The Sleeper Cells: A Terroris...

By WesleyBryant6

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It wasn't supposed to happen. Not today. Not ever. It wasn't just a terrorist attack. It was a war... and th... More

Prologue: Don't Look Back
Chapter 1: Run
Chapter 2: Just The Beginning
Chapter 3: First Blood
Chapter 4: Nowhere to Go
Chapter 5: New Faces, New Threats
Chapter 6: It's Life or Death
Chapter 7: Traitor?
Chapter 8: Ambush
Chapter 9: Rock Bottom
Chapter 10: The Sleepers
Chapter 11: And Just Like That... She's Gone
Chapter 12: Lindsey or Kennedy?
Chapter 13: Something More
Chapter 14: Another Gone
Chapter 15: Torn Apart
Chapter 16: The Breaking Point
Chapter 17: Lindsey's Not Lindsey Anymore
Chapter 18: Too Far Gone
Chapter 19: Hello, Again
Chapter 20: Risks
Chapter 21: Shot
Chapter 22: They're Closer Than You Think
Chapter 23: On The Dark Edge
Chapter 24: Starting Over
Chapter 25: More
Chapter 26: The "Refugee"
Chapter 27: Cheater
Chapter 29: You're Not Welcome Here
Chapter 30: The Vote
Chapter 31: Not Over Yet
Chapter 32: The After Party...
Chapter 33: "Yes"
A Letter to the Reader

Chapter 28: Fight

148 14 0
By WesleyBryant6

Noah notices me as I draw closer. He doesn't seem the least bit scared. He knew this would happen. I don't care that they're together. But all the time I wasted on her, that's what I care about. All the time I could have devoted to the others.

"Really?" I ask.

"Really," he answers. He curls his fingers into a fist to prepare for the worst.

It makes sense now. Why he was so worried and upset about Lindsey. He seemed almost relieved when I told him about me and Kennedy.

"He left me for dead," Lindsey says, stirring it up, as if this drama wasn't enough.

"You did what?!" Noah screams. A few heads turn around and look at us.

I glare at Lindsey, and even have to hold back tears. "Wait, what are you doing? I didn't leave you for dead! You were nothing but a dead weight the entire time we were stuck in there. The entire time! You tried to kill yourself. You were going to get everyone else killed! What were we supposed to do!? Sit and hold your hand. How old are you Lindsey? How old are you!"

"Do not raise your voice at her!" Noah screams at me... and he's right.

Lindsey grabs his arm, and he pulls her closer, rubbing her arm like he's protecting her.

"How long was this going on?"

"Almost three months." He's taking the talking job away from Lindsey.

This makes sense. All along, I thought it was all about her losing her parents. I thought she was just having a really tough time. Heck, we all were. She never came to me for help, because she never wanted it. She was missing Noah the entire time. Every time she sat in the dark corner of the barn. She had nothing on her mind but him.

"All along you were a dead slug for him, right? You were dead to us... for him?"

She nods her head and almost has a disgusting smirk. Kennedy, Kris, Nasom, and my mom are now standing behind me.

"I put myself out there for you. I added all this extra stress. These extra problems—"

"She's not a problem, Vince."

I take a short breath to hold myself back, "you know, it would save so much trouble if people would simply say how they feel. Just tell the truth. Why do we want people to play a guessing game or string people along? Why can't people speak up? It was all staged, it was all a fake. It's selfish, actually."

"She's not selfish. What's selfish is leaving someone behind and not being there for her. Leaving someone for dead is selfish."

Lindsey has always been different than me. Our minds were a different sound, on a different beat.

I'm ending this right now. I'm not scared of the consequences. I've had enough.

"You're ignorant. That has to be the only excuse," I say, intentionally spraying a few droplets of saliva.

Noah leans back and prepares to swing on me. He throws his fist through the air aiming for my head. Nasom jumps to counter it. He grabs his arm and gets between us. Kris jumps and has to hold Nasom and Noah apart, stopping the small tussle.

"Go home." Kris' voice sounds just like it did when he was giving an order in the sleeper zone.

"I'm not going back with him," Nasom says as he straightens his shirt.

"Come with us." I don't know if this old couple is ready for four new visitors.

I turn away from them and we separate from Noah and Lindsey, Kris occasionally looking back at them. Our mini audience is finally turning and looking the other way. I hate that this happened in front of everyone. It's such a happy moment for these people, and we have to get loud and violent. It's over now. It's all over. No more Lindsey. No more Noah.

"I had no idea, Vince. I promise," Nasom tells me as we walk towards the city street.

"I believe you."

Kris, Owen, Mika, and Luke gather together.

"It was nice to meet you, Vince. I hate you have to go, but I'm so happy for you. You got your mom back!" Luke says as he rubs his camera strap around his neck.

Nasom, Kennedy, my mom, and I look at the packet they gave my mom. It's just like the one they gave us for Luke. It's another citizen willing to take in survivors. A kind and helpful citizen.

"A new home," Kennedy says as she pulls the paper from the envelope.

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