Marked (BTS Taehyung)

By bastanubis29

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In which Taehyung did not sign up for any of this, Jungkook is trying way too hard not to laugh at his hyungs... More

Chapter One: Red Riding Hood
Chapter Two: And Which One of You...?
Chapter Three: Howling at the Moon?
Chapter Four: You Were the Same Way
Chapter Six: Please Look at Me
Chapter Seven: Are You Sure About This?
Chapter Eight: Isn't it Awful?
Chapter Nine: That Sounds Perfect
Chapter Ten: You Know Why She's Here
Chapter Eleven: Nothing Major
Chapter Twelve: Be Safe
Chapter Thirteen: Just, Little Things
Chapter Fourteen: Stay
Chapter Fifteen: I Am the Alpha
Chapter Sixteen: Good Morning
Chapter Seventeen: Hyung?
Chapter Eighteen: Include Her
Chapter Nineteen: A Little Bit
Chapter Twenty: Where Am I?
Chapter Twenty-One: Excuse Me?
Chapter Twenty-Two: Outro| We've Got This
BONUS pt. 1: The Marked Playlist
BONUS pt. 2: Plotline
BONUS pt. 3: Preview of To the Moon and Back
Another Note + Your Vote
Announcing My Next Fic!

Chapter Five: Oh, It's You

6.9K 280 253
By bastanubis29

Finding the Big Hit building was not the problem. The seemingly endless crowd of people surrounding the building was. The fact that you didn't know where the back entrance didn't help, but honestly, your biggest problem was fighting through the crowd of people to get to the building.

A face popped up in the corner of the front window, and you were relieved to see Jade waving at you in order to catch your attention. She pointed to what you could only consider to be the back of the building, and mouthed, I'll meet you there.

You tried to make it seem like the most natural thing in the world as you walked around the building, ignoring stares from fans and officials alike, slipping into the alleyway as though it was something you did every day.

Knocking on the only door you saw back there, you were relieved when Jade opened it, and with a smile said, "Come on in, sorry about the crowd. Normally it's not this bad."

"So, what is going to happen when we get up there?"

You and Jade entered the elevator, and it began to move up.

"Well, we'll formally introduce you to all of the boys, and then you and Tae will have a heavily supervised conversation about your relationship," she saw your confused expression and continued hastily, "Supervision for Tae. We trust you completely to be discreet. It's Tae we... worry about."

"Worry about?"

"You'll see when we get there."

The elevator dinged and you and Jade stepped out, walking down the hallway leisurely, until you stopped in front of a shut door. The only shut door on the entire hallway.

"Do, do I look alright?" you asked, suddenly fussing with your hair and clothing, smoothing down nonexistent wrinkles.

"You look better than me," she laughed, and pushed open the door, revealing all seven boys, three of which were holding Taehyung back.

"He could feel her coming," Jin said, in way of explanation, struggling to hold Taehyung from behind.

Jade nodded as though this was a normal occurrence, and blew a kiss at Namjoon, who was holding Taehyung from the side.

You were half inside the room, half out, and at the sight of Taehyung practically foaming at the mouth to get to you, you took a step back into the hallway. He whined, an animal-like sound that did not belong in the mouth of a human, and even Jade began to back away.

Hoseok and Jimin stepped forward to help restrain Taehyung, but before they could, he broke free and launched himself at you. Jungkook shot forward and grabbed him around the waist screaming, "Sit down! Sit down!"

"Taehyung," Namjoon panted, completely out of breath from trying to hold Taehyung back, "I will send her away and you will never see her again if you do not calm down and control yourself."

Jade slipped in beside him and threaded his fingers through his. He turned to her and whispered, "I wasn't this bad, was I?"

She shook her head, "You were just Mope Monster."

It seemed that Taehyung had finally gained a little bit of his composure, and Jungkook let go of his waist, but hovered just in case Taehyung tried anything else. Instead of lunging forward again, he took a deliberate step back, and lifted his hands as a sign that he wasn't going to attack again.

You very slowly stepped back into the room, ready to turn tail and run if anything happened again.

"Hi," you began, not really sure what the proper protocol for meeting a werewolf was. Do I bow? Am I supposed to offer my hand for him to sniff? I need a field guide or something.

"Hi," he murmured back, keeping his eyes on the floor and his hands out in front of him.

"I'm, I'm (y/n)," you replied, your eyes now on the floor and hands in your pockets.

"They call me Tae, but you can call me anytime."

Jade's palm connected to her forehead, but no one heard the smack over the loud giggle that came out of your mouth.

"Did you work on that line for a long time?"

"All night," he replied, and blushed, "Sorry if it was terrible."

"I've heard worse," you joked back, relaxing a bit and warming up to the goofy werewolf in front of you.

Despite the boy being a werewolf and an idol, he was a fairly normal individual. Admittedly charming, but normal enough despite his abnormalities.

"I know that we're supposed to talk about serious stuff," he whispered, "But I don't do serious too well. So, are you a cat person, or a dog person?"


Namjoon, Jade, and Yoongi were standing in the corner, hiding their smiles and laughter behind hands as they watched (y/n) and Taehyung speak to each other. Yoongi turned to Jade and whispered, "Dinah is going to arrive in a few minutes," to which Jade groaned and shook her head.

