need to leave now." The voice says more dominantly than mine.

"I won't" I stand my ground.

Just then, two very tall and broad male nurses literally pick me up by the arms and drag me out of the room.

I squirm and kick and scream, "WAIT. I NEED TO SAY GOODBYE!"

"Sir you need to calm d-"

"Quit fucking telling me to calm down!" I shout in the nurses faces once they drag me to the quiet lobby. "I can't stay calm, knowing that my girlfriend is dying, and no one is doing anything about it!"


I don't even know how long it's been since I've been sitting in some hallway with my head in my hands. I had changed into jeans, a t-shirt, and some ball cap. I didn't care, I just needed to at least cover up my ass.

I hear footsteps down the hall every now and then. Every time I hear those steps, my head shoots up to see if it's Chelsea's doctor to tell me that she's okay and will be coming home with me. But if I'm being honest with myself. She won't be coming home. I saw her. I don't even know how she stayed alive. How did I even stay alive?

I shake my head slowly as I watch my tears hit the floor.

"I can't do this" I whisper to myself.

My phone vibrates abruptly. I check to see that it's Chelsea's mom.

Fuck. I think to myself. I forgot to tell her mom.

I answer the phone hesitantly.

"Hello Michael! How was the date last night?" Her mom asks.

I sniffle, unable to even lay it upon her nicely.

"Something happened." I manage to mumble.

"Oh hunny what-"

"Chelsea is in the hospital. We were hit by a semi."  I just break it to her quick.

There's silence. Then I hear her speak softly.

"How." Is all she says.

"The driver was falling asleep, and ran the red light." I say.

I know for a fact it wasn't my fault. I remember I waited for the light to turn green, I looked at Chelsea, and then saw the truck.

"I'll be right over." She says with no emotion.

Just then, I feel a soft tap on my shoulder. I turn to see a tall male nurse with sad eyes. He takes his face mask off, and his little cap and squeeze them tightly in his hands.

By the look of his face, I can already tell what the news is.

I finally let myself go. I burst into tears and hug the man. The nurse hugs me tightly and pats my back softly.

"She tried to keep up. She tried to be here just for you." He mumbled.

I pull away and don't even bother to wipe my tears. I look at the nurse, who had also started crying.

"How do you know?" I ask, sounding more vulnerable than I thought.

"When she.. when she uh-"

"Died." I say. Why make it a sensitive subject.

"I remember seeing her lips move. So I bent down to see if I could hear what she was saying." The nurse explained, tears still falling.

"I don't want to hear what she said." I choke out. I know I will surely fall apart completely if I do.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I just look at him, giving him silent permission to tell me anyway.

"She had said, 'I'm sorry.'"

{ A/N: WOOOO UPDATTEEEEE. I admit, I cried while writing the ending here. I had writer's block, and a busy life, but I got the writer's block under control at least!

I hope y'all enjoyed this long and emotional chapter. Vote, and comment what you think! Love you guys! xx }

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