"Why on earth would you invite her? She doesn't need to stress herself out more than she already is."

Yoongi gave Jade a look and said, "She's my mate, and she needs to be aware of the addition of another human mate. She's coming and that's final."

"You sound like an alpha female," Jade joked. "But I know what you're really asking is for me to go down and help her get in."

"That would be greatly appreciated. My mate is downstairs, go get her for me."

Jade raised her eyebrow.


"Yeah, yeah. I'm going. See you in a few, Nam." She pressed a kiss to his cheek and slipped out of the room, unnoticed by (y/n) and Tae, who were too consumed in their conversation to notice what she was doing.

Jade stepped into the elevator, preparing to return to the door she had picked (y/n) up from. The ride back down was fine, it was the ride up she was dreading, mainly because of Dinah, Yoongi's mate.

Where to begin with Dinah. Yoongi and Dinah had met about a year after Jade and Namjoon had, and their relationship progressed exponentially faster than Jade and Namjoon's. So much faster that Dinah was now expecting Yoongi's first child, which made Dinah believe that she was better than Jade. She never outright said it, but Jade could tell based upon the way Dinah spoke to her and acted around her, despite the fact that Jade was technically the Alpha female.

The elevator doors opened, and Jade slowly walked toward the back door that they used to enter and exit the building discreetly. A banging came from the other side of the door, and Jade cursed and cringed internally as she opened the door to reveal the heavily pregnant Dinah standing there, carrying about seven bags and looking like she was about to burst into flames.

"Oh. It's you," she sighed, and dropped the bags into Jade's arms.

"Hello Dinah," Jade said, rolling her eyes and shifting the bags around. "What's in the bags?"

"Food, Water, a bunch of other stuff. Apparently Jungkook's heat is this week?"

"Shit," Jade replied, "With comeback and everything else happening I completely forgot."

"Yoon said to bring the usual supplies, so I did," she sighed again, shaking her head at Jade and not bothering to hold the elevator door for her.

"They're keeping him up here this time?"

"Apparently. I think it's a terrible idea, but after Jimin practically destroyed the group house last time..."

Both Jade and Dinah shuddered at the memory.

"For once, I agree with you. Keeping him here is a terrible idea."

"You are the sane one of us," she replied, smoothing her hands over her stomach, "I don't know what I was thinking."

"Probably 'fuck yeah' and 'right there,' followed by 'oh shit' and 'we're fucked'," Jade sassed, and waited for Dinah's response.

"Honestly that's pretty accurate. Although the 'we're fucked' came a little bit later--"

"I do not want to know about the kinky shit you two get up to in your free time," Jade interrupted.

"Well, when you do..." Dinah joked, and Jade had to wonder what drugs Dinah was on today, or if the hormones had finally driven her crazy.

"Are you feeling alright?" Jade wondered aloud, hoping the Dinah was not about to fall over or pass out because she so did not need that right now.

"Honestly? No. This little guy's kicking up a storm again."

Dinah opened the door to the practice room, signaling that their little 'girl talk' session was over.

(Y/n) and Tae hadn't moved from where they were before Jade had left, but now they just seemed closer to each other than they had been. (Y/n)'s posture had relaxed, and Tae had stopped looking at the floor in favor of looking at her as though she was his sun.

Jade dropped the bags in the far corner, rolling her shoulders to try and work out the kinks.

"Anything happen while I was gone?" she asked Hoseok, who was sitting right next to where she had dropped the bags.

"They've started to bond like a normal couple would," he said, voice dropping, "But Jimin and I have a bet going. Three dollars on when he's going to mark her. Jimin says tonight, I say she'll make him wait."

He smiled brightly at Jade, hoping for some insider information to see if he should back out, or raise the bet.

Jade smiled back, not wanting to encourage the gambling, but whispered, "I don't know about her making him wait; she's a dog person."

Hoseok's eyes widened, he said, "Thanks eomma," and he scrambled over to Jimin to discuss the terms of the bet.

"I really wish you wouldn't encourage them," Namjoon said, coming up behind her and rest his head on her shoulder.

"Let my boys be young and carefree while they can be," Jade replied, watching the unbonded members interact and laugh with each, "before they get all locked down and old."

"Would you have changed anything? About us?" he asked worriedly, tightening his arms around her waist.

"Maybe the fact that I was seventeen?" she joked, "Never. You're stuck with me now."

"I'm glad," he said, nuzzling into her neck, "I can't imagine being stuck with anyone else for the rest of my life."


One town over, a small group of men and women were gathered around a fire.

"How fast is the pack growing?"

"Too quickly. Another one bonded."

"Is the girl marked?"

"Not yet. If we act fast, we can get to her."

"And the beta's girl?"

"Eight months along."

"I think it's time we head into the area. They've grown too strong!"

"Sir, all due respect, but why exactly do they need to be stopped again?"

"Jane, I've told you. That town belongs to us. Back when my father was the pack leader, we had this town, that one, and the next one after that. They pushed us back too far. That land does not belong to them, it belongs to us!"

"Gun Ho, stand down. You'll do well to remember that you are not the Alpha. We will continue to monitor and watch the Bangtan pack. Do not make contact; do not interact with them at all."

The alpha stood, face shadowed by darkness and threw water on the flame.

"The Bangtan Pack will pay for what they've doneto us." 

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